Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two

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Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two Page 5

by Jeannette Winters

  She looked at the clock. The woman was already fifteen minutes late. No call, no show. It was like no one wanted to work here. Maybe we have been blacklisted.

  Tessa got up and headed for a much-needed cup of coffee. Why they didn’t put a break room on her floor was beyond her. Did they think HR didn’t need the caffeine? If anything, they needed it more with all the petty complaints that crossed their desk. But that was before Dean took charge. Now no one worried about the small stuff; everyone worried about having a job tomorrow.

  As she neared the elevator, the doors opened and she saw the woman she was to interview. She was dressed too nicely to be doing a data entry job, but she obviously had dressed to impress. Would have been more impressed if you were on time, but beggars can’t be choosers.

  “Your timing is perfect. Another minute and you would have missed me. Come in and let me get you started.”

  The woman looked a bit startled but followed her down the hall to the vacant desks.

  “I know what you’re thinking. We are very short-handed right now. Actually, when I say short-handed I mean it will be just you and me handling all of HR for the time being,” Tessa explained.

  The woman looked around and asked, “What happened to the rest of the department?”

  Tessa wished she could tell her the truth, but that wouldn’t have been very professional. However, she knew if she didn’t give her the warning about Dean, she might find herself fired even before she was able to learn the system. “We had a change in the company’s CEO recently and he has been . . . reorganizing things a bit.”

  “Looks like more than just a bit if you ask me.”

  Yeah, and reorganizing wasn’t true either. “You’ll find that Mr. Henderson likes things done a certain way.”

  “And what way is that?” she asked.

  Bite your tongue, Tessa. “His way. Don’t get me wrong, he is tough as nails and will rip your head off and serve it to you on a platter if you make a mistake, but you’re here only to do data entry so there shouldn’t be a reason for you to need to interact with him.” As the words replayed in her head, all she could think about was what she would have said if she wasn’t trying to hold back.

  The woman looked puzzled. “If he is really that bad then why are you still here?”

  Because he hasn’t figured out how to get rid of me yet. “I love Poly-Shyn and want to see it succeed. Besides I think deep down, under that rough exterior, there is teddy bear just waiting to come out.”

  The woman laughed. “Teddy bear. Are you sure about that?”

  Tessa laughed as well. “Okay, so that is an exaggeration. But I will tell you, I got to see a different side of him, and there is hope for that man. He just needs someone to show him what he is really capable of, not just what he thinks he is capable of.”

  “I guess you have gotten to know him quite well.”

  Tessa shook her head. A hint of pink then a red glow covered her cheeks. “No, not at all. We have not . . . I mean that this is purely a professional opinion.” She couldn’t believe how she stumbled over her words like a schoolgirl who just got caught kissing a boy behind the bleachers in the gym. Could I look any guiltier? Good thing this woman is only a temp because I look like I’m breaking the HR rules myself.

  “Well, I’m glad he has you to keep him grounded. Sounds like he needs it.” She looked around and added, “It looks like you need my help. Where can I start?”

  Tessa showed the woman to her old desk and got her started with some files that needed to be entered then headed back to her own office. She felt bad about throwing her right into work with only a few minutes of training, but she seemed willing, and all Tessa could hope was that she also was able.

  The rest of the morning flew by without incident. That’s a lovely change of pace. Looking at the clock, she noticed it was almost noon. Only then did she realize she hadn’t given the poor woman a chance to take a break.

  Leaving her office, she found the woman still typing away. What kind of manager am I? Am I so desperate for help that I didn’t even ask her what her name was? When did I become so insensitive? “Sorry. I forgot your name.”

  She looked up from the computer and said, “No problem. My name is Zoey. You looked like you were in the middle of a crisis. Hope everything is ironed out.”

  It’s going to take more than a few hours to even begin fixing what needs to be fixed. Smiling Tessa asked, “How about we take a break, and I buy you some lunch?”

  “I actually was hoping to meet up with someone for lunch. Maybe another time?”

