As Fate Would Have It

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As Fate Would Have It Page 4

by Cheyenne Meadows

  Trying to divert his attention from the beauty sitting a couple feet away, he forced himself to watch the television. Flipping the channel once more, he asked, "Anything on you want to watch?"

  "Nah. Whatever you want is fine." Brie relaxed, shifting to get a little more comfortable.

  Before too long, Brie began to yawn, her eyes drooping. She snuggled into the throw pillow, pulling into herself as she fought sleep.

  Rye watched her, smiling to himself. As cute as a sleeping puppy.

  Standing up, Brie covered another yawn, even as she stiffly walked behind the couch. Stopping at the entryway, she turned back to her roommate. "Thank you, Rye. I've had a very nice day." She sent him a warm smile.

  Meeting her gaze, he smiled back. "Goodnight, Brie. I had a nice day as well." He watched as she continued to her room. His shirt billowed just a touch as she moved, not enough to enable him to see any more of her thighs than he had already. Hell. Tugging at his jeans, he shook his head. One day together and she had him hard and twisted in knots. Throwing his head to the back of the couch, he released a pent up sigh. Truth be told, he did enjoy her company, so much more than he ever thought. She commanded his attention with her quirky nature, quick wit, and fun outlook, to complement her quiet sexiness. How was he going to last another month with her?

  Chapter 9

  Rye stood at the stove, checking to see if the eggs had cooked enough. Hearing quiet taps of feet on the floor, he turned to find Brie, still clad in his shirt, staring at him from the end of the hall. Nice. Looks like he surprised her this morning. Always a good thing to keep a female guessing.

  He flashed a smile. "Good morning. Hungry?"

  Shaking her head, Brie spoke, her voice still hoarse from sleep. "Good morning. Not too hungry, though. What are you fixing?"

  Rye watched her reach down and tug at his shirt once more before taking a seat at the table. She looked better in his shirt this morning compared to last night, and that had been damn hot. Feeling his groin tighten, he shifted, trying to ease the pressure. Even with mussed hair and eyes half misted with sleep, she was the sexiest woman he'd ever seen. Forcing his mind back to the conversation at hand, he replied, "Scrambled eggs, toast. There's some coffee if you want some." He turned back to pluck the toast out of the toaster, placing them on a plate. Grabbing the plate of eggs, he sat them both on the table before her.

  Giving him a small smile, Brie whispered, "Thank you." She busied herself with pouring the juice while he took his seat.

  Plopping down across from her, he smiled. "You're welcome." Snatching a piece of toast, he began to butter it. "What did you want to do today?"

  Brie sipped her juice. "I had thought to work on those landscape bricks out back this morning before it gets too hot. After that…"

  "We go shopping." He grinned at her, not for a second forgetting that she was going shopping for new sleepwear today. As much as he loved seeing her in his shirt, he had vivid images of her in other lingerie.

  She reluctantly agreed, giving a wan nod in answer.

  He caught her stare and smiled over his juice glass. Lingerie shopping, now this is the way to spend a day. Granted, she would drag her feet, but he had his ways. Charm ran rampant in the Taylor family. He had gotten more than his fair share, too.

  * * * *

  An hour later, they moved to the backyard, debating on where to start with the large landscape bricks neatly stacked in one corner. "I want to make a fairly large circle around the tree, enough space to plant some flowers." Brie headed to the stack, picking up a brick then moving back to the tree.

  Rye followed suit. "Okay. How about we start placing them, then you can see what you think when the first row is down?" He sat his brick down a few feet from the tree trunk. Watching Brie mimic his action, he ambled back to the stack in the corner.

  It didn't take too long to set down the first row, and with only a minor adjustment or two they moved to the next row.

  Rye stood and turned, almost running into Brie as she stood directly behind him. The level of her gaze told him one thing. She's checking out my ass again. He watched the flush appear, grinning wickedly at her. "Enjoying the view?"

