The Rising Moon

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The Rising Moon Page 7

by Nilsa Rodriguez

  “I don’t know what happened. She was asleep and suddenly she began shouting,” replied Emi. Her face was as pale as her grandmother’s.

  “Help me lift her up so I can give her these pills,” Fenix told Lyle. They tried to lift her up but she grew more restless. She twisted beneath their grip. Her body shook and her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

  “Grandma,” Emi whimpered. I grabbed her arm and walked her to an armchair that sat near the end of the bed. I gently brushed my hand through her hair. Her head felt hot.

  During one of Ramira’s shrieking outcries, Fenix placed the pills into her mouth. “Swallow the pills grandma, it’ll make you feel better,” he told her, but she spat them out. Ramira hummed and shrieked as if she was possessed. The scene was like something out of a horror movie.

  “He’s coming!” she squealed. “I could smell the coagulated blood that flows through his body, growing stronger.” She sniffed loudly, twitching her head side to side taking in long whiffs of air.

  I looked over to Lyle, confused. I didn’t know what or whom she was talking about, but Lyle and his brother’s attention were on their grandmother and on what she was saying as if they knew exactly who she was referring to.

  She looked my way with her eyes opened wide. She flinched and began to gag and choke. Frothy saliva dripped out of her mouth and hung from her chin like a long thread. Lyle wiped her chin and tried to lay her back on the bed, but she fought him.

  “Do something!” Emi shouted at her brothers, “She’s going to die!”

  I kneeled beside her, “She’s going to be alright.”

  Ramira stiffened at the sound of my voice. Her once white eyes now shown like two shiny onyx as she stared at me.

  “You!” she shouted rabidly, pointing her crooked finger at me. She turned her attention to Lyle. “It’s you! Can’t you fools see that Zaria’s returned? Can’t you see if she’s here, Adam will be too? You must destroy her before it is too late!”

  The room became quiet. Cold. Everyone’s eyes were on me. I slowly rose to my feet, scared to death. I felt like a deer staring into the hunter’s gun. Nausea ripped through me as I crashed on the wall for support. Ramira fixed her smoky eyes to Emi and began to chant unfamiliar words. Emi shivered and un-blinkingly met her gaze taking in whatever spell Ramira was casting on her.

  When Ramira stopped, Emi stood up from the chair with a distant look in her eyes. I walked over to Lyle, feeling the cold chill of Emi’s and Fenix’s stare on the back of my head.

  “I think I should leave.”

  “I’ll walk you,” replied Lyle with no hesitation.

  “You should stay. Your family needs you,” I insisted. But he didn’t listen. He put his arm around me, protectively and closed the door behind us.

  We didn’t talk much as we walked to the cabin. Even the black bird that flew overhead didn’t crow. I looked over at Lyle, but he kept his head down.

  “Lyle,” I said trying to break the silence between us. “Who’s Adam?”

  He stopped on his tracks and raised his head, “No one.”

  I doubted that was true.

  “I feel you’re not telling me the truth. I thought I meant something to you but obviously I was wrong.” I turned away, but his hand on my arm stilled me.

  “You mean more to me then you’ll ever know.” Lyle reached for my hand and held it tight. It felt cold and sweaty. “Maybe your friend was right. You should stay away from me.”

  “What?” I squeezed his hand, “why?”

  “There’s something about me, that you don’t know,” he said. I thought back to earlier tonight when his eyes glowed like the werewolf I saw in my dreams. “I’m not like regular men…”

  “And I’m not like regular women.” I interrupted. I felt I could tell him what I was. I could burden him with everything and he would understand. “I know what you are, Lyle.”

  His dark brows drew together, “So now you know why you should stay away.”

  “No.” I said looking at him in the eye. “Ramira called me Zaria. I know who she was and I know you know what I am. If it’s true, that I really am her, than who’s Adam? Ramira looked so frightened of him. Tell me. I must know who he is.”

  He took a deep breath, “he’s an enemy of my family.”

  “And what does he have to do with me?”

