The Priestess (The Way in marked cards #1)

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The Priestess (The Way in marked cards #1) Page 3

by Andreia Koslowski

  A turbulent time settles down,

  the horizon is balanced and comprehensive.

  Forget the past,

  new chances await for you.

  Fernanda spoke to her friend who worked at a coffee chain in Spain, they were hiring Brazilians. It was an opportunity to help her friend. She was studying and felt alone in the last trips, decided to help Isadora, enjoyed her friendship. Besides the money that Isadora earned with the paintings, she sold some jewelry, so could travel with more peacefulness.

  She didn't know what awaited for her, the comfort zone is always safer, she had to grow to could recover her strength and inspiration. It was time to take a big leap, move on and adapt to new situations. The life goes on and holds many blessings for those who believe in it!

  Finally the day of the trip. Isadora said goodbye to Flavio on the phone, he wished luck to her, knew that her friend will coming back on top. She say good-bye to family and friends. When arrived at the airport, the minutes passed quickly, and when she realized, was sitting on the armchair plane tightening the belts.

  The luck was cast!



  Know the right time to act is

  definitive for the final result.

  You are the conductor of your life

  value what it is really important.

  With the right attitudes and balance,

  can overcome obstacles and

  achieve your goals have successfully.

  “ Smaller than my dream I can not to be!” - Isadora said to herself while the plane did landing. They took a taxi and went to a hotel, did sleeping a little , they was tired of the journey. When she awoke, had a feeling of not knowing where was, but Fernanda had conducted well the situation.

  " And now...what awaits me? I'm in a strange country totally without past and my future depending on what happens from now! " - she thought.

  Thoughts of fear assailed the mind of Isadora, but made a brief prayer and the fear went away. The two walked a bit through the city to entertain a little.

  While they walking, perceive that Madrid was a cosmopolitan city with food, arts and exuberant life. It is full of night clubs and tapas bars. It is above sea level, is the highest capital in Europe, the weather was nice, were in full spring. They reached the heart of Madrid, the historical part, the Plaza Mayor, a square with arcades built in the séc.17. The work took place during the reign of Felipe III, whose statue was contemplating the square.

  “ I'm dreaming ... I feel another person on another planet ..” . - Isadora said, looking all around.

  “ And that's just the beginning!” - Fernanda said, smiling.

  The feeling of new life in a new place, a different language in another continent was exciting and scary.

  Fernanda was glad to be back in Spain and could not stop talking about her plans. She was also scared, every trip is a surprise, but she already knew the country. They had dinner and returned to the hotel, in the next day had to wake up early. Would be another reality.

  In the morning, while drinking coffee, Fernanda realized the silence of Isadora, feel that she had some concerns, and gave some advice.

  “ When we are alone it is natural to feel weak and sometimes you have to create an armor. If you don´t know how to use, must learn quickly so you can survive, especially when it comes to being in a country that is not ours.”

  “ You went through all this too, is not it?”

  “ Yes, but now I know this, and know like is the safer way. You will also learn and get used to it. But be careful and always stand alert! It's alright for you to go to Malaga tomorrow, I have a friend there that will help you.”

  “ Right. I'll get!”

  “ I'm sure of it! We'll buy your ticket at the train station.”

  They went to the Atocha train station, Isadora bought your ticket for the next day to 14hs. The day ended, they had dinner and talked a lot about how Isadora had to be strong and that this moment was very important in your life.

  “ We all have the ability to fight and survive, is the instinct of the human being and with you will not be different. Make stairs with the obstacles that you think supreme!” - said Fernanda , advising her friend.

  “ I have to trust me! That's what will count from now on!”

  They had drunk a coffee and talking a lot. Would be difficult to Fernanda be alone too, but knew that they need live different things at that moment, the both should resume their ways.

  “ Fernanda followed Isadora into the train station and said goodbye, she entered in the train and goes to Malaga. She did felt with fear and courage, a mixture of two very strong feelings. At worst, she knew that could count on a friend, was not completely alone.

  The trip began and with it your destination. The train was very fast through the dry landscape of the region. She listen one music that make Isadora thinking of all the events like being watching a movie. She thought in Mark. Inside of her heart she knew that there was no longer the bond that united them. All she needed was to rediscover herself, and was determined to return to Brazil only when will forget Marcos completely.

  “ She must keep the focus, be strong and love herself first of all, give due value and regain her talent and the heart that had been lost in the tears in those suffering.”

  After nearly four hours of travel the train reached the station in Malaga. Got off the train with their suitcases and looked all around. Everything was so new at that moment.

