Lust in Time

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Lust in Time Page 15

by Amarinda Jones

  "And?” Arabella asked as she led him into the parlor.

  "He is going to speak to him. I suspect the engagement will be called off.” Garrett looked around him. “Are the sisters home?"

  "No why?” She knew by the look in his eyes why.

  He gently pushed Arabella over to the back of the large over-stuffed sofa and stood behind her closely as he flung up her skirt.

  Arabella felt his hands pulling at the petticoats beneath. “What are you doing?” Okay she knew what Garrett wanted to do but in the front parlor? Really? She felt a rush of wetness between her legs at the thought.

  "Excellent, you have no bloomers on,” Garrett said as his hands found her bare arse under all the layers of fabric.

  "It seems kind of pointless to have them on with you around.” She stiffened as his hands slid around to her pussy. “We can't have sex here.” Even as she said the words her legs parted wide under his touch.

  "You just said no one was home.” His fingers found her clit and stroked softly.

  "No but..."

  "Do you want me, honey?” Garrett freed his cock with his other hand.

  "Yes but..."

  "That's all we need to know. Push that sweet arse out."

  Arabella bit her lip as she did as requested and Garrett impaled the core of her in one long stroke.

  "Oh Garrett,” she panted as she dropped her head back and enjoyed the hard and fast thrust of his cock in her vagina.

  "Are you home, Arabella?” Maud called from the kitchen.

  "Fuck!” Arabella hissed in panic. How mortifying. Maud must have come through the back door and by the sound of it she had Amy Louisa with her.

  "Indeed,” chuckled Garrett. He bent in low and kissed her neck as he continued to pump away inside her.

  "I'll be there in a moment, Maud.” She called out to the woman. “Stop laughing,” she whispered sharply at Garrett. “And hurry up!"

  "You're cute when you're in a panic.” He thrust faster with great enthusiasm.

  "I just know I'm going to scream.” Arabella bit her lips and grabbed the back of the sofa in a white-knuckled grip as the orgasm started to tear through her body. She whimpered softly. “You are bad,” she gritted out through clenched teeth as she came with a spine tingling rush.

  "But you love me.” Garrett gave one last thrust and came.

  "Yes, now pull out and put it away,” Arabella ordered as she worked at straightening her skirts. Garrett calmly did up his trousers as if nothing at all was the matter. “I am sure I reek of sex.” She whirled around and shook her head. How could she be angry when he looked at her with such loving mischief in his eyes?

  Garrett pulled Arabella to him and kissed her hard.

  "You smell wonderful to me."

  "Get out. I can't think rationally around you.” Arabella rolled her eyes at his beaming smile. “No it's not a compliment.” She pushed him to the door.

  "So you use a man for sex and you kick him out."

  Arabella's lips sought his in a swift hungry kiss of farewell. She pushed back from him before he could grab hold of her.

  "Shut up and go.” She watched as Garrett gave a jaunty salute and walked away. “What a man.” Arabella would give up every mod con to be with him forever. “Please let it be."

  * * * *

  "I have to talk you, Arabella.” Amy Louisa rushed over to Arabella as soon as Maud left the room. “In private."

  Arabella was intrigued. Amy Louisa looked pale and on edge. She wondered what on earth brought the younger woman to her door.

  "Okay, let's go to my bedroom.” Most curious . Once inside her room Arabella watched as Amy Louisa paced in agitation. “Okay spill it, A L, what's up?” The woman looked at her blankly. “I mean why are you so upset? From what I understand marriage to that creep is not going to happen."

  "Yes.” Amy Louisa looked at her as if she was trying to decide what to say. “I am pregnant."

  "Bloody hell!” Of all the things Arabella thought Amy Louisa would say that was not one of them. She was not so virginal after all it seemed. “You and Adam?” This was wonderful and crazy but then life was like that. It happened fast and without warning. “Woo hoo! That's great news, A L. Now you have to marry Adam.” Okay maybe that did not come across as it was supposed to. Shotgun weddings in 1888 were probably not a good thing.

  "Yes but what about my father?” Amy Louisa wrung her hands in worry.

  "Oh stuff your father. Your happiness is more important."

  Amy Louisa shook her head in wonder and confusion.

  "Who are you, Arabella?” she asked as if intrigued and a little in awe of the straight-talking woman before her. “You are so daring and different from any women I know.” She looked at her shyly. “My father does not know and he would be horrified but Garrett has told me about the discussions in scientific and philosophical circles about the possibilities of traveling to a different time. You may think I am crazy but I have a feeling you are not from this century at all."

  The girl was smart.

  "I'm not,” admitted Arabella with a grin as Amy Louisa looked at her in amazement.


  "Really.” Arabella went over to her bedside table and picked up the book that had started this whole adventure. “Recognize this?"

  Amy Louisa came over and looked at it.

  "It's The Border Shepherdess .” She looked at it in confusion. “But I left my copy at home.” Arabella opened the front cover and showed her the inscription. “It is my book. But how..."

