Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two

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Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two Page 11

by Jeannette Winters

  Dean’s cock sprung to life with her touch. Pulling her to rest fully on top of him, he said, “Several.” Then he claimed her lips again for another round of lovemaking that promised to be as good as the first.

  Chapter Eleven

  Dean couldn’t ever remember having a problem leaving a woman’s bed before. This morning all he had wanted to do was wake her and have her again and again. Tessa had blown his mind. The sweet tenderhearted woman came more alive in his arms than he ever could have imagined. Even now, sitting in the office, his cock got hard just thinking about her.

  He needed to think of something else, anything else right now. Poly-Shyn was not out of the woods. Looking at where the stock was right now, Dax was right; it was going to attract more than one shark. If he couldn’t find a way to stop this sabotage, then Poly-Shyn wouldn’t be worth shit in a few months. But who or what was causing the stock to plummet? When he asked Bennett what he knew of it, he made it clear that monitoring the stock market wasn’t in his job description. He could call Trent or Asher as they probably were watching it as closely as he was right now. Doing so would only admit that he was worried, and there was no way he would give them that satisfaction. I’ll figure this out myself. Always have, always will.

  Everything he looked at said someone had to have inside information. No way could they pull this kind of sabotage off without it. The logical person who had full access to everything was Tessa. He had crossed her off the list but she never actually denied anything. She only said she’d never met Dax. Was it possible? Was he being played the fool? Would she go so far as to sleep with him to throw off his suspicions?

  Closing his eyes, he thought back to every conversation and interaction with her. There were times he had no doubt in his mind it was her. When he kissed her and she kissed him back after the way he had treated her, he knew she had to be doing it to gather information to cover her tracks. The look in her eyes, however, when he accused her at her parents’ house was no act. He had hurt her badly then. There was no way she was connected with what was happening. There’s something she’s not telling me, but this is not it.

  Now he had two issues to think about, Poly-Shyn and whatever Tessa was dealing with. He could ask her, but he knew she wouldn’t be forthcoming with the information. So how does one gather personal information on a woman? Bennett? Probably shouldn’t involve him in this one. Who would know and be willing to talk? Lexi. She always had a way of getting people to talk. Could she have already broken Tessa down? If anyone could, it would be Lexi.

  Picking up the phone he dialed HR and Lexi answered, as he hoped.

  “Missing Tessa already Dean?” Lexi asked in a teasing tone.

  Can’t there be any other way? Why Lexi? There is nothing relaxing about a lunch with her. “I’m calling to see if you’re free for lunch.”

  There was a surprising silence on the other end. Something you didn’t get when talking to Lexi. Her next words were sharp. “Dean Henderson, what game are you playing? In all these years, you’ve never asked me out for lunch. I can’t remember you asking me how I was doing. Trust me, I would never pass up a free lunch, but I want to know your motive first.”

  Everyone looked at Lexi as cute but not so bright. Maybe he had misjudged her as well. There really wasn’t much she missed. She was a go-getter, and if she had been employed here earlier, he might even suspect her of working with Dax. Lexi was a lot of things, but from what he knew, she wasn’t a liar. Kenzi didn’t surround herself with such people. But then again, Kenzi was seeing Dax Marshall. Maybe it was his own judgment that was lacking lately.

  “I want to talk about your boss.” Dean figured he would lay it all out there with Lexi. She either was game or not, and he needed to know before wasting any more time.

  “Okay, Dean. You can buy me lunch. I have a few questions of my own anyway. Oh . . . I’m really hungry so let’s not go to any of those fancy places that look great but don’t feed you. I’m thinking more like prime rib or lobster.”

  He could hear Lexi laughing as she hung up the phone. Nothing was ever easy when it came to Lexi, but she wasn’t a mean person. Unlike myself.

  Brittany-Lynn knocked on Dean’s open door. “Sorry to disturb you but Zoey is on line one.”

