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Don't Call Me Sweetheart

Page 6

by Codi Gary

  Marley’s jaw clenched. Dustin knew damn good and well it was her car and had knocked just to be an ass. They had known each other their whole lives, but no one could call them friends. The Kents were the wealthiest family in Sweetheart, owning the Castle Vineyard, and Dustin had become a millionaire by selling an app he designed in college. That and the fact that he resembled Tom Welling from Smallville, with his piercing blue eyes, dark hair, and angel face, should have made him the top of any woman’s hook up list, but Marley couldn’t stand him.

  “What do you need, Dustin?”

  He raised one dark eyebrow, his blue eyes twinkling. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your boyfriend?”

  “No, now what do you want?”

  Dustin’s lips pressed together and he slid a pair of sunglasses over his eyes like an 80s movie villain. “Oh nothing that can’t wait until you’re back in the office tomorrow.”

  What in the name of all that was holy did that mean?

  “You two have fun.”

  He turned away, whistling like one of the seven dwarves as he swaggered toward the silver penis-shaped car he drove.

  “Who is that guy?” Luke asked.

  Marley closed her window, her back still to him. She could feel the heat in her cheeks and hated that she’d let herself get caught up in him. “An annoyance.”

  When she turned around to face him again, she expected him to try to kiss her again, but he just sat there studying her.

  “So, you work with him?” he asked.

  “No I—”

  Suddenly, her body went cold. He was going to the office tomorrow. What if he told Kelly what he’d seen? If Kelly asked her who she’d been making out with, there was no way she could lie.

  But she couldn’t get fired, either.

  “Shit. Shit. Shit. I have to go.”

  “Marley, what is going on?”

  “You need to get out.”

  His expression darkened. “I thought we had a deal about you treating me like a maggot?”

  “It was fungus, and this has nothing to do with how I feel about you! This is about me possibly losing my job.”

  “I don’t see how us kissing—”

  “I know you don’t but you still need to get out!”

  She hadn’t meant to scream. Hell, she never screamed, even the time that one of her brides had thrown a glass of champagne in her face and told her she was an idiot. But without Something Borrowed, she’d never get out of here.

  “Got it.” His tone was cold as he opened the door and stepped out. “I won’t push you anymore. Despite recent events, I don’t normally have to beg women to go out with me.”

  “Luke, I—”

  He shut her door without waiting for her to finish and she didn’t have time to melt down, to chase him down and apologize. Besides, how would she explain anyway? Sorry I can’t get involved with you because I’m a fake bridesmaid and I signed a confidentiality agreement that will not only screw me, but my boss if I violate it?

  There was nothing she could do to fix things with Luke now. She had to see Kelly.

  She made it across town to the little white ranch house Kelly owned, and pulled right up to the garage like a bat out of hell. By the time she stood on the porch, she was sucking in wind as though she couldn’t get enough and knocked hard.

  Kelly opened the door, staring out at Marley with wide eyes. “Marley, what’s wrong?”

  “I have to tell you something?”

  “Something that couldn’t wait until the morning?”

  “No, it can’t.”

  Kelly nodded and stepped back to let her walk inside. The walls were painted a pristine white, with a pine wood floor that shined as if it had just been waxed. Colorful throws covered the back of plain brown couches, and the only wall decoration was one painting of a little girl running through the woods.

  “Do you want something to drink? Coffee?”

  “Can I just have a glass of water?” Marley’s throat was so dry, she was afraid she was going to have a coughing fit.

  “Sure, you sit. Relax a spell and just take a breath.”

  Marley sat on the soft couch, trying to slow her breathing. Without warning, Kelly’s black and white cat, Pepper, popped over the back of the couch and slid down. He placed his feet on her lap and demanded pets by bumping her shoulder with his head.

  “Hey, Peps. How did you know I needed a little support?”

  “He’s intuitive that way,” Kelly said as she reentered the room. Marley blushed, wishing she hadn’t overheard that.

