Lust in Time

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Lust in Time Page 13

by Amarinda Jones

  "What are you thinking, Arabella?” Black came to stand close before her.

  Arabella looked in his eyes and saw a cunning streak a mile wide.

  "I think you are very smart and very manipulative."

  "Thank you."

  "It's not a compliment.” Arabella could not allow this man to ruin Amy Louisa's life. She knew the book connected her to Amy Louisa and this time. She would not let Black interfere with her going back to her own time if she wanted to. If being the operative word.

  "You know I am not going to let you marry Amy Louisa."

  "I can't see how you will stop me, my dear."

  "I am also from the future, Frank, and I don't play by nineteenth century rules either.” Arabella had no idea what she would do to stop him. She was fairly sure there was no office of Fair Trading or Securities Commission to report him to. However she was a determined woman and determined women ruled the world—maybe just a little more quietly in 1888 but female power never waned whatever the century.

  "I'll make you a deal. Be my woman and I'll leave sweet little Amy Louisa alone.” He smiled at her charmingly and reached his hands out to touch her. “We could do a lot together in this century."

  "Don't even think about putting the moves on me, mate.” Arabella stood her ground. No one put their hands on her—no one but Garrett.

  "Oh please, Arabella, do not play the affronted virgin with me.” Frank Black laughed nastily. “Remember I saw you with Robillard's cock in your mouth and up your arse."

  "Is this how you pick up women?” If he was trying to upset her it was not going to work. She had dealt with bigger idiots than Frank Black in her life. “Is this why you don't go back to 2008? Scared you will never get laid again if that is your pickup line?"

  "You are a smart bitch."

  "And you're a bastard."

  "We would make a great team and you would be saving sweet little Amy Louisa."

  "First of all blackmail is tacky. Secondly I have never been a team player. And thirdly you intend to marry Amy Louisa regardless of whether I was insane enough to drop my panties and bend over for you.” It was bizarre standing in a neck to ankle gown in 1888 talking in 2008 terms. “Other than sex I have nothing to offer you."

  "You have Robillard and he would give you anything you asked for."

  Arabella shook her head in disgust. She had stood and listened to enough crap.

  "But herein lies the difference between you and me. I would never take what was not mine. Amy Louisa is not yours. You can try and charm her father into thinking you are an upright citizen but she will not marry you.” She walked past him calmly even though she wanted to slap him for being such a slime bucket.

  "What if something happened to Robillard junior?"

  Arabella turned and glared at the man. The look on his face was cold and calculating and it took everything she had not to shiver with disgust.

  "Are you threatening Garrett Robillard's life?"

  "I'm just saying it would be a shame if something happened to your lover."

  "And this ‘something’ happening to Garrett would not happen if I was with you?” What an egotistic arsehole. Like she was going to jump into bed with him because of some ridiculous threat.

  "People get into accidents every day, Arabella,” Frank murmured too pleasantly as if they were talking about the weather. “Horse riding, carriages turning over, shooting mishaps occur. It would be terrible if the son and heir died leaving just Amy Louisa with the inheritance and William Robillard getting older and needing male help to look after the family business."

  Arabella walked up and poked him hard in the chest.

  "I am not some little do-as-you-are-told woman, Frankie-boy.” She had been mad before but she was wild now. “If anything happens to Garrett Robillard I will kill you.” It was a simple, undeniable fact.

  Frank Black laughed at her words.

  "You aren't capable of violence, Arabella."

  She poked him hard in the chest again. It hurt her finger so she hoped it hurt him.

  "You have just threatened the man I love. Naturally my response is a promise to kill you if anything happens to Garrett. You have no idea how capable I am.” If she could have overcome her abhorrence to spit in his face at that moment she would have. Spitting was so nasty. But then so was he. She turned from him in disgust, her heart hammering as she knew he meant every word of his threat against Garrett.

  "Try all you like, Arabella, you will not be able to stop me from getting what I want.” Frank followed her to the door.

  Arabella knew his eyes were on her ass and she was glad that the ridiculous bustle covered it. She grabbed the doorknob and pulled it open.

  "I will stop you.” How I am not bloody sure .

  "Think about my offer. It will save your man."

  "Fuck you and your offer!"

  "I am going to enjoy seeing you come groveling to me to save his life."

  "I will see you in hell first!” She slammed the door on the way out as all good walkouts demanded. The fact that he laughed at her so patronizingly made her even more determined to make sure Frank Black came a cropper big time in 1888. There was no way she was going to allow Garrett to get hurt. That meant one thing. She had to get Amy Louisa and Adam Wade together fast. Unfortunately there was a very good chance when Arabella did she would lose Garrett forever as time was fickle and waited for no man or woman.

