The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One

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The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One Page 10

by Brad Carr


  Crowds outside the wall gathered around the projection screens. Men, women, and children huddled together with fur blankets to warm themselves from the frigid night air of Mitton. Bars and restaurants were squeezed with patrons drinking ale, awaiting the news.

  Citizens inside the wall waited in the comfort of their topside or underground homes. Some chose to linger in the bath house, soaking weary muscles in jacuzzis; anticipating the announcement to begin. Medical doctors and nurses accompanied their patients in their rooms to assist them during the broadcast. Angus and Reeves, played cards in the kitchen house. All the speakers proclaimed:

  “Alpha General Brakion Vol’s message will begin in ten seconds.”

  Projection screens blipped on to reveal Brakion sitting behind a desk. The Capital Kingdom flag stretched vertically behind him. Lacing his fingers, he rested his hands on the desk top. Posturing tall with his chest expanded, Brakion’s white hair was loosely tied back in a tail.

  “Citizens of Mitton’s Outpost Seven, I have great news. I am pleased to announce that we have been approved by King Lucian to expand eighty kilometers. Future citizens can now pursue exciting careers. Opportunities await those who wish to become citizens of Outpost Seven. For those living outside the walls, you will be given the chance to dwell within the city walls, or if you prefer, into the new territories. Starting tomorrow, I ask that you please register with the officials at the East gate. Within one week of registration, you will be given a message on your tablets as to where and when to participate in placement tests. Those brave souls who arrived here on your own volition, traveling dangerous lands and seas to arrive at our outpost; you are eligible. I do not care what island or nation you are originally from. But you are required to undergo an extensive background and psychological tests. If you pass, you will have career choices available to you, according to your strengths.”

  Masses outside the city walls rejoiced. Many began chanting Brakion’s name. Others were hugging friends and kissing their spouses. Children jumped around and skipped about. Brakion continued:

  “We will need construction workers, farmers, food prep personnel, soldiers, police officers, teachers, engineers, scientists, trash disposal, maintenance personnel, medical professionals, and general laborers. Some of you may have to continue to live outside the walls for a while until new apartments, barracks, and homes are built. I ask that you be patient in this transition. It may take up to six months until some of you will be permitted to enter the gates. I look forward to working alongside some of you to create our newest district. Outpost Seven has been officially named by King Lucian. In honor of our most successful queen; welcome to the Tyra District!”

  The projection screens fell silent. Cheers filled the air outside the wall. Hope was restored to those who protested at the gates earlier that morning. In Tyra’s Keep, some were quiet in thought; no doubt wondering how it would change their underground life. The recruits in the barracks felt inspiration to live in the Tyra District. The thought made them feel like a part of the Capital Kingdom’s society again.

  Mona now belonged to the Capital Kingdom. The emotions of being an escapee of the Scarlett Republic felt like a distant memory. Resting back in her chair, she felt her daughter’s hand touch her arm.

  “Mama, I think you’re going to be a great teacher for the new farmers.”

  “Thank you honey.”


  Another day passed. Mona dressed for her dinner with Brakion. Leah wore a plain short sleeved pink dress with white stockings and pink flats. Mona purchased Leah’s dress from the marketplace the previous day. Leah protested, she preferred pants. But Mona thought a girl should wear a dress on special occasions.

  Mona wore a custom made white dress. It was strapless, with a bosom line showing a small amount of cleavage. The skirt line rested slightly above her knees. Mona had straightened her hair and pulled it tightly into an elegant bun. Around Mona’s neck was a pendant made of small sea glass and shells that Leah created for her.

  “Mama, you look great!”

  “You look great too.”

  “Eh, I don’t like it. It makes me look too fancy.”

  “Well, it still suits you.”

  “Okay I guess.”

  “Are you ready to meet up with Mister Vol?”


  “Okay, let’s go.”

