Her Billionaire Werewolf Stepbrother

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Her Billionaire Werewolf Stepbrother Page 17

by K. S. Martin

  “Okay sweetie.” The phone goes silent. I walk over to Jake.

  “I’m sorry.” I wrap my arms around his middle but he shrugs me off.

  “You’re sorry?” He huffs. “You showed favor to another male and you’re sorry? You displayed your ass to everyone in that meeting and you’re sorry? Which part exactly are you sorry for Jane?”

  “The part that made you so angry.” I say honestly. “I wouldn’t have done all that though if you weren’t invading my privacy. You could’ve told me.”

  “Would you have not checked the chat board if you knew I was watching.”

  “I still would’ve, I didn’t know that I shouldn’t. You could’ve said that you were watching though. I feel like you were sneaking around behind my back. I won’t check the board again and you can watch all you like. I don’t have anything to hide but when…I didn’t like it.” He nods. “I shouldn’t have behaved that way in the meeting either but it’s not like I could sit next to you, there wasn’t room for me.”

  “You didn’t need to sit so close to him. You didn’t need to hike up your skirt and you didn’t need to wave at him. The sorry fuck probably thinks he has a shot at you now.” I scrunch my nose. Eww. I kick off my heels. “Go change into something more comfortable and then we’ll make dinner.” He’s not mad anymore. Thank God for small favors.

  “Dad wants to know if we are coming in for Thanksgiving.” Jake nods. “I don’t think it would be right to abandon him.”

  “I agree. Are you cooking?” Hmm. Mom always did the cooking. I did the watching, stirring, and table setting. I finally smile.

  “I think I will. Yes.”

  “Can you make her cranberry sauce?” I nod. “Good. I love that stuff.” It is pretty good. “Should we go in a day early, like Wednesday?”

  “I think that’s a good idea. I need to shop and I can make some of the stuff ahead of time. Like the pies.”

  “Write down everything you need and I will have it delivered. Go change.” I take my phone out and dial Dad back.

  “Hi Dad. We will be there on Wednesday. Jake is going to have some things delivered so I don’t have to grocery shop. Will you be home?”

  “Of course Jane. I’m off all week. I’ll see you when you get here.” I tell him goodbye and go into my closet. I take my work clothes off and fling my panty hose into the hamper. I really don’t like those things. I put a tee shirt and a pair of sweatpants on. My regular clothes are much more comfortable than the ones that Jake has bought for me. I put my cell in the bedroom and go back out to the kitchen. Jake is frying the fish in one pan and potatoes in the other. It smells good.

  “Set the table.” He says. He’s mad again. I don’t know why, I thought we settled this. I get him a beer and myself a water. I go over to look in the pan and he moves away from me. I feel like ice cold water has been dumped over me, like a hole has opened up in my chest.

  “Jake?” He won’t look at me. My eyes fill with tears and I move away. I wait at the counter behind him. “Jake?” He still won’t answer and he still won’t look at me. I go to the library and curl up in his mother’s chair. Maybe she can send me some wisdom. The tears fall down my cheeks. I’ve really messed up and I’m still not sure which part has made him so angry. I sniffle and wipe my face with my hands.

  “Are you eating or not?” He opens the door and glowers at me. I shake my head. “Whatever.” He slams the door. I don’t ever remember Mom and Dad fighting like this. They’d scream and yell then spend the rest of the day in the bedroom. I usually left during that part since I have wolf ears and listening to them have sex was not something I liked to do. I get up and go to one of the guest rooms. It’s the same one that I called Dad from the other day. I crawl under the duvet and curl up in a ball. I don’t know what to do about this. I said that I was sorry and I said that I wouldn’t do it again but he’s still mad. I let sleep claim me.


  I called Ernie’s grocer and told him to deliver all the makings of a Thanksgiving dinner to Dad’s as soon as possible. I thought the man would orgasm when I gave him free reign and my Amex card number. Now I shove the fish in my mouth not tasting it. The potatoes follow. Her food is sitting there getting cold. She won’t eat. Jane is stubborn and she’s made me so damn angry. I never lose control like this. When she hiked that skirt up mid-thigh and showed them all her legs, I nearly lost it. I couldn’t even look at her. I had trouble keeping the growl out of my voice. I should’ve warned her that I would be watching. It’s just something that IT has programmed into every new user’s profile. Their desktop is mirrored in the corner of my screen for two weeks. I set it up that way. I wanted to watch the new IT guys and the software guys but I couldn’t tell them that. So, I watch everyone.

