The Priestess (The Way in marked cards #1)

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The Priestess (The Way in marked cards #1) Page 1

by Andreia Koslowski


  All rights reserved by

  Andreia Koslowski



  T H E

  P R I E S T E S S



  “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.”

  Tiago, 3;17


  For a few years of my life, I'm studying the tarot and other mystical tools. The urge to looking for answers and the hidden mystery always fascinated me.

  I have always believed in the existence of a higher intelligence, greater than our human understanding. The Intuition is a channel of communication between us and the infinite, and, if were be listen with attention, may serve as a valuable ally. Meditation allows us to get out of universe bounded by the five senses and see the future clearly and lucidly. In tarot, the meditation and intuition must be aligned.

  I don´t belive there is a predestined path, but the tarot can guide us toward from a special way on the cosmic relationships as well as in everyday situations. It gives us many possibilities, for the past interpretation, understanding and integration of the present signals, and the signals into the future. It can also serve as inspiration in dialogue with others and with himself.

  Centuries ago, many people considered the tarot as the work of evil, and in many places forbade its use. But the humanity has evolved, gotten rid of some "truths" and began to think for yourself. So, with the intense spiritual quest, and the search for new ways, today the use is wider and affordable.

  Their symbols was begin both of the esoteric wisdom, in the numerology, mythology as the observation by the everyday life. With its infinit of ancient wisdom and the magical symbols, it serves as a guide in a turbulent world, thus offering, with its dynamic concept, a ray of hope.

  In each of its blades has a group of symbols, that viewed as a whole, represent an energy system in which humanity is present, with his eternal ideas and thoughts.

  There exists a division into four suits: Cups, the element symbolizing water, the world of feelings, Clubs, symbolizing the element of fire, the world of energy, Spades, symbolizing the element of air, the world of intellect and Diamonds, symbolizing the earth element , the material world.

  The letters help us to see what lurks behind the curtain of smoke caused by the vibration of our feelings. These vibrations need to be detected so that we can find balance, and so make the right decisions. They can be an ally in showing ideas, options, alternatives, a source of inspiration for new thinking. What we feel at seeing the cards is a confirmation response. They reflect the current situation and indicate the best ways for the present moment.



  It was six o'clock. Isadora leaned in the window of the 15th floor of the building where she lived. The sun was setting between the buildings, on the streets the cars were lined up with the trumpets, that announcing the slow and nervous transit. In the bars, tired mouths talking, chewing and drinking around the tables. On the streets, pedestrian trampling each other, with the rush. As she watched the life outside, her thoughts was torturing her mind. Something must being done, one decision must be made.

  In the silence of the apartment felt the force of a voice trying to express an orientation. She thought of the tarot cards. It was toward the closet where she kept his old letters.

  “ Am I ready to accept what they have to say about this prison that torments me?” - she thought.

  She ran her hand through the hair, took a deep breath and took the tarot cards. Pressed them in her chest, asking them to be gentle in your responses. Knew that the answers could hurt her , but needed a divine guidance.

  Lit an incense, sat in the chair and mused, emptying the mind so that could feel the messages. She was serene, lucid and concentrated. She shuffled the cards, and finally stopped.

  “ It is time to face the anguish of my answers” - said to herself.

  She spreaded them on the table and pondered the situation where it was living, asking to universe give to her the serenity to accept the things could not change, courage to change the things that could, intelligence to recognize the need to do it and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other, examining herself. She felt herself safe. Turned the first blade. Courage!



  In your heart the feeling of

  sadness is predominate.

  But this state is transient.

  The disappointment, however bad it may seem, could be a good greater.

  After the storm comes the sun,

  the rays coming back to light the life,

  and new flowers spring up.

  Isadora smiled and passed the hands through her hair, while looked at the screen that was being sold. Your eyes were large, and were even more brilliant when she was happy. Was proud when people had praised her work, and bought her paintings to decorate their environments. She knew she could somehow contribute to people's lives, and that they somehow understood what which expressed in her paintings.

  In that night she was happy with the exposure, almost all the paintings had been sold and her work was being recognized. She feeling accomplished. Flavio, her friend and organizer of the exhibition, call Isadora to present a co-worker.

