As Fate Would Have It

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As Fate Would Have It Page 10

by Cheyenne Meadows

  "Rye…" Her voice broke on a gasp.

  His hands moved up, framing her face, tilting her head so she couldn't help but look into eyes that sparked with passion.

  Staring for a long moment, he seemed to be searching for something. Not having a clue, Brie simply gazed back, finding herself falling deep into the dark pools, her world being reduced down to him alone once more.

  Why wasn't he saying anything? Doing anything? Just when she was ready to either kick him in the shin or throw all caution to the wind for another taste of those lips, he leaned closer. One light brush to her lips, a simple movement of his lips as they clung to hers, before he pulled back.

  She automatically touched the area, lightly rubbing her bottom lip where his tongue and teeth recently explored. She caught his gaze once more before he turned, heading to the front door and out into the summer air.

  Watching the way he left, she plopped down on one of the kitchen chairs, frustrated and confused. What was that all about? After such a kiss, he just walked out? What did that mean? He thought she was a lousy kisser? Decided he didn't want her after all? Was testing the waters and found his answer?

  Shaking her head, she tried to clear the multitude of thoughts running through. Unfortunately, no matter how she tried, the memory of his lips on hers returned. The taste, reminding her of a hot cinnamon bun fresh out of the oven, the feel as soft as a baby's blanket. One thing was for sure. Just when she thought she had him all figured out, he threw another monkey wrench into the works.

  Chapter 23

  Rye stormed from the kitchen, not pausing until he reached the west side of the house. The fence and the landscaping gave him a bit of shade and privacy from prying eyes. Running one hand through his hair, he sighed, fighting to cool down his overheated body.

  How did she do this to him? One kiss and he found himself not just hard but painfully erect, demanding satisfaction. Adjusting his pants once more, he puzzled over this latest development.

  They grew up together. He'd known her for what seemed like forever. So, why was it that he spent a few days with her and now his body was primed for conquering and plundering?

  A brief image of Brie lying under him—sultry eyes staring up at him, arms reaching out and pulling him against her—popped into his mind. Legs opened, revealing her most sensitive area to his eager gaze, her tender pink skin glimmering with moisture.

  Shaking his head, he furiously shoved the vision from his mind. This couldn't happen.

  Granted, his mother spent quite a bit of time trying to set him up with women, driven by the addictive wish for grandchildren. He had plenty of dates on his own without her help. Hell, he couldn't even remember how many women he'd slept with since he entered the realm of manhood. None of them walked away less than satisfied. With most of them, he broke off the relationship. More than once, he got that jumpy feeling, knowing one of the women had commitment on the mind and would do a heck of a lot to see it happen. One breath of that word sent him on his way, never looking back.

  Damn it. He was a man. Men needed sex. Simple as that. He was on a dry spell lately. That had to be it. His primed body would react to any woman right now, particularly one as cute and seductive as Brie. Shit. What was he saying? She didn't know a single thing about seduction. Cotton nightgowns didn't do a thing for sexiness in his book. Now, that deep blue get up…

  "Ah, shit." He groaned, feeling his groin tighten all the more with that latest image. "She's going to be the death of me, I swear it!"

  Standing outside talking to himself wasn't doing anything but revving up his imagination all the more. Yet, he refused to return to the house, even for a cold shower. Too much temptation waited there. Taking care of the problem himself would likely backfire—one of the nosy neighbors might catch a glimpse of him and call the police to report a peeping Tom. No, he needed a major distraction.

  A car engine starting up caught his attention. Glancing up, he noticed Gomez pulling out of the drive. The passenger seat remained empty. He watched the car pull down the lane, pause for the stop sign, then speed off.

  Rye grinned like a Cheshire cat. A distraction, huh? Looks like Bunny was home alone. Maybe it was time to be a little neighborly.

  A couple minutes later, he leaned heavily on the doorbell, pasting on a friendly smile. He could charm a girl out of her panties, so perhaps he could worm some information out of the beautiful babe across the street.

  She opened the door, her gaze roving from his eyes then southward, covering his T-shirt and jeans. Once she returned to his face, she quietly spoke. "Can I help you?"

