Mad Hatter's Alice

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Mad Hatter's Alice Page 3

by Kelliea Ashley

  “Heaven help me.” She gasped, as she realized this was the part where they were expected to scale down the mountain before following the lake’s edge back to camp. She didn’t want to go anywhere near the sharp drop, much less flop her body over the side and depend on the ropes to keep her from falling. Fear clogged her throat and stole her breath until a warm hand grasped her cold fingers and squeezed. Turning her head, she found Wayne watching her closely.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be next to you the entire way.” His words infused her with enough courage to nod.

  Fifteen minutes later her courage disappeared as Hopps appointed Susan to be the one to hold her emergency rope. If she lost her footing, then she would be depending on ninety pound Susan to stop her fall. The man had to be stark raving mad!

  “Relax, Alice. She’s just a back-up. These ropes are connected to trees and can hold substantial weight.” Andrew’s grin seemed too wide and his tone a tad bit too domineering. She fought the impulse to slap the patronizing smile right off his handsome face.

  “He’s right. You’ll be safe.” Beside her, Wayne’s calm reassured her until Andrew moved away and she was left to gaze down the jagged face of the rocks below. The ledge they were to land on was only twenty feet down. It might as well have been a mile as far as her shaking knees were concerned.

  “I can’t do this.” She heard the hysteria in her voice and cringed.

  “I knew it. She’s freezing. You might as well get her out of the harness. She’s too much of a coward.” Susan’s taunt did it. Shooting the bloody big head a scathing look, she got down on her rear and quickly maneuvered herself over the ledge. The gloves on her hands protected her fingers as she held on for dear life.

  “Alice, wait!”

  “Hey, we aren’t ready yet.” Hobbs’ words scared the crap out of her and her fingers slipped. She felt the wind blow past her face and whistle in her ears as someone screamed above her. She stopped for all of a minute to grasp haphazardly at the rocks, but then she was falling again. Squeezing her eyes closed tightly, she prepared for the pain at the end of her fall.


  Her first thoughts when she opened her eyes and blinked were about the absence of the pain she expected and if she’d taken the bloody big head over the side with her. Surely if she’d landed on the skinny bitch, then those bones would have stabbed her, fatally killing her if the fall didn’t. A giggle exploded from her mouth as she focused on a wooden ceiling. Pushing herself to her knees, she realized her feet were lighter. Instead of the heavy boots, a pair of blue slippers covered her feet. She reached down to touch them and then blinked at the blue material on her thighs. A dress? Where had she found a dress in the Adirondack Mountains?

  Moving her hands and legs, she decided she’d gotten off easy without breaking anything. “Okay, where am I?” Looking around, she found herself in a tiny room with black and white tile floors. A tiny table against the wall held a single plate with what appeared to be a bottle and a tiny key. It was doll sized, but when she reached up, she realized she had to be giant sized. Her head almost touched the ceiling and her body took up most of the room. “Wait a minute. Kitty! Nice joke! Let me in on it!” Beside her a popping sound made her jump. When she turned, she found herself staring eye to eye with Andrew’s face absent his body. Big blue eyes blinked closed as she screamed loudly.

  “Ouch! That hurts my ears, you know.” Two pointed ears appeared and then a cat’s body materialized to surround Andrew’s hairy face. He grinned as she scooted as far away from him as the tiny room would allow. “That’s better.” He said flipping around in the air. “I’m Cheshire Cat and you are Alice. Welcome back.”

  “I’m not that Alice.” She stuttered. “Man, I hit my head hard when I landed.”

  “Oh, you’re Alice and I will take you to the Hare and the Hatter, but that’s the end of it. Now, be quick.” He angled his head toward the table.


  “Drink it.”


  “You must. This body is far too big to fit through the door and the tea party has already started without you. Drink it.” He sighed and rolled his eyes before completely disappearing in a puff of blue smoke.