  “Tell her I’ll call her later.” Dean didn’t want to hear her nagging about the Sunday brunch at Lena and Brice’s. Once was already enough. He was going, what more did they want from him?

  She didn’t leave. Instead, she said, “Apparently she was anticipating that reply. She said if you don’t take her call she will call Tessa and share all the embarrassing stories of your childhood.”

  Embarrassing wasn’t the way he would describe his youth, but he definitely didn’t want Tessa knowing anything about what it was like growing up in the Henderson home. People thought they were born with silver spoons in their mouths. Yes, they had money, but that was all they had. Back then he would have given anything to have a real home, a family dinner, or a parent who actually cared for their well-being. No one should ever be jealous of what we had.

  Picking up the receiver, he took a deep breath and prepared himself for whatever his sister had to say this time. “What is it, Zoey? What’s so important that can’t wait till I have time to talk?”

  “Hmm. That’s interesting.”

  “What is?”

  “You took my call.”

  No shit. You didn’t leave me much choice. “So what is it you want?”

  “Nothing anymore.”

  He didn’t have a clue what the hell she was talking about. Had everyone lost their freaking minds? “Zoey, quit playing games. I’m a busy man. What do you need?”

  “Just confirming a rumor. Since you took my call, then I am saying Shaun was right. You’re sweet on Tessa.”

  Shaun, you have a big fucking mouth. One day, brother, I’ll get even. “It’s not like that, Zoey.”

  “Then how is it? I was there, remember? I spent the morning working with her. I knew she liked you then. I didn’t realize it was mutual. If I had known then—”

  “Don’t say another word. This conversation is over. If there is something else you want to talk about, fine. Otherwise, I’ll see you on Sunday.”

  “Okay. You win. See you on Sunday. Oh, don’t forget to bring Tessa.” Zoey laughed then disconnected the call.

  He was already regretting asking Tessa to come with him. Dean would like to say he’d asked in the heat of the moment, but that wasn’t true. He enjoyed her company and really wanted to spend more time with her. Why there? Why not steal her away to a tropical island where we can be alone and have some fun? Sunday was going to be anything but fun. At least, not for me.

  Dean clicked line one again to make an outgoing call, but found the someone was already on the line. “Who’s this?” Dean asked.

  “This is Mathew Kalling. Thanks for taking my call Mr. Henderson.”

  Dean didn’t recognize the name, yet the guy on the phone said quickly it was as though anticipating being hung up on. My reputation proceeds me.

  “I didn’t intend to,” Dean said flatly. “What is this about?”

  “I’m the CFO of West Oil—”

  Dean cut in before Mathew could continue. “You guys are a hot mess over there right now. The old man got busted for being crooked. Why the hell are you calling me? I’m not looking to invest in your company if that is what you’re looking for.”

  “We’re navigating some difficult situations, but things are looking up. I’m calling today because your company produces a product we need.”

  “And you thought that you needed to call me to deal with it? I have a sales department. Call them.”

  “We need more of this product than your sales department has probably sold in all of last year. I find starting at the top usually gets the job done right. The way I see it, judging by your stock price, you could use a lucrative deal.”

  Judging by the stock price someone is intentionally screwing with Poly-Shyn. It isn�
�t a lucrative deal I need it’s getting my hands on the mole. Dean clenched the phone tightly.

  He wasn’t going to discuss anything regarding Poly-Shyn, but he was willing to take his money. “I’ll set up a meeting with my head of sales and tell him to call you.”

  Mathew went on quickly, perceptive enough to hear Dean’s interest in this conversation waning. “One more question. I’ve been trying to reach out to B&H to discuss some opportunities. Is there a way you could put me in touch with your brother Brice? Maybe West Oil could connect with the whole Henderson family and have some mutually beneficial partnerships.” The small chuckle from Mathew was quickly snuffed out.

  The whole Henderson family isn’t even connected with itself. Dean snapped. “If you want to deal with B&H you can figure that out yourself. Unless there is something else, I believe our business is done.”

