The Collection (Volume 2): 5 More Tales of Erotic, Girl on Girl Lust (The Collections)

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The Collection (Volume 2): 5 More Tales of Erotic, Girl on Girl Lust (The Collections) Page 6

by Caitlyn Norrel

  The ropes had bound her body tightly before Luna could react, forcing the seductress’s arms to her sides. With a wave of Valerie’s hand the bonds gave a mighty tug, pulling the brunette’s body violently to the bed.

  Luna struggled against the ropes desperately, but it was no use. The twine had already bound the brunette’s body tightly to the lavish mattress, and as she glared at Valerie’s naked form with hatred, the blonde gave a mighty cackle.

  “You horny little bitch!” Valerie exclaimed, meeting Luna’s spiteful gaze. “Are you really that lustful for my body? I’ll bet the simple mention of my name drives you so wet that you have to hump every object in sight!”

  “Fuck you slut!” Luna choked out; but her helpless state had begun to drain the confidence in her voice. “I fucked your little cunt senseless the last time we met! Is this really the only way you feel comfortable confronting me?”

  Valerie ignored her rival’s insults, glancing around the lavish bedroom with a trained eye. “Not bad, for a little tramp like you.” the blonde hissed. “The King of England gave me a similar room last month…as punishment for fucking his mistress.”

  Valerie turned towards the bed, smiling at her captive’s helplessness. Luna’s gorgeous body quivered as she struggled against the rope, but the bonds had been imbued with magic; they would not give until Valerie allowed them to.

  The blonde walked slowly to the bed, letting her naked form sway sensually with every step. She placed a single knee upon the sheets, taking a bedpost in each hand as she glared down at her sexual rival. The brunette’s luscious skin was already beginning to drive her fantasies wild, but she forced the excitement from her voice.

  Valerie lifted her body gracefully onto the bed, giving a sensual sigh. “You’ve been a very naughty girl.” The blonde whispered with feigned innocence. “Stealing jobs…taking all of this from me when it was rightfully mine.” Slowly Valerie crawled over her helpless rival, letting her incredible body float over Luna’s equally gorgeous form. She glared down at her enemy once their bodies were evenly aligned, and her eyes locked with the brunette’s with mutual disdain. The blonde placed her hands gently upon the brunette’s firm breasts. “I think it’s time for a little thief like you to be punished!”

  “Not if I punish you first!” Luna spat vehemently. For a split second her eyes glowed with a stunning blue aura, and a rustling rip echoed overhead. The lavish curtains shot down before Valerie could react, tearing the blonde’s arms from beneath her form. With an angry cry the seductress plummeted, crashing down upon Luna’s body with a slap. The next second Valerie felt the fabric tighten around her waist, forcing her arms against her body.

  The two women glared into one another’s gorgeous eyes for several long moments, each woman’s body fully bound by the other’s magic. Their naked forms were fully aligned; long, hard nipples dug viciously into dense titflesh with every breath, and each woman could feel the front of the other’s pussy involuntarily challenging her own. Their chests heaved in unison as their faces pressed against each other, lips just centimeters from touching.

  “You little slut!” Valerie hissed. “How dare you use your impure magic against me!”

  “You started this, whore!” Luna shot back. “What’s wrong? Too scared to fight me woman to woman?”

  “Fuck you bitch!” Valerie growled back, pressing her face against Luna’s angrily. “A little shit like you can’t stand a chance against me!”

  “Could have fooled me, cunt!” Luna retorted. “Last time we fought, I had you moaning like a common tramp!”

  Luna and Valerie struggled against their bonds, but each woman was at the mercy of the other’s magic. Their plush girl lips began to caress and rub against each other as the seductresses volleyed insults; and each felt the other’s tongue slap wetly against her face just seconds later.

  The two seductresses lapped at one another’s lips wildly; in their current state, it was the only way the two women could fight. Tongues collided again and again between two gorgeous, snarling faces, each woman intent on covering the other’s lips with as much saliva as possible.