  Brie gasped, her color deepening. Pursing her lips, she walked around him to set her brick in place. His low chuckle followed.

  With a tiny huff and shrug, she returned for another brick, came back, and promptly dropped it onto the others, right on Rye's fingers.

  "Shit!" He clutched his fingers, doing a quick check to make sure they were still functioning. "Ow, damn it!" Shaking them, he waited for the pain to recede. They looked only a little skinned, but they sure hurt like hell.

  "Oh, Rye! I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Brie stood at his side, trying to catch his hand in order to see how badly he was injured.

  Pushing her hands away, he growled, "I'm fine." Checking the skin once more, he found no changes, not even a bruise appearing. She clipped him just right. But, shit, that hurt.

  "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to." She tried to peek over his arm to catch a glimpse of his injury.

  He wiggled his fingers once more, sucked it up, and retraced his steps back to the stack.

  The sting lessened by heartbeats, but he had to get some space away from her. First of all, between getting whacked in the nose with the shovel and now this, he wasn't so sure he would survive this landscape project of hers. Secondly, the feel of her breast brushing against his arm sent pains to another location in his body. Hell, at this rate, he was going to be taking cold showers for the duration of his stay.

  Brie returned to work, watchful and more careful by her actions. "I'm sorry." Laying the brick down beside his, she looked at his hands this time. She pouted, reminding him of a kid that had just lost her best friend.

  "It's okay. Accidents happen." Boy, was that the truth, especially around Brie, as he was starting to find out. Still, that crestfallen expression tugged at his heart. He would just have to watch her closer.

  Chapter 10

  Having finished the landscape work for the morning, Brie and Rye took quick separate showers, then decided to grab something for lunch while they were out shopping. Brie still couldn't believe she was going to purchase pajamas with him. She never went shopping with her female friends much, let alone with a guy. For sleepwear, no less. Truly, her life had been turned upside down in a day's time.

  "Ready?" Rye walked into the living room, tucking his Polo shirt into his jeans. His hair, still damp from the shower, was neatly combed.

  Nodding, Brie slipped her hair into a ponytail before grabbing her purse from the counter. "If you don't want to go, I can easily find something myself." She took a moment to stuff her cell phone inside the side pocket as she spoke. Pulling her keys out, she glanced up at him.

  "I want to go. Really." He grinned. Holding his hand out, he watched her hesitantly drop her keys into his palm. "Thanks."

  For the entire trip, Brie peeked under her lashes at the powerful thighs encased in those jeans. Of course, her appraisal continued upward to rest on that juncture between his legs. She was far from an expert, but it looked a little bulging to her. Hmmm. Was that bulging from sheer endowment or from Bam Bam checking out the world?


  Her gaze jerked upward, meeting his, to see a knowing smile plastered on his face. Heat blasted across her face. Pointedly looking out the window, she took a moment to answer. "Yes?"

  "The mall, okay?"

  Nodding, Brie watched the scenery as they drove. What was she going to do? He had been there a little over twenty-four hours and she was already on the verge of drooling. Distraction was a given. Not to mention that smirk of his—one minute she wanted to wipe it off his face, the other she wanted to kiss him until he found other uses for those lips.

  No. She could do this. Just a roommate. Friend of the family. How many times had she told herself that already? Dozens?

  Luckily, they were at the mall before she could embarrass herself once more. Rye pocketed the
car keys as she grabbed her purse and headed inside. First department store she entered, she went straight for the ladies wear. Spying the boxers and night shirts on display, she started to that corner only to stop when Rye grabbed her wrist. Startled, she turned to him.

  Rye just gave her a wink, dragging her away from the boring, shapeless pajamas and to the more sensual silk and satin area. Stopping by a deep blue satin slip, he picked up the hanger, holding it up in front of her body.

  Still a little dazed at his take charge attitude, Brie stared at the item. Not something she would normally purchase, but it did cover more than his shirt ever would. So, when he gave a small nod and handed it to her, she didn't utter a single protest.

