The Collection (Volume 2): 5 More Tales of Erotic, Girl on Girl Lust (The Collections)

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The Collection (Volume 2): 5 More Tales of Erotic, Girl on Girl Lust (The Collections) Page 9

by Caitlyn Norrel

  Luna looked Lelianna in the eye, then stepped forward and walked past the other woman without a backwards glance. The brunette moved towards the mirror, running her fingers through her hair as she checked her reflection.

  “I think you should reconsider.” Lelianna answered, turning towards the brunette.

  “And I think you should leave.” Luna answered forcefully. She turned from the mirror, glaring at the intruder from across the room. “Get out of my bedroom. Now.”

  A searing flash of anger shot across Lelianna’s gorgeous face, but the spite was replaced immediately by a devilish grin. “You really think we’re still in your room?” the redhead whispered. She waved her hand across the sky, and as a pale blue light flashed from her eyes, the room around them began to shift. “Take a closer look you stupid girl; much has happened since you fell into slumber.”

  Luna watched with horror as her world began to transform. Immediately the air grew almost deathly cold, and the brunette threw her arms quickly around her body to try and warm herself. Lelianna seemed unfazed by the cold, and her grin grew wider as she watched her new prey glance quickly across her surroundings.

  The lavish bedroom had now become a massive courtyard, paved with grey cobblestone and surrounded on all sides by the expanse of a giant fortress. Snow fell lightly from a pale sky, coating the ground in a fluffy white paste. Luna clutched her naked body tightly, shivering as the light frosting landed upon her form. Steam rose from a grand, square pool in the middle of the yard; and as Luna glanced from the hot spring back to the redhead beauty, Lelianna stepped forward.

  “You see, Luna…I always get my way.” Lelianna grinned. “Men bow to my every whim, and women know a perfect creature when they see one.” She watched the brunette shivering in the cold with lustful contempt. “Even Valerie begged me to let her serve beneath me; you, however, are…special.”

  Lelianna stopped several feet before her counterpart. “Scores of seductresses battled for control in order to learn my ways, and I select only the elite to work beneath me. You have rendered one of my finest servants useless, and I am in need of a replacement.”

  “I’ll never be your slave!” Luna growled; but the cold had taken the venom from her voice.

  “Not willingly.” Lelianna answered with a sly smile. “But you see, Luna; this world will not break unless I allow it. I wove this land while you slept, and my command is the only thing that can free you.” The redhead stepped forward, and she couldn’t help but admire how perfect the other woman’s body truly was. She loved how the cold made her prey quiver; but she knew the pleasure of watching the brunette squirm with arousal would be so much greater.

  “I will, however, offer you a chance at freedom.” Lelianna stopped her advance when their bodies were just inches from contact. “You are obviously skilled at the sexual arts…more so than any other woman I have come to desire. I want to see where your powers truly lie. I want to feel your body firsthand, to see if you truly are worthy of my attention.”

  The redhead pressed forward just one more step, and as her breasts pressed against Luna’s skin, she couldn’t help the chill that ran down her spine. “I want to fuck you, Luna. I want us to fuck each other until only one of can continue. If you win, this world will crumble. Overcome my womanhood with your own, and you will be freed. Lose…and you are mine to control forever.”

  “You have no right to control me…” Luna hissed. She forced her voice to remain calm, and despite the chilling air around her she dropped her arms at her sides. Her breasts came together with Lelianna’s, and both women gasped as their rock-hard nipples made contact. The two women pressed forward lightly, both secretly loving the sexual pressure. “But if you think you can intimidate me into becoming your slave, you’re wrong.”

  The redhead and the brunette glared into each other’s eyes, each scouring the other’s aura for weakness. Their misting breath mixed between their gorgeous lips, and both knew the other desired a taste. Lelianna smiled, then whispered with an elegant demeanor. “If you truly are the woman I think you are, you’ll accept this duel. Meet me skin to skin in a battle only one of us can win. Show me your gorgeous body isn’t just for show!”