  “Everything,” he said.

  “What do you mean…” I began to say, but he interrupted.

  “Listen, it’s a very long story and tonight’s not the night to tell it. I really must head back to my grandmother. ”

  “Okay. Tomorrow night then,” I replied before he headed back up the road.

  ∞ Chapter 13 ∞

  I JOLTED OUT OF BED at the first sign of sunlight and

  quickly grabbed the first thing out of the closet and got dressed. Without any care, I pulled my hair up into a tail and quickly headed out the door. I was eager to see Lyle before school today.

  Despite the morning's sunshine and warmth, I trembled as I walked up the stone steps and rang the door bell. Something didn’t feel right in the atmosphere surrounding the house. I felt a cold presence around me as I stood, nervously chewing the inside of my mouth waiting for someone to answer the door. Finally after the third ring, the bronzed knob turned.

  Lyle answered the door. I could tell by the exhaustion that hung heavy on his face that he’s been up all night.

  “Good morning,” I gave him a half smile and asked in one quick breath, “how’s Ramira?”

  "She's dead," he muttered in a low voice as though whispering may not make it true. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him as he cried.

  “I’m so sorry.” I found myself repeating the same words I’ve heard too many times before.

  “Lyle,” Fenix called from inside the house.

  “I have to go and help my brother with the funeral arrangements. I’ll call you later,” he said before stepping back into the house.

  I no longer was in the mood to go to school. Not today. I made a U-turn in the middle of the road and headed to highway 131 toward Sinks Canyon. I felt I needed to escape to the one place that always brought me peace.

  I hiked through the trails I’ve taken numerous times before and stopped at my favorite spot near a shallow cave known as “The Sinks”. From up here the air was fresh, crisp and sweet like candy. I draped a blanket on a small piece of grass surrounded by large boulders and sat staring into the distance. The gurgling sounds of the Popo Agie River felt soothing. I’ve always been drawn to Sinks Canyon since the day John told me about the mystery surrounding the waters of the river as it enters the cavern below. Supposedly, the entire river disappears only to reappear about a quarter of a mile away in a calm pool called “The Rise.” No one knows what path the water takes when it disappears. That’s the mystery. And what’s even more surprising is that when the water arrives at The Rise its volume is higher than when it flowed into the cavern. Just as the water flowed through the treacherous river rocks and disappeared into the cavern to appear rejuvenated miles away in a calming pool, I closed my eyes and allowed the sound of the flowing water wash away my worries that maybe if for a little while I didn’t have to think about everything that’s happened in the past few days.

  I was unsure on how long I slept, but when I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on a bed of rocks with the blanket wrapped around my ankles. I untangled the blanket and froze when I saw a dark figure peering at me from behind a tree. It moved from tree to tree attempting to get closer to me but quickly stopped when the setting sun casted a beam of light upon it. It was quick but not fast enough for me not to realize it was a man. He stood staring at me on the edge of the trees. I wondered how long he was watching me.

  He stood tall and lean behind the shadows of the willow trees. His presence among the bright mist that surrounded him made him appear from another world…almost angelic. I could tell he wasn’t from around here. He didn’t look like your usual western cowboy in a p
air of wrangler jeans and felt hat. He wore a black leather jacket and jeans. His complexion was deathly pale. His skin was so transparent I could see trails of purple veins that flowed underneath. His hair was as white as his skin, and his eyes a lucid blue.

  He pulled me closer to him with every flash of lightning in his eyes. I stood a few feet away from him, not sure how close I should get to the immeasurable handsome stranger.

  And then he was gone leaving a mist of fog behind him.

  “Wait!” I called out to him. “Who are you?”

  My cell phone vibrated in my front pocket.

  "Hello?" I answered.

  "Where are you? Why weren’t you at school today? Is something wrong?” Ryan asked in one long breath.

  "I’m fine.” I assured him, “I’m at Sinks Canyon.”

  “What the heck are you doing there?”

  “I’ll explain it to you later. Can you meet me at Centennial Park?”