  “This is a dream.” She pinched herself hard on the arm and winced. The room didn’t disappear as she’d hoped. “This is Kitty’s fault for putting Alice in Wonderland in my mind. I’m probably a red, bloody pulp lying on the cold rocks back in the mountains. “I might as well enjoy this before I have to go back to the reality of pain or death.” She gasped in horror. Could she be dead already? Was she stuck in some sick notion of heaven? Trying to calm herself, she picked up the tiny glass bottle and uncorked it. Before she could talk herself out of it, she downed its contents. The taste of carrot juice stayed in her mouth as she waited for something to happen. When nothing did, she shrugged and set the bottle back on the table. Almost instantly a tingling sensation invaded her limbs. In a blur the room seemed to move while she stayed still and her dress bulged and loosened all around her. Dizzy from the experience, she leaned heavily on the table which suddenly seemed the perfect size for her.

  “Holy cow!” Pushing a hand through her messy hair, she steadied herself. The cool chill of the room made her aware of her nakedness.

  “There’s a dress for you on the chair, Alice.” Cheshire’s voice came from the room and she gasped.

  “Peeping Tom much.” She found another blue dress on the chair and held it up. One look told her it would never fit. This dress had to be a size six. Looking down at herself, her eyes widened. The full-figured body she had become accustomed to seeing with the size thirty-six D boobs had slimmed down considerably. She didn’t feel like herself as she hurried to shrug into the dress.

  “You still don’t have enough fur for my liking and far too much flesh.”

  “Go figure you’d have the same tastes in both realities,” she hissed as she picked up the key and went to the door. It swung open with a hard push and bright sunlight hit her square in the face. The strong scent of lavender and rose filled her senses with their sweet nectar as the soft hum and twitter of birdsong greeted her. Before her a pathway led into a lush garden. Beneath her bare feet soft green moss cushioned every step she took. A popping sound preceded Cheshire’s presence.

  “Follow me, Alice.” He floated down the path and she followed slowly behind him.

  “You’re late! How can you stand to be so late?” She heard Hopps’ voice, but it came from the agitated white rabbit holding a time piece and pacing back and forth in a grey and white striped waistcoat.

  “Ah, there you are, Rabbit. This is Alice.” Cheshire pointed toward her. The rabbit frowned as he looked her over quickly.

  “She doesn’t look like Alice.” The rabbit’s whiskers twitched as he studied her closely.

  “She’s gained some weight. Think of her as much smaller.” Cheshire’s toothy grin made her curl her hand in anticipation of slugging him. He gave her a big grin as he faded into nothing.

  “Yes, well. You’ll have to do. Follow me and be quick about it.” He pointed to the watch. “We’re already late.”

  Alice sighed as he didn’t wait for her, but took off hopping down the pathway. Running to catch up to him, she was winded by the time he led her into a maze of tall green shrubbery. The twists and turns made her head spin until he finally came to a stop to look over his shoulder at her.

  “Wait here.” Hopping through the green gates, he cleared his throat and his voice boomed out. “Court of the White Queen, I present to you Alice, Slayer of the Jabberwacky.” He gestured toward her and waited. When she didn’t move he glanced back at her and huffed out an impatient breath before hurrying her forward with the ‘come here’ motion of his white paws. Tentatively sticking her head out into the bright sunlight, she found tons of animals and people staring at her. All were dressed in fine clothing etched in silver threads. White rose bushes edged the yard with gardens at the base of a huge castle that glinted sil
ver in the wash of the noon sun. She blinked and pinched herself once more before being shoved rudely from behind by the Hopps rabbit.

  “Alice! Hurray for Alice!” Everyone began to clap and cheer for her. Awkwardly, she raised a hand and tried to smile.

  Gracefully, a tall statuesque woman dressed in a pure white ball gown moved toward her with several women similarly clad tight on her heels. Alice noticed a silver crown with blue sapphires perched upon her white hair. Light pink lips turned up into a welcoming smile and her dark eyes held kindness as she took her hands and pulled her in for a tight hug. The White Queen smelled of lavender and spices and reminded her of Kitty. “I’m so glad to see you again, Alice. It has been far too long.” She whispered in her ear before pulling back to stand beside her. Lifting her hand up, the queen raised their hands.

  “Our champion has returned to us. Let the party commence!” When everyone cheered, the sound of festive music and laughter filled the courtyard.

  “I’m sorry, your highness, but I’m not that Alice.” The queen’s dark gaze traveled her silently before she turned to smile at a man approaching them.

  “Ah, Hatter. Alice has come home to us.”