  “Oh, of course. Just let me know when. We should get out of here for an hour. It is going to be a long afternoon.”

  They each grabbed their purse and went to the elevator. When the doors opened, there was a man inside. He was dressed professionally, yet something about the way he looked at them made her nervous. She had never seen him in the building before. Any new employee would have seen her first. When they got into the elevator, she noticed the floor for the executive offices was pushed.

  “Can I help you find someone?” Tessa asked wearily.

  He towered over them both and said, “No.”

  Tessa didn’t like the fact that this man was headed in Dean’s direction without warning. His face said he meant business, and she didn’t know what his intentions were. What could she do? And she also had to worry about the other woman because the way he was looking at her had Tessa scared. She was stunning, and the last thing she wanted was for her to fall prey to some tyrant in the elevator. As she was about to say something, the woman spoke up first.

  “What business do you have with Dean?” she asked.

  He turned to her and let his eyes roam over her slow and easy before asking, “Why do you want to know?”

  The woman stood straight and confident staring him in the eye. “I’m his sister, Zoey Henderson. So again, what the hell do you want with my brother?”

  The man didn’t appear shaken by the revelation at all. “I know who you are.”

  Zoey put her hands on her hips and asked, “How is that? I don’t know you.”

  “It’s my job to know,” the man replied.

  Zoey looked at Tessa for a clue but she had nothing to offer. This man didn’t work for Poly-Shyn. “What job is that?” Tessa asked.

  He turned to her and said, “I’m not at liberty to discuss that with either of you ladies.”

  Tessa stood in the elevator as the door opened and both Zoey and the mystery man exited and headed down the hall to Dean’s office.

  The initial fear Tessa was feeling quickly changed to shock. That was Dean’s sister? She had just put her to work keying in forms like she was an employee. And now I have another person in the building that I know nothing about. I’m quickly losing what little control I had here.

  She pressed the button back to the fourth floor. Eating was the last thing on her mind, and she actually felt sick. Oh my God. What have I done? I am so fucked now.

  “Mr. Henderson, I know you asked not to disturbed, but there is a Bennett Stone here to see you. He said you can see him now, or . . .” Brittany-Lynn said, standing at his office door looking extremely nervous.

  “Say it. Or what?” Dean barked.

  Bennett came into the office from behind Brittany-Lynn. “Or you can get the information you were searching for yourself.”

  Brittany-Lynn looked at both men as though she didn’t know what to do. “Close the door on your way out,” Dean said to her. Once she was gone, he turned to Bennett. “You’re one cocky bastard barging in here. If I didn’t want that information, I would throw your ass out.”

  “I don’t get paid for being nice.” Bennett walked over and sat in the chair across from Dean.

  Dean peered at him, trying to read him. He should’ve known Brice and Asher would only surround themselves with the best. “So who is after Poly-Shyn?”

  “Have you ever heard of Dax Marshall?”

  He shook his head. “Doesn’t
sound familiar.”

  “He’s from London. A man that takes what he wants, when he wants, and disposes of it when he is done.” Bennett pulled out a picture from the breast pocket of his coat and handed it to Dean.

  He couldn’t believe what he saw. The man wasn’t anyone he knew, but the woman sure as hell was. What the fuck! “Does anyone else know about this?”

  Bennett shook his head. “No. I figured you might want to address both issues at the same time.”

  Dean nodded. “He’s messing with the wrong fucking families. Who would be crazy enough to take on both the Hendersons and the Barringtons at the same time?”

  Bennett got up and headed for the door. “Dax Marshall. You’ll find his phone number on the back of the photo. Good luck. You’re gonna need it. I hear he never loses.”

  Neither do I, Bennet. Neither do I. Picking up the picture again he looked at his competition. Definitely carried himself with confidence, and his eyes said total control. That may intimidate others, but it was only going to make this all the more exciting when Dax lost.

