The Versace League

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The Versace League Page 5

by Shan

  "Yamin, are you--"

  "Hey Ya. Why you didn't tell me you were out with your wife?" Katrina asked as she approached the table and held her hand toward Jessica, "Hi, I'm Katrina. You must be Jessica."

  Jessica took Katrina's hand and slowly looked her over. She was a pretty girl; brown skinned, with oval shaped eyes, and a cute round nose. She had perfectly toned arms, and a nice figure from what Jessica could see.

  "Yes, I'm Jessica. I'm sorry but I can't say that I've heard of you."

  "Have a seat Katrina," Yamin interrupted. He could see where Jessica's tone was going and knew it was best he intervened before it was too late. That was who he’d been texting on his phone. Katrina messaged him saying that she had information and wanted to know if the two of them could meet up. He didn’t mention to her that he was out with Jessica because he knew she wouldn’t have come if he had.

  Katrina walked around to the other side of the table and sat down. She kept a firm, but pretty smile planted on her face as she looked in their direction. Yamin placed an arm around Jessica's shoulder and it caused Katrina to fold inside. She cleared her throat and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “There weren’t any prints and I had Jamison check his system to be sure and he didn’t come back with anything either,” Katrina said.

  “You said you had information for me,” Yamin said with a confused expression on his face.

  “I just wanted to let you know….” Katrina looked around and then pulled her chair closer so that she didn’t have to talk so loud. “….the FBI has picked up Ashley’s case. It’s been three days and the police have no leads so they turned the case over. They just so happened to put me on as lead. I wanted to let you know so that you won’t be surprised when my partner and I show up to your house tomorrow to ask you some questions.”

  Yamin nodded.

  “I didn’t want to tell you that over the phone and as a matter of fact, we need to cease all phone communication. They are having your records pulled. I already had Toinette check to see if she could get rid of a lot of the stuff that would look suspicious before they put the records on my desk in the morning. She said that she will do her best.”

  “Do her best?” Yamin questioned.

  “That’s what she told me. I can’t-“

  “I suggest you hold off on getting those records until she do what the fuck she needs to do,” Yamin grabbed the wine glass in front of him and took a sip.

  Katrina looked over at Jessica and then quickly returned her glare to Yamin. He’d never talked to her this way before and she didn’t know if it was because he was with his wife or if he was just frustrated with everything that was going on. Either way she didn’t like it. She blinked back tears and cleared her throat as she tried to think of what to say next.

  “I umm-I’m not the one that pulls the records Ya. I don’t know what-to do,” she said shamefully. She could see Yamin’s demeanor change to that of disappointment. Everything that she needed to do for The League she’d always done without question and had only run into a problem a couple of times, but it was always something she could handle. Now when it was really important, it was seemingly out of her control. She had only found out that she was going to be assigned the case a couple of hours ago leaving her no room to cover up what needed to be covered up.

  “When are they supposed to request the records?” Jessica asked.

  Katrina looked at Yamin waiting to see if she should answer the question, but when he said nothing she brought her hands up and fiddled with her hair. She had felt so awkward and wished that she had turned around when she saw the two of them having dinner.

  “I’ll call my legal assistant and have her draw up a request to stop the records from being pulled until a warrant is furnished. I’m sure it won’t take long to get the warrant, but it should buy you a couple of hours,” Jessica offered. She looked to Yamin whom was having a stare down with Katrina. She could sense that something wasn’t right between the two of them and wondered what pertinent information they wanted to keep hidden.

  “Cool, then it’s settled. Next time hit me up when you have some usable info,” Yamin said coldly. He wouldn’t even look at Katrina anymore and only glared over her shoulder.

  “Sorry for interrupting,” Katrina stood up from the table and slowly walked away allowing her pain to slide down her face. She looked back at Yamin and Jessica and then left out of the restaurant.

  “You too sleeping together Yamin?” Jessica asked not missing a beat. She looked at the side of Yamin’s face and wanted to slap him as hard as she possibly could. She was far from a dummy.

  Yamin took out his cell phone and handed it to Jessica. He didn’t want to lie to her anymore or even make her feel like he’d had something to hide. What he did for a living was the only thing that he’d kept from her whether she believed him or not. There was nothing else to hide and Yamin wanted her to know that.

  “Wow, how long ago has it been over, Yamin?”

  “It went on longer than it should have. When you and I started dating, I slept with her one time and by time you and I had our third date, I let her know that it was over with. Every now and then, she sends me messages about how much she misses me and how much she loves me and wishes she could’ve been the one to marry me. As you can see I ignore anything that has nothing to do with business,” Yamin replied.

  Jessica stared down at Yamin’s phone not believing her eyes. There were all kinds of messages from Katrina expressing her feelings toward Yamin. True he had ignored them like he said, but Jessica was jealous. She’d never thought of anyone loving Yamin in the way that she loved him and seeing these messages scared her. She always wondered if there had been another woman, but never found any proof. Even when she searched his cell phone she hadn’t found anything. Now actually seeing something of that nature in the flesh, she knew that she didn’t want to let Yamin go. She didn’t want anyone else loving him in that way. She didn’t want anyone else’s heart to beat the way that hers had whenever she was around him.

