The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One

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The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One Page 1

by Brad Carr


  Book One:




  About the Author

  Brad Carr enjoyed writing short stories for personal amusement. As the years passed by, he wrote novels, and pursued his music and art career, in his spare time. Yet, he wasn’t satisfied with his own work. Destroying all his books, he didn’t seek to publish his stories.

  However in 2006, he met his future wife Lizzie. She was always his cheerleader, helping him realize that dreams are worth the struggle, and that his stories were entertaining.

  Brad picked up writing again, creating the folklore, and history of a world he wished to create for his novel series, Enigmas & Empires. Detailed notes, sketches, paintings, and historic background went into the development of this series. Now, Brad’s first novel of the Enigmas & Empires series has been published, with more tales to introduce.

  In 2012 he married his wife Lizzie. They happily reside in a country town in Delaware, with their son Lucas.

  Special Thanks!


  I am honored to be your Dad. But most of all, I am proud of the young man you’ve turned out to be. Keep reaching for those dreams.


  You are my soulmate. Thank you for being my best friend and partner in this crazy journey called life.

  Mom and Dad

  You raised seven crazy kids. I’m sure we put the gray in your hair. Thank you for all your love.

  To my lifelong friends

  As teenagers we had a lot of fun together. Now, decades later, even though our lives are much busier, we’re still as close as brothers.


  In 4029 AD, the nations of the Capital Kingdom, and the Scarlet Republic made great efforts towards a continuing peace. Extension of their treaties carried the trust of ceasefire, for at least, the next three decades.

  For thirty-two years, the Capital Kingdom and The Scarlet Republic allowed their citizens to volunteer for colony service, on the opposite coasts of the mainland territories. The Northern Islands of these empires were relatively safe from deadly harmful gases, left by an apocalypse. For nearly two centuries, both countries worked tirelessly, creating technologies to reverse continental damage by human ancestors.

  Although past conflicts between both nations, including the Island Wars, impacted progress; peaceful times produced contributions to the regeneration of the Earth. Many experimental procedures sped up the time table of regeneration.

  For several hundred years, life on the planet evolved exponentially. The new territories to be colonized were saturated with carnivorous animals, poisonous plants, unreliable weather patterns, and unknown discoveries.

  Overpopulation produced shortages of food and medicine, for the Capital Kingdom. Colony volunteers were scarce. To expedite a solution, King Brakion Vol decreed that a “lottery” would randomly select citizens to a new commission. The Exploration Commission was formed. He enforced a draft upon any citizen, or government official, whose name was selected. Citizens between the age of forty and eighty years old were chosen for the lottery.

  The lottery’s minimum age limit of forty years, allowed citizens of The Capital Kingdom to have raised their offspring by this time. Children in this empire are considered adults by the age of sixteen. These new adults are required to attend colleges on War Pig Island. They are educated in the military, culinary, business, engineering, agriculture, medical, construction, manufacturing, mechanical, or veterinary fields of study. A mandatory requirement of five years or more, granted them the honor of becoming a Capital Kingdom citizen. Simply being born in the Capital Kingdom, was not sufficient for citizenship, it had to be earned.

  Average life expectancy of humanity during this era is one hundred and twenty years; due to advances in the medical field. However, in the outposts, death lurks in all manner of forms. Life is a constant struggle.

  Chapter 1

  Sleeping proved to be difficult. White crumpled sheets pulled off the lower left mattress edge, springing inward. Lying in bed on his right side, Angus folded his arm under a flat pillow to give his neck support. A tear rolled down his nose. Silently he gazed steadily out the window with hazel eyes. Pondering deep questions of what the morning would bring, he focused on the moonlight beaming through the dusty pane.

  A light blue hue reflected off the memory of his wife’s pale naked skin; when she used to slumber beside him. Reaching his left hand over the ghostly recollection, he attempted to rest it on her hip. Like trying to catch the wind, it is a worthless action.

  Instead, Angus used his long muscular arm to grasp another pillow, pulling it closer against his torso. With his knees bent, he kept his feet from hanging over the end. His umber skin made a striking contrast against the gleaming white pillow case.

  Prickly hairs on his head were beginning to grow back from shaving last week. It produced a brushing noise against the cotton with each slight movement. Now in his early forties, pigment loss in his neatly trimmed beard gave the appearance of salt and pepper.

  Last month Angus received his lottery notice from the Exploration Commission. Angus’ son was named Fraser. His offspring extended his education on War Pig Island last year. Fraser was granted a week of family leave to say goodbye to Angus. After his father departs, he will report back to further his training.

  Tomorrow will be the last time Angus ever sleeps in the home he built with his wife Rola. He isn’t certain as to when, or if, he will see Fraser again. Wishing to explore his options, Fraser hasn’t committed to joining the Exploration Commission as a volunteer. Angus doesn’t have a choice in the matter. By eleven o’clock tomorrow morning, he will be on a ship to the mainland State of Mitton.

  Mitton is located south of Satellite Island, across the Canadian Sea to what the ancient civilization referred to as the United States. There, Angus will undergo further instruction in the colony of Outpost Seven. Protecting and establishing colonies will be his main purpose.