  “Bring it on, cunt!” Luna hissed. The bitter cold made her body ache, but she wasn’t about to let this redhead slut get her way. “I won’t be as easy to control as your little pets!”

  Luna tensed, ready to strike; but before she could attack the redhead spun away. She tried to grab hold of Lelianna’s crimson hair, but her fingers whisked through nothing but air. “Where the fuck are you going?” the brunette growled; and the redhead looked over her shoulder with a smile.

  “You don’t actually want to fuck me in the cold, do you?” Lelianna laughed. “Besides, the stones here are so uncomfortable for sex…and I want to enjoy every last second I make you squirm.” The redhead motioned towards the crystal waters of the pool, stepping into the hot springs with an erotic moan. “Come where it’s warm, girl…It’ll make your surrender so much more enjoyable.”

  Luna watched the redhead’s body slowly disappear beneath the water, until only her shoulders and face remained above the spring. The brunette couldn’t help the lustful rasp from her breath as she slowly stepped towards the pool. She knew this fight was directly tied to her freedom; but something about the confident air that seemed to surround Lelianna had rekindled her need for sexual combat. She shivered, glancing around the snowy courtyard once more; then Luna stepped slowly into the water.

  The redhead glided backwards gracefully, giving her enemy room as she entered the spring. She couldn’t help a thrill of excitement as the brunette sat on the edge, dipping her legs into the water before pushing her body into the pool.

  Lelianna knew she could have easily taken Luna’s body like a whore out on the cobblestones. She herself had trained her body to fuck another’s in the chilling air; but to overcome such a promising rival using her advantage would bring her little satisfaction. If she was to rein this other woman in under her command, there must be no doubt in either woman’s mind who the better seductress truly was. Lelianna felt an excited tremor shake her body as the brunette’s form disappeared beneath the water; this fight would be one neither woman would ever forget.

  Luna gave a moan of ecstasy as the warm water washed over her naked body. For a split second her skin seemed to burn as the heat drove the cold quickly from her form, but immediately afterwards the deep-seated warmth of the spring seeped deeply into her flesh, and despite her predicament, she felt her body immediately relax.

  Lelianna and Luna glared at each other from across the spring. The snow still fell around them, but the steam emanating from the water kept the chilling air at bay. The redhead and the brunette waded towards one another silently; their eyes were locked in heated combat, but neither woman was willing to back down.

  After what felt like hours, their bodies came together in the center of the spring. Each woman gave a quiet gasp as their nipples made contact beneath the surface of the pool; the water was deeper here, and the two women were forced to tread against one another’s flesh. The water rippled around them as they brought more and more of their skin into contact, and within seconds the two women were struggling lightly beneath the surface of the waves.

  Lelianna and Luna could each feel the other’s sweet breath on her face as the two women brought their lips closer and closer together. Their nude forms seemed to press harder and harder against one another as the seconds wore on, each woman struggling to push the other backwards. Their arms rested at their sides, forcing them to duel with their bodies alone; and the tension between them grew with every moment.

  They continued in this way for almost a full minute. The sensation of skin pressing against skin was beginning to excite the two naked warriors; they panted in each other’s faces as their bodies spun in tiny circles beneath the waves, neither woman able to gain any ground.

  With a sigh Lelianna placed her hands lightly upon the other woman’s hi
ps. Luna responded with a similar hold, and as their bodies slowed they moved their faces even closer, until the sensation of one another’s plush girl-lips sent a chill down both women’s spines.

  “Last chance, Luna.” The redhead whispered. “Surrender to me now…we both know I’m the better seductress.” Her lips moved against the brunette’s as she uttered her words; but when her rival refused to retreat despite the contact, she knew complete humiliation was the only way this other creature would submit to her will.

  “Never, cunt!” the brunette hissed back. She felt the redhead’s lips widen slightly, and reciprocated the gesture. “If you want my loyalty, you’re going to have to fuck it out of me!”