  “Little slut!” Valerie panted between swipes. “Let me out of this curtain, and I’ll show you what a seductress is truly capable of!”

  “You let me go first, bitch!” Luna answered. “Fight me woman to woman, and I’ll make you scream like the little whore you are!”

  Luna and Valerie glared into one another’s beautiful eyes with mutual disdain, but the promise of complete sexual warfare stemmed their desires. Each woman felt the other’s bonds loosen across their flesh, then slip away altogether. They lay atop one another for several long moments, each waiting for the other’s betrayal; but it seemed their challenge was true.

  Before the blonde could react, Luna’s hands shot towards her rival’s body. With an angry grunt the brunette shoved Valerie’s body backwards with such a force that she toppled from the mattress, landing on the wooden floor with a thud.

  Valerie clambered swiftly to her feet, glaring at Luna as the other seductress stood from the bed. The two gorgeous girls looked one another’s perfect bodies up and down, each woman scouring the other for weaknesses. Their long, stiff nipples were already erect, angling towards each other as if begging for combat.

  The two seductresses glared into one another’s gorgeous faces, blue eyes locking together with green in lustful determination. Slowly the two women started forward, both waiting with bated breath for the point of collision.

  After what felt like hours, nipple touched tip to tip with nipple in the middle of the room. Luna and Valerie gasped slightly as her enemy’s stiff rods made contact with her own, and they broke their eye contact momentarily in order to glare across each other’s perfect breasts.

  Each woman’s stiff rods were lined up in beautiful defiance, milk holes caressing each other lightly as the two women breathed. Luna and Valerie pushed forward just a few millimeters more, each girl trying vainly to see the other’s tits shrivel up at the greater power of her own; but neither woman’s nipples gave any ground.

  The brunette and the blonde held this pose for several moments, each girl concentrating all her focus on forcing the other’s stiff rods into submission, but neither pair seemed willing to give. Luna and Valerie looked back into one another’s eyes, and with a silent nod they changed tactics.

  The two seductresses adjusted slightly, until the tips of their nipples rested side by side. With excruciating slowness the two rivals began to shift, each woman pressing the side of her gorgeous nipples against her enemy’s responding pair.

  Luna and Valerie glared at one another’s gorgeous breasts, each channeling all of their focus into their cold, hard nipples. For several second their rods stayed erect against each other, neither pair willing to back down; but as the moments passed by, each woman could feel the other’s nipples straining as the pressure increased.

  The two seductresses watched with disgust as their nipples began to bend, each trying to convince herself that her enemy’s rods were giving more than her own. They each held their breath, holding their curving nipples against each other for as long as they could; but just a few seconds later they sprung past each other.

  “Again!” they hissed in unison, bringing their nipples side by side a second time. Luna and Valerie came just a little bit closer, letting a tiny bit more of their rods battle for dominance. Again they began to shift…and again they saw their nipples hold strong, then bend, and then give.

  The blonde and the brunette continued in this way for nearly five minutes, bringing more and more of their nipples into the fight with every pass. Their beautiful breasts were beginning to bead with sweat, neither woman willing to admit her enemy’s body was an equal. With a sexual jolt, each girl felt the tip of her nipples touch the other’s areolas at exactly the same time she felt her rival’s rods make contact with their own. They glared into one another’s eyes, infuriated at how evenly matched their bodies truly were; then watched their nippl
es slide past each other one last time.

  Valerie and Luna could each feel the other’s sweet breath against her face, and each girl was already beginning to feel the strain the other’s nipples had put them through. Each could feel the excitement of combat stirring their innermost desires, and both of them knew this may very well be a battle without end.

  With a silent nod the two women inched back, each seductress lining up her nipples tip to tip with her rival’s once again. The blonde and the brunette could feel their milk holes caressing one another like lips, as if each pair was daring the other to make the first move. Luna and Valerie focused their power on their stiff rods, silently chanting incantations to make their nipples harder and stronger than they had ever been before.