  Rola was the only woman he ever loved. They raised a son together, and had a decent income selling general goods at their store. Angus grasped tightly to the copious amounts of memories of her. To his detriment, everything at his residence reminds him of great loss. Rola died nearly five years ago; leaving Angus to raise Fraser by himself.

  All contact to Satellite Island, including his son, will be limited. Life will change drastically. This plagued Angus to his core. No matter his physical strength and towering height, he was fragile with social skills. His stomach twisted with a flurry of emotions. No matter how loyal he was to the Capital Kingdom, or his family name; he secretly wished for death to overtake him before morning. The shadow of death felt strangely more comforting at home, than living in an unfamiliar place.


  Gleaming light from the sun reflected off the glass of a picture frame. In the photo, Rola wrapped herself around Angus’ back. Both were beaming with laughter. He seemed almost giant-like compared to her. Opening his eyes, this was the first image greeting him. Gray stucco walls were void of decorations. It was a basic bedroom with only necessities, consisting of a wooden dresser made of bamboo with a bed frame to match.

  Angus sat up in bed, stabilizing the soles of his feet to the cold hardwood floor, he rose. Standing nearly two point one meters tall, he was broad chested, and physically intimidating. But he was known by those who knew him as having a “kind face.” Dressing in his favorite brown denim pants, brown work boots, and white short sleeved shirt; he exited the bedroom and closed the door behind him.

  After grooming and cleaning himself in a pale tiled bathroom across
the hallway, he returned to his bedroom one last time. Construction work could be heard from the outside, originating close by. Picking up a brown leather backpack, he held it by the strap to his right side and departed the room.

  Fraser looked a lot like his mother. He had fairer skin than his father, with straight shoulder length jet black hair. It was obvious that his father’s genes weren’t as strong as his mother’s. The young man was short and thin. Angus towered over Fraser when he greeted his son in the stone foyer downstairs.

  “Dad, good morning,” Fraser greeted with a silvery tone. “Are you ready? I let you sleep in later than usual.”

  “Ready as I need to be I guess,” Angus responded in his typically gruff voice.

  “Makes you wish we could run away to Paatu. Start a different life,” he commented with a mixture of seriousness and jokes.

  Angus sadly smiled,“Son we are part of a long line of Vol ancestry. And a Vol does not run. We are loyal to our nation.”

  “I know Dad, I wouldn’t think of it. If you want, I can transfer to your outpost when I finish my education.”

  Angus moved towards his son and put his hands on his shoulders, “I would never ask you to make a decision about your life, based on my wants. I’m sure once Outpost Seven becomes a full district, visitation will be simpler. Make your decisions by what you desire to do son. You have your whole life facing you.”

  Fraser looked at his father with his piercing light blue eyes and confirmed,”Thank you Dad. I believe I will see you again. I’ve been thinking of joining the Capital Kingdom Navy once my time is finished on War Pig Island. I’m sure they will be porting at all the docks of Mitton. Then I will be able to visit.”

  “That would be great.”

  Fraser hugged his father tight. Angus successfully held back tears to show a facade of strength. Releasing Angus, Fraser added,”I hope the new owners will take good care of this place.”

  “I’m sure they will. I am proud of you Fraser. Always remember that. It has been a pleasure being your father.”

  “Dad, stop, you’re talking like you won’t survive. I know you will.”

  Sliding his backpack of essentials on, Angus said,”Well, guess it’s time to go to the Milt Docks.”

  “Do you want me to walk with you? It’s a long walk without a carriage.”

  “No, thank you though. It would be easier if I go by myself. Extending our goodbyes will only make it harder for your old man. There’s a present for you in your old bedroom. I left it there this morning. Make sure you retrieve it.”

  “I will.”

  Angus hugged his son again. Taking his leave, he gingerly closed the oak door behind him, and into the open air. Down the brick steps he descended onto the streets. In Fraser’s room, a document was placed upon his bed. It was an electronic tablet. Turning on the button, a document appeared. It was the deed to the house with a note attached to it.


  I chose not to sell the house. You will always have a home to come back to whenever you wish to return. I sold most of the furniture to pay for any upkeep it may require. The money from selling the business is also yours. Money has been transferred to your account when you need it. I have little use for money now. If you wish to sell it later on in your life, I will not be slighted.



  Angus began his three kilometer journey to the Milt Docks. The sky was clear that day. Remnants of the previous snowfall were now melting around the land with patches of green grass showing through.

  The road he traveled consisted of wet stones and sand. Crunching pops from loosened stones struck against his boots in stride. Residential houses were situated close to each other, leaving less than a meter between them. Most homes were made of concrete, but resembled a saltbox style of steep roofs. Solar tiles covered the surface pitch facing the direction of the street.

  Reaching the sunflower fields past the residential areas, children could be heard giggling among plains of gold and brown. Birds chirped in the trees. Pigs nearing heights of two meters or more, pulled wooden carriages of passengers to the city.

  Time seemed to accelerate for Angus. He could smell the salty sea air near the docks; signaling the end of his peaceful walk. Desiring to flee, he ignored that temptation, keeping his legs moving towards the wooden docks.