  Taking a couple more steps, she was drawn to another item, this one a delicate mauve with spaghetti straps of a deeper hue. Touching the material, she let it softly slide over her fingers, enjoying the fine caress. Now, this looks comfortable. She could almost imagine the feel of it sliding over her skin, soft and supple. Checking the size, she quickly added it to the other one before she could change her mind.

  Rye wandered a little deeper into the department looking back often to ensure she followed.

  Glancing up, Brie found Rye idly searching through more of the women's lingerie. She had to smile to herself. Who knew men enjoyed this kind of stuff? Well, she realized they liked to see it modeled, of course, but buying it? Maybe they simply wandered around, found something they thought was sexy, then used it in one of their fantasies? Casually heading in his direction, she found a few silk items, but nothing that popped out at her.

  "What about this?" Rye held up a gorgeous black silk chemise, the light reflecting off each tiny movement of his fingers under the material. The halter type collar caught her eye, as did the plunging neckline.

  She couldn't resist touching the glistening item, frowning at the bodice. "I don't know." That little devil on her shoulder whispered for her to take it, wear something sexy and alluring for once. Didn't she stomp him down after the last time he popped into her mind? Guess not enough as he was back again and insistent, too.

  Rye grinned down at her, one eyebrow arching in question.

  The look on his face sealed the deal. He was daring her. For the life of her, she couldn't resist such. I'll show him. Consoling herself with the knowledge that it resembled a short dress a fashion model might wear, she made the decision. Grabbing the chemise from him, she added it to the ever growing pile in her arms.

  Rye turned, leading her a little farther down the aisle, an amused smile covering his face, reminding her of a kid in a candy shop.

  Shaking her head, Brie glanced over to her left, searching for perhaps one more chemise—or a slip might be even better. Pawing through one rack, she moved to the next. Absently, she found herself meandering closer to where Rye stood, patiently waiting for her to flip through items. A deep rose color caught her eye. Heading to the hangers right next to Rye, she pulled the item off the rack and immediately gasped. It was a silk baby doll. One of the flyaway varieties that covered the essentials, but the top opened to show off the belly while a pair of matching bikini panties finished the ensemble.

  "You would be gorgeous in that, Brie." Rye's low voice whispered in her ear, sending a little shudder down her spine even as her belly clenched in response.

  Glancing up, she met his eyes, seeing the honesty of his words reflected there. Still, this was never her style. She had been, still was, perfectly content with her pajamas. They were comfortable and simple. Yet, the bright colors and silky items she held in her arms called to her. Maybe I could just try them once. If she didn't like them, she could just stuff them away in a drawer. With that decision, she added her latest find to the pile.

  Rye grinned, leading her farther back. Keeping one eye on her, he stopped next to the back wall. A mannequin stood before him in a black satin strapless corset with matching garter and thigh high stockings. High heels finished the outfit.

  Looking over a few more chemises, Brie slowly but surely moved along the aisle. Not paying too much attention, she lightly caressed another silk item before looking up. The gasp she did stifle, but not the sudden flush at seeing what was directly ahead. To make matters worse, Rye stood there with this grin on his face that could only be called wicked. He lightly ran one large hand up the calf of the mannequin, watching her face as he did so.

  "Now, this is sexy." His voice purred as he slid his hand to the inside of the mannequin's leg, lightly massaging her calf and up to her knee. He moved his hand a tad bit higher, lightly working the top edge of the stocking. "Men love this stuff."

  Brie watched his fingers creep farther up the leg. Her mouth went dry, even as her face burned. She couldn't help but stare at that hand, watching it caress. Oh, good grief! Brie mentally shook her head, starting to back up a few steps. She was not standing here watching Rye feel up a mannequin, was she? Did that make her a pervert? Or worse? If she was odd for watching it, what did that make him? No time to call the courage cavalry, this situation required a hasty retreat. Clutching her items to her chest, she scurried to find a checkout, hoping it was far, far away from the scary section she came from. Maybe by next week, she would be able to actually look her roommate in the eyes after this episode. Then a disturbing thought hit. She had to ride home with the loon.