  Mona and Leah exited the jungle wood door and descended a set of tightly cramped stairs above the marketplace of Tyra’s Keep. Small blue lights lit the hallway. Most of the vendors were closed, with the exception of a few small restaurants. Traveling towards one of the fancier establishments down a narrow corridor, was a place named “Millay’s Fine Dining.”

  The restaurant’s plaque was bolted to marbled rock walls of gray, tan, and orange. Double doors of white galvanized metal opened inward to reveal the reception area. Benches were meticulously carved out of the rock with perfectly straight edges and planes.

  Walls of the waiting area were coarse, without any type of decoration. Stalactites poured down from tall ceilings; stopping only a meter from the top of Mona’s head.

  “Table for two Ma’am?” asked a short and frail looking elderly host.

  “We’re um…actually supposed to meet someone here.” Mona responded.

  “Do you have a name your reservation is under?”

  “I think it may be under,” Mona hesitated for a moment, “Vol.”

  “Ah, yes AG Vol does have a reservation here. Unfortunately he has not arrived yet. But he does have a private dining room reserved. Please follow me.”

  Leah and Mona followed behind the host. Limping away from his left leg, the host’s left arm dangled and swayed to his side to keep balance. Opening up another set of white doors, they entered a beautiful dining area. Orange-red stain glossed over the fine wood grained walls. Brightly colored abstract paintings from a local artist graced the surfaces. There were ten circular shaped red marbled table tops. Dining chairs were constructed from the same wood as the walls. A bartender stood behind a bar making drinks for patrons using fine glasses. Butterscotch tiles glimmered from the embedded fixtures of the ceiling.

  Passing by tables filled with patrons, they reached the back of the restaurant. The cobalt blue door stood out in attention because it didn’t match the color scheme. Beside the door was an electronic keypad. The elderly host typed in an eight digit code and the automatic door slid open between the wall.

  “Please enter. This room is reserved for special guests.”

  Mona nodded in agreement. Entering the room with Leah, they sat down at a table similar to the ones in the general dining area. A mysterious blue flower with eight pedals and an orange stem filled a small earthen vase placed on the center.

  “Mom, this is fancy. I’ve never seen such beautiful colors.”

  “It sure is Leah. It reminds me of the Scarlett Republic.”


  “Well, before I went to live in the colonies I lived on the Island of Doss. Much of the luxuries that we rarely see here, was, well, a normal scene.”

  “You were rich Mama?”

  “No honey, I worked as a housekeeper for one of the Dukes.”

  “Woah! Why did you leave Mama?”

  “I fell in love with your father. We wanted to make a new life in a new world.”

  Leah changed the subject, “What kind of flower is that?” she asked while pointing to the vase.

  “It’s a Melina Lotus,” Brakion chimed in the conversation, entering the room. “I named it after your grandmother.” Sitting in the chair opposite of Mona he continued, “It was engineered down here in our genetic labs. It required a name, so I named it after my best friend.”

  “That was very nice of you AG Vol,” remarked Mona.

  “It was the least I could do to keep her memory. And please, call me Brakion,” he reminded her politely.

  A waiter dressed in black slacks and a freshly pressed white button down shirt in
terrupted them by pouring water into their glasses. He was young, barely an adult. Before the waiter could give him a menu Brakion simply requested,”Crab imperial with lamelka beans.”

  “Very good sir,” the waiter confirmed. “And Miss Transmith, would you like to see the menu?”

  “No. I will have the same,” she confirmed while still staring deep into Brakion eyes.

  “Well I do,” replied Leah taking the menu from the waiter. After a few seconds she asked the waiter, “Where is the falcon breast?”

  “I’m sorry Miss, we don’t have any today?”

  “But your hunters brought some in this morning,” Leah insisted.

  “I’m sorry. But you must be mistaken,” the waiter replied.

  “Okay,” Leah conceded, “I’ll take the same as my Mom.”

  “Very good, I will be back with your tea while your meals are prepared.”

  As the waiter left the room and closed the door behind him. Leah asked,”Mom, I need to go to the bathroom. I will be back.”

  “Okay, I’ll take you.” Mona responded.

