Trinity Bound

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Trinity Bound Page 18

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  "Nice." Reed laughed. "Now where was I?"

  Josh wiggled his butt, and Hannah laughed. "I think you were right about here." He wiggled again.

  "Sounds good to me," Reed grunted.

  Reed bent and licked between Josh's cheeks and he squirmed with the new and not-unpleasant sensation. In fact, it was a fucking fantastic sensation.

  Reed worked the lube, coating him, then slowly entered a finger. Josh froze. The tight, filled feeling sent shivers down his spine.


  Reed rubbed the finger on a sensitive bundle of nerves, and Josh almost came again.

  "How does it feel?" Hannah asked, a knowing smile on her face.

  He leaned down and kissed her, loving the mix of her sweet taste and the sensation of Reed adding another finger.

  "Like manna."

  Hannah laughed, her pussy clenching around his shaft.

  "Don't laugh; I'm fighting for control as it is," he groaned.

  She pouted. "Oh poor baby. Is it too hard for you to be in me and Reed to play with you at the same time?" She gasped and shut her eyes when he slammed into her.

  "If you're coherent enough to be teasing me, I'm not doing my job right."

  "And," Reed added, "if you're coherent enough to be teasing her, I can add another finger."

  Josh buckled when Reed added a third lube-coated finger, then a fourth.

  Oh, sweet Jesus.

  "That's more like it." Reed laughed. "I think you're ready for me."

  Josh tensed.

  "Hey." He slapped Josh's ass in one quick motion, and Josh moaned at the sting. "Don't tense up on me. I like you nice and loose."

  "Okay, I trust you," he breathed.

  Josh felt the touch of the head of Reed's penis at his entrance, and he forced himself to relax. He looked down at Hannah and saw the love in her eyes. He smiled. He could do this. He wanted this.

  Reed pushed past the tight ring of muscles, and Josh stiffened at the invasion, but forced himself to relax. He felt overfull and loved, deep inside Hannah and Reed deep inside him. It was the three of them. It was always about the three of them. Forever.

  Reed slid in inch by agonizing inch, pulled back, then slid in again until Josh felt the other man's balls against his ass.

  Oh God, he felt so full. So wanted.

  "Oh, fuck me. You feel so good. So tight," Reed said, straining. Then he worked back out then in again.

  Again and again. With each motion, Josh mimicked it in Hannah, the three of them working up a rhythm of flesh, sweat, and heat. Josh felt his balls tighten, then he screamed their names and emptied himself into her. He felt Hannah tighten around him, and Reed fill his ass. Together they rose up then crashed down.

  He felt Hannah’s and Reed's souls intertwine with his, and he knew he'd never be alone again. Wherever he went, they'd always be with him.

  Their trinity bond, and all that came with it, settled in, previously unknown but freshly hatched, waiting for its discoveries to be revealed.

  Chapter 20

  They walked through the forest, past the trees that should have been burned to a crisp, but stood proud and strong. Reed shook his head. What the hell had happened? It was so weird. The fire had come, burned, and almost killed them. Yet no sign of it remained, no trace but a faint whiff of burned amber on the air.

  The hunt had taken them farther than they’d thought, driven by fire. They finally trekked back to his home, no, their home and Reed smiled. He could feel Hannah’s and Josh's souls tangling with his. Kade and Jasper had told him the connection was deeper than the bond with the Pack. More tactile, leaving one feeling naked. But he hadn’t truly understood until he bonded himself to his mates. No wonder looks of joy that passed over his brothers’ faces whenever their mates walked toward them. Kade said he felt it with Finn, too, to a lesser degree, and that their children would also be bound to them like a web. And as their children aged and moved apart, developing their own lives, the connection would fade.

  He could only feel sorrow for Adam. When Adam had lost Anna and their baby, Reed grieved with him and had helped pick up the pieces and glue them together in an oddly connected jumble that was their brother. But the loss also scarred Adam more than the scar that ran along Maddox's face from a fight. Reed still didn’t know the story behind it.

  "Come on," Reed said when he spotted the house. "Let’s get inside and get dressed." Still naked, the cold was starting to tingle certain bits better left unexposed.

  They got inside and immediately Reed warmed.

  "I'm going to jump in the shower. Is that okay?" Hannah asked.

