Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two

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Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two Page 17

by Jeannette Winters

  “Fuck it,” Beckett said as he pulled a bulletproof vest out of the duffle bag. “You can come, but no weapon. I don’t want to have to worry about getting shot by friendly fire.”

  Bennett nodded his agreement. “You do as we say. Anything outside of that not only risks us, but Tessa as well. We have one shot at this. We can’t blow it.”

  Both Bennett and Beckett suited up. If Dean wasn’t worried before, looking at the number of weapons these two were strapping on did the trick. “There’s only one guy we’re going in after, right?”

  “One crazy bastard. We’re not taken any chances,” Bennett said.

  “Let’s go,” Beckett said. “The chopper is waiting and will drop us off on the roof. Hope you can handle scaling down a rope, because we ain’t landing.”

  Zoey ran over to Dean and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Dean, don’t do anything stupid. Let them do their job, and Tessa will be okay. She’s a lot stronger than you think she is.”

  I sure as hell hope so.

  Tim seemed to be getting anxious. He began pacing the floor. It was obvious he knew he was being watched as the security blinds on the windows had already been pulled down. She had watched enough action movies to know they would have taken him out from a rooftop on another building already, if that was an option.

  There was only one way into that room now, and Tim wasn’t taking his eyes off it. He had a pistol of some kind in the waistband of his jeans and another even scarier gun in his hand. There also was a rifle leaning against the chair he had been sitting on. It was apparent he was not going down without a fight. She couldn’t picture how anyone was going to get in that door and rescue her without getting shot.

  I hope Bennett knows what he’s doing because this is going to go really bad quickly if he doesn’t. She wasn’t naïve. It was very possible she would not make it out alive. No matter how hard she tried to calm her nerves or look as though she was relaxed, her heart was skipping a beat every so often. Mom. Dad. Do you know how much I love you? Dean? Do you even know that I love you?

  She wanted the chance to be able to tell him. Tessa had tried to show him, but the words needed to be said. Please let me have the chance to tell him. Please.

  Tessa knew something was going on because Tim came over and grabbed her roughly by her upper arm and dragged her to stand in front of him by the chair with the rifle. He was going to use her as a human shield.

  Her legs shook and threatened to give out.

  “One move or sound and I’ll shut you up permanently. Understood?” he said with the barrel of the gun pressed against her temple.

  She shook her head as tears streaked down her cheeks, yet she made no sound. His fingers dug deeply into her flesh, but the pain was nothing compared to her fear. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. The doorknob turned, then opened. The click of the gun being cocked against her head echoed throughout her.

  She saw Bennett and another man, both heavily armed, enter the room with weapons drawn and aimed at them. Tessa closed her eyes and waited for what would come next. But no shot was fired by either party.

  “Where the fuck is Dean?” Tim growled. “I want him here or she dies.”

  Please, Dean. No. I can’t lose you. Don’t do it! As she opened her eyes, she saw Dean pushing past one of the men.

  “Let her go, Tim. This is between you and me,” Dean said.

  “Come and get her lover boy.” Tim egged him on.

  “Don’t,” Beckett warned Dean.

  Tessa and Dean’s eyes met briefly. She wanted to scream, “Don’t do it, Dean.” But it was too late. She watched him step forward in front of Bennett and the other man, blocking their shot now. He had his hands up in the air as though surrendering. There was nothing she could do but pray as she saw the gun turn from her temple and aim.

  Within a second the shots rang out. One, two, three, four. She lost count as she saw Dean arch back, then forward again, and begin to drop to the floor. She never saw which man pulled the trigger from behind Dean, but she felt Tim’s body tense then fall away from her.

  Once free, she ran to Dean’s side. He was gasping for air and quickly losing blood from his right leg.

  Kneeling by his side, she touched his face. “Dean. Oh my God, Dean. You’re going to be okay. Stay with me. Please don’t leave me. I can’t lose you. I love you, Dean.” His eyes fluttered and then closed. “Dean. Dean,” she screamed, “I love you.”

  “Tessa, get up. Let us help him,” Bennett ordered.