  He noticed the red short shorts with the matching blouse, his focus automatically latching onto the abundant cleavage nearly bared as the material stretched to encompass such a large burden. By sheer will, he kicked his distracted mind into gear. "I just came over to say hi. I'm your neighbor, Rye." He reached out a hand.

  Bunny looked down at the offering, then glanced away, not returning the gesture. Instead, her brightly painted nails teased at the neckline of her shirt, pulling his vision back to those drool worthy assets.

  Giving a shrug, he lowered his hand. "I thought you might join me for a cup of coffee. My treat." One hand gestured back toward the house. "I know this great coffee shop not too far…"

  "No," she cut him off abruptly.

  His eyebrow arched in question, watching her squirm for a moment before regaining her composure.

  "I can't. I have a beauty appointment shortly."

  He took a moment to peer longingly over her body once again. "A knockout like you doesn't need a beauty appointment." The words rolled softly and easily off his tongue.

  The corner of her mouth hitched upward as her stance relaxed. She shifted her weight, leaning forward a bit, giving him an unaltered view of the exposed skin. One foot lifted to rub against her calf as if lazily scratching an itch. "My boyfriend is a jealous man and wouldn't like to share," she purred back at him, batting her extra long eyelashes in his direction. Baby blue eyes sparkled. A pout formed on her mouth. "Too bad." Her pink tongue snaked out to lick over full ruby red lips. "You are… appealing."

  He smiled back at her, standing up straight, proud as a rooster. Warm breath brushed her ear lobe as he leaned in to whisper, "You should see me without clothes."

  Her gaze landed on his groin and lingered for a few beats. "And what do you do for a living?"

  "I'm in-between jobs right now. That's why I'm staying with a friend of the family. Saving my pennies until I can find another position."

  The flirtiness evaporated from Bunny quicker than sprinkles on the parched desert sand. She lifted her chin as she regained her feet. "I see." Stepping back, she waved her hand dismissively. "As you can see, I'm quite busy. I already have a boyfriend and I'm simply not interested." With that said, she shut the door in his face.

  Rye stood there a moment longer, rubbing his chin. No way would she look at him twice now, believing that he was broke. That told him one thing, money propelled her. And, money would leave a trail.

  With a mumbled curse, he strode back across the street.

  Chapter 24

  Brie sighed as she slid into the steamy tub. Bubbles quickly covered her, leaving only her neck up exposed to the air. She deserved some pampering on her vacation, and a bubble bath topped the list.

  Resting her head back, she closed her eyes, soaking in the warmth. The slight lavender scent tickled her nose. She must remember to thank her aunt for the bath beads she sent last month. This was the first chance she had to use them and so far they were a blessing.

  Her mind turned to Rye. Although he frustrated her to no end, she couldn't claim his stay had been a huge burden. In fact, he helped her more times than not. The planting wrapped up in record time with the both of them getting all grimy and gritty. He even made sure to clean up the table after each meal. Somehow they had fallen into a comfortable routine. Team. The term flashed in her head. Who would have known they could make a formidable team, at least w
here landscaping was concerned?

  Sinking a bit lower into the foamy tub, her thoughts drifted back to other run-ins with Rye.

  They had been teenagers. The family had gathered together for another of its colossal reunions, a weeklong vacation at the lake where they caught up, played, and ate. Everyone made an appearance. Friends were welcome, family was expected.

  Brie had opted for a stroll through one of the various trails near their campsite. Deer, squirrels, and even foxes could be glimpsed fairly frequently, especially if you managed to tread quietly. The peace and solitude of the woody area called to her, promising tranquility in her observation of nature at its basic level.

  She continued down the trail slowly, taking in the chatter of the birds, the crunch of the mulch covered trail under her feet. A small twig twirled in her fingers as she peered among the many trees.

  A soft sigh sounded from up ahead. Puzzled, Brie slowed. As far as she knew, not many other family members took advantage of the trails like she did. However, her grandparents and their friends had been known to make the trek, pointing out local bird varieties. Another muffled sound drew her closer. Curiosity grabbed her, refusing to let her turn away. Instead, she crept closer, sticking close to the brush. Carefully, she shifted, craned her neck in order to peer through a couple of limbs.

