Wasted (Kenshaw Ranch Book 5)

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Wasted (Kenshaw Ranch Book 5) Page 2

by Piper Frost

  "I know," I mutter, laughing. "So I was thinking maybe it's time I start looking for my own place."

  We definitely sat down for work but she's not in the mood and honestly I'm not anymore either. I want to hear more about Grant, the man that I'm starting to think is made up. I've been here a month and as much as I've heard about him, he has yet to show up to any gathering. I'm new to Cultured Relief and to Affton's schedule still, but how does someone just leave for a month without coming home? Doesn't he have any responsibilities here?

  "Oh, honey, you don't have to move out. Unless...oh god, do we annoy you?" Her brows go high and the look of worry on her face makes me feel bad. "Are we annoying? I'll be less annoying, I promise."

  "No!" I blurt then start to laugh. "I swear it's not annoying." I rest my hand on hers and make a face. "But I haven't had sex since I left California and..." I giggle. "I don't know. I feel like I'm in the way. And interrupting. And..." And listening to you two fuck as much as you do turns me on more than it should. And you're my boss. "You'd let me know if it's getting to be too full of a house, right?"

  Her brows go higher and she laughs. "This house is ridiculously big. I'm not sure what I was thinking when Tommy said I could add on. This house is definitely big enough for all of us. Maybe after the party, we can move you upstairs? You'll hear us less and it'll be like you have your own place." She claps in excitement. "I won't lie to you, Carter. I like having you here. There is nothing here!" Laughing she rolls her eyes.

  "Goats. You've got goats." I smirk. "And a super hot cowboy. I don't really blame you for wanting to live out in the sticks, but it's a pretty big culture shock."

  "The worst part is I have tons of family and friends but they all work so much I barely see anyone...except you now!" She smiles. "Speaking of, I guess we still do have jobs." Her eyes flick to my tablet.

  "Right. Yes. And a trip to New York to plan." I puff out a breath and pull up her calendar. Time to get busy.

  The next couple of days fly by. From preparing the new line for Jonathan to approve when he's here for the party, to actually preparing for a party, I'm breathing, sleeping, and eating all things Cultured Relief. Affton's never nervous, but this party has her on edge and I don't blame her. She's about to open up her personal life to all kinds of outsiders that may not see this small town way of life as a good thing. I, on the other hand, see nothing wrong with it. It's a slower way of life, but I enjoy it.

  By the day of the party I think I've heard 'Tommy, I swear if you turn the AC off during this party I will castrate you' about a dozen times and his snicker as he walks away from her even more. The two of them are perfect for each other. I've also heard numerous stories about the notorious Grant Matthews, which just makes me want to meet the man behind these stories even more.

  I spend the morning showering, shaving, and primping. Not that I think anyone here tonight is going to look at me twice, but it's always good for a girl to be prepared. Plus, I haven't gotten this done up in a while and it feels good to feel...pretty. Moving away from being in front of the camera has taken some of the confidence that the lens gave me, which is fucking ridiculous if you ask me, but it is what it is.

  When people start to arrive at this party I watch with wide eyes at some of the ensembles they're wearing. We're in the country. I've become accustomed to the 'less is more' motto in the month or so that I've been here. These people look like they were plucked straight out of L.A. and are in complete shock that people still live like this.

  "It doesn't look like rain so they can overflow out back if needed," I say to Affton as more cars keep pulling up and dropping people off. I'm not sure where these people are coming from, let alone where they're staying because I wasn't aware that this town had a hotel. "You invited Jo, right? And Kaydence?" Kinlee and Bo have been here from the start. I'm trying to talk Affton into getting these girls modeling for us, but she isn't pushing it yet. We'll get there.

  "They'll all be here." She smiles and glances around before checking the time. "I'm going to kill him." Grabbing her phone, she pounds out a text. "Jonathan and the boys were supposed to be here an hour ago because this is their gig. But there's only one reason why they'd be late. Grant Matthews," she growls out his name.

  Everything I've heard about this guy isn't promising but I'm excited to meet the man behind the legend. Can't say it's a good legend, but it's something.

  "He'll be here soon I bet," I say, trying to calm her. Affton's pretty easy going, but when it comes to this Grant character she goes from zero to burning buildings in a matter of minutes. It's almost comical. Before she can reply, I hear the jet fly overhead to prepare for landing. "See, right on time." I smile a bright smile at her and wiggle my eyebrows.