  She leaned over and kissed Yamin on his neck and then on his ear, “Let’s get out of here. The funeral is in the morning.”

  Yamin turned to look at her and nodded his head. He raised his hand to wave over the waitress and then went into his pocket to pull out money to pay the bill. After taking care of the bill and leaving a tip, the two of them left Red Lobster. They had a long day ahead of them tomorrow, starting with the home going celebration of Cortez.


  Yamin stared out of the dark tinted windows of the limo as they pulled into the driveway of his home. He took a deep breath and inwardly smiled. They’d sent Cortez home in style and he felt good about that. It pained him that when he visited his father he would now be visiting his baby brother as well, but he was happy that he was in a better place. At least believing that would bring him some kind of peace.

  He truly understood what it felt like to bury a child and he didn’t want anyone else to bear that grief. Aasir, Cortez, and Aucelie were his babies; he took on the responsibility of raising them when his father had been murdered and now he felt like he’d failed them. They relied on him to hold them together and he let one of them slip through his hands. It was one mistake that he would certainly never make again.

  “Babe, we’re here,” Jessica said as she rubbed his hand and interlaced her fingers with his.

  Yamin brought her hand up to his lips and placed a soft kiss against her skin. He was so thankful to have her. She seemed to have put their differences aside and was standing by him and he loved her even more for that. She could’ve walked out and never looked back, but she didn’t. He didn’t realize how much he’d needed her around until last night. He thought about how she stepped in and handled the situation with Katrina and he knew then that he’d picked the right woman to carry his last name. Not only would sh
e carry his last name, but she would carry him when he needed her to. That was important to him.

  Yamin stepped out of the limo first and then reached for Jessica’s hand. She climbed out and looked around at all of the cars that were there. Family and friends were gathering here in order to have dinner and offer their condolences. Jessica moved a few feet forward and realized this was the first time she would be meeting Yamin’s extended family. She’d met his sister and brothers, and had even met an uncle of his, but she hadn’t had a chance to get acquainted with everyone. She felt nervous not knowing what to expect. Did everyone know what Yamin did with his life and if so would they judge her for being with him?

  She turned around to see that Yamin hadn’t been behind her and was standing by the limo in deep conversation with his brother, Aasir, and sister, Aucelie. She waited and attempted to read their lips but was unable to determine what was being said. Jessica watched as Yamin hugged Aucelie tightly and placed a kiss on her forehead. Aucelie walked away from Yamin and Aasir, and then stopped in front of Jessica.

  “They’re gonna go out and look for Ashley some more. He doesn’t feel right sitting around while she’s still out there. He wanted me to take you inside and introduce you to the rest of the family,” Aucelie said with a smile.

  “Aww they’re leaving?” Jessica asked unable to mask her disappointment.

  “Yea, Ya won’t be able to rest until Ashley is back at home with Donica. It’s okay girl. I got you,” Aucelie laughed. “Let’s go in here and get some of this good food. Don’t be too nervous, my family is cool.”

  “So, you can tell I’m nervous?” Jessica laughed anxiously.

  “Yes I can. You shaking in them bad ass pumps honey. Let’s go,” Aucelie grabbed Jessica’s hand and began to walk towards the house. She stopped in her tracks when she spotted Patrice walking inside. “Why that bitch couldn’t just come to the funeral and take her ass home. We do not need any drama. I heard how she clowned at Donica’s house.”

  Jessica caught who Aucelie was talking about and stared at her. Patrice and her were good friends and often had lunch and went shopping together. She didn’t understand why Aucelie wouldn’t want her here. As far as she knew Cortez and Patrice were deeply in love.

  “Hold on. Let me let Yamin know that Patrice is here. He might want her to leave,” Aucelie said.

  “Why?” Jessica asked with a shrug of her shoulders.

  Aucelie held her hand up and turned around to head back to where the limo was parked and her brothers were standing when she noticed a red Chevy Suburban slowing down in the middle of the road. She thought back to when Aasir gave her the details behind Cortez’s murder and Ashley’s kidnapping.

  “Dude was rocking a hoodie and they pulled off in a Red Chevy Suburban,” Aasir told her the night he came to her house to give her the bad news

  She winced her eyes at the Chevy to get a better view when the back window came slightly down. Quickly she turned her head to Jessica with a horrified look on her face. “Jessica, get down!” she screamed.

  She turned around and ran toward and unsuspecting Yamin and Aasir. None of them had been holding out of respect for the Pastor at the church where Cortez’s funeral was being held.

  “Ya! Aasir!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. Everything seemed to go in slow motion for Aucelie. It was like she couldn’t get to her brothers fast enough. She watched as the AK slid through the crack of the Chevy’s window and a stream of hot tears slid down her face. She would give her life for that of her brothers. It was meant for them to be here and she wasn’t about to lose another one. Cortez was merely a wakeup call for them all. It was a sign that they had been slipping and wasn’t nearly as untouchable as they had assumed. The level of respect they attained in the streets was a non-factor if they couldn’t keep those closest to them safe.