  “No, I’ll be fine Mama. I can find it,” replied Leah leaving the room.

  “Okay, but come back as soon as you’re done.”

  ”She’ll be fine. The staff here is trained to keep a watchful eye. Besides, Tyra’s Keep is the safest place you can be,” Brakion reassured Mona sensing her uneasiness.

  “She’s been known to wander.”

  “I have no doubt of that,” Brakion playfully grinned.

  “While she is gone, go ahead and ask me any question you want to ask that you prefer Leah not to hear,” Brakion said, taking a sip of from a glass of water.

  “Okay,” Mona agreed. “Were you ever intimate with my mother?”

  Brakion coughed, almost spitting out the water in his mouth. “Well, you don’t waste time do you?” he chuckled. “No, she was just a close friend. We served together during military training on War Pig Island, and the Island Wars under the same platoon. That was until she was transferred. Besides, your mother preferred the company of women. But every now and again she would date a man; but not me.”

  “Why not? You seem like a catch to me,” Mona unintentionally flirted while feeling overwhelmingly embarrassed at the same time.

  “Well, thanks,” he smiled. “So, anything else pressing?”

  “My father, you said you didn’t know him, but do you know anyone else who may have?”

  “Well, I don’t know.”

  “Sir? Ma’am?” Brakion’s response was interrupted by the elderly host. “We have a situation in the kitchen. Apparently the young lady is causing quite a stir.”

  “What?!” gasped Mona.

  Brakion and Mona stood up from their chairs and traveled to the kitchen. They could hear two people arguing. One of the voices belonged to Leah.

  “Why did you lie to me? I knew you had falcon breast back here. Mr. Vol is paying for this meal, so I should be able to get what I want.”

  “Listen Miss, falcon entrees will be served tomorrow, not tonight.”

  “Then why didn’t you just say that! You didn’t have to lie. I’m not….”

  “Leah Melina Transmith you come here right now!” Mona interrupted, raising her voice.

  “But Mom! He lied to me.”

  Leah and Mona exchanged more words. Brakion stood with his arms crossed. Holding himself back from laughing aloud, he lightly covered his lips with his fingers. He liked Leah’s spirit. She reminded him of her grandmother Melina. Happiness filled his heart watching them bicker.

  “Ladies,” Brakion intervened,”Why don’t we just go back to our table and enjoy the rest of the night?”

  “Fine,” Leah huffed. She walked over to the dead falcon on the butcher table and removed one of its feathers in a basket. “But I’m keeping this,” she remarked while giving the waiter a sarcastic look.

  “I’m sorry for the inconvenience,” Mona apologized to the staff.

  Brakion put his hand on Leah’s shoulder and helped directed her back to the private dining room. Mona followed slightly behind. Her face blushed with embarrassment for her daughter’s actions.

  Sitting down at the table, Brakion asked Leah, “How did you know about the falcon? Did you envision it?”

  “Nope. I saw them bring it into the back entrance earlier today. I was exploring Tyra’s Keep after school.”

  “That may be a good thing Leah. I’m glad you are curious about the things that go on down here.”

  “Just next time Leah,” Mona said,“Do not cause such a scene in a nice place like this.”

  “Sorry Mama, I’ll try harder.”

  “Good, next time you will be punished.” Mona spoke to Leah giving her a stern look.

  “Okay Mama,” Leah responded looking downward at the table to escape Mona’s gaze.

  For the next hour they ate and conversed. Brakion shared memories of Salem, Melina, and himself. Most stories were full of mischief. Leah especially liked the story of when Melina broke Salem’s nose in a boxing ring. Mona shared recollections of her long journey to Mitton, and the fascinating adventures she encountered along the way.

  Mona felt safe and comfortable with Brakion. Although he was at least two decades older than her, they had a lot in common. When Leah wanted to join the conversations, Brakion would genuinely listen and appreciate the little girl’s company.