  She didn’t want to let go, but he was bleeding so hard. Then she saw another wound by his shoulder also bleeding. She kissed him lightly on the lips then stood and watched the two men remove the vest and begin direct pressure. Sobbing, she begged them to save him.

  “I radioed ahead; let’s get him to the chopper, Beckett,” Bennett ordered.

  Chopper? “What about an ambulance. He needs help.”

  “We have the fastest ride, and it will be waiting two floors up,” Beckett answered.

  She nodded. Time was of the essence, and whatever it took to save Dean, she wanted it done.

  Bennett was on the radio when two other guys entered the room. Only then did she see that Dean wasn’t the only one injured. Bennett’s left arm was also bleeding, yet he made no attempt to care for his own wound, nor did the other men.

  Instead, all four men carried Dean down the hall to the waiting elevator. She followed them, still in shock. She was alive, and right now so was Dean. That was all that mattered.

  As they loaded him into the chopper, she watched Beckett start an IV on Dean. These men didn’t mess around. Were they soldiers or medics? It really didn’t matter as long as they saved Dean’s life. Strapped into her seat, still sobbing, she watched as they worked on his limp body. Don’t you dare die on me, Dean.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The pain that ripped through his body was nothing compared to hearing Tessa’s crying out to him, telling him she loved him, and yet he was unable to respond before everything went black.

  He woke and knew he was in a bright room even though his eyes were closed. He heard the sounds of beeping machines and people talking all around him. Where am I?

  Dean tried to open his eyes to see what was going on. There was only one voice he wanted to hear right now. Tessa.

  Was she all right? He didn’t remember anything after getting shot, except her voice pleading to him. She needed him, and he needed to go to her. He willed his body to move, his eyes to open, but neither happened.

  “Doctor, I think he’s coming to,” a woman said near him.

  Coming to? From what?

  “Hold on, Dean; take it easy. You’re in the hospital. You’re okay. You’ve been shot. You’re just waking from having surgery,” a man said next to him.

  Dean tried to move again but his body felt like it was tide down.

  “Don’t move, Dean. Let your body heal.” This time a familiar voice spoke. He turned his head to see Logan.

  Knowing his brother was there eased his mind slightly. He couldn’t think about himself. He needed to know Tessa was okay and that Bennett and Beckett had gotten to Tim before he hurt Tessa.

  “Tessa.” His voice barely a whisper and his throat raw.

  No one answered him. If they wanted him to lie still, they better tell him what happened to her.

  “Tessa.” Dean said again a bit louder, clearer.

  “Doctor, he asking for someone named Tessa,” the woman said.

  Logan came to stand by his side. “Dean, she’s okay. Tessa wasn’t hurt. She’s in the waiting room with the rest of family. Let’s get you settled first then we’ll bring in the others,” Logan said to Dean.

  His eyes opened fully and he saw the other man standing by him. Trying to move, a stabbing pain shot through him again.

  “Tessa. Now,” Dean demanded.

  “Five minutes, Dean. That’s all you get this time. You lost a lot of blood, and your body need to heal. She’s not going anywh
ere, you can see her and then you need to rest.” Logan nodded to the nurse who left the room. He didn’t care about his pain. He needed to see Tessa and know that his actions had not hurt her. If she was hurt, he’d rather be dead himself.

  Although he wanted to argue, his body was weak. He closed his eyes again and waited. Within a few minutes Dean felt the gentle touch of her hand on his. Opening his eyes slowly he was shocked to see her face. Logan had said she was unharmed. But that wasn’t true. She had a huge bruised swollen cheek, all the way up to her eye. Her lip was also split on the same side as well. Did he beat you? I’ll fucking kill him.

  He choked back tears that threatened to break free. He had never in his life cried over anything. But seeing her now, even with some physical and mental wounds, she was safe. That was all that mattered to him. My beautiful Tessa.

  He reached his hand up to touch the uninjured side of her face. It was still damp from the tears she apparently had been shedding. “It’s okay. You don’t have to cry, Tessa. It’s all over.”

