Body, Heart and Soul - Lucas

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Body, Heart and Soul - Lucas Page 8

by Body, Heart

  “Do I make you hard, Dev?”

  “Concrete, darling.”

  He shoved in violently. She thrust her tits up into his face and he bit one. She moaned and slithered beneath him as he ramped up the pace. She was close. He tripped her up, changing the rhythm and caught the hint of anger in her eyes even as she smiled up at him. He wanted to laugh but held it back. He was glad she was in this submissive position as any of the others they usually tried would have left him far too vulnerable to retaliation.

  As a sheen of sweat broke out over his body and hers. Barbara started making tiny yelping sounds. Dev had often thought she sounded like one of those hideous toy dogs trying to warn off a burglar. When she came close this time, he thought for possibly the first time in his life, he’d have to fake it.

  Could guys even do that?

  He supposed if she didn’t see the condom, but since he couldn’t imagine getting away with it, he did the next best thing—he pictured Kira.

  Kira’s face over Barbara’s. Kira’s soft youthful body beneath him. He softened, moving within Barbara with a new intensity and rhythm to match. She screamed at the top of her lungs and Dev slowly worked her clit so the orgasm would last. She cried out—his name, God’s name, and one he thought belonged to the new guy who worked with the orchids—as her orgasm rolled on and on.

  He bit the inside of his cheek to keep from crying out Kira’s name as his entire body went rigid and his cum started surging out.

  “God, Dev. Shit!” Barbara lay panting on the thick Persian rug. “It’s never been like that before. God, it was almost as if you cared.”

  Her cold laugh scraped over Dev’s skin as he fell to the carpet at her side, hating the way he just wanted to shower.

  And maybe ask Kira’s forgiveness.

  If that wasn’t fucked up, he didn’t know what was.

  Barbara curled beside him, running her fingers through his chest hair, her pointy chin placed over one of his nipples.

  “It’ll be that good and then some with Kira, Dev. If she’s not your thing, you can fuck me while I tongue-fuck her. Or maybe she could…”

  Dev kissed her again until she fell back against the rug submissive and quiet. When he finished kissing her, she blinked those big green eyes at him and asked so innocently, “We’ll figure something out, won’t we, Dev?”

  Dev closed his eyes, biting back what he really wanted to tell her, instead answering simply, “I’m sure we will.”

  * * * *

  “You know, it seems odd that Barbara wanted me to help you pick out the wine for the party. I don’t know anything about it.”

  Dev’s lips twitched as he watched Kira from the corner of his eye as she innocently scanned the labels on the bottles in front of her. He pretended to be studying one himself; he hadn’t been too thrilled at Barbara’s insistence that Kira accompany him and he wasn’t so stupid as to fall for any thin excuses for it. He knew damn well why Barbara had done it and he wasn’t happy about it one bit.

  “Well, she probably just thought you’d like to get out of the house.”

  And if Barbara had seen her, she would have had a fit. Kira wasn’t wearing one of the many designer outfits she’d picked out for her, but cut-off jeans and a baby blue tank. Her hair was braided—two long braids that hung down on either side of her beautiful face—and she wasn’t wearing any make-up that Dev could discern. She looked about seventeen and Barbara would not have approved, but Dev thought she looked sweet, innocent…

  And ripe.

  All afternoon, his fingers shook with need to touch her. His cock itched, insisting to be inside that tight sheath, and all the while his head kept telling him he was exactly like his father, turned on by the young and the innocent. Even though he knew damn fine Kira was of age, she didn’t look it today, and today of all days, he found her even more appealing.

  “Well, then I guess she’d be right.” She slapped her arms against her sides and turned to face him, obviously bored with the wine by this point. “I have been feeling a little cagey lately, but I hate to sound ungrateful.”

