Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two

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Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two Page 3

by Jeannette Winters

  Tessa closed her eyes and summoned all her strength. How was it that a shy quiet girl like her was even contemplating entering the lion’s den? When she saw Brittany-Lynn, it was like looking at a reflection of herself just a year ago when she first moved to Boston. She might be twenty-six, but she had lived a sheltered life. For the most part that was a good thing, but in times like this she wished her parents hadn’t coddled her quite so much. She had always been the good girl growing up. She couldn’t remember getting punished in school or at home. Now she found herself in unfamiliar territory and needed to be someone she wasn’t.

  She knocked on his office door and heard his gruff voice. “What?”

  Opening the door, she found Dean sitting behind his desk, dressed very differently than yesterday. He looked all business. No longer in casual attire but in a power suit. It was no wonder why he had Brittany-Lynn practically in tears out there. There was a lot riding on Tessa pulling this off. Let’s go, girl. You can do this. Just remember what your professor told you when you wanted to give up and drop out of school: “Fake it till you make it.”

  Tessa closed the door behind her, walked over to his desk, and, in a tone exuding confidence, asked, “Would you care to explain why your secretary looks like she had just been raked over the coals?”

  Dean arched a brow, meeting her square in the eye. “Because she was. Now find me someone who can actually do the job, not someone who probably got dropped off at work by her father.”

  She had to admit the girl was young, but that didn’t mean she was incapable. If it wasn’t for someone giving her a break many years ago she probably would never have been offered a position at Poly-Shyn in the first place. Not sure that is a good thing right now.

  “Was there something in particular she did incorrectly?” Because your list seems endless.

  “Do I need to explain myself to you?”

  She knew it was not truly a question, but he opened the door, and she was going all in. “It would be nice, so going forward I can provide you with the type of employee who will meet all your needs.” If such a person even exists.

  Dean pointed to the chair opposite from his desk. “Sit.”

  Her legs trembled then locked in place, she couldn’t move if she had to, so she stood there and glared at him. But he did not appear offended, he just gave her a cocky grin. He sat and seemed to be studying her face. Was he trying to read her? Call her bluff? Could he tell that she was shaking on the inside so much that she might be physically ill after this encounter if it did not end soon?

  When Dean finally broke the silence, it was not anything she wanted to hear. “You do the job.”

  Her eyes widened. “Me? You want me to be your secretary?”

  He nodded.

  Her heartbeat was echoing through her ears. There was no way was she going to work any closer to him than she was. If he thought Brittany-Lynn wasn’t prepared to do the job, then he would find she was even less qualified. She liked being in the background, doing the paperwork. His secretary would be the first line of defense for anyone coming to the office or calling. She might be able to pull the wool over his eyes now, but she wouldn’t last thirty minutes in that role. Declining his request was going to need a bit of finesse.

  “I’m glad you believe I could handle such a position. However, you would find my skills are best utilized in HR and not dealing with your clients.”

  Dean leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “Are you saying no?”

  More like hell no. “You trust me to handle a portion of Poly-Shyn that requires a certain amount of tact. Let’s say that there has been a large turnover of employees lately, and you need me exactly where I am. It wouldn’t be a wise business decision to pull me from my current duties.”

  He stared at her before letting out a loud laugh. “I probably have been keeping you busy, Tessa.” Dean sat upright and leaned closer to her. “But I make all the decisions here. You’ll be wherever I say you will be.”

  She swallowed hard and held her hands steady at her side. The way his dark eyes looked at her, she wasn’t sure he was still talking about the secretary position. There was no way she was going to do that job. If it meant she quit and went home with her tail between her legs today, then so be it. “May I suggest then that you give Brittany-Lynn a chance to do her job before you make a decision?”


  Tessa forced a soft smile. “Brittany-Lynn. The young lady you have scared half to death out there. She may be young, but as you have proven, age doesn’t mean one cannot handle the responsibility.” Had she just resorted to kissing ass? What have I become?

  “One week, Tessa. If she cannot pull her weight and do what I need her to do, then you’re her replacement. Understood?”

  She knew she was going to regret this somehow. But at that moment, she needed to go with her gut. Nodding her agreement, she headed for the door. She had no intention of keeping that agreement even if Brittany-Lynn didn’t work out. Now was not the time to bring that up. “You know how to find me if any more issues come up.”

  Before she left the office she swore she saw him grin that cocky grin again. “Arrogant ass.” Without knowing it she had played right into his hand, and he held all the cards. She needed to find a way to stay in her office, otherwise this was going to be one long week. I think unemployment might be the easy way out.

  Dean’s initial irritation with the replacement secretary had quickly vanished as Tessa entered the room. There was something about her that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. The deeper he studied her, the more layers he seemed to see. She portrayed herself as a confident woman who was not afraid of anything. Yet when he stared into her eyes, he saw something else. Was she trying to hide something from him? If you are, I’m going to love finding out what it is.