  Mathew replied, “Well I look forward to hearing from your head of sales. West Oil is on a track you’ll want to be a part of.”

  Dean disconnected the phone without another word. He doubted very much he’d want to be a part of anything West Oil was doing. He barely wanted to be a part of that phone conversation. But business was business, and driving sales was key. If the enemies were knocking at his door, having a solid contract with an oil company couldn’t hurt.

  Another knock on the door, but this time, it was Lexi.

  “Since you didn’t say what time lunch was, I figured no time like the present.”

  Might as well get this over with. I just hope I get what I need. As he left his office, he told Brittany-Lynn to call his cell phone for anything. It was the best hint he could give her that he would welcome an interruption. She looked puzzled at first then nodded and smiled. She really was a good asset, another example of Tessa knowing what he needed. That would have to end. He liked being in control.

  His lunch with Lexi went better than anticipated. Try as she may, he didn’t give her any definitive answers to her list of questions. However, she was more forthcoming with the details she knew about Tessa. Go figure. Tessa is even sweeter than he thought. This is going to really suck when I break her heart. Because with me, it’s only a matter of time. I am an asshole to the core.

  “Where have you been, Lexi? I know you said you needed to take an early lunch but you have been gone almost two hours. Please tell me you have a valid excuse this time.”

  Lexi plopped herself into the chair across from Tessa’s desk and patted her stomach. “Besides having the best prime rib I’ve ever eaten, I’m also filled with more information than I thought possible.”

  “Have you been drinking? You’re not making any sense. Where have you been?” Tessa demanded.

  Lexi smiled and said, “Out to lunch with Dean.”

  Tessa’s heart practically stopped. Why would she and Dean have lunch? Not just lunch, but a two-hour lunch. He hadn’t called her this morning even after what they had shared last night. Now he was already spending time with another woman. Lexi is hot and fun to be around, everything I’m not. Why wouldn’t he rather be with her?

  “I’m glad you made it back. You have a stack of files on your desk waiting to be keyed in. So if you don’t mind, I also have a lot of work to do.” Tessa turned back to her blank laptop screen. Lexi had no way of knowing it wasn’t on. Right now I can’t focus on anything but that damn lunch.

  “Oh, work can wait a bit longer. I couldn’t move if you paid me.”

  “You are being paid, Lexi. Now go,” Tessa warned. She was not as tough as Dean when it came to managing employees, but she expected everyone to pull their weight. No free rides here.

  Lexi began to get up and said, “Then I guess you don’t want to know what Dean had to say about you, do you?”

  “Wait.” The words slipped out. No, she didn’t want to know. If he couldn’t say it to her, then why would she want to hear it from Lexi? His actions or lack of them today said volumes.

  She sat back down with a grin that scared Tessa. “Not going to deduct this time from my pay are you?”

  Tessa glared at her, and Lexi only laughed. “Don’t tempt me.”

  “So should I start with his line of questions about you or mine for him about you?”

  He asked her to lunch to find out about me? Why not just ask me? I would answer him. Or was it something he rather not ask me. Oh God, maybe I don’t want to know. Please don’t have told her anything that will make me need to move away. “Just tell me.”

  “He wanted to know what you’re like when you’re not around him. You know like in the office or when we played hooky last week and went out shopping, totally blowing off work for the day.”

  “You told him about that?” Here she was threatening Lexi about being responsible and she had done so much worse last week. Way to go, Tessa.

  “It may have slipped. He was cool with it. Actually, I think he liked hearing that you are not Little Miss Perfect all the time.”

  Oh, I am far from perfect. If he only knew about the severance packages. I’m going to have to tell him about those. Just not today. “What else did you two discuss?”

  “It’s not what I said; it’s more what he said, or more like what he didn’t say. I’ve known him since we were fifteen. Not that we really were close, but Kenzi used to talk about him, and I am a pretty good judge of character. So he hasn’t been seriously involved with anyone. Not even close. But yet, he is taking you to a family brunch on Sunday. He has never taken a woman to meet his family.”