  Brakion found himself watching Mona’s lips when she spoke. Every now and again, he would catch himself staring at her breast, but he tried to avert his eyes when he thought she would notice. Her neck looked elegantly soft, with a small freckle at the bottom of her neckline. That tiny insignificant freckle created a bullseye for his sight. Resisting the urge to glare at her bosoms, was a difficult task.

  But what he mostly liked about Mona was her dignified personality. Although she wasn’t wealthy, or necessarily knowledgeable about the same subjects Brakion enjoyed; Mona had the mannerisms of a thoughtful and loving soul. She had compassion for others. Mona used a common sense approach to situations. It was refreshing, and wise.

  As the hour passed, Brakion’s dinner with Mona was interrupted again. General Loft entered the dining room and whispered a message in his ear. Mona could see Brakion’s expression change from happiness to worry. When General Loft left the room, Brakion spoke with a hint of disappointment.

  “Ladies, my apologies, but I must cut this night short. Please allow me to walk you back to your home here in Tyra’s keep.”


  Outside of Mona’s home door, Leah gave Brakion a huge hug. “Thank you Mr. Vol! I had fun. Will we see you again?”

  Smiling back at her he said, “Only if your mother wishes me to.”

  “She will Mr. Vol. Don’t worry,” Leah responded as she trotted inside the home.

  “Thank you Brakion,” Mona said. “I um…”

  “You look great in that dress,” Brakion interrupted. “I should have told you that earlier.”

  “Will I…see you again?”

  “Do you want to see me again?”

  “Yes,” she replied in shy manner.

  “Then I will,” he said with confidence. “Next week, same night maybe?”

  He leaned towards her and kissed her on the cheek. She wanted more than that. But knowing how her daughter is, an interruption would happen at the worst time. Perhaps he had the same thought.

  Mona opened her door and entered her home. She watched as Brakion walked down her narrow steps and onto the marketplace floor. General Loft rounded the corner and met up with him. She closed the door.


  Brakion and Loft walked into the Conference Room nearby. Brakion slammed his right fist down on the table and immediately started asking questions. “How the fuck did this happen Loft?!”

  “Sir, the prisoners overtook the command center and killed four guards. One prisoner was found dead. I don’t know how they got through without tripping the signal from their chips.”

  “Four guards,
why the fuck did we only have four guards to watch an island full of prisoners?”

  “It was King Lucian’s order. He decreed financial cutbacks to Prison Island. But the island still had the embedded chips. Maybe he figured it would be enough.”

  Brakion surged with anger grabbed Loft by his collar. “Which prisoners made it out alive?”

  “All of them escaped, including Kansas Sparks.”

  Controlling his rage, Brakion commented, “This is what happens when I don’t kill a dangerous enemy and let him live instead. That is my fault.” Brakion removed his grip of Loft’s collar. Turning his body away from Loft he asked, “How did they get off the island? Was it the Scarlett Republic?”

  “I don’t think so. They do not claim any responsibility and it’s an extremely long range for them to travel without getting noticed. I doubt they would break the treaty, or ruin our trading relationship.”

  “Do we have any footage?”

  “The cameras went offline an entire week before the escape.”

  “Why didn’t Lucian contact me? Why wait days to inform me?”

  “To be honest Sir, he is the King. You don’t have the power to know all the major dealings anymore.”

  Brakion turned to face Loft. He admitted,“Sometimes I forget that. I’m still not quite used to someone else having that responsibility. We obviously have a third party. Perhaps it is someone we have no intel on yet. Someone planned their escape from that island. Without a silent running ship, they would be dead within hours from sea creatures. They have a supplier.”

  “That seems like a logical assumption.”

  “I don’t know. But we need to prepare the Tyra District. We need some of our units pulled back from the Outpost Seven Exploration Commission. We have to ensure safety outside and inside the walls. I know Sparks’ motives. He’s coming for Mitton. And we need to speed up our new recruits training and work double time getting the new citizens involved.”

  “Sir that could take at least a year to get our defenses fully operational.”

  “Do your best to get it done quicker, we have to be prepared just in case.”


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