  Kelly set the water down on the coffee table and tucked her feet up as she climbed onto the other couch. “Okay, spill. What’s got you all in a tither?”

  There was nothing for Marley to do but dive head first into the issue. “I met someone a few days ago, and it’s been awhile since I had a date, so I went out with him.”

  Kelly’s expression lit up happily and it twisted Marley’s stomach up more. “Well, that’s great, Marley.”

  “Yeah, it was, until I found out he was the best man for Sonora’s wedding.”

  Kelly’s face fell. “Oh, dear.”

  “Yeah. And I tried to tell him that we had to pull the plug, but…Dustin Kent saw us kissing. And he said he would see me at the office tomorrow, and I didn’t want you thinking that this was deliberate or that it is ever going to happen again, but it was the only way he would stop pursuing me and—”

  Kelly reached across the space and grabbed her free hand. “Marley, breathe.”

  She let out a huge breath.

  “Now, I get that you didn’t know his connection, and if it would make you more comfortable, I would take you off the account. However, it’s a little late for that, so I am going to trust you. You’ve been with me for a long time and always been the height of propriety and professionalism. I know that you will be able to pull the plug on this, no problem.”

  Wow, that was easier than I thought it would be.

  “But if there’s any more impropriety, I’m going to have to let you go. You understand?”

  And there it was. She’d worn out her one chance.

  “Yes, you won’t have to worry. I’ll avoid him like the plague.” As an afterthought, Marley asked, “Why is Dustin coming into the office tomorrow?”

  Kelly grinned at her devilishly, and Marley knew she wasn’t going to like the answer.

  “Because I hired him.”

  Marley blinked at her in surprise. “For what?”

  “Well, Dustin made an excellent point that sometimes grooms need groomsmen, so I’ve agreed to take him on a trial basis.”

  “But…he’s loathsome.”

  Kelly laughed, a light, tingling sound that reminded Marley of Christmas bells. “Yes, but he is also loaded, respected, and no one will question him being friends with celebrities if he shows up in their wedding pictures. Besides, it’s just an experiment and we could use a little manliness around the office.”

  Marley didn’t bother questioning Dustin’s manliness, just nodded in acceptance.

  “So, is there anything else we need to discuss?” Kelly asked. “You’re all set for the Keller, Vaughn, and Newman weddings?”

  Marley nodded. “Yes, we’re all good.”

  “Good, because I’ve got a row of Oreos and a whole season of The Walking Dead to binge watch, so scoot.”

  Chapter 8

  Surprisingly, Luke didn’t see Marley again until Saturday morning. Sonora and Brent must have made up after their epic blow up because she’d arranged for the entire bridal party to have dance lessons. She wanted some big, elaborate dance number during the reception. Luke thought it was the stupidest thing he’d ever heard, but he was there.

  Which has nothing to do with Marley.

  No, he was done playing games. If hot and cold
was her thing, then she could do it with someone else.

  He sat next to Brent, watching the door. When it swung open, he hated that he sat forward in anticipation, eager to get his first glance at Marley in three days.

  Kendall stepped inside with her hair in loose waves around her shoulders, a simple navy dress swinging around her legs.

  He looked over at Brent when he shifted in his chair and noticed the way his friend had leaned on his knees, his eyes following Kendall’s every move as she came toward them.

  Luke didn’t have long to wonder about his friend’s interest before Sonora and Marley came in, obviously arguing.

  “I am telling you what their manager explained to me. They will be out of the country touring, and are not flying back from Ireland to play at your wedding,” Marley said, her voice strained through her teeth.

  Sonora’s face was blotchy with temper and she flicked her hair over her shoulder with a huff. “Then call the next contact on the list I gave you. Really, Marley, it’s not that hard.”

  “I called all of them. Every single one and they all said no.” Marley seemed to realize her voice had started to rise, and she took it down a notch as she continued, “Why not just go with a local band, or even a DJ?”

