Talon's Trophy

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Talon's Trophy Page 5

by Dawn Ryder

  He growled again and it sent a thrill of delight into her pussy. Somehow Chanah recognized that sound and the fact that he was finished waiting too. Chanah lay back against the pillows as she moved her thighs apart. Her breath raced in and out of her lungs as she complied with his demands. Excitement burned across her as she watched the way his eyes traveled over her body. Maybe she was the one following his dictates, but he was following her actions.

  “For every action of obedience…there will be pleasure.” His mouth caught hers in a hard kiss of demand that Chanah eagerly returned.

  The head of his cock slipped into her slit and her hips bucked up off the surface of the bed trying to gain the first taste of penetration. The hunter broke their kiss and stroked his hands down her body, cupping her breasts and then over her waist and the curve of her hips to her spread thighs. He pressed her legs open further before sliding one hand all the way over her knee to her ankle. Chanah heard another click as he locked the manacle attached to the headboard around her ankle. He had her opposite foot captured in a firm grasp before she realized her leg was chained to the headboard of the bed now in place of her hand. Another little snap and her legs were bound to that worked iron bedframe, and she was spread wide by the placement of the bonds.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, Chanah.” His voice shook and she shivered as she watched his eyes settle on her spread sex. He stroked her slit and moved the thin straps of her training harness so that they were holding her folds away from her pussy. He grasped his cock in one hand and ran the swollen head through her slit. He went all the way to the top of her folds and then back down towards her pussy opening. It was exquisite torment that deepened her need even further. He fitted the head of his cock against her opening and pressed the first inch into her body. Her passage burned as the skin was forced to stretch around his width. He gently rubbed her clit before pressing another inch of his cock into her.

  “That’s it, Chanah, take me.” His eyes glowed with hunger as he pressed forward and rubbed her clit as her body burned. It never became true pain because her clit was enjoying his rubbing too much. Her pussy ached as he sent his cock deeper but it made the pleasure from her clit even better. He raised his eyes to lock with hers as he rubbed her clit faster. Chanah whimpered as he pulled his cock completely out of her body and then thrust it back into her. She burned but climax was once more twisting her clit. He pulled his cock free and thrust it deeper into her as her hips lifted and climax began to ripple through her. “Come, Chanah.”

  Her body obeyed instantly, her bottom lifting from the bed to take all of his cock into her. Pleasure shot into her body as a cry escaped her lips. Seconds became eternities where there was nothing but the feeling of being filled with his cock and the pleasure rippling up from her clit.

  “Good girl.” His voice was dangerous. Chanah opened her eyes to see the animal he’d confessed he was at his core. It was free and she was chained to the bedframe for his pleasure. Fear collided with the pleasure from her climax and it mixed into a potent wave of emotion that swept her into a current that there was no fighting. There was only submission right then and Chanah felt excitement rip into her brain, unlocking a part of her mind that enjoyed being helpless in his embrace.

  “I’m going to fuck you.” It would be hard too. Chanah saw that on his face as his hands landed on either side of her hips. His chest hair brushed against her nipples because of the pillows piled up beneath her back, making them tighten unbearably as his hips flexed and his cock began to move in and out of her. She had no control over the penetration but that excited her too. His body drove his cock deeply into her and the little wet sounds her body made as it was penetrated made her whimper as the ritith moved with each thrust of his cock.

  Time fell away and Chanah wasn’t sure how many times she climaxed. It all blurred into a circle of pleasure and need. Her body took his and craved more. She felt her passage tighten around his cock as her clit reached another peak, but this time her clit felt like it was going to burst with the orgasm. His hips were hammering away faster and harder as the bed shook with their movements. His breath hissed between clenched teeth as he drove his cock harder into her body.

  “Milk me, Chanah! Come!”

  She obeyed again as the hunter growled and impaled her spread body with a final hard thrust. The walls of her passage contracted around his cock and pulled on it as she felt the hot spurt of his seed hitting her womb. Her eyes flew open and found the hunter’s eyes staring into hers as his cock spurted a few more times and her pussy milked it.

  It was bittersweet moment. Her body was covered in sweat and her muscles shook, but pleasure and deep satisfaction ran through every cell she had even as she felt that hot seed deep inside her belly. Despite everything she might have thought, she had craved that final evidence from his body that confirmed she satisfied his hunger. Her pride screamed against the truth of it but Chanah couldn’t deny that she had never come so violently before. There was something about this hunter that drove her to a higher level of pleasure. Her body shivered as her blood slowed and Chanah noticed that night must have fallen because the air was cool and the room dark.

  The hunter reached for the manacles holding her ankles and released her limbs as he rubbed each ankle before lowering her legs to the bed. He pulled his cock from her body and lifted his away from her. A moment later he scooped her up in his powerful arms and cradled her against his chest. A tiny whimper caught in her throat as she was held so securely by her captor.

  “Shhhh…be still, Chanah.”