  Luna opened her mouth slightly wider; she knew the contact both women desired, and she expected her nemesis to mirror her tease. Her eyes remained locked with Lelianna’s, and she wondered which one of them would be the first to break; but the redhead’s eyes flashed with a lustful shine, driving her expectations of a slow contest from existence.

  Lelianna lunged against her rival with a violent scream. Her hands shot towards the brunette’s gorgeous locks, furiously wrapping her fingers through Luna’s glistening tresses. Before the other seductress could respond she wrenched their bodies downward, pulling their snarling faces beneath the waves.

  Adrenaline shot through Luna’s body at Lelianna’s assault, and she had to force herself not to scream out beneath the spring. Her hands shot through the water towards the other woman’s tresses, and as soon as her fingers had a secure hold she forced the redhead’s face against her own. Within seconds their lips had sealed together, forming a vacuum of air between their mouths. Luna’s blue eyes locked with the redhead’s dazzling hazel; and the first stage of their climactic showdown was underway.

  Lelianna and Luna wrapped their bodies together tightly, locking their naked forms at the thigh. Their tongues fought viciously for dominance as their passionate underwater kiss drove their desires crazy. They couldn’t help but moan into each other’s mouths as the seconds wore on, eyes viciously locked in a test of willpower.

  Their minds groped each other for secure holds, and as soon as their thoughts were connected, the vicious obscenities began. Their anger at one another’s defiance spurred the two women on, each screaming at the other to surrender her will.

  With a strangled cry the brunette and the redhead tore their faces apart. Their heads surged towards the surface, and as they broke the water together they gasped for air; yet just seconds later they forced their tongues roughly between one another’s gorgeous lips, and pulled each other beneath the waves once more.

  They continued in this way for several minutes, each woman determined to see the other break first. With every cycle they latched their bodies tighter and tighter together, and with every panting release they buried their tongues deeper and deeper into one another’s throat.

  As their bodies were forced beneath the surface for what seemed like the hundredth time, Luna’s eyes flashed with rage. She tore her right hand from Lelianna’s tresses, forcing her fingertips tightly between their battling thighs. The redhead’s eyes widened as her rival’s palm connected with her pussy, and a split second later she moaned into her rival’s mouth as Luna forced her middle finger it.

  “You bitch!” Lelianna’s mind screeched with rage. She forced her own fingers into the brunette’s dirty cunt, and Luna gave an equally aroused squeal. With a growl they tore their faces apart, and surged towards the surface of the spring.

  “Weak little slut!” Lelianna hissed. She felt the brunette pump her cunt with a vicious thrust, but she forced her voice under control. “Are you already beginning to lust for my body?”

  “You’re the one who has to drown her rivals to gain an advantage!” Luna growled back. She felt the other woman’s fingers force their way in deeper, and the sensation was maddening. “Afraid I’ll have you coming like a whore if you meet me fairly?”

  They pumped each other’s cunts a second time, and with a spiteful moan they each felt the other send a tendril of magic inside her body. They moved their faces in slowly, daring one another to start their war. Lips pressed against lips softly, and they slowly caressed each other’s skin with an intoxicating breath.

  “I’ll show you how foolish you are, girl, for not surrendering to me willingly.” Lelianna whispered. She felt her rival’s left hand slip from her tresses, then wrap itself behind her slender waist. She mirrored the advancement, and couldn’t help but admire the fire burning inside the brunette’s eyes. “You’re about to experience more pleasure and pain than you had ever thought possible.”

  “I’ve already told you, I won’t ever become your puppet.” Luna hissed back. She opened her lips again, inviting the redhead’s tongue in for another taste. “Let me go…or I’ll make you come like the filthy tramp you are!”

  “Bring it on, slut!” the redhead crooned. “You’ll give in to me…we both know you will.”

  The brunette shoved her finger deeply inside of her rival’s cunt, and she moaned as Lelianna followed suit. Their eyes welled with tears of ecstasy immediately, each woman sending a shock of magic through the other’s flesh. With a growl they inserted two, then three fingers inside each other’s vagina and pumped again; and they threw their faces into the air as the two warriors came as one.