  “ Hi my dear, I want to introduce you to Mark, one of the biggest advertisers in this country.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mark! I hope that you enjoy yourself in the exposition.” - Isadora said, shaking hands with Marcos.

  “Congratulations on your work. It's wonderful!” - said Marcos as he held the hand of Isadora, looking into her eyes.

  “Thank you!”

  While talking with the guests, Marcos asked the attention of Isadora. She gave attention to all, while Marcos admired her.

  It was a beautiful woman, blonde, elegant, in the prime of her youth, charismatic and happy. While she smiled, her eyes shined like the sun. Flavio and Mark were not friends, just acquaintances in the profession. Mark was a young man, handsome, smart...and ambitious.

  Mark and Isadora soon became friends, exchanged phones, and after much persuasion on Mark part, began to go out to dinner, walk, talk on the phone, and meeting each other with more frequency.

  He showed be a lovely man, and Isadora believed that could really be love, then they pledge on a more serious relation, until they began lived together.

  Marcos was romantic, thoughtful and fun. In the first months Marcos was the perfect partner. He encouraged Isadora in her work, in her exhibitions, and she helped him in his projects, in his travels and in his the business dinners.

  Months later, the individual trips of Mark began to be constants, and Isadora was stay home alone, sometimes working, sometimes immersed in the solitude of that apartment. The void caused her to become more dependent on that love, until she perceived that something was wrong, but she don’t knew what.

  Each screen that Isadora painted, Marcos criticized in a manner cynical and heavy.

  Isadora felt less able to create and manifest the expression of her art. The exhibitions have become less frequent and her work was decadent. One day the phone rings. It was her friend Flavio.

  “ Why you are not exposing your paintings?” - Flavio asked, intrigued.

  “I'm not able to create!” - answered sad.

  “I can´t believe it! What is happening?”

  “I do not know, just do not believe anymore that I c
an painting something good! I don´t feel me inspired, and I think that...that my work is not so good ...” - said Isadora, with one sad tone in her voice .

  “ Not is possible! Your work always been amazing and people wanting your pictures! But before long you will fall in forgotten. You must back to work! I have an exposure in two weeks...I can put your name? You need to give for me the paintings in one week.” - Flavio said, with a firm voice.

  “ I do not know if I can ...”

  “ What is happening?” - asked Flavio, insistently.

  “ I don´t know ...”

  “ Mark has something to do with it?”

  “I'm not happy ...”

  “I want to see you tomorrow. What time is better for you?”

  “ We can have lunch, what do you think?”

  “Perfect, see you tomorrow. At 13hs.”

  The next day Flavio meeting Isadora in front of the building. She was thin, haggard and with a sad smiling. She entered in the car, hugged Flavio and went to a quiet restaurant where they could talk. Flavio began to question about the reason that situation.

  “ I need that you to be honest with me, so I can help you!”

  “ I don´t know what's going on, I can´t paint, and nothing that I do seems pretty or good enough ...”

  “ You are a great artist! And with a great self esteem. Where is this woman? Where's the sparkle in your eyes?”

  “ I can´t paint.”

  “ What Mark is doing with you? Where is he?”

  “He is in Rio...”

  “ You are not feeling good, is not it?”

  “ I think I made a mistake ... everything that I do, not seems good, and I can not seem to be good enough. It's killing me...”

  “ I can see in your face! You are suffering.”

  “ I'm not happy. And worst of all is that I can not free myself from this relationship, I know that I need leave that house, but, I am powerless, and without money.”

  “Do you need money? I can lending for you. Get out of that house now!”

  “ I can´t go today, but first, I need discover somethings”.

  “ I don´t recognize you anymore. You have not created anything, do not expose their pictures, do not going out with your friends ... and Mark ... he is only concerned with himself, with his own career and his own friends!”

  “ I know... Give me a few days, I'll accept your help, will not be easy, but this decision is necessary...”

  “ If you don´t leave that house, I can´t see a good future for you. You need to look yourself in the mirror! Where is the beautiful, joyful and fun Isadora that I know? He is erasing you. This is not love!”

  I know, I feel he doesnt love me. I need to find out the real reason why he wants to keep this relationship.

  “ I think you should get out immediately!”

  “ I'll leave. Give me a few days. I need to find some things. Then I swear, I'll tell you everything!”

  “ Take care! I regret the split second when I had the idea to introduce you for him!”

