Lust in Time

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Lust in Time Page 9

by Amarinda Jones

  "You can if you love someone enough.” Aggie smiled at Garrett as he came to stand before them, his eyes on Arabella. “I am sure Garrett would be more than happy to show you Angelene's lovely gardens."

  Garrett held out his arm to Arabella and she hesitated for just a second before placing her hand on it. A spin in the gardens sounded harmless enough. She allowed him to lead her outside.

  "It appears you have shocked my father.” Garrett leaned down and whispered close to her ear.

  Arabella closed her eyes momentarily as his warm breath fanned her face. What was it about this one man that could turn her on by such a simple thing? She opened her eyes and looked at him for what seemed like a minute but was merely a second. Get a grip, Arabella.

  "I can't believe he's going to forbid your sister to marry the man she loves.” She had to get back on track. Arabella was sure of it, of what she had to do to go back to her own time. She looked away from Garrett's perceptive eyes. Okay maybe seventy percent sure.

  "Would you defy everything to be with the man you loved?"

  Of course she would but that was not the point. What was the point again? She could not think straight around Garrett. Was he the man she loved? Very bloody likely. Arabella always believed in reacting to life at it happened. Garrett Robillard was a huge happening. It was love and lust and friendship all in one hit. The problem was what should she do about Garrett and the whole love thing? The answer was she had no answer at the moment.

  "We're not talking about me.” Which of course they were but acting vague suited her purposes better. Arabella looked around her. They were headed for what appeared to be a large fern-filled greenhouse. “Where are you taking me?"

  "We're going to see the gardens."

  "Is this like going to see your etchings?"

  "If you mean are we going to find a secluded place so I can most thoroughly fuck you then the answer is yes, honey."

  "You're assuming a lot.” It was hard to sound like an affronted 1888 Miss when she was already wet and needy for his touch. She had been since Garrett had walked into the church social. It was lucky she wasn't religious as there was probably a special hell for horny women. Hmm, maybe full of horny men.

  "Well Miss Arabella Matchmaker, you also assume a lot. Are you even sure my sister and Adam Wade want to be together?” Garrett pushed open the door to the greenhouse and led Arabella inside.

  "Well of course they do.” Arabella touched one soft frond of a fern gently. The greenhouse was full of the richest assortment of plants Arabella had seen in a while. In Brisbane 2008 a drought raged. Plants died through lack of water yet here they flourished in this secluded nook. “Anyone can see they are in love."

  "How do you know?” Garrett slowly backed Arabella down the greenhouse path.

  "It's the way they look at each other like they can't bear to part.” Sort of like how Garrett was looking at her now but for the obvious lust in his eyes. “It's in the way they touch hands.” A zing of electricity shot up Arabella's arm when Garrett reached out and touched hers. She licked her lips thoughtfully. Garrett and secluded nook equaled Arabella with her bloomers around her ankles. “Anyway I just know.” She pulled her hand from his and backed up against a wall of ferns.

  "So you match-make for my sister but not yourself.” Garrett pressed himself in close to Arabella. “What does that say about you?"

  "It says I am very astute and I can recognize that Amy Louisa and Adam Wade are meant to be together.” And also that I am clueless as to what to do about you.

  "So you think people are meant to be together, honey?” Garrett's fingers softly caressed the side of her face.

  Arabella swallowed hard. What was it about this man that made her want to throw common sense out the door? It wasn't just the fact that he was hot and tight against her and that she could feel his cock pushing hard and impatient through his trousers. Sure that had a lot to do with it but it was more the knowing yet loving look in his eyes. It was like this man she barely knew, knew her better than anyone, maybe even than herself.

  "Some people are and some aren't.” Arabella licked her lips nervously. Surely sex with Garrett one last time before she left 1888 would not be a bad thing. Would it?

  "What about us?” Garrett's hands moved down to her hips as he slowly swayed her body so it rubbed back and forward against his.

  Oh boy...

  "Us?” It felt so good to move so slowly yet so sensuously against his body. It was like a prelude to the main event. “Is there an ‘us'?"

  Garrett shook his head and laughed in indulgent exasperation.

  "You know there is."

  "Not in this lifetime.” Funny but true. “I need to go home.” Of course I don't have to do it straight away if there is a hot hard cock on offer.

  "What else do you need, honey?"

  That was a loaded question and a loaded cock.

  "I am not having sex with you again.” That sounded weak and pathetic to her own ears but she felt she had to put up some resistance for the sake of womankind.

  "Do I alarm you?” Garrett moved his hands slowly down her thighs and started to slide up the fabric of her skirt

  "I don't get alarmed easily.” Garrett did not scare her. Her own reaction to him did. She wanted to stop his hands pulling up her skirts but there did not seem to be a good enough reason to do so. Oh sure, Arabella could use perfectly legitimate reasons like decorum, respectability or the possibility of getting caught in the act but none of them seemed compelling enough to make him stop.