  "It is but it's not. Let me explain.” Arabella told Amy Louisa the story of how she came to be in 1888.

  Amy Louisa's eyes opened wide with wonder.

  "At church on Sunday the minister warns that the world will end soon if we do not repent our evil ways and yet you are from 2008."

  "There is still evil.” Amy Louisa did not need to know how much worse. “And the world is forecasted to end on certain days on a regular basis.” Or next Tuesday week in the twenty-first century if Thommo, who sat outside the liquor shop, was to be believed.

  "And you were brought here to help me?"

  "Yes. And for Garrett.” Arabella finally accepted that as truth. Even though he was a man from the past he was her future. “I love him so much, A L.” She hugged the book close to her chest as she thought of Garrett.

  "I am so pleased."

  "I want to be with him forever and ... “Arabella stopped talking as the room started to spin. Or was she spinning? What was going on? Why was she feeling so dizzy? She looked at Amy Louisa in panic but all she could see was a blurry outline of the younger woman. Fear clutched at her heart. “Oh no...” She staggered as a sudden rushing off wind caught at her clothes. “Please no,” she moaned as everything went black.

  When Arabella awoke she was lying on her hard-to-clean cream carpet in her messy purple bedroom with the book in her hand and a corset cutting into her ribs.

  "No!” she wailed in anguish as she burst into tears. “I want Garrett! Take me back."

  Chapter Eleven

  Arabella nursed her cup of coffee at her dining room table and looked at her world blankly. Same four walls, same life but no Garrett Robillard so what was the point of it? She had spent the last two weeks crying and she was hoarse and worn out from the emotional strain of it all. Her life had turned to crap and there was stuff all she could she do about it.

  "Fucking fate,” she spat out angrily. For the first week Arabella had clutched Amy Louisa's book to her heart praying to any god or celestial being or power pixie to send her back to Garrett. But nothing happened. She lay in bed thinking about him, willing him to come to her in her dreams as he did before. But sleep all but eluded her. What dreams she had were of being trapped in a tunnel, running towards a light and finding nothing there. Not auspicious dreams to have. She still carried the book religiously. If fate gave her the slightest chance she was going to take it.

  Arabella and the book had even made a pilgrimage to th
e area that had once been the town of Glendenholme. But nothing existed of the quaint wooden buildings. Instead large bulldozers were scraping and pushing the dirt to level it for townhouses to be built. The local area historian at the council library had been pleased by her interest in Glendenholme. He had been amazed that she knew the local names of Robillard and Rainey. He was surprised when she did not want to hear what had happened to the families nor see the old cemetery.

  "No thanks,” Arabella had murmured politely. Logically she knew in 2008 Garrett was long dead but in her heart he lived and seeing his headstone or that of the Rainey sisters or Amy Louisa would be too hard to face. So she had thanked the historian and headed back to Brisbane book in hand and her heart a little heavier.

  "I have learnt my lesson,” Arabella yelled not caring who heard her or what they thought of her. She was beyond that. “Please send me back.” There was nothing for her in 2008. She had no job as she could not be bothered looking, she was down to her last hundred dollars, her credit was maxed out and she had missed her period. She hadn't checked it yet but she suspected she was going to be barefoot and pregnant very soon. Garrett's child was within her and she did not have Garrett. Life sucked badly.

  Arabella hoisted herself up from the chair and contemplated her options. Go to the chemist with the book and buy a pregnancy test kit. Go to bed with the book and cry pathetically. Finish off the last of the chocolate ice-cream in the fridge. Hmmm. Option three had the most potential as she did not have to change from the track pants and flannelette shirt she was wearing. She headed to the fridge, book in one hand and spoon in the other. Arabella tried to picture herself twenty years from now wandering around with the book babbling about lost love.

  "Twenty years without Garrett? How am I going to do that?” She sniffled noisily as the tears started to flow. She opened the fridge and grabbed the ice-cream container. She flung back her head and closed her eyes. “What more do you want of me?” she cried in anguish to her silent, invisible tormentor. “I beg you please let me go back to the man I love."

  Suddenly the room started to spin. Arabella snapped open her eyes.

  "Please, please, please,” she prayed wildly with anticipation as she clutched the book and the ice-cream to her chest. The room started to blur and the wind started to howl. Arabella staggered as an overwhelming wave of dizziness assaulted her senses. She did not care if she threw up if it meant she would be back in 1888 with Garrett. “Take me home. Take me to Garrett,” she murmured as she fell to the floor and darkness overwhelmed her.

  When Arabella opened her eyes two things made her heart race. The first was the wooden floor beneath her hands and the second was the light swish of a long skirt.

  "Oh thank God!” Maud Rainey cried as she dropped to her knees to embrace Arabella.

  "I'm home, Maud. I'm really home.” Arabella cried tears of joy as the two women clutched each other.

  "We prayed every day for your return.” Maud wiped the tears from her eyes.

  "Where is he? Where is Garrett?” Arabella scrabbled to her feet, dropping the book and the ice-cream carton. She had to see him, touch him and taste him.

