Don't Call Me Sweetheart

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Don't Call Me Sweetheart Page 10

by Codi Gary

  He had his hands in the air now, relaxed and smiling, and she found she preferred Luke this way. Teasing easily and playful. She needed it.

  “He has always been an obnoxious douche, and just likes to make everyone else feel inferior to him.”

  “Good.” He turned his back on her and walked out of the cemetery.

  She hurried to catch up, curious. “Why good?”

  “Cause I’d hate to think you were into a guy that wouldn’t treat you right.”

  His soft words were like a sucker punch. Damn, why did he have to say such perfect things?

  “I am pretty choosey when it comes to guys.”

  “I get that.”

  He didn’t say anything else, and she wanted to tell him that her decision not to date him really had nothing to do with him. That she liked him and wished that things were different.

  But she couldn’t elaborate to make the situation better, so she just left it. “Want to see the river?”


  They hiked down the trail and sweat was pouring off Marley by the time they reached the bottom. The sun was straight up in the sky and the temperature had been climbing steadily. She noticed his light gray T-shirt was dark with moisture over his chest, and bit her lip at the way it molded over his gorgeous pecs.

  “Whew, now this looks heavenly.”

  Marley glanced over the swimming hole, and smiled. “Yeah, we used to come down here and jump off that rock into the water during the summer.”

  Luke eyeballed the fifteen-foot boulder coming out of the water. “Now that sounds like a great idea.”

  To her utter astonishment, Luke reached down and grasped the bottom of his shirt, pulling it over his head in one fluid movement. Her mouth dried up as her gaze traveled over that rippled stomach.

  “What are you doing?” she squeaked.

  “Going swimming. It’s hot as hell and that water looks mighty refreshing.” He kicked off his shoes and when his hands went to the button of his cargo shorts, he raised an eyebrow. “Care to join me?”

  “I don’t have a suit on.”

  “Me neither.” He pushed his shorts down, revealing the boxer briefs underneath. “But a bra and panties covers the same as a bikini.”

  Not the set I’m wearing. This morning she’d donned her lacey black bra and matching panty set under her black capris and short sleeved blouse. Not exactly made for concealing.

  “Yeah, no, I’m good.”

  “Suit yourself, but you’re more than welcome to put on my T-shirt if you’re worried about me peeking.”

  In the time Marley glanced down at his gray shirt, he’d waded into the water, gliding on his back, the sun glistening off that wet, tanned chest.

  Suddenly, the temperature cranked up another five degrees, and she found herself kicking off her shoes. When he stopped to tread water, she paused in removing her capris. “Turn around.”

  The wolfish grin he shot her turned her knees to mush and she wobbled. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Once she was sure he was being a gentleman, she shimmied out of her capris and folded them on the rock. She unbuttoned her blouse, and set it on top of her capris. Snatching up his shirt, she pulled it on, breathing in the scent of his cologne and the musk of Luke himself. The shirt went almost to her knees, covering up the sexy lingerie.

  “Okay, I’m decent.”

  Luke turned around, and the look in his eyes made her shiver in spite of the heat.

  “Damn, you look good in my shirt.”

  Marley blushed hard as she stepped down into the water. “Stop it. We’re just going to swim—no flirting.”

  “I agreed to no such thing.”

  Marley slipped in, sighing as the cool water washed over her heated skin. “This is better than I remember.”

  “How long has it been since you’ve been swimming here?”

  Since before Beth died.

  “Feels like forever.”

  She drifted closer to him, and when she was within arm’s length, he reached out and tucked some wet hair behind her ear.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  She stiffened, reading the pity in his eyes. “For what?”

  “For how much pain losing your sister brought you.”

  She didn’t want this. She wanted the light-hearted banter. Hell, she’d take the flirtation at this point.

  “Yeah, well, it’s in the past. Right now, I’m here with you.” She splashed him in the face and started swimming backwards. “And you deserve that for always teasing me.”

  Luke wiped the water from his face, and grinned evilly. “You just remember you started this.”

  With a squeal she took off, swimming until she felt his hand wrap around her ankle. She was laughing so hard she almost went under, would have if he hadn’t slid his arms around her and held her against him. Her laughter died with their faces so close, his lips inching toward hers…

  A stream of water flew out of his mouth and right in her face.

  “Oh, my God, that is disgusting! Not only do I have your mouth bacteria in my eyes, but you probably have Giardia from drinking river water.”

  She couldn’t see but she could feel his warm breath on her face as he chuckled. “Oh, come on, don’t be a baby.”

  “Seriously, I’ve been blinded by fish poo water.” She sniffled a little for effect. “Oh, my God, my eyes are burning.”

  His voice was laced with concern now. “Hang on—”

  When he released her waist, Marley opened her eyes and jumped him, pushing his head under with all her might. He came up spluttering, and she cackled. “Boom, sucker!”

  Luke grinned through the ripples of water on his face. “You’re a pretty good actress. No wonder you handle Sonora so well.”

  “She’s pretty easy to figure out. Stay on her good side or she’ll make you miserable.”