  The shots sounded as if they were at a fireworks show as everyone outside scrambled to take cover. Jessica didn’t know what was going on and stood frozen in place. Screams came from her left, her right, and from behind her. There was so much noise, so much going on that she couldn’t quite comprehend it all. She looked up and saw Yamin coming at her, when she was suddenly thrown to the ground. Her knees hit the pavement hard and she stuck her hands out to catch her fall, but was too late and her face contacted with the concrete. Instantly blood seeped from her mouth and she could feel her head swelling with pain.

  “Boss man get down!” Manny yelled, as he bust back.




  Manny and Emmanuel stood in Yamin’s yard firing back at the Chevy but their fire wasn’t enough for what was being returned at them. They knew the no gun policy was a mistake and they opted to stay out of the church for that reason. As much as they loved Cortez, they had a duty to protect The League’s boss and was paid very well to do so.

  Bullets hit off of the Chevy and Manny knew that they needed to get Yamin and the others inside of the house. He shot the last few rounds he had at them and grabbed up Jessica from the ground.

  “In the house! Stay low and run!” he yelled at Jessica.

  “Aahhhhh!” she screamed and put every effort into getting inside.

  “These niggas is bold as fuck!” Manny yelled out and reloaded his nine. “Boss man, stay down!”

  “Fuck that!” Yamin roared. He was ducking and dodging bullets as he practically was on all fours trying to get inside of his home. He could imagine the fear that had come over his aunties, his cousins, and in Jessica. This was unbelievable and he couldn’t quite grasp the reality of the situation. They had attacked Cortez at his baby mama’s house and now they were at his home attacking him and his entire family. None of this sat well with him. No one was close enough to even know this much information about him and Cortez, not even The Versace League. It was only those that were family that knew the sensitivity and personal details of his life. This was too close to home.

  As Yamin made it closer to his house, he ran around back and entered through the back door. He hurried through the house until he reached his office space. He could still hear the rapid gun fire from outside and only hoped that when he returned everyone was still alive and well. Several other members of The League that attended the funeral was behind Yamin feeling just as naked not believing that they had been convinced to leave their pistols in the car or at home.

  Aasir came in huffing and puffing behind him feeling as if he was coming apart at the seams. This was not like them and felt that The League had been penetrated deeply. They had always been on top of their game and it seemed as if whoever this was attacking them knew when, where, and how to hit them. They knew that the day of Cortez’s funeral that they would be weak and off their square and this angered him more than anything. It angered him more than the killing of Cortez, because it had gone from tragic to disgustingly disrespectful. This was their day of mourning and grieving and someone had crossed the line.

  Aasir reached out and grabbed the chopper from his brother’s hands when they heard tires screeching in the distance. The gunfire had been replaced by the sound of engines roaring.

  “Sounds like they gone,” Knox said with his hands balled up into tight fists. He was one of the older men in The League and held OG status in the streets. He was a Vietnam vet and killed so many people in combat that he felt it had only been right that he continue to do so. He loved killing people. To him it had been better than sex and the fact that he got paid for it was even more rewarding. “Knew I shouldn’t have left the house without my piece. I haven’t left my piece at home in more than 20 years and this is why!”

  Knox stormed off angrily.

  “Manny and Emmanuel ran after them!” Aucelie yelled as she veered her head into the office.

  “You okay?” Yamin asked.<
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  “I’m fine. Everybody is fine. Thankfully no one was hurt,” Aucelie answered.

  “Alright, let’s go Aasir so we can catch up to Manny and Emmanuel,” Yamin said.

  “Y’all be careful, please. Let this be the last time we have to mourn in this way,” Aucelie solemnly said.

  She stepped to the side and Yamin and Aasir bolted past her heading towards the door. She clasped her hands together and prayed that they would find whomever it was driving that Chevy, and hoped that when they did that they would all safely return, Ashley included. When she turned around, she spotted Patrice’s eyes buried on her face and it caused a cool chill to run through her body. She didn’t know what was up with that, but kept it moving as she went through to reassure that everyone was okay.


  The days had calmly passed and there were still no signs of Ashley. Manny and Emmanuel pursued the red Chevy for over thirty minutes before they lost it leaving them in the same position they started in. There were no leads or even a clue as to who was behind the chaos, but that hadn’t been the worse part. All communication had ceased from whoever had Ashley, not another note or another video. They had no idea if she was okay or better yet if she was even still alive.

  “Ya, I’m staying out here,” Manny said as he fired up a cigarette.

  Yamin nodded his head and walked the sidewalk that led to Cortez's town home. He was exhausted and it showed in every step he took. He couldn't remember the last time he slept a wink and honestly didn't care. He was too scared to close his eyes for too long in fear that he would lose time. Every minute that Ashley was missing was a minute too long.

  His family was hurting and finding her was the only thing that would bring them comfort. As to be expected, Donica was a mess and called him every single day crying. He only wished that the next time she called he could pick up the phone with good news instead of false hopes.


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