  The two seductresses gave a ravenous moan as their nipples began to glow with a pale light. They could feel their milk holes beginning to seal together like a vacuum, locking themselves tip to tip until neither pair could escape.

  “Can you feel it?” Valerie hissed. “Can you feel our nipples already beginning to fight each other?”

  “I can feel you losing, you little blonde whore!” Luna hissed vehemently. She felt Valerie’s hands brush against her own at their sides, and the two women pressed their palms tightly together. Slowly they interlocked their hands, one finger at a time, then dug their nails sensually into the folds of skin between the other’s knuckles.

  “You’re the one who’s losing, you weak brunette slut!” Valerie hissed back. She and Luna each took a small step forward, watching as their fused nipples buried themselves between two pairs of taut, voluptuous breasts. “I’ll show you what a real woman’s body is capable of! My gorgeous nipples are going to invert your pathetic pair.”

  “Wrong, cunt!” Luna retorted. “It’s my nipples that will be inverting yours!” The two seductresses took another step forward, bringing their dense, sensitive titflesh into vicious contact. Each woman could feel the other’s nipples holding strong against her own, and each woman’s defiance was filling the other with sexual rage.

  Valerie and Luna pulled their vision from their warring breasts, glaring into each other’s eyes with passionate hate. Their gorgeous orbs began to glow with a ravenous light, and each woman knew immediately the other had the same idea.

  “Afraid of a little mutual bondage, cunt?” Luna hissed, daring her enemy to accept the challenge.

  “Not at all, bitch!” Valerie shot back, and each woman gave the other a malicious grin. “I’m not leaving until your body screams for mercy!”

  Magical rays shot from the two vixen’s eyes at Valerie’s words, colliding viciously between their gorgeous faces. The blinding lights sparked against each other for several moments, as if each woman was trying to overcome her enemy’s vision with her own; but the luminous tendrils arced downwards just seconds later, spiraling around their struggling bodies with slow deliberation.

  Valerie and Luna forced their bodies against each other tighter and tighter, grunting and straining their flesh against one another’s sexual strength. Each could feel the other’s tendrils of magic slowly caressing her form, spreading first across her shoulders, then enveloping her stomach, and finally spiraling down her legs like an abrasive cocoon.

  As soon as each woman’s magic was finished with the other’s form, the tendrils changed tactics. They slipped across each other as they altered forms, slowly binding their owners in the reverse direction. The feeling of flesh digging into flesh was maddening; but soon, they realized, neither woman would be able to escape from her enemy’s grasp. Their eyes were locked with such passionate hate that the only sounds either girl could hear was their combined breathing.

  Within seconds the two rivals felt their magic completing their work, and with an angry growl the two vixens crushed their bodies against each other as tightly as they could. The mystical cord solidified just seconds later, pulling tightly across their struggling forms and binding their flesh within a mutual bond from which neither could escape.

  To an outside observer, it would have looked as if the two warriors stood calm. They appeared poised, pristine, unmoving against one another’s luscious form; but between their bodies, a struggle of utmost brutality was beginning to form.

  The blonde and the brunette strained their muscles against each other with vicious determination, and every single attempt at movement was met by furious resistance. Luna and Valerie would quiver against each other for minutes at a time before one or the other was able to move their struggling mass, often only to have the movement reversed several minutes later. Occasionally one or the other would utter a quiet moan, but neither woman could spare energy for words.

  Instead, the two fighting females would converse with their eyes. Each girl could see the other fighting back the tears as their bodies latched onto each other tighter and tighter, but neither woman was willing to quit. The hatred transferring between their beautiful faces was so thick you could nearly touch it, and both women knew her rival was determined to win.

  “Is that all you’re made of, slut?” their eyes seemed to ask one another. “I’m barely trying! You’re such a weak little whore…” But deep inside, both women knew they had met their match. Each girl was straining against the other with all of her strength…and neither woman was willing to give an inch.

  Luna opened her mouth as she stared into her enemy’s eyes. Her tongue danced behind her open lips, beckoning Valerie’s gorgeous face closer. She sensed the blonde’s plus girl lips pressing against her own as the two girls fought on, each woman daring the other to make the first move.