  On his arrival to the Milt Docks, men and women stood in a long line. A Capital City official dressed in the blue and black military uniform performed optical scans on each person. Angus stood to the end of the line.

  Ten minutes had passed when the official had gotten to Angus. Now, he was in the middle of the line because other draftees had arrived later. The official was an elderly man whose every movement seemed slow. Putting the scanner up to Angus’ left eye, it created the sound of a beep.

  “Wow, you’re a Vol. Not many of your families exist in the Capital Kingdom anymore. Good to meet one of the descendants of the founding clans of our nation,” said the official.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Don’t thank me yet Mister Vol. You may not like the undiscovered regions of Mitton. It’s a dangerous area.” The official smiled, transforming his negativity to a positive compliment. “However, with the blood flowing in your veins, I’d be willing to bet you’ll make it longer than these other so called explorers.”

  The official said nothing else, but moved to the next person in line and continued his scans. Courage began to build up inside Angus. It was a feeling he hasn’t encountered since Rola passed away from fever. “Maybe it is time to embrace change,” he thought to himself. “I can do this.”

  “Listen up Explorers!” a loud voice came over the crowd. “My name is Captain Magnus! As of now, you are under my command while you inhabit my ship to Mitton!”

  Captain Magnus was a portly man with a long white beard, wearing a water proof blue rubber one piece. A patch covered his right eye, deep scars covered his face. This appearance was common in the seafaring populace of the Capital Kingdom. Magnus’ wrinkled face resembled worn leather from decades of harsh winds, salt water, and an unforgiving sun. His fingers resembled the thickness of blood sausages. When he spoke, he emulated a drill instructor.

  “You are about to embark on a forty-eight hour journey to Mitton! You will do what I say, and when I say it! The life you’ve lived until now, is gone!”

  Some of the explorers had the look of worry written on their faces. However, those who volunteered, seemed unfazed by Captain Magnus’ demeanor and warnings. Anticipation of arriving on Outpost Seven thrilled them.

  Magnus continued,” This ship is the strongest ship at the Milt Docks! You will call her Helga! So that is the good news! The bad news is that there are sea beasts out there that can rip any ship apart! Some of these creatures can hear a crowd of voices for over a kilometer! So keep your voices to a whisper. If I tell you any command, you do it! You do not ask questions! Do I make myself clear?!”

  “Yes Captain!” the Explorers responded in unison although a few of the new explorers were out of sync.

  “Good! Now for the procedures! There are sixty beds on my ship! There are seventy-five passengers! This means you allow the disabled and elderly to have the lower capsules! If I find any abuses of this procedure, I will throw you off the goddamn ship to become fish food! Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, Captain!” screamed the Explorers.

  “Now there is a clause to this rule! If the ship starts to go down and you need to save some of your fellow explorers, you will leave the disabled and elderly behind! Although it seems inhumane, the strongest members are the most important for the profit of our nation! Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Captain!”

  “Those finding themselves without a sleep capsule, will be traveling the old fashioned way. You’ll work with our crew and sleep in the crew quarters.” Changing the subject, Magnus continued, “Groups will be formed before you enter my ship! I want all the scientists, engineers, medical professionals,
and repair citizens to step forward!”

  Twenty-six people moved up. They were composed of varying ages and skin color.

  Magnus continued, “You Explorers will be receiving jumpsuits with your profession logo on the back of it! Those citizens in this group will be called the ‘Support Class’! You will strip your clothes off now and stand until the official hands you the jumpsuits!”

  Before long, naked bodies in the cold weather were standing and waiting for their jumpsuits. Each received five sets of undergarments first, personalized jumpsuits followed. Embroidered above their right breast pockets were the last names. A support class logo stretched across the back. The repair citizens wore a navy blue jumpsuit with a logo of a wrench. Scientists dressed in tan, with a logo of an atom. A pi symbol was stitched to the engineers light blue overalls. Mint green was the color for the medical personnel. A syringe symbol served as their emblem. After the jumpsuits were handed out to the new Support Class, Captain Magus now turned his attention to the remaining forty-nine citizens standing in the line.

  “Those among you who have been specifically assigned to the kitchens step forward!” Magnus commanded. Six people stepped forward in the line formation, two of them rolled forward in their all-terrain wheel chairs.

  “You will now be known as the ‘Culinary Class’! Take off your clothes and wait for your new attire!” screamed Magnus.

  Capital Kingdom officials gave out the new charcoal colored jumpsuits. A flaming campfire emblem was chosen for them. Magnus waited patiently, giving extra time for those who had disabilities to dress themselves. After the Culinary Class were clothed, Captain Magnus addressed the remaining forty-three explorers.

  “Those who remain, will be our soldiers to the uncivilized regions! You will be stationed with the rest of these classes to Outpost Seven! Once you are trained, most of you will be sent out on scouting routes! Portions of you will be established as the Outpost Seven Guards! You will be assigned and evaluated accordingly!” Magnus explained. “Your titles are simply ‘Soldier Class’ as of now! Because you are only cadets, you are given basic uniforms until your instructors deem it necessary to gift you with armor!”


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