  “ Do not blame yourself ... now I know who he is! Although he is an advertising men, and studied on the best schools in performing arts in Los Angeles, he is an excellent actor. But...still not is able to keep the interpretation. The mask will fall and I need to be there when it happens!”

  “ Okay, I'll respect your decision. But I give my word! I´here for you whenever you need me!”

  After lunch, Flavio left Isadora at home.

  “ I'll wait your paintings until one week. You can! Don´t let me down!”

  “ I'll try ...”

  Flavio looked into the eyes of Isadora and said, gently:

  “ Honey, the distress and suffering are just signs that we are going against our truths, and you're going against yourself. Don´t make this with yourself! Don´t throw away your talent and your personality cause this relationship. Get out! You have my support!”

  “ Thank you! I promise I'll think about it all!”

  They parted with a hug and Isadora entered the building. She opened the door and walked into the room, lay down in bed and began to cry. She felt alone. Out of work.... no money ... on rock bottom.



  The depressing thoughts darken your heart,

  something died forever.

  Be careful with the fears

  created by the bad thoughts ...

  they can become reality.

  See the light!

  After hours pouring tears, went into the studio and began painting on a canvas. Needed painting, needed work, needed money.

  Mark came home late at night and she was tired with in that situation.

  “ Good night! I'm going to Rio tomorrow.”

  “ But tomorrow is Friday. You will spend the weekend there?”

  “ Yes, but I'll be back on Saturday.”

  “ We can go together.”

  “ I'll work.”

  “ Can I wait at the hotel while you work I take a walk on the beach.”

  “ I think it is a good idea.”

  Isadora was silent and continued to work. Marcos went into the studio and started laughing.

  “What is this?”

  “ I'm painting a picture.”

  “ Have not You given up this story?”

  “ I can´t desisitir me!”

  “I think you should rethink about your work, could do well in other areas. But as a painter ... I guess...that you out!”

  “ You met me at the height of my career, if I have had success is a sign that I'm good at what I do, I just need back to work!”

  “ Think about...again, I think you're wasting your time with the painting ...”

  Isadora paused, took a deep breath and continued to paint with distress eroding on your chest. Mark prepared his bag and lay down while Isadora continued to paint. Hours later she was sleeping. The next morning, when Mark was preparing to travel she heard a laugh. He was mocking him in the studio of her work.

  The phone rings and he attend. He was take a quick coffee.

  “ I'll be back tomorrow ...” - leaving, knocking the door.

  “ If you don´t come meet you in Rio, just pass me the hotel you are staying.”

  “ Agreed. One more thing ... I saw your painting. If I was you, will be rethink about your work...”

  Marcos closes the door, while Isadora drink your coffee . She goes to the studio and starts looking for defects that Mark eyes showed.

  "I'm not a Monet, but I had successfully ... Do I being pretentious? Did I miss my talent? "- Thought, while looking at every detail of the painting.

  Isadora spent the weekend trying hear the voice of inspiration, but the Marcos voices was pounding in her head.

  " You should review your work !"

  " You should review your work."

  Saturday was ending, and Marcos had not returned as agreed. She calls for the cell phone, but he don´t answer. After an hour the phone rang. It was Marcos.

  “ I'll stay here until next day, I'm coming back tomorrow.”

  “ Okay.”

  Isadora hung up. She stopped and thought. - "He's cheating on me! I need to get out of here! I don't take it anymore! "

  It was toward the closet and pulled out her bags, when a box fell on the floor. It was a big box and was unsealed. "This box is not mine" - thought.

  She opened the box and, frightened, removes the objects contained within it. She called to Flavio, crying.

  “ I need to talk with you. I found some things and don´t know what that means, I need your help!”

  “ Is everything okay? What´s happen?” - asked the concerned friend.

  “ More or less. When I take my suitcase , I dropped one box with some foreign objects. A brown wig, a pair of plastic breasts and two dressed as women.”

  “ Are yours?”

  “ No. It's of Marcos!”

  “ I don´t understand ... is not it ... maybe is a carnival costume?”

It can be ... but there are things that you don´t know.”

  “ What?”

  “ We have for more than three months without sex, he always talk with his friends in a very delicate voice, and is using my creams to work. I'm desperate! ”


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