As Fate Would Have It

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As Fate Would Have It Page 13

by Cheyenne Meadows

  "Thelma?" Her voice, husky from sleep, rasped out. Gingerly, she sat up, experimentally shifting, testing out the strength and discomfort of her stitches. Her hand rested against her lower belly, offering support to the newly repaired wound.

  He nodded at her, eyes taking in each and every movement. "Yeah. Jane, too." Absently, he stashed the bread on a nearby dresser shelf, striding over to offer his hand.

  Taking it, she pulled lightly against his strength, managing to perch on the side of the bed much easier than anticipated. "The word must be out already." She sighed in weary acceptance. Not that she held animosity against the elderly ladies of the neighborhood, for they truly cared for her and the other community members. However, it made privacy near impossible when such gabby gossip mongers set their attentions her way.

  "It's not bad. In fact, they were singing your high praises. Thelma declared you a local hero. Your aunt and mine have both called this morning, up in arms about what happened. They both took me to task with a stern tongue lashing. Oh, and they mentioned something about throwing a party later to celebrate your, and I quote, 'Tasing that bastard in the balls'." He released her hand and stepped back once more. "Need some help?"

  She shook her head. "I'm just going to take a shower and get presentable." Catching the expression on his face, she quickly added, "I'm not frail and breakable. I swear." To prove her point, she stood up, headed toward her bathroom without a glance behind.

  "Stubborn." He paused to pick up the gift from the dresser.

  "Yeah, but you like me that way." With that said, she closed the door, and went about her shower.

  * * * *

  Twenty minutes later, she emerged from her bedroom, hair still damp and clinging to the clean pink T-shirt. Loose Capri shorts covered her bottom half. Anklet socks clung to bare feet, softening each step down the hall.

  Rye glanced up from the living room, a slight grin crossing his face. "You clean up well."

  She rolled her eyes at his words, but quickly settled next to him on the couch. "Flattery will get you nowhere."

  With a quiet chuckle, he scooted closer, hands reaching down to latch onto the hem of the shirt. Ignoring the slight smacks and her complaints, he slowly lifted the material, peering intently underneath.

  "Rye! Will you stop? The stitches are just fine."

  He wadded up another handful of shirt, in order to trace the wound from hip to the center of her body. "I'm sure they are, but I'm going to check them anyway." His tone, though relaxed, shouted of determination.

  "I'm a nurse, darn it. I am more than capable of assessing them."

  "I didn't say you weren't, baby. I just need to see for myself." His eyes briefly met hers as he reached for the shorts and tugged downward.

  Her face heated while she voiced a halfhearted complaint. Resisting the urge to squirm, she endured the embarrassment of his appraisal without further ado. She might as well be talking to a brick wall as arguing with him over this.

  An achingly extended moment later, he replaced the material, gently tugging it over the exposed sutures. "Pretty sore, I bet."

  She shrugged. "Not really."

  The awkward silence droned on while she chewed her lip. The past day was a blur of violence, pain, anger, followed by tenderness and concern.

  His strong arms reached out, pulling her across his lap. Without thought, she snuggled into his chest, wrapping both arms around his neck, allowing the steady beat of his heart to lull her nerves. His lips pressed a kiss to her forehead as one finger lifted her chin to meet his eyes.

  "You okay?"

  "I think so." A nod followed those words. Though a bit shaky, she quickly determined she could and would rise above this incident. Time would help.

  He began to rub slow easy circles across her back, soothing the tension away. His gaze locked with hers, as if judging the truth to her words.

  Leaning in, she rubbed her nose against his, unsure how to make the first move. She wanted his kiss, his affections. Whether for comfort or for another reason, she didn't care.

  He met her nuzzling with a chaste kiss to her lips, lingering before softly opening.

  She responded, her heart lifting with his actions. She cupped his face as he deepened the kiss while keeping the pace easy, relaxed, and gentle. Before long, she wrestled control away, using her tongue to prod his, flicking to and fro in an age old game of tag.