  "Sure, when?” he replied.

  "In about thirty minutes?"

  “Ok, I’ll be there,” he said. I placed the phone in my pocket and hurried back to the car.

  Ryan’s smile was a welcomed comfort as I stepped out the car and made my way over to him.

  "Is everything alright?"

  "Emi’s grandmother died last night."

  He raised his brow, “What? What happened?”

  “She was sick. I saw her last night and she wasn’t doing too well.”

  “Did you see Lyle?”

  “Yes, but I didn’t want to meet you here to talk about him,” I said, trying not to get worked up again because of his jealousy toward Lyle. “Ramira seemed different last night as though she was possessed. She knew I was Zaria. She also accused me of leading someone named Adam to her family.”

  He looked confused, “who?”

  I shook my head and walked over to the bench facing the rainbow colored playground. I sat and hugged my knees. “I don’t know who he is.”

  "Why don’t we go talk to my aunt? Maybe she could help us figure out who he is,” Ryan suggested.

  "I don't know. I don’t think I can handle any more surprises." I whined burying my face in my knees.

  "I can imagine what you’re going through is tough and not too many people can handle it, but you’re strong and you know she can help us."

  He was right. If anyone can help, it would be her. I finally agreed to go.

  ∞ CHAPTER 14 ∞

  ANI GREETED US at the door with a smile and a hug. “It’s good to see you again,” she said. “So tell me, what I can do for you?” she asked, sitting beside me on the couch.

  “I went to the Ulric’s home last night. Ms. Ramira, wasn’t doing too well. She was suffering seizures and very violent attacks. She was shouting things that didn’t make sense.”

  “What did she say?”

  “She said someone named Adam was coming. And she turned to her grandchildren and told them that I was leading him to them. She even ordered them to destroy me.”

  She looked confused.

  “Give me your hands, sweetie,” she said while reaching for them. She held my palms tight and shut her eyes.

  “Adam is someone from your past life. His connection to the Ulric’s go back to the times of our forefathers. He’s been waiting for you for many centuries. I’m afraid Ms. Ramira’s right, he has found you.”

  Just when I thought being a reincarnated shape shifter wasn’t strange enough, now I had someone from a previous life looking for me.

  “How can someone from my previous life be waiting for my return? How did he manage to stay alive all these years?”

  “He’s not a mortal man.”

  “Then what is he?” Ryan and I both asked at the same time.

  “He’s a vampire.” She replied bluntly.

  I looked at them in shock. A Vampire? Lately my life has turned into a real life paranormal novel.

  “What does he have to do with the Ulric’s?”

  “I’m sorry sweetie but I don’t know. But something tells me you shouldn’t worry about Adam. He isn’t going to bring you any harm. The people you need to stay away from are Lyle and his sister Emi. I’m sure by now you already know the truth about Lyle.”

  What’s the big deal? I knew he wasn’t 100% human, but then again, neither was I.

  I nodded.

  “So you’re aware he’s a Lobison,” she said.

  “A Lobison?” I asked with a blank look on my face. “I thought he was a werewolf.”

  “Lyle isn’t like other werewolves who were once human and became a werewolf because he was bitten by one. A Lobison is a werewolf by birthright. The Ulric’s are direct descendents of Kerana, mother of the first Lobison. Legend has it that every seventh born son to a Lobison becomes a werewolf. If a daughter is born to a Lobison, she’s believed to be a witch. Ramira was the daughter of a Lobison. She gave birth to seven sons. The seventh, Richard Ulric III, was Lyle and Emi’s father.”

  “But what’s the difference between us and them?” I asked.

  “When a shifter turns, his body transforms, but his soul remains human. And when a Lobison transforms, he loses his human side and becomes extremely savage. The beast inside him takes full control of both body and mind. Rarely do you find a Lobison that during transformation keeps his human emotions and can control the beastly thirst for blood. They’re also stronger then we are. They can also change their voice to mimic other animals and humans in order to lure their victims. Once a Lobison has tasted human blood their thirst for blood becomes so extreme that a human bit by one rarely survives it.”