  Maud pointed to the overstuffed sofa. Garrett awkwardly lay with his feet hanging over the edge of it.

  "He has been camped here for the last two weeks waiting for you. I come back from time to time to check on him."

  Arabella's hand clutched at her heart as she looked at the man she loved. He had kept faith in her and their love just as she had.

  "Oh Maud, I love him so much."

  "I know,” Maud replied with a soft smile as she twisted the slim gold ring on her left hand.

  Arabella ran agitated fingers through her messy hair.

  "I look terrible.” This was not the homecoming she envisioned.

  "You are beautiful no matter what in Garrett's eyes. He has missed you terribly.” Maud turned to leave. “Don't worry you will not be disturbed. Scream as much as you like.” She grinned as she left.

  Arabella went over to where Garrett lay. His hair was tousled, his clothes rumpled and he had some serious stubble on his face yet he was the best thing she had ever seen. She climbed on top of him amazed that he did not wake. However if Garrett's two weeks had been as horrible as hers she could understand his exhaustion. As Arabella lay on his body she sighed deeply. She was most definitely at peace.

  "I am really home.” She reached up and pressed her lips to his, savoring that first taste. She smiled as Garrett's arms wrapped around her body and held her close.

  "Don't leave, honey,” he murmured against her lips as he kissed her softy.

  "Garrett darling,” she whispered between kisses. “I'm home. This is not a dream."

  "Arabella? Is it really you?” He jerked up in sudden shock and held on tight to the woman in his arms almost as if he was not going to let Arabella be snatched away. This unexpected action caused both of them to roll off the sofa and land in a heap on the floor.

  "Ow,” Arabella yelped as she landed on her back under Garrett.

  "It certainly feels like you,” chuckled Garrett in wild happiness as he looked at the woman he held close in his arms.

  "As much as I love being underneath you, Master Robillard, you are a tad heavy,” Arabella groaned.

  "I knew you would find your way back to me.” Garrett sat up and pulled Arabella up with him. “I have missed you so much.” His mouth descended on hers like that of a starving man being offered that which he craved above all else.

  Arabella clung to Garrett and kissed him eagerly. This was all she wanted. 2008 be damned. She had her man.

  "Oh Garrett darling, it was horrible being in the future without you,” she murmured when their lips parted. “I tried everything to get back to you. I have never cried so much in my life."

  "And I drove everyone mad by refusing to believe you would not return.” Garrett lovingly traced the contours of her face almost as is he could not believe his good fortune and needed to reassure himself that Arabella was real. “Love brought you back to me.” He kissed her tenderly. “Do you still think it was all about Amy Louisa?"

  "No, it was always about us. I think I was being taught a lesson about accepting and needing love. I needed a wild jolt to make me believe I deserved to be loved.” Arabella smiled softly as Garrett started to unbutton her shirt. “Rip it.” She wanted nothing from 2008 in her life. The twenty-first century was the past. Garrett and the nineteenth century were her future. She giggled as the shirt tore and buttons flew off in all directions.

  "What is that?” Garrett looked at the mauve lace bra as he slid a finger into the generous cleavage. His eyes locked with hers. “I like it.” Garrett watched as Arabella reached behind her and unsnapped the hooks and pulled it off. He licked his lips as her breasts swung free. “But I like this so much better."

  "I thought you might.” Arabella smiled as his hands caressed her swollen mounds. She ran her fingers down to his cock. It was erect and ready for action. Perfect. “I need you, Garrett.” Talk could wait until later. She longed to feel him hot and hard inside her once more. Arabella crawled off his lap and shimmied out of her track pants and underwear.

  "Honey, I am so hungry I am ready to come right now,” Garrett's voice was hoarse as his eyes roomed her body lingeringly.

  "That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Take me, darling,” she murmured low and invitingly as she got to her knees and leaned her elbows on the edge of the sofa. She pushed her arse out in invitation. Arabella wept with relief at the first hot thrust of his cock into her vagina.

  Garrett stopped thrusting instantly at he heard her strangled sob.

  "Are you okay, honey? Did I hurt you?” He pulled her back against his body and rocked her gently in his arms.

  Arabella cried softly. This was the sweetest man on the planet.

  "No, I am just happy.” Garrett Robillard filled her body and her heart and there was no place else she would rather be than in his arms. “You make me happy.

sp; "God how I adore you.” Garrett kissed the side of her neck lovingly as he started to thrust again.

  "Could you adore me a little harder?” Arabella ground her arse into his groin. “It's been two very long weeks.” Not even the temptation to use her fingers to bring her relief could have come close to filling her need for Garrett.

  Garrett laughed at the frustration in her voice. He pulled out from her body and plunged back in hard.

  "Oh god yes,” yelped Arabella in excitement. This was what she needed. Good hard loving. She knew she was going to scream the house down as she came. She panted low and hoarse as the orgasm started to erupt within. She was thankful that Maud had left them alone.


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