  Her breathing hitched as she shifted on his lap, seeking closeness, thrilling in the feel of his body beneath hers. Needing to catch her breath, she moved away from his delicious and talented mouth, sprinkling kisses across his chin.

  Rye returned them before he cradled the back of her head, gently guiding it to rest back on his shoulder while the other arm tightened around her back, drawing her flush to his body.


  "Shhh." He soothed, rubbing his cheek against hers.

  "I want…" She paused, biting her lip in consideration.

  He grinned at her, eyes twinkling. "I know, baby. But, we can't right now."

  She sat up, looking down into his face. A flash of hurt punctured her heart. For one moment, she knew he wanted her. Instead, he quickly put the brakes on her affections and actions. Her belly sunk as realization hit. "I'm sorry. I thought…" The words crackled past a blockage in her throat as she wiggled against his hold.

  "Brie. No. You don't understand." He held her all the tighter, using his shoulder to twist her enough to look him in the eyes once more. A kiss brushed her lips before he spoke again. "I want you, too. If you doubt it, just move a bit to your left."

  She did just that, her eyes widening at the lump she felt under her body. A rather large bump, in her estimation.

  He chuckled and placed another kiss to her lips. "The doctor said no hanky-panky, remember? Not until the stitches are out." His face turned serious. "And, I want to make sure this is what you really want. Not that you are just seeking comfort."

  Her brain slowly processed his words, recalling her discharge instructions from the emergency room. A frustrated sigh escaped as she rested her forehead against his. "Oh, yeah." Relief coursed through. Disappointment followed, but a sense of hope and pride that he would consider not only her physical wellbeing, but her emotional one as well.

  She lifted her chin. "I really do want you. Not just as a … pacifier." Her bottom lip slipped between her teeth as she waited for his response.

  She didn't have long to wait as a slow grin crept across his face. "Good." He nuzzled her neck and nipped her earlobe, seemingly content with her answer. "Haven't you heard? Waiting makes it better."

  She snorted, jerking upward when his hand molded her rear. "Stop that." Her brows furrowed as she smacked at the offensive hand.


  "You are the one that just refused me." She quickly pointed out, fighting the smile as he squirmed at her wording.

  "I didn't refuse you, silly Squirrel. I postponed it because the doctor threatened to castrate me if I even halfway considered it." His mouth puckered into a pitiful pout.

  Giggling, she tickled his sides. "You're such a baby." With a shake of her head, she settled away from the evidence of his desire.

  Her spirits buoyed with his admission. Maybe there was a chance he could return her feelings after all. The thought alone rallied her determination and focus.

  "I'm hungry."

  She glanced up at him, one eyebrow shooting up at his declaration. Didn't they just cover this ground?

  "I guess banana bread will just have to do." A mischievous grin appeared on his face as he sat her aside and stood. "For now." The sultry expression that followed sent her tummy to doing slow somersaults.

  Chapter 31

  Stepping onto the shovel, Brie pushed, making a chop through the thick grass. Scooting a couple inches to her right, she repeated the process. Flipping the clod of grass to the side, she turned her frustrations to digging the hole, relentlessly knifing in the shovel.

  His presence tickled her
nerves. Of course, he would sneak up on her in his stealth mode. Just another tidbit added to her overwhelming irritability this morning.

  Truth be told, she didn't want this to end. An extra week had been granted to her vacation, time to recover from Gomez's attack. Rye had also remained with her, under the guise of supervising that she didn't overdo it until her wounds had healed. But too soon, this new life of excitement and sexual teasing would come to a grinding halt. She would go back to being an ordinary nurse with a boring life. Because Rye was moving out.

  Days had been spent landscaping, gardening, or simply tormenting the other person. Cooking chores were divided evenly and they simply relaxed into a peaceful and happy coexistence. Then the call came revealing renovations were complete to his home on the other side of town. Contractors made record time in cleaning up the flooding mess and rebuilding the gutted interior. His car had also been repaired, given a clean bill of health.

