Chasing Brittan

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Chasing Brittan Page 3

by A. D. Herrick

  Without pause, his lips found mine. He kissed me with such heated passion. I had no choice but to give in and allow him to take me. His hands jerked the hem of my dress up, exposing me to him. Shamelessly, I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him into me.

  His tongue traced the seam of my lips begging for entrance. I parted my lips and allowed his slick velvety tongue to seek refuge. He kissed me like a man who had been starved, hungrily eating at my mouth as his tongue danced across mine in a tango. He growled as he pulled my lower lip between his teeth. The raw primal hunger in his eyes had me dripping wet.

  His skilled hands ripped my panties from me, leaving them in a shredded heap on the floorboard of the car. My bare wet pussy begged for attention as I writhed beneath him. The sound of his zipper sent a thrill of excitement through me. I ran my hands through his thick short hair, it felt like spun silk against my fingertips. Arching my back I rolled my hips against him. He pinned my hips down with his large paw of a hand, holding me firmly against the seat of the car.

  “Hände über deinem Kopf, Hands above your head“ He demanded roughly against my lips. His deep rich voice had me whimpering as it caressed my body. I complied without question, reaching my hands above my head. I held on to the door handle, my eyes locked on his. I could see the gleam of approval in his eyes.

  ”Sprichst Deutsch You speak German?“ He asked in surprise.

  “Da,” I moaned out against his lips.

  His eyes grew wide with excitement and hunger. A wicked smile curved his lips. I felt the smooth velvet head of his cock against my slick folds moments before he plunged into me. My hands held a death grip on the door handle as I cried out in shock and pain. Before I could take my next breath he pulled out and slammed back into me, his heavy sack smacking against my ass as he stole my breath.

  My pussy had no time to adjust to his size. It felt as though he were splitting me in two. My teeth sank into my lower lip, as I fought against the pain. His thick hands held me firmly in place as he slammed into me unapologetically over and over again. The pain lessened and turned into immense pleasure as he assaulted my slick wet pussy with his thick heavy cock.

  I tasted the metallic coppery taste of blood on my tongue. My teeth had sliced open my lower lip. I gasped in shock. His eyes zoomed in on the pebbling blood that burst from my lip. His eyes dazzled with excitement. He leaned down and sucked my lower lips into his mouth with a moaned. I moaned with pleasure at his greedy assault, gone was the shock of it all. I was hungry for him. for something new.

  His thrust became more frantic as he pounded into me. His lips latched onto mine had me bucking against him. My hips rolled up to meet his thrust for thrust. I took everything he was willing to give. My greedy pussy begged for more. I felt the tightness in my lower abdomen begin to coil as my orgasm built.

  He released my lip with a -plop. His eyes were wild with desperation as he thrust into me deeper and harder. His hands on my waist pulled me down into him. I cried out in pleasure against his attack, my hips thrusting to meet his. I could feel my orgasm building to its height, the tightness deep in my stomach coiling like a spring ready to unravel. My knuckles were white as I hung on to the side of the door. I longed to reach between my legs and rub my clit. As if reading my thoughts he shook his head, a simple no. I arched my back, tilting my pussy forward to that his length slid along my buzzing nub with each thrust, my head was thrown back in pleasure.

  I closed my eyes and imagined his thick thumb rubbing tight circles on my throbbing clit. “Nein,” My eyes flew open to meet his. His eyebrow cocked in challenge. I glared up at him, thrusting my hips into him harder. I saw the heat simmering in his eyes at the challenge.

  His thick hand came up to meet my throat. My mouth dropped open in shock and surprise. His meaty fist clamped down on my throat cutting off my oxygen as he thrust into me. My hands flew off the door handle and locked onto his wrist. I tried desperately to peel his hand from my throat with no success.

  The tight coil deep in my stomach wound tighter, like a violin bow. My lungs burned deep in my chest begging for air, I could feel my face redden and swell as I lay helplessly beneath the large brute of a man as he choked the air out of me.