  * * * *

  "Do you love Adam Wade?” On the walk from Frank Black's house to the Robillard home Arabella had made a decision. She had to get the whole Amy Louisa-marrying-Adam Wade thing sorted now. While it was true she had only been in 1888 for a couple of days, she felt if she waited any longer the sinister Frank would find a way of getting his clutches on Amy Louisa. There was no way Arabella was going to allow that to happen.

  "Arabella,” gasped Amy Louisa as if she was shocked to be asked such a direct and personal question.

  "Okay I know it's very personal and there is some etiquette I am supposed to follow here but just tell me. Do you love Adam?” That was the thing she missed about the future. The lack of manners sometimes was useful.

  "I ... why yes I do.” Amy Louisa blushed and clutched her hand to her heart as she smiled tremulously at Arabella.

  "Don't faint on me now A L, we have work to do."

  "A L?” Amy Louisa asked in bemusement.

  "It's a nickname ... er, term of endearment,” replied Arabella whose mind was working overtime on plans. Get lovers together, get agreement to marry and get said lovers hitched.“ Okay you love Adam and he's all moony-faced over you so what is the problem?” With freaky Frank threatening Garrett's life she did not have time to play this the gentile 1888 way. Arabella knew that Frank Black meant what he said about “accidents". The greedy look in his eyes meant none of the Robillards were safe. God only knew what would happen to Amy Louisa if both her father and brother met with an “accident". Arabella knew only too well what would happen to herself. It would kill her.

  Amy Louisa, although clearly taken aback, had the look of a woman who wanted help.

  "My father will not let me marry Adam."

  "So you would give up the love of your life because your father doesn't like him?” What sort of a father wanted his child unhappy? Sure William Robillard made some crap choices in life but that did not mean his children had to follow suit. What the hell was wrong with Robillard senior that he could not see Frank Black was after money and nothing else?

  "I am not as bold as you, Arabella,” Amy Louisa sighed unhappily. “My father likes Frank Black."

  "Fine. Let him marry Frank."

  Amy Louisa giggled at her words.

  "My brother Garrett speaks highly of you,” she said shyly.

  "Does he talk about me? What did he say?” Even as the last word came out of her mouth Arabella was conscious that she sounded like a high school girl with her first crush. “I mean that's nice.” She had to get a grip.

  "You love my brothe
r.” Amy Louisa smiled at this realization. “Are you going to marry him?"

  Marriage? Hmm...

  "That's complicated, A L."


  "The sex is fabulous and I do love Garrett but...” Arabella stopped when she realized whom she was talking to. Amy Louisa's face was bright red with embarrassment. Good girls in 1888 did not have wild sex and if they did they obviously didn't share the details. “It's just complicated. I need to get you and Adam together."

  Amy Louisa looked at her in puzzlement.

  "That's sweet of you but why?"

  "Because then everything will be as it's supposed to be. Then if I have to go home I'll know that's the way that's supposed to be too.” This was all to do with the greater good. Garrett would be safe as his sister would be married to the right man and the threat would be averted. Arabella would be unhappy but no one was ever guaranteed happiness in life. So suck it up and get over it, Smith.

  "Do you miss your home?"

  "No not really.” While Arabella had only been in 1888 for a couple of days and the corset thing sucked, she knew she would miss Garrett a lot more than microwaves and tampons and that was a huge admission to make.

  "Why do you want to go back then?"

  "Because I don't belong here.” Though she belonged here more than she did any other place and that was because of Garrett.

  "Are you unhappy here?"

  That Amy Louisa was having trouble trying to work it out did not surprise Arabella as she herself did not really understand it all. She was in 1888 falling in love and having great sex with a man she thought existed in a dream.

  "No I am not.” Arabella was the happiest she had ever been.

  "My brother would make you happy."

  Arabella smiled when she thought about Garrett and his ways of making her happy.

  "I know."

  "Then what is it, Arabella?"

  "Oh A L, if I could explain it I would.” But that would waste time and time was not something she could count on at the moment. “Where's Adam?” She was going to track that man down and get him to propose to Amy Louisa. Maybe it was not the slightest bit romantic but they could do the romance bit later. She could not do everything for them.

  "He's teaching at the school."

  Arabella grabbed Amy Louisa's hand.

  "Get your hat and gloves,” said she who had left the Raineys’ without both. “Let's go see him."

  "That's terribly forward, Arabella."

  "Do you love him and want to get married?"


  "Let's go then."