  I couldn’t picture Lyle as a ravenous wolf, ripping apart a human being. He was kind and gentle. Maybe not all Lobison’s are savages. I refused to believe Lyle would ever hurt anyone or me for that matter.

  “Did Veena know about the Ulric’s? Did she know they were Lobison’s?” I asked.

  “I don’t think she did. If she did, I don’t think she would’ve brought you to live there.”

  “So what makes you so sure that Lyle is a Lobison?”

  “I saw it in his eyes, when I saw him in your thoughts,” she said.

  I still couldn’t believe that Lyle was a ruthless killer. She had to be wrong.

  Now Emi was a different story.

  “So if the legend of the Lobison is right then Ramira’s a witch?” I asked.

  “Yes. And when she dies, she will pass her powers to her granddaughter making her into a very powerful witch, because she will not only have Ramira’s powers, but that of all the witches in their bloodline.”

  “Ramira passed away last night,” said Ryan.

  “What?” she gasped. “Now that their grandmother has passed away, they can no longer be trusted. Emi will begin to change once she’s gain all of her grandmother’s powers. She will make it her number one goal to destroy you. You have to stay away from them. They will stop at nothing to defeat Adam, even if they have to destroy you to do it.”

  I thought back to last night. Everything Ani said was beginning to make sense to me. Ramira must’ve known she was going to die.

  ∞ CHAPTER 15 ∞

  JOHN WAS DRUNK and asleep on the coach. I turned the TV off and went to my room. On a branch outside my window, I saw the shining dark eyes of a black bird staring back at me. I made my way to the window but was startled by the ringing of my phone. "Hello?”

  "Lia." It was Lyle. He sighed my name as though he was relieved to hear my voice. “Tomorrow night at ten is grandma’s funeral. Can you meet me at the north garden, near the family cemetery so we can attend together?”

  “Sure,” I agreed although I thought it was odd to hold a funeral at night. “Will I see you tonight?” I asked remembering he promised to tell me the story about Adam.

  “I’m sorry love, but there’s so much I have to do to prepare for the funeral. I miss you and want to see you too, but tonight’s not good for me. I hope you can understand.”

  “I do,” I replied trying my best t
o hide the disappointment in my voice. “How’s Emi?”

  “She isn’t taking grandma’s death too well, so Fenix is watching over her tonight while I make the final arrangements for tomorrow.”

  “Poor Emi, I know how she must feel.”

  “Today’s been a tough day.” He sighed deeply, “Sweet dreams, Little Red.”

  “Goodnight.” I hung up the phone and continued to walk over to the window.

  The bird was still there, peering at me. I pushed open the window.

  “Ryan? Is that you?” I asked the black bird.

  It flapped his wings and flew into my room. When it landed on my bed, it transformed into Ryan. He quickly snatched the covers off the bed and wrapped it around his waist. My jaw dropped in awe, not at the fact he was naked and on my bed, but at seeing him transform from bird to man in a blink of an eye.

  “Do you mind finding me something to wear?” he asked. I hurried to John’s room. I grabbed a T-shirt and a pair of sweats from the closet and handed them to him.

  The springs on the bed creaked in protest as he propped himself against the headboard. He tapped the vacant space beside him and grinned, “Hop in.”

  I crossed my arms, “what are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to make sure you’re ok.”

  “Well I am,” I said. “You seriously need to stop being so over protective.”

  “I can’t help it. It’s in my nature to protect those I love.” He replied. He tapped the bed again.

  “If you plan on sticking around and keeping watch then you can have the floor,” I suggested grabbing a pillow and throwing it on the floor beside the bed.

  “Fine!” he replied fluffy the pillow.

  I climbed on the bed and turned to look at him. “How does it feel to transform?”

  He crossed his left foot over the other and placed his arms under his head. “It hurts like hell the first time it happens. After awhile your body becomes used to it and it becomes easier.”

  “When did you first realize you were a shape shifter?”


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