  My vision began to blur as black spots began to cloud my vision. A burst of stars blinded me, wiping away my sight. My pussy began to spasm around his cock milking him as I shattered around his engorged cock. His hand released my throat as he pumped his release into me with a thundering roar that echoed off the fogged up windows of the sleek black limousine. The air burned my lungs as I gulped it down, my lungs greedily gasping for more. My nails dug into the meat of his chest as I clung to him. My world was shattering from the most blissful orgasm I had ever experienced.

  I lay there trying to relearn how to breathe as he detached his self from my claws. In the distance, I heard a zipper and muffled words. The car slowed to a stop. The cool night air blew into the open door. Before I could register what had happened the car was in motion again.

  “Where to Miss?” A voice asked through the speaker of the car. I quickly rattled off my address as my mind swam. What the hell had just happened?

  Chapter Four


  The music in the club was nothing I personally cared to listen to. It consisted of loud thumping of bass mixed in with the screeching of records being slid back and forth on a turntable. The blared words of today’s top hits engulfed me as we entered the richly crowded club.

  Dustin had secured us a private table in the VIP loft that overlooked the dance floor. It was his typical perch, a place he could hide away as he searched the club for his next victim. Though, a victim was a harsh word. Dustin wasn’t a bad guy. He was just one of those guys that had no intention of settling down. He liked to live his life on the edge with a different woman in his bed every night.

  I couldn’t say much. Up until three years ago, I had been right there with him, balls deep in a different woman every night, sometimes multiple women. The meeting I had with my father about Natalia had ended all of that. I hadn’t exactly been searching for the woman of my dreams but I had slowed down and actually started to put some thought into it. I became more selective about who I dated and their credentials. Though even after three years, I had yet to meet a woman that had been able to appeal to both my visual and intellectual expectations, let alone personality.

  “Drink up,” Dustin shouted over the loud music, handing me a tumbler of scotch. The amber liquid beckoned me. Though I was not much of a drinker, I would need something to get me through this night. I tipped the glass to my lips and peered out along the smooth glass railing taking in the many faces crowded along the dance floor. Dustin was beside me, his eyes roaming hungrily over the crowd.

  “Right there,” Dusting said pointing out into the crowd with his glass in his hand. My eyes scanned the crowd looking for the woman he had set in his sights.

  My eyes scanned the crowd landing on a gorgeous brunette. From where I was standing I could see the top of her shoulders and the deep V in the neckline of her dress. Her pale flesh lit up beneath the strobing lights calling me to her like a serine.

  Before I knew what I was doing I had set my glass down and was following Dustin down the staircase leading down to the dance floor. Dustin gave me a wolfish grin before shoving me playfully out of the way as he made his way to his conquest of the night.

  I was stunned when Dustin continued in the same direction I was headed. I paused momentarily hoping that he had not set his eyes on the same woman I had seen. I watched as he gently brushed past the serine that had been calling to me and instead pulled a blonde man off of the blonde dancing in front of her. He took no time wrapping his arms around her burrowing his face in her neck. I chuckled to myself. The man wasted no time.

  I picked my way through the thick crowd, my eyes never leaving the gorgeous brunette. I stalked her like a hunter stalking his prey. Her body moved with liquid grace to the beat of the music. He black dress was cu
t short riding up her creamy thighs. My eyes were glued to the glimmering perspiration that gathered on her chest like a homing beacon.

  I came up behind her, resting my hands on her waist, testing her comfort level. The moment my hands were on her I felt her warmth spread through my body zinging with electricity. I was drawn into this mythical creature like a moth to a flame.

  I slid my hands around her waist, pulling her into my embrace. Her slender form relaxed into my arms, her body moving along with mine. I let her lead us along to the music. The scent of her perfume assaulted my nostrils driving me crazy with need. She smelled like sunshine on a rainy day and campfires at night.