  Know your enemies. Find their weaknesses. He forced himself to look closer at the photo. This time, he saw something he didn’t want to see. There was hunger in his eyes, and it wasn’t for Poly-Shyn. He not only was after Poly-Shyn, but he was after Kenzi.

  Dean hadn’t seen her in years, but he knew what she had been through, and just as he wouldn’t let Zoey be with such a bastard, he wasn’t going to let Kenzi either. Both of them were easy prey for someone like Dax. Not happening on my watch, Dax. You won’t find any friends. Time to deliver that message to you.

  He flipped the photo over and dialed the number.


  “Is this Dax Marshall?”

  “Yes, who’s this?”

  “Dean Henderson. I hear you’re after Poly-Shyn. Consider it off the market.”

  He swore he heard a soft laugh come from Dax. It was going to be a huge mistake for Dax to underestimate him. Many had before him and still regretted it. Dax Marshall was no different.

  “It’s not for sale?” His voice sounded sarcastic.

  “Not to you. You’re on my stomping ground, Dax, and you have no idea who you’re playing with. I can handle whatever you have planned. You’re not the first one to try to take me down. I’ll tell you right now, you won’t succeed.”

  “Be very careful, Dean.”

  Dean laughed, not taking Dax’s warning seriously. “You be careful. Go back to London. Stay away from Poly-Shyn and Kenzi Barrington.”

  “What does Poly-Shyn have to do with Kenzi?”

  That last thing Kenzi needed was another piece of shit hurting her. She was like a sister to him, and he would always protect her, just as he would Zoey. “Nothing, but I know you took her to dinner. I know your reputation, and the last thing she needs is someone like you messing with her. Stay the fuck away from her.”

  “Or what?” Dax questioned.

  “You’d be wise not to stick around to find out. If you’re looking for a fight, I’ll bring it every time, and I always win.” Dean didn’t wait for whatever comment was going to fly out of Dax’s mouth. First rule to winning: always get the last word.

  He was not foolish enough to believe Dax was through. He had planted Tessa there for a reason. Since he held his cards close, he knew Dax had no idea he was already on to him. This might be their first conversation, but the game had begun. People like Dax and him don’t quit because someone tells them to. If anything, he would need to watch closer since he rattled the cage. I love a good fight.

  Dean left his office. He had a lunch date, and he hoped she was still there. One thing about his sister, she was used to her brothers standing her up, so she knew better than to wait around for them.

  Surprisingly, she was there but, unfortunately, she wasn’t alone. “What the fuck are you still doing here, Bennett?” Dean wasn’t sure why he was so pissed right now, but it seemed Kenzi wasn’t the only one he had to worry about.

  “Just keeping her occupied while you handled business,” Bennett said to Dean as he got up from the seat next to Zoey.

  Dean looked at Zoey then back at Bennett and gave him a warning look. “Just remember what you’re paid to do and nothing more.”

  Bennett laughed. “Enjoy your lunch. I hope to see you again, Zoey.”

  Oh, how he wanted to deck him. Bennett may have served in the Marine Corp and had training that only a few have, but when it came to his family, no one fucks with them without paying the price.

  When Bennett was out of earshot, Zoey went up to Dean and gave him a hug. “I can see you haven’t lost any of your people skills. He was only being nice to me.”

  People like us are never nice without a motive. “And I’m just watching out for you.”

  She gave him a kiss on the cheek, and they headed to lunch. Sweet innocent Zoey. Don’t make me have to hire someone to keep an eye on you. And it sure as hell isn’t going to be Bennett Stone.

  Chapter Five

  “Hello. Is anyone here?” An unfamiliar voice echoed from down the hall into Tessa’s office.

  She wasn’t expecting anyone today. Zoey can’t be here again can she? Having Zoey yesterday was helpful, but she still felt so foolish for not recognizing one of the Hendersons. Granted their father didn’t have family portraits hanging around like most family-owned businesses. But first she didn’t know who Dean was and then Zoey. If she wanted to be successful at her job, she better google the rest of the family in case they showed up one by one.

