Her Billionaire Werewolf Stepbrother

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Her Billionaire Werewolf Stepbrother Page 9

by K. S. Martin

  “No. That’s not what’s bothering me.” I close the dishwasher. He lifts my chin with his finger. He waits. “I just can’t believe how lucky I got.” His face softens and he leans down to kiss me. The kiss makes me feel luckier than the rest of it. Money has never been important to me but wanting Jake is another story.

  “I have to check email and respond to some things. Can you entertain yourself for an hour or so?” I nod. “I’ll be in my office.” He kisses me again and leaves me alone in the kitchen.


  I go to my closet and really look at the clothes. I flip each hanger and check out the blouses, dresses, and slacks that hang there. She has gotten me play clothes but they are not what I would call play clothes. To me play clothes are disposable, and it’s why I shop at thrift stores. If you’re a wolf, sometimes your clothes are lost or must be abandoned. You learn quickly to buy cheap and not to get attached to anything. I could never just leave these in the woods. They are too pretty for one thing and too expensive for another.

  I know Jake can afford for me to lose more than a few articles of clothing but I wasn’t raised that way. I pull down a dress. It’s neat and navy blue. The collar is round and the skirt of it is a pencil skirt. I would have to sit like a lady in this. I purse my lips. I’m not sure that I am capable of being that lady like. There are shoes directly below it. They match. I look around the closet. Everywhere a dress hangs there are shoes under it. Then I notice. This closet is divided up into the seasons.

  I am looking at fall right now. There are skirts, suits, slacks and blouses in each section in seasonal colors and textures. Okay, maybe the personal shopper is better at this than I could ever hope to think that I am. I move onto winter. A set of drawers holds sweaters, I see a powder blue heavy gauge sweater. It’s beautiful. I drop my robe and pull it over my head. I hug myself. It’s so warm and soft. Too warm. I pull it off and go to the panty drawer. I get the purple lacy things out and put them on.

  Jake likes under wear. Let him get a load of these. I have to admit. They are very pretty. I go back to fall and find the purple silk dress I saw earlier. It has short sleeves and the skirt is full. I can manage lady like in this. I pull it on and zip it up. I find the matching shoes and slide my feet into them. I go down the hall to find Jake. I promised a fashion show.

  He’s yelling at someone on the phone and I wait until I hear him slam the handset down on the cradle. He’s tapping on the computer now and the cell rings. Damn I should’ve went in.

  He sounds calmer now so I push the door open and go in. His eyes lift and go amber. I grin and spin around. He nods. Not the reaction I was hoping for, okay fine. I reach up and unzip it then slide it off my shoulders then ease it down my body. I step out of it. I am standing in my under wear in Jake’s office. He looks up at the ceiling and I remember.

  The cameras. Shit. Thank God I wasn’t naked under there. I make a face and he grins. I turn, pull the dress back on and go quickly back to my closet with my hot face buried in my hands. Damn it. Those guys from the basement are the security guys I think and I just gave them a show of all my goodies. I hang the dress up on the hangar and kick off the shoes. I wrap the robe around me and go back to the bedroom. Fashion show over. Really, I had more clothes on than I would have at the beach. Right? It’s not like I paraded around in the bustier and thong. At least my butt wasn’t on display. Argh! I put the pillow over my head and stay there.

  I hear Jake and stir awake. He’s over by the window on the phone. It looks dark outside. How long was I asleep? He glances over at me and his face softens. At least he isn’t mad. I would be mad if he’d stripped for strangers. He ends his call and comes to the bed then sits. “You can’t forget about the cameras Jane.” I swallow. “My security team doesn’t need to see my naked mate.”

  “I wasn’t naked.” I defend myself and his brow raises. “Not all the way.” I pout. “Maybe if you didn’t just nod at me like I was a five year old…”

  “You don’t need to get my attention Jane, you have it, all of it. Let’s make a new rule, okay. If I’m working, you don’t put on fashion shows, naked or otherwise. If you need me, just say, I am always available for your pleasure.”

  “I thought you would like my dress. That’s all. I didn’t need you. Don’t worry, I won’t bother you again.” I feel like a moody teenager. Jake is watching me.