  "Yes, if you live in Grant's world. They're an hour late. Bet it'll take him three hours to drive them the five minutes it takes to get to the house from the hangar. He's probably..." Looking at me she looks apologetic. "Sorry. I keep bitching about Grant. Let's try and have some fun and find you a single guy tonight. I really hope you don't want to kill Grant when you end up meeting him. He has that effect on people though." She escorts us to the bar.

  "I grew up with two brothers, Affton. I can put up with this Grant character, don't worry about that. And if not I'll just punch him in his dick." I shrug, taking the glass from her. "Now, about finding me a single guy tonight," I mutter, letting my eyes travel the room. The room is full of beautiful men and equally beautiful women practically pushing their tits against them. "Highly doubtful," I say.

  She chuckles. "God, I can't say I miss this atmosphere. I never thought I'd want to come back to the country but the past year, I've never been happier. Look!" she quickly whispers and points across the room. "That's Sharon Reed and apparently she's taken a liking to my brother. I can't wait for Kinlee to claw her eyes out."

  Not that I blame Sharon, because Affton's brother is a sight. But she's right. Kinlee's the sweetest thing until you mess with Bo. Then all bets are off. Even if you're a supermodel like Sharon Reed.

  "You think someone should warn Sharon?" I watch wide-eyed, nursing my drink as Kinlee makes a beeline for her husband. "Oh shit," I whisper, letting out a giggle.

  "Let's let this play out," Affton says in excitement. "She's going to...god. He's such an ass! I have to find Tommy before I kill Grant," she snaps, her attention now on the stairs. I look in that direction and everything around me blurs in comparison to what's walking up the steps.

  The first thing I notice is the entourage of hot men. Holy fucking hot. Hot doesn't even begin to explain it. Did I mention they're hot? I mean, they're probably gay as the sun is bright, but hell they're...hot. Sexy. Gorgeous. And full of confidence.

  Well that's it. My brain is done for the day. Fried. Then it hits me. One of these gorgeous men is Grant. The Grant I've been dying to meet.

  "Which one's Grant?" I whisper, way too excited. The growl that comes out of Affton makes me take a better look, and after finally being able to pull my eyes from the gorgeous faces of these men, I am able to figure out exactly which one is Grant. "I fuck fat chicks," I mumble, reading his shirt. "Wow..."

  "Bingo," Affton sighs. "I pay him way too much money for him to show up to these events in a t-shirt that says that. And it's just amazing people flock to him. You either love him, or you hate him. I might be the only one that can go both ways. Do me a favor and pull out the Letty line so I can show Jonathan when he finally stops following Grant around like he's God. I'll catch up with you after I find Tommy." She kisses my cheek before storming away, really seeming to be flustered over Grant's appearance.

  I, on the other hand, am very torn as to how I feel about his appearance. He's hot. Not just country boy hot. More like a country cocky incredibly sure of himself hot. And those eyes. Swoon. A girl could get lost in those eyes. But then you add in the shirt he just walked in here wearing and I can't decide if I want to punch his face or sit on it.

  Probably a little of both if I'm being honest with

  And Affton's right. The boys around him flock to him like he's the one in charge. Even Jonathan seems to be in a Grant-trance.

  I sit back and watch him from across the room, playing the creepy stalker girl hiding behind her drink. This drink is giving me the courage I'll need if I ever decide to walk over to him. Tommy approached him a few minutes ago and from the look on his face when he motioned towards Grant's shirt I can tell he wants to laugh it up but has to stay 'disappointed' for his girl's sake. It looks like everyone in the room respects this man. This pilot. This guy that in all reality shouldn't have this much of a pull in the industry Affton and I work our asses off in...but somehow it looks like he does. I'm still not sure what to think about him, but watching him interact with everyone in the room, one thing's for sure: This guy knows how to turn an elegant celebration into a wild party.

  I finally track down Affton and like she generally does, she asks for the run down of the past month. "All in all, pretty uneventful." I shrug and look around the room again. A lot of these faces are familiar but it's rare to find someone that isn't forgettable. Especially in this industry.