  Tessa went to greet whoever had ventured into the HR hole. When she saw who was calling out, she stopped dead in her tracks. Unlike yesterday, the woman in the hall was not dressed to impress. Maybe for a date.

  “May I help you?” Tessa asked and was hoping she did not introduce herself as another Henderson.

  “I’m here for an interview.”

  Tessa knew she was burned out from what seemed like an endless amount of work lately, but she was pretty sure the interview was scheduled for yesterday. Could they have sent someone else today without notifying her? Not likely.

  “I was not aware I had an appointment today,” Tessa stated.

  “Yeah, well it was supposed to be yesterday but I was giving a lecture on . . . well the topic isn’t important, but I really wanted this job so I thought better late than never.”

  If she didn’t look serious, Tessa would’ve dropped to the floor laughing. It was the lamest excuse anyone had ever given. Maybe she was judging her too harshly. Honesty is hard to come by. “What’s your name?”

  Her smile could light up a room. “Lexi Chambers.”

  “Lexi, do you have any experience in Human Resources?”

  She grinned and replied, “Most definitely. Anything you need, I’m your girl.”

  Tessa wasn’t so sure, but Lexi presented herself with confidence. Maybe a bit of that could rub off on me. “And what other work experience do you have besides HR?” Tessa somehow knew Lexi’s answer wasn’t going to be a standard response from any interview book she’d ever read.

  “You name it. I am a professional speaker. If you need someone to get up in front of a crowd and talk for a few hours, just call me. The topic doesn’t matter either.” Lexi had a look of pride on her face as she spoke. “Of course, I don’t come cheap. I won’t take a gig for anything less than three hundred dollars. Just in case you would like me to handle your employee orientations for you.”

  I think you might scare the staff, because you’re kind of scaring me. But there was something she liked about Lexi. It was time to stop hiring who she thought Dean Henderson would approve. He didn’t approve of anyone. What was the worst thing that could happen? Dean could say something to Lexi, and Tessa guessed that Lexi would tell him off and be fired on the spot. Of course, she would love to be the fly on the wall when Lexi did lay in on him. If anything, it would be entertaining.

  “When would you be available to start?”

  “I could start today
as long as you don’t mind me taking a little bit longer lunch. Prior commitment with my sister Willa that I can’t get out of. Wouldn’t be the first time I left her sitting in a restaurant waiting for me, but when we spoke this morning, she warned me it was going to be my last.” Lexi laughed.

  Wow. She is high energy and not on the quiet side. I only hope she can shut up long enough to actually process something. There was only one way to find out. Give her a chance. Tessa didn’t like to judge a book by its cover. She only hoped she didn’t regret what she was about to say. “Okay then. Consider yourself hired on a temporary basis. If all works out maybe, and I stress maybe, there will be a full-time permanent position for you.” Tessa wanted to dangle a carrot in front of her. She didn’t have time to continue training new people to do the job and she couldn’t continue trying to do it all herself either.

  “That sounds like a plan I can handle. I never seem to be at one place too long. Not that I have an issue with commitment or anything, but I guess I get bored easily. You know, sitting looking at a computer all day, not talking to anyone. I mean really, I would need to triple my caffeine intake just to make it to noon.”

  Any more caffeine and you probably won’t ever be able to sit still. Tessa decided not to show her the coffee station as she showed her around the building.

  “I suggest sticking to our floor as much as possible. The executives prefer their privacy on the top floor and get a bit testy if disturbed.” Or should I say the one and only one left does.

  “Bet they’re crotchety old guys too. Don’t worry, I will stay as far away as I can. I can’t stand being around dry and boring people anyway. Life is too short.”

  Tessa had to agree, but the one in charge was anything but old and boring. Hot and sexy would be a better description. She still hadn’t been able to shake off the kiss from the other day. How could a man so damn strong and powerful kiss her so gently that she felt the tingling all the way to her toes? Whatever it is, I can’t let it happen again. If I do, I’m not sure I will be able to stop.


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