  They whimpered into each other’s faces as their eyes locked in hatred. The pleasure coursing through their forms was amazing; and they both knew there was more…so much more. The water from the spring washed away one another’s arousal from their fingers immediately, but it did nothing to mask the mutual shame at having come so easily at an enemy’s touch.

  The brunette and the redhead forced their lips back into contact again in defiance, each woman opening her mouth wide against the other’s rosy skin. They breathed heavily as their tongues snaked from between their lips, coming together tip to tip as they struggled to conceal their arousal. Their tongues began to slap wetly against each other as their eyes glistened with lust, neither woman able to truly contain her excitement.

  Luna and Lelianna matched more and more of their tongues as the seconds wore on. Their left arm clenched one another even tighter by the waist, ensuring neither of them would be able to escape. Each girl was painfully aware of the other’s fingertips still inserted deeply into her pussy; and with every moment the anticipation of the next assault grew.

  As if on cue, the two women buried their tongues deeply inside of one another’s mouth. For several seconds the two rivals simply absorbed the sweet sensation of one another’s spit mixing with her own; then with rapacious moans they each gave the other’s cunt another vicious pump.

  The two rivals gave a mutual shriek as the tendrils of magic shocked through their pussies. Their eyes fluttered with the sensation of unbelievable pleasure, but somehow they managed to hold on. In anger they pumped each other’s cunts a second time, and then a third, settling into a beautifully vicious rhythm that had the two seductresses moaning in seconds.

  Harder and harder their tongues fought, each woman determined to gain an upper hand. Deeper and deeper Lelianna and Luna pumped one another’s soaking cunts, causing one another’s muffled cries to become more and more desperate with every passing moment. Their eyes were locked in a test of wills, each woman struggling to show nothing but an unwavering confidence; but their gazes betrayed every single dirty thought the two women held.

  Luna and Lelianna thrashed wildly about in the water, screaming and crying into one another’s mouths as their cruel violations brought them both closer and closer to the edge. Their naked bodies struggled and writhed against each other as they bitterly fought back their orgasm, each woman trying to push her body away while simultaneously keeping her rival underneath her control. They clenched one another tighter, forcing their bodies into even heavier contact; and with a vicious scream the two vixens tore their faces apart.

  Their second orgasm shook their bodies even more violently than the first. They pulle
d their fingers from one another’s cunt, each woman clutching her rival’s naked form for support as their crippling orgasms took hold. Their chests heaved against one another as they struggled to catch their breath, and their eyes finally broke apart as each woman rested her chin upon the other’s glistening shoulder.

  The redhead and the brunette panted into one another’s ear, each girl leaning into the other’s body heavily. Neither Lelianna nor Luna could believe the power the other woman had; and the thought of being able to test their bodies to the limit made the two women quiver.

  “Fucking slut…” Lelianna whispered. “You’re good, girl. I can’t believe how quickly you’ve already made me come.” The redhead took the brunette’s earlobe loosely in her teeth, pulling gently before letting go. “Once you succumb to me…the world will be ours for the taking!”

  “You’re good too, whore…” Luna groaned. Her body was already beginning to ache; the tremendous orgasm that had just shaken her form was one of the strongest she had ever felt. She lapped gently at the redhead’s ear, causing her rival to squirm. “But it’s going to take more than that to make me surrender!”

  “Let’s go inside…” the redhead moaned. “I have a bedroom within the castle, and a mattress fit for queens.” The two women pulled apart slightly, gazing deeply into one another’s eyes. “Show my sex what yours is truly made of…and I’ll show you why my pussy can drive even the strongest individual beyond their limits…”

  “Lead on, bitch!” the brunette hissed. “I’m going to take you upon your own sheets, and make you come until you scream for mercy.”

  “Your cunt’s not good enough, girl!” the redhead crooned gleefully. “But I can’t wait to see you try!”

  Slowly the two women released each other. Each could feel the other’s naked body challenging her own; and as thoughts of their impending sexfight surged through their minds, neither was able to keep the excitement from showing in her eyes.


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