  “Do you still have the purple panties on?” He asked and I bark out a surprised laugh. “Well?” I open my robe and show him an inch of strap. He grins wolfishly. “Put the dress back on, I’ll take you to dinner.”

  “I thought we were eating the steak in the fridge.” I complain while getting up. My stomach growls and I don’t care where the food comes from as long as I’m fed. The run earlier and all of the sex has my metabolism working overtime. I go to the dress that I carelessly shoved onto a hanger earlier. It still looks okay so I drop my robe and step into the dress. Jake is back at the window doing something on his phone when I come back. He was speaking to someone about a table. Reservations, I decide. Who makes reservations this late for the same day? I zip my dress and find my shoes. This is a pretty outfit. I look at myself in the mirror on the closet door. “Come.” He holds out his hand and I take it.

  Jake leads me out to the elevator and taps in the new code. “Is everything okay?” I ask softly.

  “Fine.” He says. ‘Fine’ didn’t sound fine. I pull my hand away and he gives me a disapproving look as the doors slide open. The security team is inside. Shit. My face goes hot and I step in behind Jake and stay on his opposite side. If they’re embarrassed, they don’t show it. I sneak a look and no one is looking at me either. Maybe they don’t watch all the time. I hope not. I hope no one else saw that but Jake. I won’t ever do that again. Why do we need cameras in the house anyway? I don’t want to be careful all of the time.

  The doors slide open to the garage. Why are these guys coming? Jake can drive us, he did earlier. We go to a black SUV. It’s all luxury. I’d be perfectly happy in a beat up Chevy truck. I climb in with a little boost from Jake. He climbs in behind me and the other two get in the front. The one in the passenger seat pulls out a cell and says “Leaving base,” then puts it away. What was that all about?

  “He’s letting the team upstairs know that we are leaving the building.” Jake says in my ear.


  “So they know we are not home. If anything moves in the apartment, it is an intruder. I’ve bulked up security since the woman broke in. You will have a guard if you go anywhere. I roll my eyes. As if anything in this city really poses a threat to me. “She could be a bear, or a big cat. Don’t act like you’re invincible.” He murmurs. Oh fine. So I am not invincible, I’m not helpless either.

  “What if she is? Those two aren’t going to be able to protect me better than I can.” The one in the driver’s seat looks up at me in the mirror and his eyes flash. Oh. I look at Jake and he grins. “What is he?” I don’t scent anything off. He’s either wolf or very clever at masking his scent.

  “Panther.” Jake whispers. My mouth makes an ‘O’. A panther protecting a wolf, how ridiculous. This would never happen in the jungle, but then a wolf wouldn’t be in the jungle anyway. I sigh.

  “Where are we going?”


  “Who is Doug?”

  “Doug is a friend and he is very anxious to meet you.”

  “Why?” I watch the city go by outside of his window.

  “Because you are Doug’s silent partner.” I’m confused. My who? “I invested heavily in his restaurant in your name. All profits go into an account with your name on it and you are Doug’s partner.” This just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser. I feel like Alice after being dropped down the rabbit hole, may as well talk like her. I own a restaurant and I have a bank account. No wonder people get their identities stolen. You can just put someone else’s name on stuff without asking them. This Doug better be a really good chef! The SUV stops at the curb and
then my door opens. It’s a man in a uniform that I don’t know, then the ‘leaving base’ guy from the front is beside him with his hand out. “Go on.” Jake says behind me. I climb out and the security guy helps me down. I hear Jake growl and I smile. I wondered how he would cope with that. I almost laugh out loud.

  Jake has his arm around me now and is leading me inside. A man in a chef’s outfit is blocking our path almost immediately. He’s a short dark skinned man. His clothes and hat are black and there are floured handprints all over him. Either he is the pastry chef or he had a toss in the hay with one. “Welcome my lady.” He’s English. I did not see that coming. He bows and I look around at the other diners embarrassed. Suddenly he’s kissing my cheek. “You are Jane?” I nod. “Thank you for making my dream come true.” I look up at Jake.

