Her Billionaire Werewolf Stepbrother

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Her Billionaire Werewolf Stepbrother Page 7

by K. S. Martin


  Why does she run away from me like that? I know she wanted to run but she has to understand that this is my sanctuary, my peace.

  She’s young, I know and she’s been through a lot lately. She hasn’t pined away for me for the past seven years like I have for her. I know it’s all new but I want her, mind body and soul. All of her. I want every thought to be about me, about us. I’m impatient. I can’t help it. I love her and more than that I need her. She’ll understand some day. I thought I was going to lose her earlier when Dad called. How dare he interrupt our first morning together! Did he think she was going to run back to him? He can’t have her, she’s mine.

  I’m following now, her scent. It’s vibrant like wild flowers. It’s the same scent when she’s aroused. I want her. I want her like this. I want to fill her with my pups but it’s too soon for her. I don’t care if the world knows that our parents were mated. To them though, the humans, they only lived together. They were never married, but to outsiders that’s good enough to make me her stepbrother. I know it bothers her, the things they will say about us, so I’ll wait. Someday, I will have her up on that hill, I’ll have her wolf. I think she expects it. She’s close now.

  There’s a human clapping at her and stomping his feet. She’s shying away and I can sense her fear, her confusion. I don’t think Jane is in control of her wolf. Her behavior is all wrong, it’s all wolf. If Jane were in there piloting the plane so to speak he would already be on his back soiling his pants. I snarl at the human but he doesn’t see me yet.

  There’s a little girl nearby and I don’t want to scare her but I do want to teach her something. I sprint straight at the man. For a little I’d shift and really give them something to gawk at but the kid is around six. No sense corrupting her for life.

  I leap through the air and land all four feet on his chest. He’s half my size when I’m human, I could destroy him. I could rip out his throat and be done with his stupid life. I don’t. I snarl down into his face then I scent urine. If my wolf could laugh, he would roll over and have a good one. Instead, I get off and go over to Jane. I nip at her muzzle and trot away. When I look back, she’s following me and the people are walking back into the park. If he says anything to the authorities, I’ll swear that I saw the whole thing. He was antagonizing the wild life.

  He was on my land and what happens on my land is my business. I’ve had signs posted every ten feet in three languages. If they choose to ignore them, well, I can’t control the wild life. I’ve made it clear that they are to never step foot onto my land, it is private property. I have millions of dollars invested in a legal department to back that up. Jane is still following and I speed up. She wanted to run. Let’s see how quick she is on four feet.

  I take off at a sprint and she follows with a yip. Jane wants to play. I lead her up and down hills to the back side of the property. There’s a stream there and I’m thirsty. She must be too because she’s run more than I have. I ease myself over the steep drop to get to it. I’ve been this way before but it’s a workout. She whimpers behind me. I yip and continue. She isn’t following me. I look back and she’s pacing back in a circle. Finally, she sits. She’s the most beautiful wolf I’ve ever seen. She’s chestnut with a white chest. Sturdy legs, muscular haunches and a full bushy tail. It’s tipped in white too.

  I climb back up beside her and rub my face on hers. I’ll find another way down. One that’s easier on the missus. I trot along the ridge. The trees are growing out of the side of it and holding this hillside up. The stream must’ve been really big at some point to have eroded away this much dirt. The leaves are beginning to fall but there are still plenty in the trees to provide shade. I see a gentle slope down to the water and I wait for her to catch up. When she does she passes me and walks down to the stream. She dips her tongue in and tastes it. I already know that it’s good water. Jane laps at it. I stand beside her and do the same.

  When I’ve had my fill, I sit. She’s still drinking. I’m ready to head back. I want to fuck her, shit. I want to be with her. I have to remember she doesn’t like vulgarity. I want to take her on that sunny hillside but she won’t let me. I know Jane, she’s too modest for that. I didn’t think she would strip to shift when we got here. She kept looking back at the cabin. Hector was indoors though, I heard the door slam when he went inside. I wouldn’t let him look at her anyway. I’ll have to take her back to the condo to have her. I hear her burp. I’d grin if I could. I get up and lead her away from the stream. That’s enough running for today.