  Images of droplets of water running between her breasts, dusting her nipples, then carving a trail down to her sex filled his brain.

  Josh let out a booming laugh. "Go for it, baby. Reed needs to get his mind out of the gutter." He gave a pointed look at Reed’s crotch.

  Reed blushed. Yeah, thinking about his woman nude and in the shower, while he himself was naked and couldn't hide his growing erection, might not be such a great idea. Whoops. Well, who could blame him?

  He walked to their room and took out a new set of clothes. He pulled them on then shook out the kinks in his back. His newly healed flesh felt a bit tight. Watching Hannah using her Healing powers on him had been a revelation. She was the true Healer and part of his Pack. Incredible.

  Josh laughed. "You're thinking about her again."

  Reed joined in his laughter and shrugged, not ashamed in the least. "She's hot. And she's ours. At least I'm wearing pants this time. And as much as I'd like to make love to both of you again, I need to call my father."

  The phone rang, and both men burst out laughing again.

  "Do you hear the music to the Twilight Zone?" Josh asked.

  "No, just my nosy Alpha of a Father who knows everything," Reed answered then walked to the phone and picked it up.

  "Son." His father's voice sounded relieved and edgy all at once.

  “Speak of the devil,” Reed joked.

  Something dark came and went in Josh’s eyes, worrying him. The other man’s pupil’s dilated then went back to normal. A chill raced up Reed’s arms and his heart sped up. He took a shuddering breath and held it in. Please, don’t let anything bad happen to Josh, not when I just found him.

  “It’s good to hear your voice, son,” his father quietly said.

  "It's good to hear you too, Dad," Reed choked out. Okay, stop being a sissy.

  "I felt you, your connection to the Pack," his father added. "So I knew you weren’t gone. But that fire out there scared the crap out of us. We didn't know exactly what was going on. And when Maddox came to us screaming that the place he'd left you was now consumed in fire, I about died. Reed, I almost had to knock Maddox unconscious to keep him from going back for you. He would have and would have died."

  Neither spoke. He knew his brother loved him, but he hadn’t realized it was that deep. Damn, his family humbled him.

  "Did it come at you, too?" Reed finally asked.

  "No, we were safe. The den is protected by more magic than that fire could hope to destroy. But the land you were on, though it might be Redwood land, isn’t protected by the same wards. I'm going to try and fix that, but it takes too much power. Your little Hannah may be of assistance there." His father made it sound more like a quiet order than a question. But he knew Hannah would do all in her power to protect her new Pack, her family.

  "I'll let her know."


  "It scared the hell out of us, Dad."

  "No kidding. How did you get out?"


  Should he tell him anymore? He couldn't keep secrets from his Alpha. But what would happen if he revealed the source of Josh's new power? Would they lock him up and throw away the key? Or worse?

  Josh came up from behind and held him. "Tell him. He needs to know," he whispered.

  "Josh saved us," he repeated to his father. "Hannah and I were trapped, the fire coming at us, and Josh walk
ed through the flames to get us. Dad, the fire didn't touch him."

  He heard an intake of breath and a quiet curse.

  "We will find the source of this. Josh is my son now. I know he can hear me, so Josh, you are mine. Mine to protect. You are a Redwood and a Jamenson, even if you don't take the name. I won't let what that bastard did to you taint you. You got that?"

  Josh stood rod straight and nodded.

  "He says yes, Dad." Jesus, his dad was a great man, a noble man. A man who didn't care that his son was bisexual and loved both a man and a woman. Not many men, especially the Alpha of a werewolf pack, would be as accepting.

  "Reed, I won't let you lose your mate. Not like Adam."

  Reed released a shuddering breath. "I know, Dad. I know. We’ll figure this out."

  "Damn straight."

  They all let out a ragged, tension-filled laugh.

  If only it were that easy. But nothing seemed easy anymore, if it ever had been.

  "Get dressed and come over. I felt it when Hannah and Josh came into the Pack. I'm sure the others with the power have too." Meaning Kade, Jasper, Maddox, and Adam. "Your Mother wants you here. She's already cooking up a storm and invited the rest of the family. Consider it a pre-wedding and thank-God-you're-alive party."

  Reed laughed. "Great! I'm starving. I'm sure Josh and Hannah would love it."

  Josh nodded, a smile on his lips.