  “You knew he was after you, Dean. He wanted to kill you. Why did you have to come into that room?” she asked.

  Because I love you. And would die for you. “Tessa. You shouldn’t have ever been brought into this mess. I’m sorry. This is all my fault.”

  He knew what she wanted to hear, needed to hear, but after what just happened, she needed to go back to Denfield. Live a normal, happy, quiet life. Dean had made too many mistakes in his life, and Tim was only one of the crazy people who’d seek revenge. Never again would he allow her to be in harm’s way.

  “No Dean, it’s not all your fault. You can’t control other people’s actions. We are all responsible for our own,” Tessa said softly.

  My sweet baby always sees the good in people. There’s none here to see. “Go home, Tessa.”

  “I don’t want to leave you, Dean. I don’t want to ever leave you.” She placed a kiss on the palm of his hand that was still touching her face.

  He slowly pulled it away. “You don’t belong with me. If you haven’t figured that out, then let me tell you; I am not pretending to be an asshole. I am an asshole. You deserve to be with an upstanding gentleman. That’s not me. Not even close. So go home, Tessa. Go back to Denfield.”

  The hurt in her eyes was killing him, but this needed to be done, to be said. If he had the courage to stop it earlier, then Tim never would have taken her hostage. This was for her own good. Someday she would forgive him. And if not, as long as she was safe and happy, then that’s all that mattered.

  Tessa was searching his eyes for any sign that he didn’t mean what he said, but he didn’t provide her one. The tears flowed again down her cheeks and he watched her leave his hospital room. I’m good at being the asshole. But you’ll thank me someday, Tessa. Someday.

  She could barely see out of her eyes as they were blurred from her tears. She heard Zoey call her, but she couldn’t bring herself to stop. When she got to the elevator the doors opened, and she saw her parents standing there. It didn’t matter right now how or why. It only mattered that they were there.

  She walked into her mother’s embrace and stood there crying.

  “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay now,” Sharon said while gently rubbing her daughter’s back in a soothing motion.

  “No, it’s not, Mom. It never will be again,” Tessa cried.

  “Yes, it will be. He’s going to be okay,” Sharon replied.

  “But he doesn’t want me. He doesn’t love me.” She sobbed.

  Claude spoke up. “Did he tell you he doesn’t love you?”

  “He told me to go home, back to Denfield.” She choked out the words. They hurt saying them now.

  “That’s not what I asked, Tessa. Did he tell you he doesn’t love you?” Claude asked again.

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Then why are you so upset?” he asked.

  “He wants me to leave. He doesn’t want me around.”

  Claude took his daughter by the hand and said, “Let’s go find out why.”

  Tessa looked at him, her eyes wide open. “I can’t go back in there, Dad. He just sent me away.”

  “I’m going in. Are you sure you want me in there alone with him? Especially in his delicate state?”

  Not fair, Dad. “Okay, but only for a minute, and don’t ask him anything. He’s very weak.”

  When they entered the room, Dean’s eyes were closed.

  “He’s sleeping. Let him rest; we should just go,” Tessa said, her voice only a whisper.

  “Tessa?” Dean called out before they left the room.

  She turned back to see his eyes opened. She went to the right side of his bed and her parents to the other.

  “Sorry. My parents wanted to make sure you were okay. Go back to sleep.”

  “I’m not sleeping,” Dean said. “Mr. Brook. Mrs. Brooks. Thank you for coming.”

  “Call me, Claude. We appreciate you calling us to let us know what really was going on with Tessa before you went to get her back. I have to say, son, you had us mighty scared there for a while,” Claude said as he held his wife’s hand tightly. “I’m not sure either one of us could breathe until Brice called us to say she was safe. We only found out what happened to you from Beckett when the helicopter picked us up and brought us here.

  “I’m sorry. It was my fault. I should’ve protected her,” Dean replied.

  “Tessa is under the impression that you want her to leave and go back to Denfield. Why is that, Dean?” Claude asked.

  “Dad, please. He just got out of surgery. Let him rest,” Tessa pleaded.