  Alice turned to find Wayne standing before her, but he was wearing an elegantly tailored suit and a top hat instead of the big floppy one she had come to like. His face looked very pale and his eyes were golden, the brown a small ring surrounding his pupil. The full lips and the solid shape of his body remained the same, including the sexy grin. He bent at the waist to greet her.

  “Alice, at last.”

  “Perhaps. She claims not to be our Alice.” The White Queen’s lips pursed.

  “Oh, you’re absolutely Alice. I’d know you anywhere. Though you were much muchier last time I saw you. She’s lost her muchness is all.” He told the queen who nodded and smiled. “Come Alice. I shall give you back your muchness and we shall futterwacken until dawn.” He took her by the hand and pulled her through the crowd of dancing animals and humans. Once through the crush of bodies, she saw tables laden with food and drink beneath two tall white tents. “Here I have just the thing.” He turned before the end of the first table and held out a small plate with what looked to be a slice of silky chocolate cake. Her mouth watered at the sight of the dessert. Picking it up, he held it up to her mouth. One look in his golden eyes decided her. She took a slow bite and he smiled. The chocolate melted on her tongue and she licked her lips after swallowing it. “Give it a moment.” Suddenly, a heavenly warmth filled her veins and placed a dreamy smile on her lips. Looking down she watched, fascinated as her hips widened and her breasts filled out the filmy bodice of her dress. This body suited her better. Happiness made her sigh as she looked up at him to find that golden gaze directly on her breasts.

  “Ah...there’s my Alice.” The hunger in his gaze as it met hers started a fire deep in her belly. Standing together amongst the people celebrating, she didn’t notice anyone but him. “Yes, much muchier. Come with me Alice.” Grasping her hand he pulled her into the castle. She stumbled along behind him as he marched them through the grand hall made of marble. Her bare feet slid on the smooth floors, but he always seemed to right her and keep moving. Finally, he opened a door and tugged her inside. Breathing heavily she noticed several tables, rolls of fabric, hat stands, and sewing tools. It registered that he’d brought her to his hatting room. Alice didn’t have time for any other thoughts before he shut the door and pushed her back against it. Fear should have overwhelmed her, but she didn’t even protest when he caged her in with his warm body, hands on either side of her head. The gold blazed with passion in his eyes as he stared her down.

  “I want to kiss you, Alice. May I?” His warm, minty breath brushed against her trembling lips as he spoke. Lust robbing her of speech, she could only nod her permission. He slowly dropped his head and brushed his mouth against hers in a smooth caress that made her yearn for more. Lifting his head a fraction he looked puzzled. “Curiouser and curiouser.”

  “Kiss me, Hatter.” Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed her lips to his in a heated kiss. He traced the seam of her lips with his moist tongue and she granted him access to her mouth with a moan. Threading her fingers in the glory of his silky hair, she vaguely noticed his hat hitting the floor. He didn’t move to grab it, but filled his hands with her breasts instead. Pure fire erupted between them as he hurriedly hiked her dress up above her waist to lift her legs around his hips. Naked beneath the dress, her sensitive flesh brushed against the material of his pants, which did nothing to hide the hardened male body beneath it.

  She didn’t lose contact with his mouth even when he easily lifted her and strode farther into the room. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she could only hold on and drown in the flavor of his kiss. Somehow he found a soft surface to drop them both on. She sank into the cushions of a creamy couch, sighing as his weight pressed her down farther. He ended the kiss only to latch his hot mouth onto her breast. Holding his head, she could only gasp as his teeth nipped her tender flesh. A cry escaped her as he suddenly stood up beside the couch. Lost in a haze of pleasure, she couldn’t have stopped him from stripping the dress from her body had she wanted to. For endless moments he looked down upon her with a fierce hunger that threatened to consume her as well.

  Watching him undress with a grace and ease of movement only heightened her anticipation. His body possessed all the traits of a Greek model except for one tiny thing. The tattoo of a black dragon, wings out folded on his right side, looked oddly out of place. In one claw it held a shiny sword and the other held a white rose. He caught her staring at it and shrugged a shoulder. “I got it as the result of a bet.” He dropped gracefully to his knees beside her. One hand resting on the back of the couch, he leaned down to give her a whisper soft kiss. One kiss melted into several until she clawed at him to cover her. Sliding gently into the cradle of her legs, he joined them with a sweet motion that caught her breath. She closed her eyes tightly as her head spun at the sensation.