  I should’ve warned her about the chat board too. She can’t visit wolf sites. She should know better. It breaks rule number one, stay hidden. I dump my dinner in the trash. I can’t eat with her pouting in there. I love her and I can’t stand for her to hurt. I have to get this out of my system. I need to run before I hurt her more.

  I walk past the library, the door is open but she’s not there. I go down the hall and she isn’t in our bedroom either. My heart speeds up. Panic starts to set in, she can’t leave me. I look in the closet and it’s empty. I try to calm down and take in my surroundings with a deep inhale. Jane. Guestroom. I go to the door and open it. She’s curled up in a ball. We have to work this out. I go to the side of the bed and find her face and pillow are wet but she’s asleep. She’s biting her bottom lip in that sexy way that she does.

  I scoop her up and carry her back to the bedroom. My mate does not sleep in the guestroom. It’s unacceptable. I lay her down and cover her. Another tee shirt with words. I hate them. I hate every one of them. I wish she would wear what I’ve bought for her. My heartrate is returning to normal. I kiss her temple and go to my closet. I’m still angry and I still need to run. I pull my clothes off and go to the room with the treadmill. I turn it on and shift into my other self. He hops on and gallops. He’s not interested in this and hops off. He won’t let me work out my aggressions. He wants her.

  He trots down the hall to her side and whines. She stirs and I try to shift but he’s resisting. He’s never done this before. I’ve never not been able to shift. He whines again and nudges her hand. Jane opens her eyes and stares at him, at me. She sniffles and turns over. He jumps up on the bed and curls up behind her knees. He lays his head on her hip and nudges her hand again. Her fingers curl into our hair. “You’re not Jake at all today, are you?” She says softly. He licks her fingers and she giggles. I love that sound.

  Why won’t he let me take over? He’s still resisting me. Shit! I scream inside my head. Jane turns over and faces him. He stretches out for her and she wraps her arms around his neck. I feel her relax against him. This was what he wanted. He felt it, hell I felt it, the anxiety, the grief and the desperation. I made her feel that way. I suddenly feel like the world’s biggest asshole. I’ve broken mate rule number one, I hurt my mate. I’m filled with regret and I know that I need to apologize and forgive her. He lets go of the shift and I’m in her arms now.

  “I’m sorry.” I say. She just stares at me. “When those things happened earlier. I felt like I was losing control. I didn’t like it.”

  “Like I felt when you invaded my privacy.” Her eyes are full of tears. I nod.

  “I didn’t target you specifically. It’s automatic, any new employee’s desktop is on my screen for two weeks. I’ll close it on yours but you can’t go to the chat board, not at work and know that the IT department will always monitor all use. They even watch mine.” She raises an eyebrow. “In case someone gets into my office and helps themselves.” The corner of her mouth twitches. “I didn’t like it that you sat next to that guy and I didn’t like it that you lifted your skirt. They all enjoyed the view. You set off a testosterone bomb.

  “I didn’t scent anything.” She looks confused.

  “It’s not
as strong with humans but believe me, you did. They all wanted to fuck you Jane.” Her face turns puce. Good. Next time she will be more careful.

  “I’m sorry Jake. I won’t do any of it again. I promise. Will you stop being mad at me now?” I can’t help but grin. I kiss her lips softly.

  “I’m sorry too, I didn’t think it through and I hurt you. It was never my intention. Forgive me?” She nods and the world is lifted from my shoulders. “Will you eat?” I whisper. “I’ll order from the diner.” The fish is cold by now and I don’t want her to eat that. She nods again. I grab her cell off the nightstand and dial the diner after I put it on her speed dial list. She watches me program the word Milkshake into the contact list and laughs. I order two of everything starting with the meatloaf, mashed potato dinner and ending with two sundaes. She gives me a sad puppy face and I order a chocolate milkshake too. It’s a good thing we’re wolves or we’d both be huge. “You have to share that.” I whisper and kiss her forehead when she smiles. “Now get up and get rid of that shirt.” She looks down at it.

  “Jake, I like to be comfortable and your clothes are pretty but they aren’t comfortable.” I hadn’t really considered lounge wear. I sigh.