  “Think that was me, buddy.” Jake grabs him and wraps an arm around him then chest bumps him. “You have one of those cowboy ribeye’s for me? The same for Jane, baked potato, salad with the secret sauce and the pastry of the day for dessert.”

  “Of course.” Doug says. “Lana!” He snaps his fingers at a blonde in a tuxedo halter top complete with bow tie. “Seat Jane, my partner and her friend.” He grins wickedly at Jake and I laugh.

  “Oh I see how it is.” Jake says with menace in his voice. “I’ll fuck that streak out of you later.” He murmurs in my ear.

  “I hope so.” I say and follow Lana. I don’t look back at him because I know I will see surprise and that makes me feel wicked.

  We are seated in a small but private area. There are several of them. Each one is surrounded by a privacy screen with an opening in the corner. I cannot see inside as we approach because the glass in them is one way but once we get inside, I find that I can see everything. “I feel like I’m spying on everyone else.” Jake winks and helps me push my chair in. He sits across from me. “It’s so naughty.” I whisper and he laughs. Our salads come almost immediately with a bottle of red wine. The waiter pours it into the glasses already on the table. I taste the dressed salad. It’s amazing. “What is this?” Jake gives me a secret smile.

  “It’s the secret sauce which means it’s a secret.” I raise my eyebrow and fork more of it in my mouth. If I’m a partner in this place, shouldn’t I have access to the recipe? I think so and I want it because this would be amazing on chicken fingers, or fries, or a spoon. “You like it huh?” Jake asks and I nod. “Do you want the recipe?” I nod again. “What do I get if I give it to you?” I nibble my lip then look around at the other diners. I decide to give him my own secret saucy answer.

  “I’ll lick it off you.” Jake recoils with a surprised look on his face. I think it’s the first time I’ve ever seen that look.

  “Done.” He pulls out his phone and texts someone then a second later it chirps and he smiles down at it. “Done with a quart to go.” I cringe. “What? Change your mind already?” I shake my head.

  “I don’t think I can lick up a whole quart.” He laughs out loud and one of the women nearby turns to look at our room. I recognize her. Who is she? I feel my head tipping and suddenly I know. She’s the woman from the elevator. I pull out my cell and flip the camera on.

  “Put that away Jane, our steak is coming.” He chides me but I don’t pay any attention. I point my camera at her and video.

  “Laugh again.” I say not looking at him.

  “What?” Jake asks.

  “Laugh. Loud. Do it now.” He does but it doesn’t sound even faintly genuine to me. It works though because she looks around again and I have her on camera. Her whole face not just the top of her head. I stop the camera when she turns around again. I push play and slide it across the table then I get up and exit the little room almost knocking the waiter with our dinner over as I hurry from the room. I approach her table and the man with her looks up at me with curiosity. I bend over her chair and whisper in her ear.

  “Stay the fuck out of my house. If I catch you anywhere near him or my house again, you will suffer for days before I let you die.” I murmur it then smile at the man when I look up. He smiles back, he has no idea what I’ve said. She springs up and bolts from the table. Running through the restaurant, she nearly collides with several people.

  Jake is sprinting after her. He collides with a waiter who darts into his path to avoid woman that suddenly stands up. She is yelling at the man seated with her. He looks angry but she looks livid. The waiter is carrying a full tray of food and our ‘would be trespasser escapes. She races out the doors and onto the sidewalk then disappears into the night.

  I see Jake consoling the diners around him and I return to our room with a stupid grin on my face. I have this stupid smile because first, that was a good show, right off of TV. Second because Jake finally failed at something. Not only did he knock a waiter down but he didn’t catch his prey. It was very un-Jake like. He’s so good at everything that it used to annoy me. I’m competitive like that. I struggle to succeed and he always made it look super easy.

  My steak is waiting for me. I sit and smash the dollop of butter into the perfectly soft but huge steaming baked potato. I cut into my steak and see the small bowl of steak sauce. I try it and decide that I’m not a fan. A well prepared steak doesn’t need it anyway. Jake slides into his seat across from me.