  "Good. Glad you're home." She tries to walk away, pissed about something. Probably the shirt.

  I follow her, drinking my beer in a few gulps. "Got any new faces, Affy?"

  "What do you mean?" She keeps walking, smiling dutifully at everyone she passes.

  "I mean, anyone I would fuck that's here, I've already fucked. I need some fresh meat. The thicker, the better." I point at my shirt and her cheeks go red.

  "Grant," she growls quietly. "Go find Jonathan and pester him."

  I roll my eyes and grab another beer. I've been stuck with Jonathan for the past month. I need some new scenery. The guy still won't accept the fact I'm not going to sleep with him. Getting another drink, I make my rounds, getting stopped every so often for someone to comment on my shirt. I prefer a bigger girl and the past month's been excruciating. Don't get me wrong, I'll fuck a girl no matter her size, but we all have preferences. My preferences haven't really been met the past month though. This industry gives me a lot of women to choose from but a lot of the same type.

  Normally I can outdrink any motherfucker here, but I'm fucking beat. I've been partying for a month straight. Sobriety is becoming a distant relative. That's not weird, but even I need down time now and again. Getting my sixth drink since I've shown up, I seek out Tommy.

  "Hey, Grant." I'm stopped by a girl I don't recognize but that's not unusual. Her hand slides to my belt buckle. "I still have your other buckle." She giggles and I stare harder, really having a hard time remembering her.

  "Keep it as a souvenir." I smirk and move around her. My dick didn't even jump for her. Fuck, this shit's getting old. Finding Tommy, I stop in front of him "Okay, so." I finish the rest of this drink, I think it was wine, I don't know but it had liquor. "So, this party's lame. There's not much potential here tonight. My shirt didn't do its job." I scan the room again but I'm a little too drunk to claim if there's hot enough chicks to screw here or not. "And I have to be up early to dust the Kenshaw crops. Might as well get a head start. Tommy." I hold out my fist for a bump.

  "You're not leavin' me here, dude," Tommy blurts as quiet as he can so Affton doesn't hear him. "These people are leeches!"

  "Your wife's one of them." I shrug and flinch prior to getting hit because I know it's coming.

  "Fuck you," he blurts, punching my arm as hard as he can. "Come on, let's get another drink and go out by Ginnie and Simon. At least we know no one will be out there. Rich assholes don't want to hang out with goats."

  "Dude, they're not all leeches either. You're talkin' to the wrong people. Plus the Kenshaw clan's here somewhere. I saw Jo milkin' her titties on her way to the bathroom." I look at him to verify but he shakes his head at me. "Have you ever got Ginnie drunk? I bet that shit would be hilarious." I walk behind the bar and the staff steps back, looking at me like I'm robbing the joint. I guess I am, and when I start loading my arms with beer, one runs away, probably to tell.

  Before we get to the door, Affton's big fine ass blocks the exit and Tommy's busted. Except her sights are on me.

  "Hey, Affy, you make this..?" I point at her, up and down a few times, not sure what to call what she's wearing. It's hot, but I don't know if it's shorts, or pants, or a dress. "This creation?"

  "Tommy, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" she quietly snarls at him. "Jonathan said you're avoiding him. Every time you make eye contact, you run the other way."

  "Just hanging out with my best friend, babe," he says, grinning. It falls as fast as her face turns into a scowl. "Or not... Jonathan, you say? I should go talk to Jonathan?" He points back toward the crowd and Affton's hands go to her hips.

  Jonathan's alright. He's my favorite boss of Affton's but Tommy don't give a shit about these dudes. He'd be happy if she worked in Jo's salon making pennies for an income. While she continues to scold him, I scoot away, inch by inch, knowing if I don't, I'll be next.

  "Stop!" she blurts and grabs my arm, tugging me back and the beers almost tumble. "Grant Matthews, you're my personal fucking pilot! And you showed up drunk! You flew all three of my bosses here from California while you were drunk! Are you kidding me!"

  "They were drunk too. And, Affy." I dump the beer in Tommy's arms then slide my arm over her shoulders. "In my defense, I haven't been sober in probably five years. I'm a highly functioning alcoholic."

  She opens her mouth and starts dragging me to the sliding door. Probably to throw me off the balcony but abruptly stops when a girl runs up with a tablet. A hot girl. A girl I've never seen and I'm suddenly thinking tonight's not a complete bust. I hope she reads my shirt.