  He made her feel desirable, even flirty. Something she hadn't felt before. He supported her through the challenges of dealing emotionally with the attack, providing encouragement, physical affection, and words of wisdom. Never did he allow her to slip into self-pity, instead challenging her to move upward and beyond what transpired. Stepping up, he helped with chores, pampering her while she healed physically and emotionally. Not once did he complain or lose patience. Instead, he battled her worst days with humor. Life became fun again under his presence and guidance. His kisses thrilled her, teasing and hinting at what could be, while his warm embrace soothed, making her feel cherished and protected, wanted and adored.

  Somehow, when he moved in with her, he also wriggled himself into her heart. And, now he was leaving.

  Pausing, she glanced up. "You don't mind spending eternity with your head between your legs and staring at your own butt, right?"

  Rye stood leaning against the big tree, arms folded casually across his chest. Those eyes met hers, gauged, before flicking to the hole in progress. Arching an eyebrow, he remained mute, his expressions enough to convey his intrigue.

  Leaning on the now still shovel, Brie looked his body over from head to toe. A small snort followed. Turning her back, she returned to her work, doing her best to ignore the feeling of her rear garnering unwanted attention. "I'm afraid I can't dig a six-feet deep hole. Heck, I can't even dig one six-feet long. So, best as I can figure, I can go for about half that size. Then, I'll just fold you in half, squish you down, and throw a little topsoil on you."

  Stepping to the far side of the hole, she paused once more, judging his reaction.

  He stood as before, relaxed, and was that amusement that glittered in his eyes? That's so not fair. She was beyond annoyed and he simply smirked?

  The corner of his mouth hitched up. "And, may I ask, why you are plotting my early demise?"

  Shrugging, she recited the short version. "I do have my own sanity to consider." Tossing out another scattering of dirt, she began to dig out a medium sized rock, using the tip of the shovel to pry under a ragged corner.

  "I see." His mouth twitched once more. "Mind letting me in on the plan since I'm obviously a key ingredient?"

  Taking a deep breath, she tossed the bothersome ponytail back over her shoulder. Wrestling the rock out of way, she considered his request. "I guess. Besides, you weigh a ton. So, I might need your cooperation to stand near the hole while I whap you upside the head with this shovel. Don't want to try to lug your bulk all the way across the yard. You might mess up the grass."

  "Dead weight?"


  Moving to the other side of the hole, she continued on with her work. Maybe if she found a big enough rock, she could hit him over the head with it? Throw it at him? Explain to the authorities that it was an accident. Well, it would be. An accident that she actually hit him square between the eyes. His deep voice broke into her thoughts.

  "Why don't you do like everyone else and just toss me in the river?" Shifting, he stood away from the tree, edging a couple steps closer.

  Now that she hadn't considered. It might be easier, after all. "I thought you would make good organic material for the plants. You know, like horse poop."

  Rye's mouth flashed a full grin. Then he muttered under his breath.

  "What did you say?" She paused once more.

  He shook a finger in her direction. "Did anyone tell you that you have violent tendencies?"

  "Me! Oh, no!" Brie clamped down on her anger, quelling the tirade. After a deep inhalation, she continued in a normal tone, just as if she were reading the menu at a restaurant. "I'm not violent. I'm sorry to report in order to maintain my sanity, you shall have to expire. It's unfortunate. Maybe a bit regrettable. But, I assure you, it's self defense. Nothing personal."

  Rye closed the distance between them, stopping just short of their bodies molding from chest to toes. The amused grin remained. "Of course not."

  Boy, she hated the "anything to appease the lunatic" voice.

  Catching her chin gently, he lifted.

  Looking directly into his eyes, Brie felt her belly flop over. Life wasn't fair. He simply grinned and her parts perked right up. Why was he gifted with such a weapon?

  He chucked her chin lightly, leaned down a bit, maintaining eye contact as long as possible. Brie found herself closing hers, feeling his lips just centimeters away. Holding her breath, she waited for the meeting of soft flesh, inching up on tiptoe to get a smidgen closer.

  "You kill me off, you won't get any more kisses."