  “Because I am neither tacky nor desperate.”

  “All due respect, you are seven weeks out from your wedding so, yeah, you kind of are.”

  Holy shit. Luke started moving, hoping to pull Marley out of the line of fire before Sonora went bridezilla on her ass.

  Brent stepped in just as Sonora’s face turned purple. “She’s right, babe. It’s our fault for putting stuff off. Why don’t we have Marley set up a couple auditions with some of the local bands and we’ll see if any of them work out?”

  Kendall smiled, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, sis, it’s no big deal. Besides, a DJ can play everything—”

  “Mind your own fucking business!” Sonora screamed. “When I want the opinion of an overrated little nobody, I’ll ask for it.”

  The whole dance hall went dead silent. As if she realized what she’d said, Sonora’s eyes widened just before she burst into tears and ran out the door again.

  Luke watched in surprise as Marley went to Kendall and put her arm around her. “She’s under a lot of stress. She didn’t mean it.”

  “Yeah she did,” Kendall said softly.

  Luke stroked his chin. Why had Marley comforted Kendall instead of chasing down her distraught friend?

  Brent seemed torn, but ended up following his fiancée . Luke waited as Kendall left the room, probably to go to the bathroom. Sonora’s other bridesmaids and Brent’s groomsmen stood talking in the corner, and he wondered if Marley would ignore him to join them.

  “Well, that was dramatic,” she said, flopping down next to him.

  “Yeah well, that’s Sonora.”

  “I know, but does she have to be so damn hateful to Kendall? I just can’t stand the way she treats her.”

  Again, it was as though Marley didn’t even know Sonora. He’d been around her less than four months and it hadn’t taken him long to realize there was nothing redeemable about her. How had Marley been so blind to her friend for over a year?

  “That’s how Sonora treats everyone. Kendall just gets it worse than most because they’re family. You always hurt those closest to you.”

  “Not when you know what it’s like to lose someone.”

  Her soft reply ate at him and he wanted to prod, to ask her more about the person she’d loved and lost, but remembered that she didn’t want any part of him.

  “Unfortunately, Sonora has lived a pretty charmed life.”

  “Yeah, I gathered.”

  Luke’s brow furrowed in confusion. “You guys didn’t talk much in rehab?”

  She jerked back for a second and almost appeared offended. Then slowly she shook her head and looked away from him.

  “Of course we talked. She was just a different person there, is all.”

  Luke’s bullshit meter was going haywire, but he had no idea why Marley would lie. Most people wouldn’t lie about going to rehab…

  Unless they had something bigger to hide.

  “The Harwood Party?” A robust woman with big hair and plump, dark red lips tapped across the dance floor. “Marley, you’re with the Harwood party, aren’t you?”

  Marley stood up and Luke went with her. “Yes, Delores, but the bride and groom had to step out.”

  “That’s fine, we can get started with just the bridal party. Gather around, gather around.” Delores’s shirt was covered in sequins and she seemed to shimmer as she moved her arms.

  All but Kendall, who was still absent, came out to the center of the room. Delores paired them according to who they were walking with…

  Which meant he was going to be dancing with Marley.

  Sure enough, Delores grabbed first Marley and then Luke by his arm, flashing him a lecherous grin. “Oooh, you’re firm. You two, let’s see your form. I’m thinking something fun, with lots of lifts and swinging Marley around. Think you can handle that, Muscles?”

  Luke nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “An accent too? Oh, if only I were twenty years younger.” Delores fanned herself, but when she realized they weren’t following her commands, she waved her hand. “Well? Put your arms around the girl, and Marley, this isn’t your first rodeo. Show us how it’s done, baby.”

  Luke slid one of his arms around her waist and brought her against him, mere inches separating their bodies. With his other hand, he took hers. “How is this?”

  “Delightful, except the two of you look as though you’re in pain. Come on, dancing is fun. Just wait.” She tapped away, calling out, “The rest of you get into position while I find the perfect song to break the ice.”