  Dev handed the 1990 Joseph Roty Mazis Chambertin back to the sommelier. His attention totally focused on the woman beside him, the swell of her breast in the tank, the color of her eyes, the light blush on her cheeks. She was so beautiful he hurt looking at her. Every corny thing he’d ever heard said about beautiful woman, every stupid poem or ridiculous love song, they all seemed to apply to Kira, and it was sending Dev right out of his mind.

  “We can get the wine later. I have something better in mind for today.” He flashed a devilish grin. “You game?”

  He wanted to laugh at the hesitation that moved over her face, but when she pulled herself up, tilted her chin and said: “Absolutely,” he wished he’d stayed home. This woman was a danger to a heart he wasn’t even aware he still had.

  “I didn’t know you smoked.”

  Dev held out a hand to stabilize her as they crossed the rocks. He pulled the cigarette from his lips.

  “I don’t.”

  He turned and continued on over the jetty, after a few minutes, Kira merely said, “Oh.”

  It was about that time Dev knew he was being an ass. His attraction wasn’t her fault. It wasn’t as if she’d been chasing after him.

  Not that that little fact didn’t bug the shit out of him.

  Truth be told, he was used to women chasing after him. Kira didn’t so much as bat an eyelash at him and here he was tongue dangling on the pavement, begging for her to do something to give him the opening he needed.

  “Sorry, Kira. I’m sort of pissed.”

  “You usually are.”

  He stopped abruptly. Kira put a hand up to shelter her eyes from the sun’s glare. Waves splashed at their feet against the jetty, the spray shooting into the air around them. She shrugged. “It doesn’t bother me.”

  Dev stared into the golden eyes of this adorable woman for a few seconds, then a short bark of laughter shot from his lungs as he dropped his head back, eyes staring into the cloudless pale blue sky. Damn if her constant acceptance of him didn’t make him want to be a better man. He felt tension draining from his body and loved the sense of freedom it gave him. One last drag on the cigarette and he threw it off the jetty. A half-second before he pulled Kira into his arms.

  He pressed his lips to her forehead, wrapping his arms tightly around her.

  “Kira, you do things to me.” He tipped his head back so he could look into her eyes. “You make me feel things I’d rather not feel, and you make me want things I’ve no business wanting.” He cupped her cheeks, his thumb running over her lower lip. “Half of me wants to send you away, the other half knows I’ll die if you go.”

  A large wave rocked off the jetty, splashing salt water at them, hitting Kira’s back and she let out a shocked scream that quickly turned to laughter. Dev wrapped one arm around her and led her to the other side of the rock pier where there was an alcove. A small stretch of beach that was completely deserted because the only way to reach it was the way they’d come, and it wasn’t easy.

  Dev settled into the sand, pulling Kira down between his legs, her back rested against his chest. They sat quietly watching the water roll into the alcove and recede, taking shells and seaweed with it. The wind rustled through their hair and the air was heavily scented with salt and muscles. Kira drew a deep breath, sheer heaven.

  Beyond the shoreline boats floated in the distance, some with colorful sails others sleeker more expensive yachts. They saw seagulls and the occasional seal and alone in their own private world, they both began to let down their walls.

  “You like the beach, Kira?”

  “I do. Although I don’t find much time to go there.”

  He brushed his chin along her cheek, kissing her temple.

  “Why not? Tell me about your life at home.”

  She laughed.

  “Why? You having trouble sleeping lately?”

  It was his turn to laugh. He wrapped his a
rms a little tighter around his precious bundle. It was ridiculous, but sitting here with Kira—where he knew no one would find them—made him feel free and young and almost happy.

  “I just want to know you.”

  She sighed, but indulged him.

  “I’m an art major, starting my senior year this fall. I have a mother and a younger sister. Never knew my dad. I live on campus, but have an abysmally boring social life.”

  “Somehow, I can’t picture that. Are all the guys at your school raving idiots?”

  She shrugged. “I get asked out. I just don’t go often.”

  He pulled her body closer into his, burying his face against her neck.

  “Why not?”