  He seemed to be studying her, as if trying to work out whatever she was hiding and it made her heart skip nervously. “One thing I can’t wrap my head around is you being in rehab. You just seem so together, I can’t imagine you losing control like that.”

  She couldn’t tell him he was right, no matter how badly she wanted to, so instead, she just kept moving. “Strange friendships form when you’re thrown together. Just look at us.”

  “We weren’t thrown together. I saw you and wanted to meet you…bumping into you seemed like the perfect solution.”

  Marley couldn’t believe he had orchestrated their first meeting “How did you know I’d bump into you?”

  “Just hoping, I guess.”

  Luke drifted closer, and Marley was so tempted to let him in, to feel his body wrap around hers and let this happen.

  Instead, she took off for shore. “We better go. I’ve got a lot of stuff to do, and now I smell like fish.”

  She made it to the shore before him, and as he climbed out, she couldn’t help but notice that he seemed to be excited and pretty damn impressive through the wet cotton of his boxer briefs.

  This time, he picked up his shorts and turned his back on her without being asked. As he stepped one foot and then the other into his shorts, she noticed the way his thighs and butt muscles tightened and moved, and her libido did the lambada.

  “You dressed yet?”

  Shit. “Almost.”

  Marley couldn’t tell him she’d been so distracted by the thought of grabbing his butt that she’d forgotten to move.

  She really needed to stop ogling him. It was destroying her common sense.

  Chapter 13

  Luke sat in the hotel lobby that night, watching people come and go. Although The Love Shack Hotel didn’t look like much on the outside, with its red exterior that could use a new coat of paint, the inside must have had a recent upgrade. The lobby was gorgeous with a gray stone floor, and textured walls
the color of eggshells. There was a lounge area with big, comfy couches and chairs, and a bar area around the corner with tables and chairs in dark wood, matching the hardwood floors.

  The rooms themselves were clean, with down comforters, and beautiful bathrooms with clawfoot tubs and tiled showers big enough for two. Luke could imagine this was the perfect place for passionate couples to “get together.”

  But he was bored just sitting in his room, and he didn’t want to bother Brent. Sonora and him had seemed pretty cozy after their day interviewing caterers, kind of the way tensions had seemed to ease between Marley and himself.

  Not that he wasn’t attracted to her anymore, far from it. When he’d seen her step out of the water, his wet T-shirt clinging to her lithe body, he thought he was going to embarrass himself. Instead, he caught her checking out his package, and knew, no matter what she said, that she wanted him too. He just had to let her come to him.

  To Luke’s surprise, Brent stepped off the ancient elevator, and waved to him as he crossed the room.

  “Hey, what are you doing? Where’s Sonora?”

  “She’s got a headache, so she’s going to stay in bed and relax. I thought we could head down to Plymouth. Heard there’s a fair going on.”

  “You, big city CEO, want to go to a country fair?”

  Brent’s eyes twinkled with excitement. “Yeah, why not? Come on, I haven’t been to one in years and I am dying for a corn dog.”

  As much as he loved Brent, hanging out with just him all night eating junk food and getting jerked around on carnival rides was not at the top of his list.

  “Why don’t we invite Marley? I think she’s hanging with Kendall.”

  An expression he didn’t recognize passed over Brent’s face and then he was smiling again. “Sure, give her a call. Sounds like fun.”

  Luke pulled out his phone and tapped on her name. She picked up on the second ring.

  “Hey, I haven’t talked to you in forever.”

  Luke grinned sheepishly. “Ha, so you missed me, huh?”

  “Didn’t say that, but your ego is showing.”

  “You with Kendall?”

  Marley drew out her answer. “Yeeeesss, why?”

  “Cause Brent and I were thinking of hitting the fair in Plymouth and thought you two might want to join us.”

  Marley hesitated, then he heard her whispering, but couldn’t make out what she was saying. “Where’s Sonora?”

  “She’s resting. So what do you say?”

  Luke could have sworn he heard Kendall saying yes emphatically in the background. Finally, Marley said, “Sure. Do you need me to come get you guys?”

  “We have a rental, so we can just meet you.”

  “Sounds good. See you in about thirty minutes?”

  “Can’t wait.”

  Luke ended the call with a smile. “They’re in.”

  “Nice. Come on then.”

  Luke didn’t question Brent’s eagerness to go, and just followed him out to the car. They ended up getting to the fairgrounds fifteen minutes before the girls. They sat on the front of the rental, scanning the dark parking lot, when Brent asked, “So, what’s going on with you and Marley?”

  Brent and Luke didn’t talk about women and relationships often, but Luke found himself eagerly answering. “No idea, actually. Just trying to go with it. Seems like anytime I try to force more on her, she pulls away. So, I’ve decided to just wait for her to come to me.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Luke wasn’t sure about pushing Brent on the Sonora subject again, but he’d noticed his friend’s short temper over the last week. He figured it had to have something to do with the six weeks left before he said I do. “What about you? A month out from your wedding. Any second thoughts?”

  “I’ve had second, third, and fourth thoughts, but I’m doing the right thing. We’re going to be a good fit.”