  The people, the environment was like will be in another world, that which was, literally. . The weather was hot, no wind and has perceive the Arabic architecture on all sides.

  When was out of the station sought a taxi. She could not speak Spanish but gave to the taxi driver a paper with the address.

  The taxi driver tried to talk with Isadora, but she do not understand anything, just saying "- I´m don´t speak spanish” in an accent almost impossible to understand ... but the taxi driver was trying understand.

  They soon arrived at the destination requested. It was a very old small building with a maximum of 5 floors and balconies decorated with seasonal flowers.

  "Better than I thought" - murmured Isadora .

  She paid the taxi driver and pressed the bell. One brasilian girl with brown hair opened the door. Luciene was the Fernanda´s friend. She was polite, very friendly and received Isadora warmly Isadora. Luciene knew about the story of Isadora, Fernanda had talking some things in advance. They drinking one coffee together, and then Isadora settled in your room.

  The apartment was small but the rooms were large, with a balcony. She put her things on the closet and went to the bed, the next day would be long and challenging. She lay in bed and questions began to assail her mind.

  Will I be able to face all this?" - "What am I doing here?" - "Why does everything have to be thus ?" - Thought with herself.

  Suddenly the tears began to run on her face, and began to feel alone, helpless and needy.

  The phone rings, it was Fernanda. Isadora answered and said it was okay, told how was the trip and how she felt, spoke for a few minutes and hung up.

  Without sleep, Isadora went to the balcony. She ran the hand through the hair and looked to the sky. THe sadness seemed small, beside the beauty of night and the starlight. Her heard a sweet voice and comforting:

  "Don´t worry, you're stronger than you think. Just need to relearn how to use your strength. " - "Trust you! If you came here is because it has a mission. You will struggle and will be able overcome any obstacles. You will win! "

  Isadora looked around looking for where come that voice was so loving, but found none.

  " Could be my intuition ..." - she thought.

  A sense of peace came over her heart and made all those doubts disappear. Finally, sleep came, she lay down and fell asleep.

  In the next morning Isadora took a reinforced coffee with Luciene who introduced to Alessandra, another Brazilian who worked in the coffee shop and shared the apartment with her.
Alessandra was from Recife and was very fall silent.

  “ Good morning !” - said Alessandra , very unpleasant..

  “ Good morning ! Nice to meet you, I am Isadora, friend of Fernanda.

  “ You are the friend of Fernanda? I Do not know who is, but nice to meet you.”

  Isadora was apprehensive but struggling to get that all will be right. In the voice of Alessandra she felt that was not very receptive, but did not care much. That was a temporary situation, but needed one good adaptation to work things out. After the breakfast ,went to the coffee shop and Luciene presented Isadora to the manager, Mr. Javier. He took her to the office to arrange the documentation of the employment contract.

  Javier noted that Isadora had never worked in one coffee shop, and then began to question it.

  “ Do you speak Spanish?”

  “ No, but I learn fast. I speak English.”

  “ Well, at least this ... Have you worked in a coffee shop before?”

  “ No, but I learn fast!” - Isadora insisted.

  “ You don´t have a coffee girl....”

  “ This means that you don't go hire me?”

  “ This means you will need to be quick to learn, but if you will strive and ensure that will strive, no problem. But is important that you know that I'm picky!”

  “ Rest assured, I will do my best to everything give all right!”

  “ You know about the payment system?”

  “ More or less...”

  “ I paid a fixed salary, and the box is yours, each attendant gets what attend the tables. This is a good time to make money. Enjoy!”

  “ I will do my best!”

  “ Okay, I'll give a vote of confidence. Sign here.”

  Isadora read the terms of the contract and signed.

  “ Thank you for the opportunity!”

  “ For nothing. Good luck!”

  Isadora was put the uniform and Javier presented the coffee shop for her, explained the procedures of care and how everything worked. She soon began to serve the tables where the British were sit, that region during the summer season attracted many English people.

  The day passed quickly and when she left the coffee shop, call to her family in Brazil and Flavio. She explained to everyone that all was well and would send news whenever possible. She went home and when arrived, Luciene was drinking one wine., and invited Isadora to sit and drinking together.

  Luciene began to tell your story. She was married, had a young son, and was working nine months in Spain. She was crazy to back to Brazil, was tired but peaceful, because had already reached your target.

  Isadora sympathized with Luciene, but feeling that Alessandra was difficult, but doesn't care.

  "Everyone has a way of being, and your self reason to fight for something better. I need to seek what is good in everyone and everything! "- she thought.