  “Good run?” I say around the bite I just took then smirk. I chew then swallow. He’s watching the video again. How did he get past my password? This is Jake so why do I ask. Of course he can get into my phone, he’s a tech wizard. He’s tapping something now and texting someone. “Who are you talking to on my phone Jake?” I reach for it.

  “I sent it to my phone and to the security team. That was very smart and very stupid, what you did. The video was smart the confrontation was stupid. I stick another bite of steak in my mouth then I flip him off. I was protecting him and what’s mine. I had every right to do what I did. “Later.” He says to my raised finger. “Right now I want a promise that you won’t do that again.” I shake my head and swallow the perfect meat. He hasn’t touched his. I may just eat it too. It almost melts in my mouth. “I mean it Jane.”

  “I’ll do it again in a heartbeat. She was human and so was her date. I’m not afraid of a human.”

  “What did you say to her? I saw you say something to her.” He’s cutting his meat now, trying to saw through the table. Sometimes Jake is a caveman.

  “I told her if she came near my house or my man again that I would make her suffer for days before I ended her life.” Jake closes his eyes and takes a breath. “I meant it.” I hear a growl in my voice and I’m glad that we’re alone.

  “You can’t do that Jane. You aren’t in the sticks anymore. Things are handled differently here. You can’t go wolf.” He whispers the last word. I feel my eyes go amber. I smile sweetly then and I see him inhale.

  “Then I’ll drive her to the sticks first, get permission from the Alpha and take care of our problem.” Jake drags a hand down his face. “Problem solved.” I take another bite of steak. I won’t be able to finish this, it’s too much. I want to but I can’t. I hope they have a ‘to go’ box. Jake doesn’t say anything else to me. He eats quietly and methodically. A bite of steak, a bite of potato, sip of wine, repeat. He’s mad. Crap. He’s gone to silent mode, the precursor to uncontrollable sometimes. He’s thinking of a way to convince me that he’s right but whatever he comes up with won’t matter if I see her near my house again.

  The waiter is at our table now and he’s brought us a pastry thing. I say ‘thing’ because I don’t know what it is. I stick the spoon into it and warm chocolate oozes out of it. I taste it and it’s warm and delicate on my tongue. There’s a hint of orange in the chocolate. Where am I supposed to put this? I’m so full. If I’d remembered that this was coming, I would’ve saved room. I spoon more chocolate into my mouth. It’s the most heavenly thing I have ever tasted. It’s amazing. He puts his fork down and pushes his plate away.

  “Jane.” He sounds exasperated. I quirk my mouth and I alrea
dy know I am going to lose this argument. “My job as your mate is to protect you, keep you safe, happy and satisfied.” Now he sounds like Dad. He’s thinking of what to say next so I jump in.

  “That’s my job too.” I stick more chocolate in my mouth. I am going to pop. It will be a delicious death because I’ve never had a better meal. “Jake you have to understand that I want to protect you too. I wanted her to know that I will protect what’s mine. If I depend on the security guys and they fail…what if something happens to you because I was waiting on them? If we have pups like you want, should I rely on the security team to protect them? They will be my pups and if you think for a minute that I am not going to protect them then you don’t know me as well as you thought.” I hiss. I’m mad too. I want him to understand that I am not going to sit by and rely on some paid guy to save me. I will kill her if she gets near what’s mine. He’s smiling at me. Sometimes, Jake is stupid. “What?”

  “I like it that you called it mine and that you’re thinking about our pups. Would you like to start right away?” He’s teasing me and I sigh. “Fine, but I still liked it. Okay, how about this, if she gets into the house, you kill her. Only if she gets past the team and into the house.” I think about it and nod sharply.

  “How was dinner partner?” Doug is suddenly there at my side.

  “Wonderful.” He slides a card across the table in front of me.

  “For you. Did you like your dessert?” I nod like a bobble head and he smiles broadly. He has one of those smiles that lights up a room. I decide that I like him. “Now for you.” He slides a dinner check in front of Jake. “You can’t go running like a wild thing through my restaurant knocking people about willy-nilly.” I look across at the check and gasp.

  “I offered to pay for that table’s meal when I dumped it all over the floor. They just happened to be a party of ten.”


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