  Those words whispered just before he meshed their lips, gently molding. His tongue flicked over her bottom lip, asking for entrance.

  Brie found her mouth opening of its own accord, her tongue shooting over to count his teeth. Lost in sensation, it took her a moment to realize he held her tongue locked between his teeth.

  "Leggo." She opened her eyes, glaring up at him. Attempting to pull back, she earned a sharp nip for her efforts. Oh, that was it. How dare he? Quickly lifting a foot, she kicked his shin for all she was worth, earning immediately release.

  Touching her tongue, she felt for teeth marks. "Barbarian!"

  Chuckling, Rye stepped out of foot range. "Such language."

  He tsked at her, jumping back when she picked the shovel up, holding it before her in a mimic of one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that she had seen in the movies. She could kill him off now, then finish digging the hole. Simple. Why hadn't she thought of that before?

  Rye grabbed the shovel, pulling it from her fingers, letting it fall to the ground. His arms wrapped around her middle, pulling her flush to his chest. Leaning in, he placed little kisses across her nose, her cheeks.

  Brie explored the tight muscles of his chest, pushing gently before rubbing. Beginning locally, she soon instinctively wrapped them around his neck. She stood on tiptoe.

  "Well? What did you decide?"

  Blinking, she frowned. "What? What decision?" She closed her eyes as he brushed butterfly light caresses over her eyelids. Her voice came out breathy and soft.

  He placed a few more kisses before chastely touching his lips to hers. "If you kill me, there will be no more of my special kisses for you."

  He deepened the kiss, flicking his tongue over hers, entreating her to do the same. Rye pulled her as close as possible, her breasts plastered against his chest.

  Oh, yeah. Good point. Sanity just might be overrated, anyway.

  Chapter 32

  His kisses deepened while her arms wound tight, preventing him from pulling back, from leaving her when she needed him so much. Her breath panted between lip locks, and she felt those large, strong hands cup her rear. Far from protesting, she leaned into his touch.

  Rye relaxed his hold, stepping back a bit to peer down at her. She noticed the sultry flash in his eyes beneath half-mast lids. Her belly flopped over.

  "Come on." He took her hand, leading her back to the house, not stopping until they both stood in her bedroom, staring at the queen-sized bed.

bsp; Her eyes met his, reading the age old question on his face. With a nod, she pushed back into his arms, lifting up to instigate the meshing of lips.

  He met her full force, quickly taking control of their mouths while his hands roamed freely, covering every inch within reach.

  Brie nipped his lower lip earning a groan from him as she tugged at his shirt, wanting and needing to feel his bare skin against hers.

  Taking the hint, he quickly yanked the material over his head, reaching out to grab hers and repeating the action. His hands wasted no time in exploring the freshly exposed skin, rubbing her back before easing to the front, gently cupping her breast. His mouth caught her gasp.

  Fire spread through her, flashing through hot spots, demanding more. After all these years, she wanted nothing more than to have Rye naked before her. Breaking away from his lips, she focused on unbuttoning his jeans, her hands shaking and uncoordinated in her haste.

  He reached down, quickly assisting her with a flick of his wrist.

  "You…?" Brie looked up at him in astonishment when the edges of his jeans parted, showing off bright pink boxers underneath.

  He shrugged and grinned sheepishly. "I didn't have anything else clean."

  A wide smile appeared on her face. Feeling more confident, she peeled his jeans down, taking in the sight of his toned and sculpted body before her eyes. Pink might not have been his color, but it took nothing away from that incredible physique.

  One hand molded to the front of his skivvies, learning the feel of the large lump underneath. It pulsed under her touch, like a cat arching its back begging for more physical affection. He rewarded her with a groan.

  He reached for her bra, quickly snaking behind to work the clasp loose. Pulling the material down and giving it a toss, he looked down at her, appreciation sparkling in his eyes. Once again, he explored; feeling and caressing, then flicking the nipples into hard pebbles.

  Brie sighed, rubbing his erection through the boxers a bit harder.


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