  "Thank you! I don't know how I lost that file," Affton says. "I'll—"

  "I'm Grant," I blurt over Affton then step to stand in front of her.

  The girl lets out this annoying, but sexy, chuckle then glances down at my shirt before her eyes pin me again. "I know." She steps to the side and moves around me, continuing her conversation with Affton.

  "The shirt's not a joke," I speak up but Tommy pulls me away. "I'm DTF whenever you are!" I call back to her, not able to look away. She's hot as shit and I've never seen this girl in Affton's entourage before. I think Affton's giving me a death glare but I can't take my eyes from the girl that's completely ignoring me. "She's one of the leeches you were talking about?" I mutter to Tommy.

  "Carter?" He yanks me outside. "She's the furthest thing from a leech. She's just not going to let you in her pants, dude." He laughs. Hard. "You want some water? Maybe a casket for when Affton murders you later?"

  With a chuckle I stop walking and grab his face, lightly patting his cheek. "Water." I shake my head. "Tommy, my friend, I'm going crop dusting." Planting a kiss on his mouth, I walk away before he can stop me. He's got his hands full of beers and my spit on his lips.

  I find Jonathan and the boys to say goodbye then head down the back steps 'cause I can cut through the woods to get to the hangar faster that way. As I step outside, I expect to hear Simon and Ginnie goin' at it, but there's a chick out here talking away. Seems to be to herself 'cause no one else is out here. I look around but can't find where she's hiding and I don't have much effort left in me tonight.

  "No, you idiot, I'm not drunk. This is a work event!" I hear her laugh. "You know I'm not coming home any time soon." She falls silent before speaking up again. "Christmas. Maybe. Yes. I have to go, Parker. Tell Dad I said hi, okay?" Who the fuck calls their family during a party? "I love you too."

  "I'm a pilot, you know." I speak up, finally finding the figure in the shadows. "I can take you home to see your hot sister Parker." Getting closer, I realize it's the snobby bitch from before and I grin.

  "My hot brother Parker would probably kick your ass if he ever met you," she says, letting out a laugh. "But thanks for the offer." She looks around. "What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be in there schmoozing it up with all of them?"r />
  "Uh..." I look upward toward the balcony. This girl might be harder to crack 'cause she's a bitch, but I bet if I say I'm some fancy ass designer, she'll be all up on this dick. "I probably should. We're celebrating my line." I shrug. "But, party life isn't really my style."

  Her eyes narrow at me and a very slow grin slides on those lips. "Your line, huh?" she says, amusement changing the features on her face. "So what's this line of yours called?"

  Shit, shit, Jonathan and Nick talked about this shit for a fucking hour yesterday and I just blocked them out and kept drinking.

  "My line?" Her eyes flash down to my t-shirt. "IFFC," tumbles out of my mouth and I shrug coolly. "You want to get out of here? I'm going flying."

  Her eyes go wide and her eyebrows shoot up. "You're not flying like this. And I know you're not a designer, Grant. You're a pilot. And you're drunk. There's no way you're getting in a plane right now. Come on, let me sober you up." She grabs my elbow, rolling her eyes as she tries to pull me back inside.

  Reversing the roles, I push her back until she's met the wall of the house and I lean my arm above her head while getting closer to her face. "What'd you have in mind?" I lick my bottom lip, staring at hers.

  "Water." She lets her eyes flick to my lips then gives her head a little shake. "Maybe some aspirin. Or Gatorade. Or a toilet seat..." Her words trail off when I take another step closer to her, closing the distance between us.

  I cock my eyebrow, never hearing that one before. "I'm not drunk, I'm just never sober. How about we talk less and fuck more. We can do it right here." I glance toward the back door. "Or I can take you inside to one of the spare bedrooms and make you scream things you didn't know sounded good in a sentence."

  She's staring at me. Or glaring, I can't figure that one out. Then she laughs, shaking her head. "You're a piece of work, aren't you?" Her hands go to the sides of my face and she bites her lip. Right when I think this girl is going to kiss me she pushes. Hard. Hard enough to make me stumble back. "One of these days that cockiness is going to get you stabbed. Probably in the dick."


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