  “Okay but only when we’re at home and only until I can arrange better.” She nods and her face brightens. She really likes those ratty shirts.

  “You used to wear them, and if I remember right this one was yours.” I study it and I think she’s right. It is my shirt. It won’t fit now. I’ve bulked up. I remember it though. I know I’m fighting a losing battle. I’ll call the shopper tomorrow and have her send over comfortable lounge wear without words all over it. I owe her some underwear too. My mouth twitches at the memory of ripping the panties off of her and I want to do it again but dinner is on its way up.

  I call the lobby and tell security to send the delivery guy straight up to my door. I don’t want to delay Jane’s dinner any longer. Her stomach was growling at the office. She is probably starving by now. I pull a pair of sweats and a tee shirt on. Mine is plain grey, not a word in sight.

  She follows me to the kitchen and looks at her fish. I pick the plate up and dump the cold dinner in the trash. She almost looked as if she wanted to eat that. “What’s wrong?” I ask when the corner of her mouth pulls back in distaste.

  “You wasted food.” I did. I waste a lot of things. I know it’s not wolf like to be this wasteful. Most of them are all Mother Nature freaks and save the planet junkies but I never was like that. I guess I didn’t inherit that gene. Her mom was that way. She would’ve repurposed that food into a frittata for breakfast or something. I think Jane was thinking about heating it up.

  “I’m sorry sweetheart. My mate isn’t eating cold fish and soggy potatoes when I own a diner less than fifty feet from the front door.” She plops down in a chair. Jane wraps her arms around her middle. “That bothers you.” She nods. “Just this once, okay?” She gives me a nod but I know she doesn’t like it.

  “If we had a dog, he could’ve eaten it.”

  “This isn’t the place for a dog. Where will he pee?” She’s thinking. Good. Maybe that will keep her distracted long enough for the food to get here and she’ll forget about the garbage. My phone chirps. It’s Dad. What the hell does he want? I love my pop but for the last ten years he has never called me this much. “Yeah.” I say. She doesn’t know who it is yet because she’s still considering dog urine.

  “Jake, there is enough food to feed the whole pack here.” I grin. “We don’t need this much.” I had a lot delivered. It was easier than I thought too. Grocers deliver anything you want now. Even out there.

  “Good, I can’t wait.”

  “It’s just the three of us right?” He asks.

  “Yeah, unless you want to invite someone.” Jane is looking at me now. She’s following the conversation.

  “No. I wouldn’t do that to Jane.” Not yet but you will. Some part of me thinks he should have mourned my mother forever. Another part of me is glad that he didn’t because I wouldn’t have met Jane.

  “Of course not. “We’ll be there Wednesday so Jane can start making pies and cranberry sauce.” I hear him growl. He likes it too.

  “She’s making that?” He whispered. I nearly laugh. “I love that stuff.”

  “Yeah, she said she would Dad.” He growls low with joy and I do laugh. “Should I have her double the batch? You can freeze some for later.”

  “Tell her to triple it.”

  “Dad, I don’t think that’s necessary. If you want it, I’m sure Jane will make it for you anytime.” She has her head cocked. “You will right?” She nods. “She will Dad. Put the food away and we’ll see you Wednesday.”

  “See you then.” He ends the call. Jane hurries from the room. The delivery must be here. I hear the front door open and follow the sound. Jane is accepting a bag and a tray from the regular delivery guy. I hold up a finger and jog to the bedroom for my wallet. I come back and Jane is making small talk while sucking the milkshake down. I give him a ten and close the door. I take the milkshake from her greedy little hands. “You have to share.” It’s nearly half gone and I laugh. She was hungry. I feel bad again. My mate is hungry. I suck at this. I have to think of her first, it’s my job now.

  Jane goes to the kitchen table and unloads the bag. I smell the meatloaf. It’s amazing. She sits and lifts the plastic lid on the ‘to go’ plate. I see her nose twitch then watch her smile. It’s amazing. This meatloaf is actually a roll. The cook flattens the meat out in a square, brushes it with marinara, adds diced onion, celery, cheese, salt and pepper then rolls it up and cooks it on the grill. It’s not baked in a pan sitting in grease. Then he adds more sauce, bacon and cheese. It’s better than Sandy made. Jane’s eyes slide closed with the first forkful. She likes it. I hear the low sexy growl rumble up her throat and I get hard. Rock hard. I’ve pleased my mate and now the wolf wants to fuck her. So do I but I push him back. She needs to eat. We can’t continue at this pace without calories. She’s lost weight, not a lot but I can tell. I don’t want that. I like her like she is.