  He had a lifetime of hiding things from others. Sometimes that came with a high price, but the choice was always his and no one else’s. People said secrets had a way of always coming out. Dean had been carrying one for thirteen years, and as far as he was concerned, it was one he would take to his grave. It had cost him the respect of his brothers as they judged him based on what they thought to be facts. A juvenile record could’ve been expunged if he’d spoken up. Instead, his father let him spend twelve months in the juvenile detention center for beating who he thought had been a friend, hospitalizing him for weeks. Even now he had no regret for his actions. He had it coming to him. What he had done required a severe punishment. And even that was too good for him.

  The only one who stood by him was his sister, Zoey. She never stopped seeing what she called the “good” in him. When their father kicked him out and cut him off, she was the one who made sure he was okay. Not that he needed her to; he was a Henderson after all, and one thing they did well was make sure they came out on top no matter what.

  He knew his motivation for everything he had done in his past and why he preferred to do things the way he did now. His methods might not appeal to most people, but hell, they were effective, and to him that was all that mattered.

  One way he was able to get where he was today was reading the people around him. If you looked at a person long enough, whatever they were hiding would eventually be revealed. It came in extremely handy when negotiations heated up. He was able to use competitors’ weaknesses against them and just sit back and watch them fall. It was a talent he had learned from his father. The difference was no one knew who he was. Being cut off from the Henderson family made it easier for him to blindside his opponents and be long gone before they knew what hit them.

  There were several times his risk was almost too great and his identity almost revealed, but the payoff had been worth it. In the end, that was all that truly mattered, and the edge was where he liked to live.

  Was that what he’d seen in Tessa’s beautiful green eyes? Was she pretending to be someone she wasn’t? If so why? What was her motivation?

  Anger filled him as there was only one logical explanatio
n. She wasn’t there by chance. Whoever it was that thought they could get their hands on Poly-Shyn had stooped to a level he had used in the past and planted an informant. Tessa was far from an HR manager. If they thought he wasn’t going to see through that ploy by using someone who looked sweet and innocent, they were mistaken. It only made him look at her closer. And damn, I like what I see.

  Although she played off that she was in no way interested in him, he could tell by her body language when he had asked her to dinner yesterday she was more than tempted. Her fake lack-of-interest act only served as a challenge, and one that now had become even more enticing with this new knowledge. I live by the saying, “Keep your enemies close.” But this time, I’m looking forward to it.

  If it wasn’t for the fact he had a meeting scheduled with Brice, he would act on that right now. Getting to the bottom of who was trying to steal Poly-Shyn out from under him was only one piece of the puzzle. He had every intention of finding out all he needed to know and dealing with them like he had anyone else who stood between him and what he wanted. But right now he needed to make it clear to his brother that he was serious about taking on this company. One way or another, this was going to be his. You may have thought you would cut me out, Dad, but in the end, you won’t win. I guarantee it.

  Dean briefly spoke to Brittany-Lynn on his way out of the office. He still had no idea how he let Tessa talk him into giving that girl a week. How was she supposed to handle blowing off calls and clients when she looked scared to death of him? He needed someone strong and confident in that chair. Like Tessa.

  Tessa might think she was stronger than he was, but he was going to prove how mistaken she was. No one knew him and definitely had no idea what he was capable of, but if they got in his way, they were going to find out. No matter how sexy you are.

  It didn’t take him long to arrive at B&H Advance Engineering. Funny how his brother had been in business with Asher Barrington for several years, yet he never had been invited there before. If Brice thought he could use the success of his company as a form of intimidation to back off from the acquisition, then he was going to receive one hell of a blow today.

  Brice’s personal assistant, Nancy, had aged some, but her powerful personality hadn’t diminished over the years. As he approached, she came out from behind her desk and wrapped her arms around him. Getting hugged was not something he would ever be comfortable with. It wasn’t something they did growing up, and it was too late to break those old ways.

  “Dean, I can’t believe what a handsome young man you have turned out to be. I don’t think I have seen you since . . .”

  My father kicked me out? Yeah. One hell of a memorable time. Being back in Boston really sucked at times. After thirteen years one would think people had forgotten, but they hadn’t. It seemed all anyone recalled when they saw him was what he had done. As though one moment in time determined his entire existence. So be it. After all these years he didn’t care. Leaving that house probably was a blessing to him. It got him away from the emotional and physical abuse their father inflicted on them all. But no one seemed to want to bring that up. No, his father had been a brutal, hateful man all his life, but no one had dared to say anything to him. He, on the other hand, apparently was never going to be able to escape the one time he snapped. If that is the case, so be it. I don’t live with any regrets. “Nice to see you again too, Nancy. I think my brother is expecting me.”

  She got the hint and let him go. “He’s in his office but not in a great mood. Don’t let him bite your head off today like he tried doing to me.”

  Dean wasn’t worried about what Brice was going to say. If Nancy knew him, she would be far better off warning Brice to watch his step with him instead.

  He crossed the room and entered Brice’s office. “You wanted to see me this morning?”

  Brice looked up from the stack of papers he had sprawled out on his desk. “Sit down. This might take a while.”

  Dean pulled the chair across from Brice’s desk farther away. He leaned back and brought his feet up to rest on the corner of the desk. It was time for his big brother to get the message. I’m no child you can boss around any longer.

  “Why don’t you make yourself comfortable?” Brice’s tone held the sarcasm it was meant to.