  "Then what is it, honey?” Garrett hoisted her skirt up to her waist and smiled at the prissy white bloomers that fell to just above her knees.

  "I don't think having sex with you is a good idea.” One last goodbye-it's-been-nice-knowing-you-in-the-nineteenth-century shag wouldn't be a bad thing surely?

  "Why not?” Garrett held the fabric of her skirt in one hand as he undid the draw string ribbon of her bloomers with the other.

  "Because I'm not sticking around.” She gasped as Garrett slid his hand into the opening of the fabric and cupped her pussy gently. It seemed only right to thrust her hips forward at such an action.

  "Why do you wear bloomers?” He gently stroked the curls between her legs and smiled as she shivered. Garrett tugged gently on the fabric.

  "Because that's what good women do in 1888.” Arabella's bloomers fell to a puddle at her feet.

  "So bad women go around bare-arsed?” Garrett's fingers slid inside the moist cleft between her legs.

  "I wouldn't know.” Arabella was already wet and willing to receive. “Do you have—what did you call if? A French preventative on you?” She kicked aside her bloomers and widened her stance to give him better access.

  Garrett chuckled at her words and action.

  "I thought you weren't having sex with me."

  "It's just for wondering."

  "Uh-huh, do you want to look at it?” Garrett ground his cock up against her tightly.

  "If you want to show me.” Please show me, please do me .

  "Are we talking about a cock covering or something else you want me to show you, honey?"

  I want to see that as well.

  "What else would I be asking for?” Arabella tried to sound innocent.

  "You want to look for reasons of research, right?” Garrett withdrew his hand out from between her legs and reached into his jacket pocket.

  Arabella's eyes opened wide in surprise at the thing he pulled out. It was just a long thick rubber tube that looked nothing like the roll-on condoms of the future. It seemed like a travesty to shove that over such a cock as Garrett's.

  "How does that work?” Arabella knew in principle but it did not look tight enough to fit a man's cock.

  "You want to try sliding it on?” Garrett smiled at her teasingly.

  "No.” Because it just seemed wrong. Not the bit about having sex. She had pretty much made up her mind to do that. It was the rubber thing. It looked like a deflated balloon. Though th
at gave giving a man a blow job a whole different meaning.

  Garrett placed the condom back in his pocket and began working on the buttons at Arabella's throat.

  "Come on. Don't you want me inside you?” He tugged some buttons free and leaned forward and kissed her exposed flesh.

  It was such a sweet, gentle kiss that was not the slightest bit erotic but Arabella shivered with anticipation.

  "You are very sure of yourself.” And I like that. She placed her hands on his shoulders loving the breadth and feel of them.

  "And despite what you may say I am sure of you, Arabella Smith.” Garrett placed a soft kiss on her lips as his hands slid down to her tightly encased breasts. “I need you, honey."

  Arabella could hear the longing in his voice as his warm breath caressed her skin. She knew his need was as great as hers.

  "'Need’ as in your cock is up and you need a willing body?"

  "No and you know that. I love you, Arabella."

  Yeah she did know that. There were so many reasons she should not allow anything between them to go any further—but reasons were for rational people and rational Arabella wasn't at that particular moment. To hell with it.

  "Get this bloody straight-jacket off me now!"

  "Yes, ma'am.” Garrett grinned in delight as he undid the last of her buttoned front and then spun Arabella around. He pulled the dress from her shoulders and worked at unlacing the corset. The top of her dress fell down to her waist. Garrett pulled the restraining garment off and threw it into a large pot of ferns. He kissed the red marks it had made on her back.

  His mouth on her body, anywhere, felt so good.

  "Thank you.” Arabella clawed at the ridiculous bustle that stuck out from her rear end.

  Garrett made short work of removing that as well.

  "You have a great arse. You don't need this.” He flung it to the ground and kicked it away.

  Arabella turned and looked at him. The thin lawn camisole barely covered her breasts. And she knew her nipples were poking eagerly against the fabric.

  "Are you saying my bum sticks out?” At that moment she did not care as long as he had his hands on her arse soon.

  "No you have the perfect female derriere .” Garrett's hands slid around and cupped the cheeks of her butt.

  She reached over and started unbuttoning his fly. Where were quick zips when you needed them?

  "Good answer, Master Robillard.” She tugged at the last buttons and freed his cock that jumped out impatiently looking for action.

  "I know.” Garrett grinned and handed her the condom from his pocket.

  She took his cock in one hand and the tube in the other.

  "I don't see how this is going to work.” Arabella looked at the thick rubber tube and the thick hard cock. “I mean I know in theory how it should.” She caressed his cock slowly as she pondered the problem.

  "Everything will turn out as it should.” Garrett smiled at her in lazy satisfaction. “Where's your sense of adventure, honey?"