  She was quiet for a long time as if trying to decide the best way to answer him. Soon the question seemed forgotten and they fell silent, watching the ocean, taking in all the scents and sounds and enjoying the privacy. It was a memorable afternoon. Dev couldn’t remember a time when he’d felt so comfortable with another person. She was a gift to him, one he was certain he didn’t deserve.

  As the sun began to set, he knew they had to get back, but when he tugged her chin in his direction, and their lips met in a slow burning kiss that he’d been fantasizing about all day, he didn’t care if they ever left their little alcove of heaven. Dev felt that kiss burn into his soul. It wasn’t demanding, it wasn’t forceful, it wasn’t a game.

  It was real.

  It was a real kiss full of real emotions and Dev couldn’t remember the last time he’d kissed anyone like that. He felt the walls around his heart cracking but didn’t know what to do about it.

  Kira moaned softly as her tongue brushed his. He softly bit her upper lip, she turned, and he pulled on her until she was in his lap. He cupped her head with strong hands that were so careful and gentle, and when he couldn’t take the wonder of it any longer, he wrapped both her legs around his hips and pulled her firmly against him. Soft breasts pressed against hard chest and they fit perfectly together.

  Dev was only slightly aware of the water, the waves, the birds, and the ensuing darkness, the kiss didn’t want to end and he wasn’t pressing for more either. He knew if he reached down, she’d be dripping for him. He knew she probably ached for his throbbing cock just as much as he ached for her wet sheath to put it in, but right now, in this moment, the pleasure of exploring her mouth was enough.

  “Who are you, Kira? Really?” He pressed his lips to hers once more then pulled back. “Why’d you come here? Was this really what you wanted?”

  She touched his check softly. Her eyes told him she was being honest and vulnerable when she answered, “Being here with you is what I want.”

  Without opening his eyes, his lips found hers again. She was soft and gentle and Dev wanted to pour himself into her and never resurface. He couldn’t judge her for wanting to be a part of their games, he had no position to considering all the things he’d done over the years, yet still somewhere inside him—even as he hated himself for thinking it—he wished she’d been pure. He desperately wished she had been his—and only his—set aside from the beginning of time.

  “Only mine,” he whispered as she snuggled up closer against him. It was nearly dark now and he knew getting over the jetty in the dark would be a bitch, and they didn’t have enough clothes to stay overnight on the beach, so that really only left one option.

  Heading back to the real world.

  He groaned. Why couldn’t life be as simple as two people living on a beach? No outsiders, no problems, just sex, and love, and hearts sharing hearts.

  As he pulled her to her feet, he wondered where in the hell he came up with this shit. He’d laugh, but it just wasn’t funny.

  * * * *

  Barbara fussed with the layers of lace on her elaborate gown. This party would be a rousing success. She could feel it in her bones, and with the problems she’d been having with Dev lately, she’d earned a night to shine.

  She’d already been downstairs an hour before to check on everything, micro-manager that she was, but the staff could bitch all they wanted, they were paid well and they knew it. In addition to the regulars here for the summer, she’d invited nearly a hundred others and they’d been arriving all day for her extravaganza.

  “Big-ass orgy.”

  She laughed, realizing it had been a while since she’d really laughed. Ever since this problem with Dev had asserted itself, in fact, and she still wasn’t sure how to settle the issue.

  She didn’t buy for a second that Dev wasn’t attracted to Kira. He damn near swallowed his tongue every time the girl walked into the room. So it had to be something else, but what?

  She tapped one flawlessly-painted fingernail against her chin while crossing the room to her jewelry box, picking out several rings and a strand of intricate pearls interspersed with rubies. The summer was nearly half over and if Dev thought she was going to wait much longer to get into that virgin pussy, he was whacked.

  Granted, not telling the poor girl what she was in for, nor alerting Dev to the truth, wasn’t exactly nice, but who’d ever accused her of being nice? She played by the rules—most of the time, that is—until and unless they stood between her and what she wanted. And she hadn’t lied to Dev, the second Kira had walked into her hotel suite for the interview, she’d known. There wouldn’t be another girl she wanted as much, and if Dev wouldn’t share with her, she’d get Mark or Haziz to do it.