  “What is it that couldn’t wait any longer?”

  “We haven’t seen you much since Dad’s funeral. Why is that?”

  “I’ve been busy.” It hadn’t been as though they’d been all that close over the past few years. If it hadn’t been for Zoey keeping track of them all, he probably wouldn’t know anything that was going on in the family. The most time he had spent with Brice since he and his father had parted ways was at the hospital before their father died. It sounded horrible to even think it, but with their father gone, an unfamiliar level of peace had entered them all. All the years of abuse were finally put to an end. No one should ever feel this way about a parent. Are you going to haunt us from the grave too, Dad?

  “Too busy to answer my calls?” Brice asked.

  Dean laughed. “That is funny coming from you. If I recall, only Zoey was able to get you on the phone. Or have you forgotten since you have Lena and Nicholas back in your life?” He had to admit, his brother had changed a lot over the past few months. He was happy things had turned around for him. That didn’t mean they were changing for the rest of them. “So you didn’t ask me here for small talk. What’s this all about?”

  “You know exactly, Dean. Poly-Shyn’s future or lack thereof,” Brice said in a tone he had used on him many times over the years. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his desk. “Trent came by to see me yesterday after leaving your office. He is under the impression that Poly-Shyn is off the market. Why would that be? I thought I made it clear that the company needs to be sold, and the Henderson name be disassociated with it.”

  “You said the company needed a new owner. That is what you are going to get.”

  Brice glared at him. “What game are you playing, Dean? You don’t have the money to purchase the company, and you are far from qualified to run it.”

  Dean clenched his fist on his lap. Brice’s comments only acted as fuel to the fire already within him. Proof once again that it was time to show his brothers who he was, what he was capable of. They’d underestimated him way too long. When he was through, they never would again.

  “I am familiar with the asking price, and as far as I am concerned, the company is off the market and within the next few months will be mine.” He didn’t break eye contact with his brother.

  “With what money? I don’t believe you have five-sixths of the three and a half million dollars we are asking.”

  He would do what he needed to do to buyout his five siblings. He was not about to back down. Never have, never will. “Don’t worry about my financial situation. Just know that I plan on making Poly-Shyn mine. Nothing is going to stop me.”

  Brice leaned back in his chair. “That is what concerns me, Dean. How far are you willing to go? Who are you willing to crush to get what you want?”

  Anyone I have to. “Have the lawyers draw up the paperwork. I will be able to give you one-third down and the rest within ninety days.” Dean got up from his chair and headed for the door.

  Brice called out to him. “Where the hell are you getting this kind of money, Dean? You don’t even have a job. Has gambling been that good to you lately?”

  Some things hadn’t changed. Their expectations of who he was, did not match him at all. Yes, he gambled, but not in cards. He was a shark in the water and not afraid to swim with the other sharks. Brice could sit in his lab if he wanted to, but not Dean. He needed the excitement of the hunt, of the kill. His brother couldn’t understand that. But people like Asher Barrington and Trent Davis knew exactly what it felt like. What a fucking rush to win!

  Before he left the office, he said to his brother over his shoulder, “Everything is a gamble, Brice. You just never got in the game.” And it’s a ga
me you don’t want to play with me.

  Chapter Three

  Dean was trying to do as Tessa had asked and give Brittany-Lynn a chance to prove herself. She followed through on any task he asked of her. Answered the phone professionally and didn’t have an issue deflecting any calls he asked her to. It was possible she was capable of doing the job. But the truth was all he saw when he looked at her was a pretty young girl who was too innocent to be exposed to the type of people he associated himself with. And that could cause her a lot of pain that she wasn’t prepared for.

  In some ways, she reminded him of Zoey and his close childhood friend, Kenzi Barrington. She was tenderhearted but probably wouldn’t admit it. He remembered too clearly what effect that had on Kenzi. One that haunted her to this day. Although they never spoke about it, he knew it molded each of them to who they were today.

  Even thinking about it now boiled his blood. The day a person who he considered a friend told him what he had done to Kenzi had changed his life forever. Dean thought his father had been a cruel, abusive man, but to have listened to his friend boast about how he had drugged and raped Kenzi and show absolutely no remorse for doing it, was like looking at an animal who he knew would do it again if given the chance. It was bad enough he had done that to Kenzi, but he would be damned if he let that bastard do it to another defenseless person. Something within him snapped. He had one thought only. Kill the bastard.

  He almost accomplished it too. Dean beat that kid with his fist until he was unconscious and left him there in the park. But when he got home and saw Zoey, she knew he had done something. How she knew was beyond him, but somehow she always knew things that no one else did. All she did was give him a hug and say these simple words that cut him deep: “I know you will do the right thing.”

  Although he hated that kid, and as far as he was concerned he got what he deserved, the guilt of leaving even a scumbag like him to die alone in the park began to eat at him. Dean had picked up his cell phone and called for an ambulance to be dispatched to the location. He hadn’t given any other information, but that one call cost him more than he had realized. The police traced it back to him, and he was charged with attempted murder. The one question the judge asked was why. Dean refused to answer, and the kid pretended as though he didn’t know either.


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