  Two tears stung her eyes as he carried her through the room and another door slid open. He sat her down as he turned, and then the sound of running water hit her ears. Chanah fluttered her eyelashes to hide her weak tears as the hunter turned to look at her. He held out his hand as a cloud of steam rose up behind him. Her eyes traced the hard muscle coating his shoulders and she shivered at the raw strength contained in his body. Yet he had not hurt her and that amazed her. His control was to be admired.

  “Come here, Chanah, we will bathe before we rest.”

  She lifted her hand and placed it in his out of exhaustion. Her brain wanted nothing more than to do exactly what he promised. Sleep would be a blessed release from the tangle of emotions afflicting her fatigued brain. The hot water soothed the ache from her muscles as hard hands worked a clean-smelling soap into her skin. There was no point in resisting his touch, his hands washed every part of her, slipping between the folds of her slit to cleanse their passion away.

  She was too quiet for his taste. Talon stroked her body, easing the tremors from her muscles and she offered no protest. He suddenly understood that he did not like blind acceptance from her, this uncaring tolerance of his touch because she had no more strength to fight him. There was a stark difference between her lack of caring and the trust that had made her cling to him in their bed. Talon craved that trust like nothing else in his life. It would be the greatest gift Chanah could ever grant him because it could only come from her heart.

  The hunter gathered her up after her bath and placed her back in their bed. Chanah shivered as the cool sheets covered her chilled skin. The bed moved as he joined her among the bedding and she gasped as he pulled her against his body. One hand gently pushed her head onto his shoulder as a solid arm locked her against his side. She tried to wiggle away but he grunted softly and pressed her head back onto his chest. The warm scent of his skin filled her senses and it just completed the events of the night. His body was warm and hers clung to it as sleep took her away from any more thoughts.

  The sun would rise in the morn right on time…Chanah could worry about everything when daylight illuminated her situation. Right now there was strength and warmth and all that mattered was the wave of contentment that washed over her body, carrying her out to an ocean of slumber.

  Chapter Five

  Sunlight warmed her face and she winced slightly as she sat up and noticed a deep ache in her pussy. Chanah blinked as the
light chased away her slumber and she took her first real look around her new environment. She frowned at the use of that word but wasn’t sure if “home” suited her new situation. The hunter was missing from the bed but the bedding was tucked over her body very much like a caring parent might do to a child. Chanah gently stretched her legs as her eyes roamed the room.

  The walls and ceiling were a soft cream color. There was a long dresser against one wall and that was it. No little bit of art or any private possessions that might have given her a clue as to who the male in bed with her last night was. Not even a shirt that might have told her what colors he preferred when not wearing his black uniform.

  Maybe that was all he wore. Chanah sat up and a little moan escaped her mouth. Pain twisted through her pussy as she moved and she sucked in a deep breath as she forced her body out of the bed. The pain had been a surprise. It wasn’t so bad as to make her cry but her body was very sore. The training harness slipped over her clit and she frowned. Her fingers yanked on the straps holding it over her hips as she tried to discover how to rid herself of the thing.

  “Leave it, Chanah.”

  She snorted at his command. Talon should have frowned and taken exception to the disobedience but the flaming hot look she flung at him made him want to grin like a fool instead. He clamped his emotions behind a firm expression as he watched her give one of the hip straps another jerk.

  “I am sore. Why do you need your things to drive me insane?” She hissed through her teeth as the harness stayed in place because there was no latch, it had been riveted together on her and could not be removed without destroying it. Chanah glared at him with frustration.

  “Hmm…” Chanah turned angry eyes at the hunter “Well, the males in my sphere manage to seduce their mates, but maybe that is too much of a challenge for you. So much simpler to let a unfeeling thing drive me insane.”

  Astonishment flashed across his eyes and it gave her a moment of satisfaction. Chanah tossed her hair over her shoulder and then wished she hadn’t because she was still nude and the hunter’s eyes dropped to her bare breasts the second her hair wasn’t hiding them.

  “Explain seduce.”

  Well, that made perfect sense. Chanah sighed as she looked at the male in the doorway. He had crossed his arms over his chest as he studied her and waited for her to answer his question. Where did you begin with a male who did not even know a word like seduce?

  “It means that we have relationships.” Her cheeks burned with a blush as Chanah remembered their night together. Relationship was much too tame a word to be applied to the escapades they had engaged in last night. It was more of a battle really, struggling against each other and even themselves as they pitted their minds against their bodies. They had pitted their flesh against their self-control and gleefully added more stimulation until it snapped.

  “We have a relationship.” And his voice told her he was content with it.

  Her heart gave a twist as she felt tears try and fill her eyes. His forehead creased as he contemplated her face. She glared at his confusion as frustration twisted her. She lifted her hands in defeat as she turned to walk towards the bathing room. She looked over her shoulder at the man who had washed her the last time she had bathed, and searched his face for even a hint of the lover who had handled her so carefully in the dark. The hunter in the doorway was every inch the male who had captured her yesterday, there was no sign of her lover in the bright light of morning. “You never even told me your name.”

  Emotions shouldn’t distract him. Talon frowned at the closed door and tried to thrust his feelings aside. The dejection in Chanah’s voice refused to be evicted and it needled him as he went back to his work terminal.