  Chapter 11

  Thank goodness the ride home was fairly uneventful. Brie kept waiting for Rye to mention his little escapades with that mannequin, but he simply smiled and gave her a wink. That seemed to be the end of that subject. Not that it was a bad thing. In fact, she had debated the entire drive home what to do if he opened his mouth. So far, the best ideas were whapping him with the tire gauge or waiting until they got home and mixing up a quick batch of laxative brownies. She already tossed out the idea of leaping from the car. If she jumped, she would break her neck. If she pushed him out, the car would careen out of control and her neck would break anyway. Not quite the solution she was looking for.

  At home, Brie clutched her bag of purchases and strode into the house, Rye right on her heels. They grabbed take out on the way, a bucket of chicken in his hand. He headed to the kitchen, placing dinner on the table, collecting a couple of plates from the cabinet.

  Brie went directly to the laundry room. If she had to wear one of her new outfits that evening, she needed to get it washed so the dye wouldn't irritate her skin. Pulling the silky items out, she sorted them. Looking at the full laundry basket behind her, she opted to drop a few items in with the new stuff. Quickly, she sorted clothes according to color, making little piles on the floor.

  Rye wandered by, poking his head in the door. "I can do my own laundry."

  Glancing up from her sorting, Brie shook her head. "Might as well do everything together. No sense in doing two sets of each. Besides, you don't have a lot to wash anyway."

  He leaned against the doorframe, watching her even as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't mind going to the Laundromat. Just toss my stuff aside."

  "Rye! It's not a big deal. Besides, they have already been mixed among my cotton stuff. I don't want you getting a bad rash just because of me."

  Shrugging, he gave a quick nod. "Okay. Thanks. If it gets to be too much, let me know." He turned back to the kitchen.

  Picking up the first clump which included her dark colored nighties, she rested them on the corner of the washer, started the water, and dropped each item in one by one. A flash of navy blue caught her attention. Letting the other items drop in, she focused on what was in her hand. Turning it this way and that, it finally dawned on her what she was holding. Rye's thong. Was this his only pair of underwear? She sure hadn't come across any more. If that was the case, what did he wear the rest of the time? Using two hands, she held it up, noting the narrow string of material on the back and the wider material that completed the front. Oh, the images that item brought to mind. She could picture his tight buns with the narrow strip down the center, accenting more than actually covering
anything. And, that front piece. Wow. He surely had to fill that out nicely. She mentally did a quick measurement. If he was this size during normal times, what would he look like…

  "What are you doing?"

  "Ack!" Spinning, Brie found herself face to face with Rye's amused expression.

  "Ummm… nothing." Clutching the thong in her hand, she tried valiantly to come up with a good excuse. Too bad her traitorous brain dipped back in the gutter and stubbornly refused to climb from those depths for a while.

  Schooling his expression, he leaned closer, glancing down at his underwear scrunched up in her fist. "Something wrong with my thong?"

  Brie swallowed, her face fired like a hot stove burner. "No… not at all."

  "Then why are you staring at it?" He paused a moment, his brow furrowing. "Is there a stain?"

  "Stain?" She echoed, feeling her face burn a little more. What kind of stain would he have? Oh my god. There had better not be THAT kind of stain there. She didn't see any, but…

  "Well?" Rye arched an eyebrow, waiting for her response.

  "No… no stains. Well, I didn't look for them… but… I know there aren't any." She watched his other eyebrow shoot up to join the first. Boy, did she need a Calgon moment. Please, take me away. She had already given up on the earth opening and swallowing her. "Well, not that you wouldn't have a stain… being a male and all… but, you see…" She continued to stammer. At this rate, she would have dug herself to China in a matter of moments. "They wouldn't be soiled…"

  He just stared at her, showing no signs of his thoughts. That intense stare and his continued silence that only made her continue to ramble, even as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other.


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