  Ahead sat a deep brown stained wooden bench, placed for walkers to take a break or for couples to simply sit and enjoy the scenery.

  Sure enough, a couple had taken advantage of the isolated seating. Yet, not the couple she would have ever expected.

  Rye occupied the far side of the bench, his arm wrapped around Jenny Hanks, the blonde captain of the cheerleading squad. Brie knew her from school. They had third period history together. Certainly, they didn't travel in the same social classes. Rye, though, one of the football team captains, definitely moved with Jenny in the same circles of popularity.

  Jenny gasped, drawing Brie's attention once more. The cheerleader threw back her head, hands bracketed against Rye's head as she pulled him against her chest. Her T-shirt lay beside her on the bench, with her floral pink bra unfastened and hanging loosely from shoulders. Pale skin shone in the sunlight, reflecting the moistened areas wet from his ardent kisses.

  Twisting, Jenny managed to run her hands down Rye's bare chest, pausing when she reached the buttons on his jeans. Like a skilled pro, she flipped each one open, pushed the material aside, then pulled his erection free. He groaned, obviously enjoying her touch on his member. Leaning forward, he pressed her back, stretching her out on the bench beneath him.

  Brie stared, unable to take her eyes away from the lewd scene. By all means, she should back away, leaving the lovers to their privacy. Yet, her feet refused the command to move. Locked in place, Brie could only watch.

  Rye pulled back from Jenny's swollen breasts, just enough to work the zipper on her shorts. In seconds, they pooled around her ankles, and her pink panties followed. One hand slipped in between her legs. Jenny tossed her head back, moaning at his touch even as she continued to pet him in return. Shifting, Rye changed angles. His eyes opened.

  Gasping, Brie jerked. One hand covered her chest as her eyes met his. Embarrassed, she inched back, lowering her gaze. Heat flashed into her face. A throaty sound of pleasure compelled her to look once more.

  Rye hadn't paused in his endeavors—instead, he plowed onward. His eyes captured Brie's, refusing to let her look away while he nipped Jenny's neck, shoving his hand farther between her legs.

  Jenny's whimpers and wiggling increased as did the speed of her hand on his flesh. Dropping his head, he took a nipple in his mouth, his cheeks hollowed as he sucked. A few seconds later, she spasmed under him, jerking and keeling. Her body contorted upward. The breast popped out of his mouth as his head lashed back, a low grunt erupted from his throat. He grimaced. Muscles bulged in his arms and neck. A red flush splashed over his features as a guttural sound escaped once more.

  Chewing one nail, Brie stood transfixed. As long as Rye kept their gazes locked, she couldn't turn back. He held her rooted to the spot. Chest heaving, Rye's gaze dropped, head lowering as he fought to regain his breath. Only then could Brie find the will to step back.

  First one tentative step back, watching the pair the whole time, lest she be discovered by Jenny. Too late when it came to Rye. Her face flamed at the memory of his expression upon catching her watching. Taunting. Almost as if he dared her to continue. Shame reared its head, reminding her that despite the shock, she stayed for the duration. Nothing held her in place. No. That wasn't quite right. Rye's eyes kept her there for whatever reason. Maybe he wanted blackmail material for later? Maybe he thought she would run like a rabbit discovered by a coyote?

  Rumor mill in high school harried that Jenny tended to be without clothing more often than not. Guess there must be some truth in that. But Rye? She knew he never lacked for attention from the opposite sex. Yet, she never expected to be witness to his sexual prowess. Never cared to. But, now? Something deep inside had twisted painfully upon seeing him with Jenny.

  The quick tap on the bathroom door jerked her back to reality. Water sloshed with her movement, nearly splashing over the edge of the tub. Heart pounding, she swallowed.

  "Brie? Did you drown?" His voice lowered, taking on a teasing quality. "Need me to come in to make sure?"