  He hadn’t told her his name. Trophies called their hunters “Master”. It was what he expected of her, yet Talon was finding himself loath to demand the word from her lips. Yet…there was a part of him that didn’t want Chanah to be like other trophies, her uniqueness set her above the females he’d seen with his fellow hunters. That wasn’t a very practical attitude for him to develop. His life was defined by his ability to work on a team and Chanah was a lawbreaker. Yet she had not been the one to let greed lead her over that boundary, she had done it out of loyalty. That did make a difference to Talon. Dedication to those you served with was something he understood and valued.

  Last night drifted through his memory as his cock rose in response to her nude body. She was slim. Talon found himself understanding why her companion would have broken the law to harvest yemuta. The plant was the most valuable when it was allowed to grow for several seasons since the unique seasoning didn’t achieve its full flavor until the stock was at least six inches thick. While it might appear that hunters did not value the yemuta, it was a fact that they valued it so much, strict penalty was imposed on anyone who harvested it too young. That did not give inhabitants of other sectors the right to steal it. The plant grew best when it was left growing where it decided to sprout as cultivating it didn’t produce the same intense flavor that a wild stalk did. All resources on hunter grounds belonged to their resource control—no single male held the right to allow greed to dictate his actions. Talon would not touch that costly plant because when it was harvested it would be shared throughout the sphere. By protecting it Talon ensured his right to a fair share of it.

  But there was a part of him that recognized the injustice of Chanah being his trophy. She was not a thief and that made him even more determined to keep her. Talon frowned at his own possessiveness. It shouldn’t matter which female he kept as a trophy. He remembered the other deviant and felt his emotions rise up in rejection of the female who had been clasping the yemuta. He did not want her.

  Talon looked at the bathing room door and his cock stiffened until it was hard and longing once again. His lips settled into a firm line of determination.

  He wanted Chanah. Having her wasn’t quite enough. His cock was still demanding more than last night’s surrender. Talon craved something beyond the way Chanah had collapsed against him as exhaustion claimed her. He wasn’t exactly sure what it was but the idea of Chanah lying on a table as he instructed another hunter on how to train his trophy turned his mood angry. He didn’t want to share her and he wasn’t interested in training her to the point that she would allow her body to be finger-fucked in front of another male either.

  That left Talon wondering just what he did desire from her beside sex. His plans had been carefully constructed through the last few years but they did not account for the reality of just who Talon had captured. Right or wrong really didn’t mean a whole lot as he listened to the water running. But maybe he should return to his work terminal and find out what “seduce” meant. The corners of his mouth rose as he looked at the closed door of the bathing room. Chanah had cast down a challenge and Talon was a hunter to the core.

  No challenge was too great and he would conquer every one in his path…or die trying.

  Chanah snarled at her training harness. She inspected the thing in the polished reflective panels mounted in the bathing room and still couldn’t find any means of freeing her body from the device. There was no visible clasp or latch anywhere on the thing and she even bent over to look between her legs to make certain she didn’t let her modesty keep her away from freedom.

  Her lips twisted into a grimace. She could see the hunter doing something like hiding the clasp in her slit. But all she saw were two rounded lengths of leather that ran between the folds of her sex. There were two metal rings sitting on either side of her belly button that the leather was laced through and one tie that could slide up towards them or down towards her clit. When you moved that little tie the two lengths of leather running through her slit opened or closed depending on the direction. That was how the hunter had used the strips to hold her slit away from her clit. When she walked or moved the little tie fell towards her clit and the leather closed to slip into her slit.

  Masturbating had never appealed so greatly as it did just th
en. Chanah was torn by the growing need flickering across her clit and the twinge from her pride. Facing the hunter with a wet pussy made her shiver, her memory instantly recalling the way he inhaled her scent. He would know she was aching for another visit to his huge bed. Her pussy actually ached just from the idea of going back out to face him with need chewing on her clit.

  Chanah stroked a finger over her clit and it jumped but her pussy twisted again and she hissed with frustration. Masturbating wasn’t going to feed her hunger. Last night had proven that to her. Her body was a traitor to her will. It cheerfully surrendered every scrap of pride she owned in favor of being filled. Her mother had once warned her that the need to mate was overpowering when it chose to rise from the subconscious, but Chanah had not believed it.

  Now she did.

  The training harness wasn’t the only reason she was pushing the idea of sex out of her brain this morning. Even the ache in her pussy made her clit pulse for another stretching on the hunter’s cock. She craved it deep inside her body and there were dark urges surfacing from her brain that pushed her to parade her willing body in front of the hunter just to see if he would pick up her scent and chase her.

  There was food waiting on the table when Chanah finally emerged. The only garment she’d found that wasn’t a uniform was the robe the hunter had put on her yesterday. It was quite comfortable and fell to her calves. The fabric slipped over her skin as she moved, causing little ripples of sensation to move along her skin. The leather slipped up and down over her clit making it a long walk to the outer room. Chanah dropped into a chair without comment as she felt the hunter watching her.


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