  Luciene wanted to know the Isadora story , but she did not elaborate, saying only that she needed to get up, because had financial problems in Brazil. Luciene knew she was an artist and with a heartbreak, but knew too that she did not want to talk about it. The Isadora's face,did not hide the sadness . Luciene did not insist. She knew that in life there are things that need to be forgotten so you can move on. They had dinner and went to sleep. The next day, needed a lot of energy.



  Possibilities of new opportunities,

  but you must be care to take a right decision.

  Through balance and attention

  can see a situation peacefully,

  following the road safely.

  One month past fast, and the days became increasingly burdensome. Isadora already learning speak Spanish, and became more friend of Luciene. It was the height of summer, and every day more and more English people coming. She was faster on the job and was wining more money. Cigarette's smoke and the voice loud of customers were giving a sign that fatigue was starting to bother. She was talking to Javier.

  “ Hi Javier, I wonder what you think of my work.”

  “ I'm enjoying it, you surprise me!”

  “ I would ask a favor.”

  “Tell me.”

  “ I'm working for a month without rest, I need at least two days because I'm feeling very tired.”

  “ I'll talk to Alessandra if she cover everything well.”

  “ Thank you!”

  Isadora hoped that Alessandra will agree, even feeling there was a certain hidden rivalry between the two , and did not understand why. Luciene would be back to Brasil within two days and would like to know a little more of the city with her.

  The day passed quickly and the three went home. Javier confirmed the clearance of Isadora in the next two days. Alessandra seemed more excited that the previous day and even chatted more with Isadora.

  “ Can I cover you in your time off, relax.”

  “ Thank you! Javier told me.”

  “ He spoke with me and tomorrow you could rest.”

  “ I do not know how to thank you!”

  “ No need to thank! Let's eat a Brazilian food. Let's dinner out today!”

  And they went to a Brazilian restaurant and killed the missing of Brazil. It was also a farewell the friend Luciene. They eat Brazilian foods and the environment carried the three to their country. Even if things were right there, the roots are very strong things in one person, is the mother earth, its origin, its homeland. When was late night, they went to home.

  That night everything seemed very magical. The people were friendly and pleasant , the Mediterranean sea breeze made everything seem perfect. When coming home, each one went to her room. Isadora began to pack up and found her Holy Bible. She thought of all that was living, and was read the page that your hands was chose.

  " O God, thou art my God, early morning I seek you , my soul thirsts for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and tired land, where no water ...".

  “ So strong! "- said alone.

  “ Salm 63!” - said Luciene, while enter into the Isadora´s room.

  “ How do you know?” - said Isadora , startled.

  “ It's my favorite salm...”

  “ Coincidence I was reading it now...”

  “ It is a salm of great strength!”

  “ Got it. What a coincidence!”

  “ Coincidences do not exist. There is synchronize, and I realized this since I met you. You have a very good energy!”

  “ I feel the same in you too!”

  “ I would like to ask you a question ...”

  “ Sure, you can make up to two ...”

  “ Why did you stoped your work with painting? Sorry to intrude, but Fernanda told me your story, I know that you are an artist...”

  “ Was .. “ - said Isadora , lowering your head.

  “ One can never cease to be who really are! Never! Do you want to talk to me...what happend?”

  “ It's a long story!”

  “ No problem. I love long stories!” - said Luciene , sitting on the edge of the bed.

  Isadora told everything about her life and about the relationship with Marcos and Luciene listened carefully to all the details.

  “ Don´t you believe in what he said, isn´t it?”

  “ About what?”

  “ About your ability, your sensitivity your talent. In these last days that we live together, I can know you better, and, if you want know my opinion, your "ex" does not deserve one minute of your suffering, neither a drop of your tears.”

  “ Can be my karma...”

  “ Maybe so, but you can get rid of it.”

  “ How?”

  “ Forgive. Ask forgiveness. And follow your way!”

  “ Just it?”

  “ You might even think that is little, but it requires willpower and a great sacrifice. Think fondly. You will feel much better and with the time, will remember him with less force. He will be just a breeze in your head. And you deserve to open for a new life and even a new love, but must go through a process of de

  “ Of course I think, I'm pretty sure he is not the man of my life.”

  “ Your trip to Spain is an act of detachment. Now is the most delicate moment, clean what is dirty. After this process will be ready for a new love. Without it, will continue in a vicious circle of suffering. Additionally, you must recover your esteem, your real work. You're an artist! What are you doing working in a coffee shop?”


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