  Her eyes widened as she worked the words up through her closed throat. "No!" Chastising herself for the abrupt response, she ignored her racing heart. "Ummm. I'm fine. Just soaking." What had brought up that uncomfortable memory, anyway?

  A soft chuckle sounded. "Did I mention I'm an excellent lock pick?"

  Sliding deeper into the slowly disappearing bubbles, she shook off the remnants of the memory. Of course, he would do just that. The heathen.

  "Ever hear of the Bobbitt case?" She paused. "A girl can never have too many meat cleavers."

  Hearing a distant snort, she pulled the plug on the tub. She was starting to wrinkle like a prune anyway. Besides, she needed to delve through her kitchen utensil drawer.

  Chapter 25

  Brie sat down in the squishy black leather chair. Scooting up to the computer desk, she automatically slipped her hand over the mouse and gave it a shake. She leaned over to hit the power button on the monitor, only to have a picture slowly take shape on the screen. Obviously, Rye had borrowed her computer before he moved his large frame onto her couch, effectively taking it over. Absently, she wondered if he got as many penis enhancement spam e-mails as she did. Snort. If she didn't keep up with her e-mails, the spam would overflow. Did he just delete them or possibly scan over them? For some reason, she couldn't believe he needed such a thing.

  Grumbling to herself about the liberties he took in her home without asking, she absently positioned her fingers on the keyboard. "Ewwwwww."

  Pulling a few fingers back, she flipped her palm up, trying to see the cause of the sticky sensation. A couple spots of clear residue remained on her fingertips, just enough to be annoying. Her brow furrowed as she took her index finger and pushed a couple of letters. Sure enough, they depressed okay, but rebounded in slow motion. She swore she could hear the slurp of whatever substance resided there.

  It was the motion that pulled her attention away. The monitor flickered to life, displaying the image the last user had viewed.

  A sultry blonde with boobs as big as Dolly Parton's commanded the screen, her black garters and stockings served as her entire outfit. A wide-shouldered, dark brown haired man sat on the bed, his back to the headboard, naked as the day he was born. The blonde kneeled over his extended legs, her mouth wrapped around his arousal. Her back arched as she leaned into the man. The picture had been taken from the side, leaving nothing to the imagination. Well, nothing except how much of the man's erection resided in her mouth, that is. His hands clasped in her hair, seemingly to pull her closer. She braced herself on the bed with one hand while the other dipped lower between his legs. The man's face screwed up in obvious deli
ght at her skills.

  Brie blinked, unable to believe what she saw. Rye surfed for porn? On her computer? She turned her head this way and that, her eyes fixated on the woman's lips compressed around the man's flesh. How did she do that exactly? Surely all porn stars would be fairly well endowed, yet the red lips almost reached the man's pubic hair. Where did all those inches disappear to inside her mouth?

  The ringing of the phone distracted her from her curious thoughts. Hearing Rye's voice answer in recognition, she refocused on the keyboard. Her finger pressed the "H" button, feeling the tenacious syrupy stuff give slowly before holding the key down completely. Pushing it again, she realized without cleaning, that particular key wouldn't be useful any time soon.

  Then it hit her. Porn. Rye. Jerking her hands back, she stared at the keyboard in disgust. Oh, no. He better not. She would… do something. Not sure what at this moment, but surely it would involve meat cleavers and certain parts of his body.

  Pushing away from the desk, she bounded to her feet, marching determinedly into the living room. Rye spoke into the phone, grinning evilly. His feet rested on the foot rest, a can of beer clutched in the other hand.

  Not caring who he spoke with, she quickly released her anger. "I can't believe you! You use my computer, without my permission no less. Then you look at porn sites and… and…" She gestured to his crotch area. "Masturbate… all over my keyboard!" She stumbled over the word.

  Rye choked, coughed, staring at her with a look of disbelief. "What? I did no such thing! I… what?" His gaze dropped as he concentrated on the phone once more. "No, Mom. I can't believe you asked me that!" He pinched the bridge of his nose.

  Brie stomped, hands on hips. "If you didn't, then explain this to me, oh Great Detective. Why was my computer on an explicit porn site, full of pictures, and my keyboard is sticky?"


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