  I shift and start pulling my clothes on when we get back to the picnic table. Jane is still looking around and scenting the air. I’ve already done that. We’re alone. I let her figure it out. She stands up and grabs her panties. Those have got to go. I didn’t spend a fortune on lingerie to see her in those cheap damn things. I want her in silk and lace. The bra needs to go too. It’s old and it’s worn out. It doesn’t support her properly either. Her sock has a hole in the toe and I crinkle my nose. “What?” She asks. She looks happier than I’ve seen her but tired. I’ll let her sleep on the way back.

  “Those clothes go in the trash when we get home.” That got her hackles up.

  “No. There is nothing wrong with my clothes.”

  “Jane, your socks have holes, your bra is stretched out of shape and there are beautiful things in the drawers, wear them.”

  “Your shopper girl didn’t buy me play clothes. I don’t want to wear hundred dollar underwear to the woods to lose.”

  “I can afford to replace your underwear if they get lost or ripped.” I grin at the little gasp she makes. “I mean it, all of the old underthings go. I want you in the things that I bought for you.” She makes a face but remains silent. I haven’t won this argument. She has just decided to do what she wants without my permission. I’m no fool. I know her well. She’ll do whatever she wants and to hell with what I think. Since I know this, so will I. I will have the offensive underwear disposed of and she’ll be lucky if I don’t trash the thrift store jeans and that stupid shirt. Their pizza sucks, why would she advertise? “Where did you get that shirt?” She looks down and shrugs.

  “I think it was a giveaway at the Christmas parade last year.” I nod. Consider it trashed. I’ll buy play clothes without that nasty pizza on them. “Don’t even think about it.” My head jerks up. “This is my shirt and you can’t have it.”

  “I don’t want it.” I retort.

  “You’re plotting Jake, I can see it. Do not throw my clothes away.”

  “I wasn’t going to.” I say innocently. I’ll have Jocelyn do it.

  “None of my clothes better disappear Jake. I mean it.” She’s stepping down the hill carefully. “I’m not kidding Jake.” She calls over her shoulder. Shit. I want her in fancy panties. The thought of Jane in the ivory silk thong and bustier that I picked myself makes my dick hard. Maybe there is more than one way to get rid of the crap clothes she insists on keeping.

  “Tell you what.” I say sneaking up behind her. She jumps a little. I’ve always loved doing that to her. “If you’ll wear something that I choose most of the time, I’ll let you keep your things for playtime.” She mulls it over and shrugs. “Deal?” She’s reaching for the door handle on the Jeep. I grab her from behind and press my erection into her backside. “There is a silk set that’s ivory and embroidered in one of those drawers Jane and just thinking about you in it has me…in a state.” I press into her again and she moans. “I’d like for you to put it on when we get home.” She nods.

  I kiss her neck and feel her break out in goose flesh. Her sweat is tempting me. I want to pull her jeans down and pound into her right here but Hector is on the porch again. “I love you Jane.” I nibble her ear lobe. “If we didn’t have an audience, I’d lick you head to toe right now.” She whimpers and I kiss her cheek. “Ivory silk.” I say and head around to the driver’s side. She hasn’t moved. Her eyes are closed. “Get in Jane.” I say from the other side and she rais
es her eyes to mine. God I love that look. It’s all lust and says fuck me right here. I grin and start the vehicle.

  Jane climbs in and fastens her seatbelt. I raise a hand to Hector who gives me a nod then I turn around to go home. She’s asleep within minutes. Jane is so beautiful it makes my heart ache. She has no idea how beautiful she is. Jane thinks because she isn’t all skin and muscle like the others that she isn’t great.

  The fact that she is curvy and different is what makes her beautiful. She thinks that because I brought those kinds of women to my bed that they are the kind of women that I prefer. It’s not. I prefer Jane and when I couldn’t have her. I made do but it was Jane’s face that I saw when I buried myself inside them. On occasion, I called a few of them Jane. One of them got nasty about it and neither of us finished. I reach over and grab her hand. I twine my fingers with hers and hold it until I have to let go to drive.