  I felt my cock spring to life as she rubbed her ass against me, testing my patience. I growled in frustration against her thick head of hair and closed my eyes, willing myself to behave. She made the task difficult as her warm body gyrated against mine.

  She was a tiny delicious morsel that I couldn’t wait to devour. My body betrayed me as my cock sought the warmth of her ass. I pulled her tight ass against me, my lips trailed along the smooth delicate curve of her neck. Committing her scent and the feel of her body pressed against mine to memory.

  This woman affected me in ways no other woman had with a simple touch, the press of her body against mine, I blamed it on the sweet welcoming scent that engulfed her body and caused my better senses to flee.

  I nibbled on her neck, savoring her taste on my tongue. She tasted sweet like honey against my lips. I began to wonder if the rest of her tasted just as sweet. My cock jerked between us, eager to find out. In response, she pressed her ass against me in an offering. I wasn’t sure how much more of this I could take. I needed her, now, beneath me.

  My greedy fingers could not control themselves as they made their way down the contours of her body, across her trim taut waist and down to her creamy thighs. The sexual tension between us was palpable. I tightened my hold on her, grinding my cock between the delicious globes of her ass. I gasped as she rolled her hips against me, her greedy pussy begging for my cock.

  It had been months since I had a woman beneath me. I had sworn off women until I found the one. But this woman, this was one I could not reside nor deny. I had to have her beneath me. Her body fit against mine perfectly, I took it as a sign that I was meant to have her, if even just for tonight.

  I licked a trail from her collar bone up to the lobe of her ear then nibbled my way back down, silently begging her to say yes. She moaned against me, her body responsive to my touch. I took it as a sign from the gods above that she was to be mine.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I whispered to her above the loud club music that poured through the speakers.

  Her body froze in my arms. I was immediately afraid that she would say no or run, instead, she looked out toward the woman that Dustin had been dancing with if you call dry humping in the middle of a crowded dance floor dancing.

  The woman seemed to give the nod of approval that was needed and the woman in my arms visibly relaxed. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone shooting a quick text to my driver that I was leaving.

  The woman turned in my arms and I felt my heart pause in my chest as I took in her features. She was a stunning woman. Beautiful hazel eyes with flecks of green and amber framed by wild waves of thick rich dark brown hair. I watched in a daze as her tongue darted out to wet her thin pink rosebud lips. Her thin brow twitched in amusement. She was a tiny woman compared to my six foot five stature which made her even more irresistible.

  “Shall we?” I asked, extending my hand out toward her.

  Without hesitation, she placed her dainty hand in mine and allowed me to lead her out of the club. I wrapped my hand firmly around hers to avoid losing her in the throng of people that had gathered out on the dance floor.

  The temperature had dropped since we hand gone into the club, sending a brisk chill to wrap around us. I gathered her into my arms shielding her from the cold and helped her into the back of the limo. The contact sent my libido into overdrive. Unable to keep my hands off of her I followed her in. My lips crashing against hers the moment she made contact with the smooth leather seat.

  Her lips parted for me, allowing me entrance. That was all the approval that I needed. Once her legs wrapped around me I was gone for. All of my better senses flew out the window.

  Without thinking I began to bend her to my will, taking from her what my body demanded, what my cock demanded.

  “Hände über deinem Kopf, Hands above your head“ My eyes grew wide as she complied. The woman was sent from the pits of hell to tempt me.

  ”Sprichst Deutsch You speak German?“ I asked in surprise and amazement.

  “Da,” She moaned out against me.

  That was it, I was done for. She was gorgeous and spoke German. I ripped away the only barrier that separated her slick pussy from me and hastily ripped down my slacks. Within a matter of moments, I was buried balls deep in her hot wet pussy.

  I thrust into her slick folds, pounding my cock in and out of her. Her cries of passion spurred me on. I took what she was willing to give relentlessly. I wrapped my hand around her neck, driving my cock in even deeper.