  “Easy, Alice.” His deep voice entered her mind as she clung to his naked arms. “I’ve got you. Don’t move, baby.”

  “I have to.” Her body would burn alive if she didn’t move.

  “No. You fell. I have to see if you broke anything.” Broke anything? Was that concern she heard in his voice?

  “Holy cow!” Her eyes flew open as the pain receptors in her brain connected and sent an emergency message. Hovering above her, blocking out the bright sunlight behind him, the Hatter stared down at her with his dark eyes full of panic.

  “Don’t try to move yet.” He warned her quickly. Then his hands began to move slowly and carefully over her body. “Can you wiggle your toes? Don’t move your head, just tell me.” He ordered her in a steely command. She rolled her eyes and tried to moisten her lips with her tongue.

  “Yes, they move.” Alice watched the muscles in his chest and arms relax a smidgeon. She should have been relieved she hadn’t broken her back or crushed her spine, but all she could do was mentally grouse about the timing of his interruption. The thought made her giggle and his head whipped in her direction. “I’m sorry. I laugh when I get hurt. I can’t help it.” He gave her a weird look but continued to ask her to move body parts until at last he nodded in satisfied relief.

  “You’re lucky. I don’t think you broke anything.”

  “Only a good chunk of my pride.” She smiled and awkwardly tried to push herself up into a sitting position with his help. He slumped down beside her as she inspected the stinging cuts on her arms and legs.

  “Look at me.” He checked her pupils by covering one eye and then the other. Grunting in satisfaction, he then proceeded to take down her bun and run his fingers over her head.

  “Find anything leaking?” She asked breathlessly. His face mere inches away from hers, their gazes locked.

  “Nope. You are one lucky klutz. Whatever made you decide to drop over the edge before Hopps gave you the go ahead?”
Anger dropped the warmth of his voice ten degrees and she shivered.

  “Susan called me a chicken.” She rubbed at her hip with a grimace.

  “So?” He challenged her.

  “I’m sick to death of her taunting me in front of everyone.”

  “It was almost your death!” His voice rose an octave in agitation, making her smile at him. “What are you so happy about? I lost ten years off my life when you hit the ground.”

  “You’re even sexier when you’re mad.” His mouth opened and closed a couple times before she gave in and launched herself at him. She swallowed his surprised grunt as she teased his lower lip with her tongue. After only a second, he opened and kissed her deeply. His hands lifted her into his lap as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Hey! Is she hurt?” Andrew’s yell barely penetrated her lust-filled mind, but Wayne pulled back to blink at her owlishly.

  “She’s fine. Give us a couple minutes and then you can come down!” He grinned as she bit her bottom lip nervously. “I’m still mad at you, Alice.”

  “I’d say you could punish me, but you might want to wait until my butt feels better.” His eyes twinkled merrily as he shook his head at her. She threaded her fingers in the cool silk of his hair. “Whoa...where’s your hat?”

  “It probably fell when I raced to get to you.” He shrugged and brushed his lips against hers.

  “No. We have to find it.” She struggled to get up, but he held her easily on his lap.

  “It’s just a hat, Alice.”

  “No. It’s your hat. What’s a Hatter without his hat?” He laughed and hugged her gently to him.

  “What’s a Hatter without his Alice?”

  “Futterwacken right and you’ll never have to find out.” She laughed at his perplexed look and kissed him.


  Alice found it hard to believe the fateful day she fell, both down a mountain and madly in love with her Hatter, would culminate into this perfect day, her wedding day. She stood in her size fourteen princess gown, with a sequined sweetheart bodice trimmed in blue lace, watching her groom dance with his mother. He looked dashing in his double-breasted black tuxedo. His back pocket bulged a bit and made her smile. She knew without a doubt he’d stuffed his grandfather’s hat in that pocket and it wouldn’t be long before it would be pulled out to take its rightful place on his handsome head. There it would stay until they reached the motel room where she planned to whip it off, along with every stitch of their clothing to reveal the sexy dragon tattoo on his side.


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