  "I'm a woman who has been thrown backward in time and you ask me that?” Arabella scoffed at his words. “I am damn adventurous.” She gripped his cock harder and was pleased with Garrett's immediate jerk of response. She was glad to see she was not the only one on edge here and it had nothing to do with them being in a public place where anyone could walk in. It had everything to do with lust and love and a desire so deep and consuming that nothing was as important as being together at that moment.

  "Prove it then,” Garrett challenged with a smile.

  Okay I bloody will.

  "I wonder if this slides on better wet or dry?” Arabella let got of Garrett's cock and slid down his body as she dropped to her knees. She held the rubber tube in one hand as she gripped his upper thigh with the other. His cock bounced eagerly before her face. She had never done what she planned to do before and the thought excited her.

  Garrett looked down at her in surprise.


  She leaned forward and licked the bulbous head of his cock.

  "Yes, Garrett?” she asked looking up quickly. Excellent. The man was surprised and she liked the power she had over him at that moment. Arabella licked again, this time swirling her tongue around the tip. She smiled as his cock jumped sharply in reaction.

  "I love how adventurous you are,” Garrett growled as his hands rested softly on her head.

  "I thought you might.” The idea of doing this to any other man had never occurred to her before but with Garrett it was different. It was the whole wanting and needing and loving thing. She wanted to give him everything. Okay maybe it was a power trip to have this man weak and needy for her touch but it was a trip she planned to enjoy herself. Arabella trailed her tongue over the velvety hard surface of his cock down to the base and back up again in slow, cat-like licks. She could feel Garrett's fingers threading gently through her hair caressing her scalp. When she sucked his cock into her mouth she felt his hips buck forward instantly in reaction so she tongued him harder.

  "God Arabella...” Garrett groaned out loud at the suction of her mouth.

  Arabella slid her lips from his cock. It popped out wet and shiny. She was so wildly hot and turned on by his reaction that she felt the muscles between her legs contract eagerly needing to be filled and grasping something hot and hard. She pulled down the front of her camisole exposing her breasts. She grabbed his cock and placed it between the twin mounds and then pushed them together sandwiching it tightly in between. The head of his cock poked up out of her cleavage and she dropped her head down to lick it as she squeezed her breasts against his shaft. The thrumming of his cock against her breastbone was exciting.

  "Bloody hell!” Garrett growled out hoarsely as she licked and squeezed him slowly. He reached down and extracted his cock and lifted Arabella to her feet. “I want to come inside you, not over you.” He kissed her hungrily as his hands went to her breasts. “Where did you learn to do that?"

  "I've never done that before,” Arabella panted as his lips left hers. “I never wanted to.” The smile Garrett gave her was so loving and sweet that she wished she could stay with him forever. But ‘forever’ was not a possibility so ‘for the moment’ would have to do. “Let's see if it fits now.” She still grasped the rubber tube in her hand. She reached down to grab his slippery cock with the other. Arabella placed the head of his cock in the opening of the tube and tried to slide it down over his shaft. It was not easy as the tube had no give in it whatsoever.

  "Keep tugging at me like that and I'll come in your hand.” Garrett looked amused at the concentration on Arabella's face.

  "Where's your sense of self control, Master Robillard?” Arabella scoffed teasingly as she finally tugged the tube into place.

  "I have none when it comes to you.” Garrett looked at her as she began to laugh. “Not something a man wants to hear when he is up and ready to go. What are you laughing at?'

  "That tube thing. It's just wrong.” Though the hands she could feel burrowing under her skirt and his mouth on her breasts felt incredibly right.

  "I take it they are a lot different in your time?” Garrett asked as he licked her nipples.

  "I have only ever had sex twice before you and the whole condom thing was much easier to do but not as enjoyable,” Arabella told him as she held his head to her breasts. “And neither time was worth getting excited over."

  Garrett's head flew up at this admission and his eyes looked at her in solemn promise.

  "Oh honey, I plan on exciting you a lot.” Garrett turned her around to face the wall.

  Arabella felt his hands grasp her hips and she willingly shoved her arse back against him. As Garrett impaled the hot wet core of her in one long stroke Arabella gasped out loud in contentment. He felt so good and hard—and strangely weird inside her. She started to giggle as a peculiarly loud squelching sound started as he thrust in and out of her. It was the rubber tube's reaction to the wetness and the friction. There was no way you could have quiet se
x with that inside you.

  Garrett smiled. “You're laughing again but I suppose I know why.” His hands moved up to caress the mounds of her breasts as he increased the rhythm of his thrusts.

  Arabella threw her head back and snorted with glee as the squelching continued.

  "The sound ... it sounds like someone is walking through thick mud in gumboots."

  "How romantic of you, Arabella,” Garrett murmured with wry amusement. “Here I am trying to dazzle you with my masculine potency and you compare my cock inside you to a gumboot in mud.” He kissed her shoulder lingeringly.


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