  The schoolhouse was exactly like Arabella expected it to be. A one-room timber box with a bunch of kids running around the playground without an iPod in sight and yet enjoying themselves. Arabella smiled as she watched Adam Ward hurry towards Amy Louisa and grasp her hand gently. Until landing smack bang in 1888, Arabella had believed she did not possess a romantic bone in her body yet here she was sighing over love. She leaned back against a fence and gave the lovers a chance to talk before she butted in and organized their lives.

  "What are you ladies doing here?"

  Arabella jumped at the sound of Garrett's voice. She turned to see him coming to stand behind her on the other side of the fence.

  "Trying to pick up a schoolteacher.” Arabella looked at Garrett. He was dressed simply in moleskins, a check shirt and jacket yet he was the most delicious looking man she had ever seen. If she wasn't in a schoolyard she would be jumping his bones.

  "You can't force this match.” Garrett looked at his sister and his friend.

  "They are meant to be together.” Arabella was only forcing the inevitable and there was nothing wrong with that as far as she was concerned.

  "So are we, honey."

  Arabella wanted to believe that but there were so many reasons why she couldn't allow herself to. The whole Frank Black thing and the return to 2008 loomed. If she succeeded in getting Amy Louisa and Adam together she thwarted Frank but at the same screwed up her own chance at happiness—if and when the cosmos decided to send her back to her own time.

  Garrett watched the play of emotions on Arabella's face. He reached out and touched her cheek softly.

  "What is it?"

  "Nothing.” Everything.

  "Can I see you tonight?"

  "You're seeing me now.” Just the thought of seeing Garrett all hot and naked again made her wet and aching. Arabella knew she should stop what was between them now but she was helplessly caught up in it.

  "But I am not inside you,” he murmured in a low, sexy way. “I am longing to taste you again."

  Just the thought of all that hard, pulsating heat inside her made Arabella clench her legs together tightly in anticipation.

  "Oh boy it is hot in these clothes.” Arabella pulled at the neckline of her dress to let some air in.

  Garrett chuckled at her words.

  "I want to do something adventurous with you.” He watched as her eyes lit up with interest. “I want to make love to you in a bed."

  "Wow I have heard people do that.” The thought of endless lovemaking with Garrett in a soft comfortable bed sounded heavenly.

  "Don't worry I will kiss you when you go to scream,” he whispered low and looking knowingly into her eyes.

  "I may not scream.” Yeah right.

  "You will. I have plans,” Garrett assured her. He looked over at his sister and Adam Ward. “Amy Louisa looks happy."

  "She is. You have to help sway your father onto Adam's side."

  "It's not that easy, Arabella.” Garrett sighed lightly. “While my father listens to my opinion and I can do what I want with my life, he is not about to give any leeway to my sister. He wants what he thinks is best for her regardless of whether she is happy or not."

  "Well he is not going to have a say in this.” Father knows best did not apply in this case. If father knew best he would have married the love of his life when he had the chance. She quickly explained to Garrett about Frank and his dirty money schemes.

  "And dishonesty happens a lot in your time?” Garrett asked sounding terse. “I will tell my father about this. Whether it changes his mind I cannot say.” He smiled. “My father still wants his children to prosper."

  "At the cost of others?” So much for the nineteenth century being a more genteel time. Money was money and people were ruled by it regardless of the age. “This is just another reason why I have to get your sister and Adam Wade together."

  "I don't doubt that you will for a second. But what happens when you do?” Garrett looked at her thoughtfully. “Do you still think that is why you are back in 1888?"

  They both knew what the unspoken words were—"and will you be leaving my life?"

  "I don't know, Garrett. I just know I have to do this.” Whether it screwed up her own chance at happiness or not.

  "Just don't forget about us.” Garrett picked up her hand and kissed her palm gently.

  "As if I could."


  "The Raineys go to bed at nine.” Who was she kidding? Whatever happened she wanted every moment she could with Garrett.

  "See you at nine-fifteen."

  * * * *

  When William Robillard came over to the Rainey house and told the sisters that Amy Louisa was marrying Frank Black, Arabella was gob smacked and almost gagged on her Earl Grey tea. She had completely failed to get the gentle Adam to sweep Amy Louisa off her feet and elope. He had been as shocked at the ideas as his sweetheart. And clearly Garrett was bloody useless when it came to changing his father's mind about Frank Black and his sister. She never imagined that William Robillard would just make the decision and announce it like it was a done deal.

  "But Amy Louisa does not love him.” There was no way Arabella was going to sit quietly and allow William Robillard to get away with bulldozing his daughter into a marriage she did not want. “He is also a crook. Did you know that? Is that what you want for your daughter?” She explained his shady land dealings to
the Robillard patriarch.


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