  I back the Jeep into its space when I get to the building. I’m going to give this to Jane or a new one like it. When she looked at it the first time, she lit up. Joy poured off of her. I don’t know why but she likes it. I like it too, but it doesn’t do that to me. There’s a Porsche, a Ferrari, and an Audi sitting no more than a space away but she loves this. This one is navy blue and has the word Rubicon down the side of the hood. I think Jane’s should be white with tan leather and a hard top. I want her safe. I should put her in a tank. She stirs and makes the cutest little sound. I smile and run my knuckle under her jaw bone. Her eyes slide open and she looks around. “We’re here already?” I grin at her. I see my security detail at the elevator. They’re anxious. Something is going on.

  “Jane, do you remember the code?” She gives me the ‘you’re the stupidest man on the planet look’. “I have to speak to my guys, so I’d like you to go up and shower then put on the ivory silk set that I told you about.” She nods. “Top floor.” Jane rolls her eyes. “That’s rude you know.” She giggles. “You’ll have to learn how to control that in the office. You can’t be disrespectful.” She nods and unfastens her seat belt then climbs out.

  The team watches her and Michael gives her a nod. Jane goes to the elevator and taps in the code. When the door slides closed Dan starts. “There was an attempt to break into the penthouse.” I wait. “It was a woman and she got away.”

  “From who?” His look doesn’t change, his face remains neutral and passive. “From who?” I say again.


  “Replace him. Did you ID the woman?” He shakes his head.

  “I wasn’t in yet. Michael was in the can, Marlowe on the cameras. He didn’t see her until she was inside. She scared Jocelyn.” I give them a stiff nod and push the code into the panel for the keys. I hang them and close it.

  “Is she okay?” I ask quietly.

  “A bit shaken but yes, she is okay.” I’ve sent Jane up ahead. I pull out my phone and dial Jocelyn.

  “Yes sir?” She says sweetly.

  “Are you okay?” I don’t coddle her but I want to make sure she hasn’t freaked out.

  “I’m fine sir.” She sounds normal.

  “Jane is on her way up. I don’t want her to scare you again.”

  “Yes sir. You said that she would be here.” I suddenly wonder why Jocelyn is there. She was supposed to be off. “I hear the elevator now sir. She’s arrived.”

  “I’ll be up in a few minutes.” I end the call.

  “Why is Jocelyn in the apartment?” I turn to the team and ask. “She’s off this weekend, I said no entry.” Dan looks nervous but stares at me then at Michael who is inspecting his shoes. Dan answers finally.

  “I don’t know sir. Michael?”

  “She went in after you left this morning. She ran the vacuum and changed out the linens. I’m not sure why she would do that if she was not supposed to go in. I just assumed that she cleared it with you.” The elevator opens and I stride in with them following.

  “How can I continue your employment if you don’t follow orders?” I ask Michael quietly. His jaw ticks, Dan’s face is as hard as granite. “I told all of you that I had company and that I didn’t want any intrusions.”

  “Did you tell her that?” Michael asks. I nod. “So shouldn’t your complaint be with her?” Michael asks softly.

  “If I say no intrusions and you are guarding the door what does that mean?” Michael nods.

  “I’ll pack my things and be out by end of day, if that’s what you want.” I think about it a moment.

  “Last chance. Fuck up again and you’re done.”

  “Thank you sir.” He says when we stop at his floor. The door opens and they get off. I continue up to the penthouse. Jocelyn is waiting and Jane is nowhere to be seen.

  “Why are you here?” I ask and she drags a deep breath in.

  “I know you said that you wanted the apartment to yourself. I apologize. I saw you leave this morning and I tried to catch you but couldn’t. I need to go to see my sister, she’s had a heart attack.”

  “That doesn’t explain it.”

  “Sir, I will be gone for a week or more because she doesn’t have anyone else. I figured if you were gone, I could clean up before I left and stock the fridge. I hope to be back before too long but…” I put my hand up.

  “Thank you Jocelyn for looking out for us. Why haven’t you left yet?”

  “My plane doesn’t take off until seven tonight.”

  “Get your bags and meet Michael in the garage.”