  Her heart felt like it was going to pound right out of her chest. What did that actually mean? They hadn’t known each other long, and he was taking her there already? When he asked her last night, or maybe early this morning, she figured it was something they all gathered for, and she would be like any other date. Knowing this now scared the hell out of her. She knew his family would be looking at her much closer. Why did I agree to go? Is it too late to back out? Damn.

  Lexi filled her in with a few other unimportant details. Tessa stopped listening after a few minutes and could not stop thinking of Dean. His lack of a call today no longer troubled her. Sunday was the one and only thing on her mind right now.

  “So what are you going to wear on Sunday?”

  And thanks for the added stress, Lexi. Just what I needed. “How do you feel about another shopping adventure?”

  “Sounds good, but it will have to wait till after work. I don’t want to get fired,” Lexi said as she headed out of Tessa’s office.

  You and me both.

  Chapter Twelve

  Tessa had hoped to hear from Dean yesterday, but didn’t. If it weren’t for what Lexi had told her, she would have spent her entire night last night eating double chocolate chunk ice cream. It wouldn’t have been the first time, but no one should do that more than once in their lifetime.

  Walking down to her office she saw Lexi with a grin on her face that said, “I know something you don’t know.” Now, what?

  “Good morning, Tessa. How are you today?”

  Just spit it out, Lexi. No time for games today. “We’re extremely busy, and we have a lot of catching up to do from yesterday. So let’s get to it.” Tessa tried walking by, but Lexi was having none of that.

  She bolted from behind her desk and started walking with Tessa. “Dean was down here looking for you.”

  If she wanted her attention, she knew exactly how to get it. “Did he need anything?” Dean made it a point to avoid connecting with the staff on any level. That probably was a good thing as whenever he did, they found themselves unemployed. Lexi most likely was safe because they were friends. Tessa was feeling more confident after the night they shared, but even then, he was all business when it came to how he liked things done.

  “Nope,” Lexi said and continued to follow Tessa to her office.

  When Tessa opened the door and turned on the light, she saw exactly why Dean had come to visit her so early. There were dozens of daisies filling her office. Her eyes glistened with tears threatening to flow
, but she fought them back. If she had been alone, it probably would’ve been a different story entirely.

  “Oh, my.”

  “Yeah. I can’t believe how romantic this is. I asked him what was with the daisies and he said . . .” Lexi made a funny face then continued, “Well let’s just say he made it clear there were things that are none of my business. Which, of course, made my mind go crazy, so you’ll have to tell me.”

  Tessa looked around and still couldn’t get over how many there were. “Go to work, Lexi, before you don’t have a job.”

  Tessa ushered her out of the office and closed the door. When she made her way back to her desk she found a single daisy laying there with a note. “May all your rainy days be filled with sunshine. Dean.”

  She held the card to her chest. He remembered what she said. He had acted like he wanted to be anywhere but with her on that ride. Even taking business calls. But he remembered what this flower meant to her. You surprise me. Wonder what else I don’t know about you. Whatever it is, I look forward to finding out.

  Sitting down, she picked up the phone and called his office.

  “Hi, Tessa. This is Brittany-Lynn. Dean’s in a meeting. May I take a message for you?”

  No. This is one I will deliver myself. “No. Just checking to see how the job is going. Have things improved?”

  “Yes. Tremendously. Thank you for convincing me to stay. I am really enjoying the job.”

  Don’t say that too loud. We each have a number on our back, and if we look happy it seems to move us up the list. “Good to hear. You know how to find me if you need me.”

  She couldn’t help feel a bit disappointed as she hung up the receiver. The flowers were wonderful, but hearing his voice would have been better. Patience, Tessa. He knows how to find you.

  Turning on her laptop, she pulled up her usual files. The last one seemed to be missing information. She closed it and reopened it. Nothing. That’s odd. I never delete anything in here. It’s for HR use only. How can things be gone?


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