  I watch her eat while I eat but I don’t taste anything. I’m just robot eating like I was before but now for a different reason. I want her. After the emotional roller coaster that today was, I need to be with her. I want her full though, full and happy. Her eyes lift and she smiles then slumps in her chair. I laugh. She reaches for the milkshake and I let her have it. The sundaes are in a separate bag, I get them out and place hers on the table. She looks it over. It’s in a small plastic clamshell and she can see the brownie in the bottom and the fudge sauce dripping down the sides of the ice cream. Jane opens hers and digs into it with her spoon. Another growl. I may go off like a pup if I hear that sound again. She eats half and pushes it away. I finish it for her then gather the containers and put them in the trash. It’s getting full so I pull the bag and tie it up. I put a new liner inside the can. Jane follows me when I pick up the bag and go to the trash chute. I put it inside and drop it. When I turn she’s staring at it. “Don’t tell me this is about the fish again.” She shakes her head.

  “The chute isn’t locked.” I shrug. “Mikey climbed into the building through one. If she can come into the building…” I nod. She’s right. If Mikey climbed into the building someone could come up the chute from another floor. It’s a big enough space.

  “I will have a lock put on it.” I say and she smiles then turns around and heads out of the kitchen.

  “Can we go out on the balcony?” She asks.

  “Sure.” I follow her. She’s wolf. I figured this could be a problem. I had problems dealing with it when I first moved in here. I’m glad the architect talked me into the balcony addition. I didn’t realize how much no fresh air would bother me. It doesn’t anymore. I’ve gotten used to it. I’m surprised she’s lasted this long. I walk past her and open the vertical blinds then the glass slider. Jane inhales deeply before she gets outside. The breeze is blowing in her face and she drifts out. I’m behi
nd her. She’s at the rail looking out over the city. I wrap my arms around her middle. “I love you Jane.” I say against her neck. She leans back into me. We’re done fighting. She’s full, happy and not mad at me anymore. My wolf is calm and my dick is hard. She reaches back and caresses it. I growl and she giggles.

  Jane pulls at her waistband and bares her bottom for me. “Now Jake, I want you to fill me.” She wiggles and I can’t free myself fast enough. I see her scent the air checking for predators. It’s a wolf thing. She’ll do the same when I take her on my hill near the park. She’ll be a wolf then. I’ve never taken another wolf. I saved that for Jane. I plan to tie into her and fill her with my pups that way. The thought has always fascinated me. It’s my only wolf fantasy. A lot of guys want to take every female that way. I don’t know what they save for their mates or they bother to save anything.

  Jane’s different though and I wanted things to be different with her. I push up inside of the hot exquisite tightness. She groans. I know I’m more swollen than usual but I don’t think she minds. She feels incredible. I love this woman, this wolf, this pussy. This pussy is mine, it was always mine. I can’t believe I had enough self-control to wait this long for her. I really can’t believe that she waited all this time for me. Most young she-wolves are sex machines. They can’t control their hormones any more than the males. I think it’s Mother Nature trying to repopulate the planet with us.

  She’s straining against me and I’m pounding into her. I’m glad that no one can see us up here. Mine is the only building this tall for several blocks. I planned it that way. Jane is clenching down on me hard. Shit, I can’t wait and I don’t want to go without her. I reach around and pinch her clit and she detonates around me. Wet white hot heat surrounds me and the world shatters. My balls tighten and pump her full of my seed. I coat her womb in it. My teeth graze her neck. I want to mark her every time I’m with her but I know it hurt her the first time. Jane does not like biting and it’s unfortunate because she’s the first one I ever wanted to sink my teeth into. I kiss her instead and she sighs. I nibble her ear while she’s still convulsing around me. I stay with her through the contractions then pull her sweats up and cover her. I pull mine up too but I stay pressed against her keeping her warm. “Let’s go inside.” I say against her neck and take her hand. I lead her into the living room. “Do you want to watch TV or would you rather go to bed?” She looks for a clock but doesn’t find one. I don’t have one in the apartment. I use my phone. I pull it out of my pocket and show it to her.


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