  “Just do as I say.” She nods and hurries to the elevator. I pull out my cell and call Michael. “Jocelyn, where does your sister live?”

  “Manhattan sir.” I nod.

  “Michael,” I say when he answers. Jocelyn gets in the elevator and the doors slide closed. “Jocelyn needs a ride to the airfield, get her there.” I end the call and dial my pilot. “Baker, I need a flight to New York City.”

  “Yes sir, I will ready the jet.”

  “One passenger, Jocelyn Davidson will be flying. I’ll need a car to transport her to the hospital when she lands.”

  “I will take care of it sir. Will that be all?”

  “That’s all.” I end the call.

  “What’s going on?” Jane asks. I turn around to find her with wet hair and wrapped up in my robe.

  “Jocelyn’s sister is ill, I’m having her flown to New York.” She doesn’t need to hear about the break in. They think they’ve gotten off easy but I’m not finished yet. “I need to take care of some things, can you entertain yourself for an hour?” She nods. “I’ll be back. You should eat.” I know she’s hungry, I’m starving. I wrap her in a hug and kiss her temple. I peek down the front of her robe and see the ivory silk beneath it. “You’re alone in the apartment but don’t forget the cameras.” I say into her hair when I kiss the top of her head. She nods then leans up and kisses my mouth. It’s too much. I want to swallow her whole. I push her back against a nearby wall out of the cameras view and crush her mouth with mine.

  My hands find their way inside the robe and smooth over the silk. I look down at her. Her face is flushed and her chest heaving almost as deeply as mine. I unzip my jeans and free myself then lift her so her legs wrap around my hips. I push the panties aside and thrust into her. She cries out something that almost sounds like my name. I bury myself balls deep and lick my way from her throat to her ear. She whimpers. That’s right baby, take all of me.

  “Fuck. Jane.” I grunt, I’m going to come. It’s too much. The run, the wolf, the silk, the heat of her. Fire spikes through me and my balls tighten. Jane is clenching madly around me and screaming my name. Thank God the surveillance doesn’t have audio. Shit she’s coming and coming, I can’t hold off any longer and I shoot my load deep into her. Jane isn’t in heat so there’s no chance of my pups growing there this time. I don’t know if I can wait for a year to put them there. She’s as limp as a dishrag. I give her a moment to come out of it. I make a mental note to put a table here for future use. Foyer sex is a new
added favorite on my list. Jane sighs.

  “How are you?” I murmur against her hair.

  “Okay.” She says softly.

  “I’m going to put you down.” She nods against my neck. I pull my tee shirt off and wipe between her legs. That’s bound to be uncomfortable. I straighten her robe and tie it again. She gives me a little smile. “That’s the best part of letting her out, the sex afterward is always exciting.” I say and I see hurt flash behind her eyes. She’s imagining me with others. “I can’t change the past.” She looks down at the belt and nods.

  I zip my pants and toss the tee shirt over one shoulder. I take her hand and lead her to the bedroom. “Rest. I’m going to take care of something then I’ll be back.” She’s already curling up on the bed. I kiss her cheek and she smiles. Good. I grab a quick shower and change into a pair of gray dress slacks and a button down. I go to the stairs and descend to employee quarters. Marlowe is coming out of his apartment with a duffle bag.

  “I’m sorry sir. I fucked up.” He sticks out his hand and I shake it.

  “Good luck in the future Marlowe.” I say and move past him to the surveillance room. This room houses cameras for my private rooms and offices but I can access any of the camera feeds in the building. Dan is reviewing tape while Michael is watching it live.

  “Anything?” I ask. Dan is following her from camera to camera until she disappears into the lobby bathroom. “Who is she?”

  “I don’t know. She keeps her face hidden from the camera. I don’t know what she was after either. She came off the elevator while Jocelyn was scrubbing the foyer so she didn’t get very far. She darts back into the elevator before Jocelyn can stand and she goes down four floors then gets off and heads for the fire stairs. She took the stairs down to software then rode the guest elevator the rest of the way. I’m still reviewing the lobby footage but she hasn’t come out. Michael?”


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