  For several seconds the two seductresses panted into one another’s gaping mouth, tongues dancing just out of reach. Slowly they pushed closer and closer, until at last each felt the tip of the other’s tongue make contact with her own. They had to force themselves not to melt into the other’s passionate kiss as more and more of their mouths were brought into contact; but their straining muscles reminded the two women that this was a fight.

  The two women attacked with a strangled cry, each girl forcing her tongue deeply into the other’s mouth. Their eyes widened at the sweet sensation of the other’s saliva, but their gorgeous eyes flashed again with their bondage magic. Their visions collided and fused together, extending around the battling beauties’ necks. Within seconds the blonde and the brunette had been fitted with black leather collars, locked together with a short length of chain.

  The two women pulled back, ensuring their bond was tight. Even at the full length of the chain, neither woman could part her lips from the other’s gorgeous mouth; and as their tongues began to wrestle viciously for dominance, both women could feel the other’s grins beginning to widen. This was the kind of struggle both had secretly dreamed about, but neither had been able to experience…until now.

  Each woman could feel the other’s nipples pulsing violently against her own, as if their stiff rods were beginning to melt and fuse together. Luna and Valerie moaned into one another’s mouths as the erotic sensation shocked through their breasts; each women felt as if the other’s nipples were literally inside of her own, and with a desperate cry they forced more magic to the center of their tits.

  Muscles strained against muscles in a sexual display of power. Tongue struggled against tongue bitterly for dominance. Gorgeous, hard nipples, now burning hot from their fierce titfight, stabbed tip to tip like spear points, neither pair willing to surrender. The two girls were so evenly matched that their bodies had moved less than an inch from their initial standoff; but the sweat beading across their combined, struggling flesh showed just how viciously the two women were fighting within their naked mass.

  The two seductresses fought in this way for almost half an hour, but neither woman seemed able to gain an advantage. Their bodies rotated slowly in the middle of the room as their evenly matched forms struggled to overcome one another’s strength. Blonde and brunette moaned into each other’s mouths as their burning muscles ached with an almost unbearable heat. Each g
irl practically pleaded with the other to surrender within their vicious gaze; each could feel the other weakening, but as every moment made their limbs feel like lead, they knew this war was far from over.

  “What’s the matter bitch?” Luna growled, pulling her tongue from the blonde’s beautiful lips. “I thought you were going to show me what a true woman was capable of!”

  “I can feel my nipples inside yours, cunt!” Valerie panted, retreating as well. The collar kept the two women’s lips from being able to part, and girl lips brushed against girl lips as they volleyed insults. “This little test of strength only delays you seeing how much damage my rods have done to yours!”

  “It’s my nipples who are inside yours, slut!” Luna grunted back. Each woman struggled for breath within their tight clinch, but both were unwilling to be the first one to back out.

  “Release me then, wore!” the blonde hissed. “We’ll see who’s inside who!”

  “You let go first!” Luna retorted. “Unless you’re scared to see how well my nipples have fucked yours!”

  The two women seemed to clinch tighter, neither woman wanting to be the first to relent; but slowly, carefully, each woman began to feel the other loosening her bonds. The next second the ropes dropped to their feet, and the chained collars locking their faces in place disappeared in a pale puff of smoke.

  Valerie and Luna held one another close for several more moments, eyeing one another lustfully. Even after all their words, to part from their struggling embrace now felt almost foreign. The sensation of one another’s flesh had become a feeling they had both grown accustomed to; but the longer they glared into each other’s eyes, the more toxic their hatred became.

  With their hands still clasped tightly at their sides, the brunette and the blonde slowly began to peel their bodies away from each other. Their muscles felt like lead as their bodies moved, finally free from their mystical bonds; and as soon as their nipples finally began to peek from their combined flesh, the two girls glanced down. Each woman watched their breasts with bated breath, both eager to see the damage her body had inflicted.


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