  “Are you too weak to answer son?” Claude stared Dean in the eyes.

  “No, sir.”

  “Do you want me to have the ladies wait outside while we talk?”

  Oh, no. I love this man too much to do this to him, even if he doesn’t love me. “I’m not going anywhere, Dad.”

  “That’s funny. You were just crying your eyes out, saying you’re going back to Denfield and now you’re not going anywhere. Sounds like you two don’t know what you want.”

  “It’s not that simple, Claude.”

  “Tell me. What is so complexed?”

  “I am not the right person for your daughter. I know it, and you know it.”

  “And how do you know what I think?” Claude asked.

  “Your daughter could have been killed today because of me,” Dean said firmly, even in his weakened state.

  “Dean, I see this differently. Yes, you’re right; my daughter could have been killed today. But what I heard from that man, Beckett, on the flight over here, was that you intentionally stepped into the line of fire unarmed, drew that man’s attention to you, and took the bullets so my daughter’s life would be spared even though it could have cost you yours. I don’t think I could ask for a better man than that for my daughter,” Claude stated.

  Tessa’s heart was pounding. She hadn’t even questioned how or why her parents knew to come to the hospital when she saw them at the elevator. All she had been thinking about was that Dean didn’t want her or love her. Yet Dean was the one who had reached out to them. Not a secretary, but Dean himself. Why would he do all this if he didn’t love me?

  It didn’t matter what he did with her parents. It wouldn’t matter if he put them up in the best penthouse one could hope for. Nothing mattered if Dean didn’t love her. So she couldn’t stay. Not anymore. To be so close and not be able to tell him how much she loves him or show him her love, that would be more than she could bear.

  Dean didn’t reply to her father. He turned and looked at her for a minute. She thought he was going to say something, but instead he turned back to face Claude and only nodded to him. As though that was all that was needed.

  She wanted to shake him and tell him how much she loved him. That he had to love her too. Her father practically gave Dean him his blessing for them to be together, yet he said nothing. Tessa felt drained, empty and raw. Why do I have to love a man
who doesn’t love me?

  Tears threatened to fall again, but she wasn’t going to cry. That wouldn’t do any good. She opened her mouth to tell him goodbye, that she would be returning to Denfield with her parents. He said he wasn’t sleepy, but the pain meds were taking effect and his eyes began to close. She didn’t have time to say the words before he was out cold. Maybe that’s a good thing. I didn’t want to hear him. Dean so easily dismissing was hard enough to hear once.

  She left her parents in the room with Dean and went back to the waiting room. She had nothing left inside her. Her adrenaline was still high from earlier that day. Dean wasn’t the only one who needed to sleep.

  Even with the noise of the TV and the other people, Tessa sat in the chair, leaned her head back, and fell asleep.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Zoey, stop trying to mother me. I never needed one, never will,” Dean said harshly. He didn’t know why everyone seemed to be gathered in his room this morning, everyone except Tessa. The only one I really need to see right now.

  “Dean, you can tell yourself you don’t need anyone, but we all know differently. Don’t we guys?” Zoey asked the brothers.

  “I’m not sure he needs us, but I agree with Zoey; Dean does need one person,” Shaun answered.

  His head was pounding and his body hurting like a bastard because he refused to take any more pain meds. He wanted up and out of this place. If no one was willing to get him some clothes, he had no objection to walking out of there in his hospital gown with his bare ass exposed.

  As if there weren’t enough people in his room already, Bennett and Beckett entered. Dean noticed Bennett’s arm was in a sling.

  “Good to see you’re alive,” Beckett said.

  “You’re damn lucky to be alive with a fool-ass move like you pulled,” Bennett added.

  “Give the guy a break, Bennett. Maybe one day when you find a woman who can put up with your sorry ass then you’ll understand,” Beckett said.

  “What foolish thing did my brother do?” Zoey asked Bennett.

  He shook his head. “Decided to play hero and step in front of Beckett and me, blocking our line of fire. He’s lucky he’s alive.”


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