  God knew they’d been picking up the slack for Dev in the fucking and satisfying department enough lately, anyway. In fact, just last night after Dev had slipped away yet again, she’d had both of them, right in that very bed. She grinned. “And then up against that wall.”

  She folded her arms over her chest in triumph. She liked Dev, always found him generous and brilliant in bed. The man knew how to fuck a woman until she couldn’t move and there was no getting around that, but if he was changing the rules on her now, then he could just get fucked on his own, without her or her help.

  She knew his secrets, knew his proclivities, knew what he liked and how he liked it. The man had come to her practically a virgin—in knowledge if not experience. He owed her.

  She felt the cold creep over her as her plan began to form.

  “And it’s time you start playing or paying, Dev, darling.”

  Chapter 8

  Dev stood on the breezeway between the main house and the summer bungalows on the property. From where he stood, he was positioned above the gardens and the revelers below, and even he had to admit it was a beautiful sight. The air was thick with anticipation, tonight was a night that anything could happen. For Dev he was optimistically hoping for the impossible.

  The garden sparkled from all the twinkling lights, and there was a hazy pink glow coming from the grotto area that made it appear almost magical. Voices swirled up from every direction in laughter and conversation, and music was both piped in through the extensive stereo system as well as being provided by three bands and a string quartet, depending on which area of the gardens you were in.

  He stood, feeling a bit empowered, hands fisted on his hips in a very king-of-all-he-surveys kind of way in an authentic 12th century tunic in deep purple velvet, his legs bared and wrapped in gladiator sandals, his hair pulled back in a satin ribbon that matched the tunic. He was the epitome of a mystical fantasy.

  It was an exciting night. The air had a spark he hadn’t felt in a very long time and with the gardens in full bloom was so thickly perfumed with a blend of roses, gardenias, and honeysuckle that he could have gotten drunk on the scent alone. If it hadn’t been for a lump the size of Texas swallowing his heart, he might have actually been eager for the coming night.

  A couple pushed past him, both wearing tunics that covered far less than his and he could easily smell the alcohol on them. Dev decided to join them, alcohol sounded like a marvelous plan.

  Working his way down the intricate steps and stairwells that took you from the house to the gardens, pool, grotto, tenni
s courts, and eventually the beach, he wondered where Kira was.

  Granted, she was a grown woman who could take care of herself, but something at the back of his head wouldn’t stop prompting him to look out for her. Tonight would not be like the first party where they’d met. Opening night, everyone is on their best behavior. Now, a month later, the masks had slipped and people were revealed for whom they truly were.

  He stopped for a minute under an olive tree, leaning close to the trunk, where a hidden speaker played Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. He felt different. He had to wonder if it Kira made him feel this way or was it finally just time for a change? He’d be forty in a few years, maybe he was simply getting old. He wasn’t enjoying this summer, except for the rare times he and Kira spent alone and both let down their guards.

  He loved the easy way everything felt with her. He was hard pressed most of the time to remember she was playing a game with him. He wondered how different the real Kira was and his heart ached to consider the possibility that the woman he had actually developed feelings for might be no more than a mirage.

  He realized that he stood at a crossroads. A decision had to be made, and tonight seemed as good as any to do it. If games were what Kira truly wanted, then so be it. He’d seduce her, then lead her to Barbara as it had been planned from the beginning. Things would continue on the same as always, and his heart would be safely re-secured behind his walls.

  But if she wanted more, wanted him, then she’d have to leave this island with him tonight and not look back.

  * * * *

  Kira felt in heaven, not her mother’s version of course, but anything this enticing to every sense had to be heaven. She practically danced down the steps amidst twinkling lights and soft music. Everything was a vision. She stopped to literally smell some roses along with night-blooming jasmine.


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