  Her eyes filled with panic, her hands wrapped tight around my wrist. I should let up but I couldn’t, I couldn’t let go. Her tight wet pussy felt amazing clamped around my thick shaft. I felt the tingling in my balls signaling my rapidly approaching release. I thrust into her harder, her bright red face feeding my deed to fuck her harder.

  I felt the moment her body gave in to my assault, her pussy began to spasm around my cock, clenching and unclenching tightly around my cock, milking my release forward. I roared thunderously as I came, pumping my seed into her hot wet mound.

  I was immediately swamped with shame. Fumbling I pulled off of her and zipped up my pants. My hands trembled as I pressed the button for the intercom.

  “Drop me here and take the lady where ever she wishes,” I informed him.

  The car couldn’t stop fast enough. Once we had slowed to a reasonable speed I leaped from the car, slamming the door in my wake.

  I stumbled to the wall of the nearest building and heaved, the contents of my stomach spilling out onto the concrete beneath me. I heaved until my stomach was empty and only bile spilled out, burning my throat as I sputtered out the remnants.

  I was appalled with myself. My sickness appeared to be getting worse. Having gone so long without sex only exacerbated the situation. My head slumped against the cold brick wall. Even if I did find a woman to spend the rest of my life with, she would never want to stay. I was a sick depraved bastard.

  Chapter Five


  “You promise you love me?” His bright gray eyes twinkled against the full moon in the empty cornfield.

  I smiled brightly up at him. “More than anything in the world,” I promised, meaning every single word. He was the earth, moon, and sun to me.

  His brows furrowed in thought. “So you love me more than chocolate?” He asked with a sly smile.

  I shook my head biting into my lower lip. “I love you more than chocolate,” I giggled.

  A bright warm smile lit up his face. “Come here, woman.” He held open his arms for me.

  I climbed into his lap in the bed of his truck straddling his waist I wrapped my arms around his neck. His eyes shone full of love and happiness, mirroring mine. I loved when he called me woman. Seldom did he call me by my given name. It was always baby or woman. It wasn’t so much the words but the way he said them like he was claiming me as only his.

  My mother had picked out the perfect man for me and she didn’t even know it. The boy with the bleached white hair and thick muscular frame she pointed out as we drove to her apartment was none other than Brittan Dahm.

  I ran into Britt on my first day of school. He was in my homeroom class. It was love at first sight. I’m not kidding, it really was. There was a peace about him that instantly drew me in like a moth to a flame. He had asked me out by the
time lunch time came and I couldn’t refuse him. We spent the rest of ninth grade glued to one another’s side.

  “We have one year left of school. Are you excited?” He asked his eyebrows dancing on his forehead. I giggled and snuggled into his chest. He was such a goof at times. I loved that about him.

  I sighed happily. “I am excited. I can’t wait to be free of that prison they call high school and have you all to myself.” I purred against his thick broad chest.

  His thick hands held me by my shoulders and peeled me off his chest. I groaned and pouted in protest pulling a chuckle from him. “It’s only for a minute.” He reassured me his rich laughter carrying through the warm still night.

  Britt tilted my chin up with the crook of his finger, mischief shined in his eyes. I knew that look, he was up to something. I pursed my lips and arched a brow at him. “What are you up to?” I carefully asked him. With Britt, it could be anything. I was always on guard when he got the look in his eyes.

  The moonlight caught on something in his hands drawing my attention down to his lap. In his hand sat a gold ring with a tiny diamond nestled in a small black box. My breath caught in my chest, my hands flew up to my mouth in shock as I gasped.

  “Oh my god,” I whispered against my hands in awe. I felt the tears stinging behind my eyes. I couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing.

  “Shelby, Will you marry me?” He asked cautiously with a nervous hitch in his throat. He plucked the ring from the box and held it out for me to inspect. His hands trembled in fear. The ring was yellow gold with a small solitaire diamond in the center, twin crosses were engraved on either side of the diamond. It was perfect and absolutely beautiful.


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