  Luke was surprised by his initial honesty, but the second half didn’t ring true. Luke wasn’t sure if Brent was trying to convince himself or Luke, but he didn’t have time to ask as Kendall and Marley pulled down their aisle and parked. When they got out of the car and headed for them, Luke took in Marley’s cut off shorts, simple blue tank and tennis shoes, her long hair up in a sassy ponytail.

  And he’d never seen anyone so sexy.

  Kendall bounced up to them, wearing jean capris and a pink lacy crop top, her blonde hair hanging around her shoulders in loose waves.

  “Hey, guys, ready to have some fun?”

  Brent wrapped his arm around her shoulder, sharing in her enthusiasm and shocking the hell out of Luke. “Hell yeah. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to a fair.”

  “Don’t expect too much,” Marley said. “It’s only a county fair.”

  They got to the gate and Luke and Brent paid for Kendall and Marley. As they headed down the midway, Kendall asked, “So, should we go on some rides, maybe play some games, or get food?”

  “I vote rides before food, but only because I wouldn’t want to puke on anyone,” Marley said.

  “Rides it is,” Luke said.

  They started with a group ride called the Gravitron, which spun around in a circle really fast, plastering people to the walls as the boards they were standing on slid up. By the time they got off, they were all laughing and massaging the feeling back into their faces.

  “Let’s go on the Scrambler,” Kendall said.

  The cars were only big enough for two and as they spun around, they jerked, causing Marley to press into Luke’s side. He didn’t mind though, and found himself with his arm around her shoulders as she laughed and screamed. They’d finished everything except the Ferris wheel within the hour, and while they waited in line, he got the feeling Marley was nervous.

  “Are you scared?”

  “No, it’s just that it is so high and you know they only had a day to put this together, and all I can imagine is one screw popping loose and us plummeting to our deaths.”

  “You went on the Zipper and were fine.”

  “But that goes really fast and the cages spin, so if the cage came loose, it would fly and explode so fast, you wouldn’t feel it. This would give you time to think.”

  Luke took her hand and squeezed. “I’ll be with you.”

  “Unless you’re Superman, that isn’t comforting.” She didn’t shake off his hand hold though.

  Luke chuckled as Brent and Kendall, who were in line in front of them, stepped onto the platform. They climbed into their bucket, and Kendall waved as the lap bar came down. The wheel started spinning, taking them back, and stopped again with an empty car for Luke and Marley. Luke helped Marley in, noticing the way she trembled against his side and wrapped his arm around her shoulders as the carnival worker secured their lap bar.

  The ride jerked into action and as it climbed, he saw that Marley’s eyes were closed. He leaned over to whisper, “You’re missing the view.”

  Marley opened one eye and then the other. He felt her relax against him as she gazed out over the fair. “It’s beautiful.”

  Luke stared at her, wanting to tell her she was the beautiful one, but he held back. The ride came to a stop when they were almost to the top. Marley sucked in her breath.

  He squeezed her to him. “It’s okay.”

  “I just hate when it stops. I want it to keep going.”

  Luke tried not to laugh as she buried her face into his shoulder. “They have to let people on and off. Try to think about something else.”

  “Like what?” she mumbled.

  “Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens?”

  “I hate that song.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “No one hates that song. It’s a classic.”

  “How do you even know that song?”

  “My mom loved that movie. Made me watch it wit
h her every Christmas.”

  She lifted her head, her lips twisted. “Ugh, I hate it and no offense to your mom, but it is not a Christmas movie.”

  Luke blinked at her. “Who are you?”

  “What? It’s not.” It started moving again and Marley breathed out hard. Then it lurched to a stop, and she shrieked.

  “You okay?” Luke asked.

  Marley gripped the bar, her face stricken. “No, why did you convince me to get on this thing?”

  He told himself it wasn’t funny, but his mouth twitched regardless. “I didn’t know you were that scared.”

  “Well, I am, so shows how much you know!”

  “What can I do? I can tell a joke or—”

  Luke almost fell back as her lips collided with his. Marley was kissing him. Maybe it was just her panic, but she’d made the move.

  Before she changed her mind, Luke cradled the back of her head and kissed her back, his tongue slipping in between her lips to play with her tongue.

  He sensed the moment when she started to melt into his kiss and one of his hand glided down, over the smooth skin of her neck. As it molded over her breast, she gasped against his mouth, and he pressed his thumb into her, feeling the hard pebble of her nipple against his hand.

  It was probably a bad idea to feel her up in public, but his cock didn’t agree. Especially when the couple behind them could probably see them kissing, and he knew Marley wanted to keep everything on the down low.

  When the ride lurched into motion again, Marley pulled away, her chest rising and falling rapidly, pressing her breast firmly into his hand.

  Slowly he released her, but still didn’t move away.

  “Do you want to get out of here with me?”

  For a few painful moments, he was sure she was going to say no.

  Instead, she nodded.

  * * * *

  Marley still wasn’t sure what she was doing. Any minute now, someone might spot her and ask what she was doing sneaking into the Love Shack Hotel’s back door.

  The door opened and Luke grinned out at her. “I feel like a teenager again, sneaking my friends into a sold-out show.”

  “Shh, move!” She pushed past him inside and locked the door. “I’ll take the stairs. You take the elevator.”


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