  Luke was aware of Marley’s floral-scented hair teasing his nose, and the soft skin of her hand against his. Suddenly, “Runaround Sue” was blaring around them.

  “Listen to the music and have fun with it. Rock, stomp, twirl. Come on, let’s see what you’ve got.”

  Slowly, couples around them started to move and Luke took a step to the right. Marley was a half a beat behind but before long, they were in sync and he thought he spotted a ghost of a smile on her lips.

  “What did she mean this isn’t your first rodeo?” he asked.

  She took a step back with a little hop. “I’ve had friends who have gotten married, and I’ve been in the bridal party. What did you think that meant?”

  “I don’t know, maybe that you’ve had dance lessons?”

  “Of course I did. Not much else to do in a small town like Sweetheart but take dance classes at Delores Kingston’s Dance Hall.” He spun her out and brought her back in, dipping her over his arm and the sweet sound of her laughter rang over the music. “Seems like you might have taken a class or two yourself.”

  “Maybe.” In truth, his mom had taught him, pushing him around the living room until he was old enough to lead.

  “Well, whoever your teacher was, you should thank her. She’s very good.”

  He smiled, his body relaxing as they danced around the other couples, her brown hair falling from her simple pony tail and flying as he twirled her. It didn’t hurt to talk about his mom, and the fact that she’d given him so much was a blessing.

  Plus, it gave him an excuse to hold Marley close.

  The song came to an end, and Luke was breathing hard, staring down at Marley as she grinned up at him, her eyes sparkling. Everyone else in the room melted away as he watched her, wishing that he had the right to bask in her joy, to lean over and taste her happiness on his lips.

  “What is this?” Sonora practically shrieked.

  The spell broke as Marley pulled away from him and the group faced Sonora’s wrath, Brent right behind her. His friend’s expression was grim, and Luke wondere
d if he was realizing that marriage to Sonora might not be as smooth sailing as he thought. She seemed to be forgetting all about putting on a charming front for her fiancée .

  Delores glided across the room to greet her. “Ah, you must be the bride. I was just getting them warmed up while we waited for you. You have a very talented bridal party.”

  “Where is Kendall?” Sonora asked, ignoring Delores.

  “She’s in the bathroom I think. I’ll go find her,” Marley said.

  Sonora shot her a bitter look. “You’re my maid of honor. You’re here to see to my comfort.”

  Luke glared at Sonora.

  She’s not your mother, you spoiled little bitch.

  “I’ll find her,” Brent said.

  Before Sonora could protest, he was gone, and Luke wondered if she was going to have an apoplectic fit. Finally, she seemed to start breathing again, and addressed Delores. “I have some ideas about the dance numbers. Marley? Can you get my binder from the car?”

  Marley broke away from him completely, and Luke tried to tell himself that the moment he’d thought they’d had was just a fluke. Wishful thinking on his part.

  He just wished he didn’t still want her so damn much.

  * * * *

  Marley closed the door to her car, Sonora’s pink bridal folder in her arms. It was already hot, her hands slick against the plastic, and she could only imagine how she was going to melt later at the Newman wedding. It was the whole reason they were doing dance lessons in the morning instead of this afternoon. Sonora had nearly blown a gasket when Marley told her that she wasn’t her only client, but there was nothing she could do about it.

  Of course, that hadn’t kept Sonora from taking her revenge by riding her about the celebrity entertainment. And despite Sonora’s shitty treatment of pretty much everyone, Marley had been nice enough not to repeat the many unpleasant things the musicians and their managers had said about her.

  In fact, Marley figured she must be campaigning for sainthood, because not completely turning to goo every time Luke held her in his arms was a feat of strength. She hugged the pink binder to her chest, trying to forget about how good it had felt to just let Luke lead her around the dance floor. To enjoy him, and forget who he was and the damage being with him could cause.


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