  "Good. See you soon. I love you, son. All three of you," his father gruffly let out, then hung up before Reed could speak.

  "I love you, too," Reed answered to the dial tone.

  Hannah came out of the bathroom, looking fresh and damned cute.

  "I heard the last part. So we're going to dinner? Good, I'm starved."

  "Yep, I'm going to go jump in the shower and wash off the smoke," Reed answered.

  "I'll go jump in the other shower and meet you here in ten." Josh raised a brow. "Separate showers. We need to meet your parents."

  Yep, loved them.


  They walked into his parents' home to the sound of a large family gathering. Finn screamed in glee as North took him around the house, playing airplane. Reed smiled, thinking of the children they'd soon have if he had anything to say about it, of all the children that would fill the house. Willow was due any day now, and Kade made whisperings of wanting another soon. They were growing up. Even though they’d long since reached adulthood, they were now moving on. It seemed like yesterday they themselves were six rowdy pups making too much noise and stress for their mother. He'd been close to eighty when Cailin was born. She hadn’t grown up with them in the same fashion, but she was still his baby sister.

  "Oh, my, Reed. It's so good to see you here." His mom came at him with her arms outstretched but bee-lined to Hannah, enveloping his bonded mate—that was great to say—in her arms. Well, he knew where he stood now.

  "Hi, Pat. We're happy to be here as well." Hannah hugged his mother back, and just for one moment, he could forget all their troubles and tribulations.

  His mom kissed all three of them and ushered them into the living room. There, the rest of the family hugged and kissed them. Tears fell on the women's cheeks. Damn, he hated he had scared his family so much. But thank God they were okay. He only prayed that, wherever the hell Adam was, he was the same.

  Maddox was the last to join them and stood still, watching. He walked slowly toward them, and everyone quieted down.

  "I never should have left you there." Maddox whispered.

  "Bullshit," Hannah said.

  Maddox laughed. Laughed. The room stood stunned. When was the last time they'd heard his brother laugh? Before the loss of Anna that had hardened him as much as Adam? Before the scar?

  His little brother wiped the tears from his eyes. "That word coming out of that little mouth just sounds wrong."

  Hannah didn't laugh. She stood with her fists on her hips and scowled. "If you were out there, you could be dead. I'm glad you were away. I don't know what we would have done if we’d have lost you. You’re part of this family just as much as anyone else in this room. So swallow that pride of yours and that self-pity. We are fine. We all are." She lifted her chin, daring them to say anything.

  Reed loved this feisty side of her.

  "Now," she continued, "I think your mom has made us an amazing dinner. Let's go and eat it. Shall we?"

  The toughest male werewolves in the country, maybe even the world, scurried to the table in the dining room and sat.

  His mother wrapped an arm around Hannah and laughed. Willow and Mel joined in.

  "Well, my dear you are officially a Jamenson. As you can tell, it's the women who control the family. They just need to remember that every once in a while."

  "Darn straight," Mel added, Finn now in her arms.

  "Oh, this is going to be fun." Willow laughed.

  The women joined them at the table, and Reed spoke up. "The fire came out of nowhere. Literally. It hunted, tried to kill us. It didn’t react like a normal fire and then disappeared as quickly as it came."

  "It was demon fire," Hannah whispered.

  His dad cursed again, muttering an apology to Finn.

  "Demon fire. Darn Centrals. They think it’s okay to come onto our land and use demon fire?" Edward rumbled.

  "What is demon fire?" Willow asked, her arm wrapped protectively around her swollen belly.

  "May I?" Hannah asked. With a nod from his dad, she continued. "Demon fire is just what it sounds like. Fire made from the depths of hell and summoned by a demon. It also takes a witch with immense power and an affinity toward fire to control it. I don't know of a way to counter it. I don't even know if there is a way." She shuddered, and Reed held her close.

  "We can't allow this to happen," Cailin said.

  "I agree,” his father said.

  His mom uncovered the dishes on the table and was about to serve when North interrupted. "Josh, before we actually eat, I want to look at that bite mark.”

  Everyone at the table froze.

  "You told them,” Reed said to his father.

  "Yes, it needed to be done. For his safety, not only ours."

  Josh rubbed his shoulder. "It's okay. I want them to know. Secrets only hurt people. Plus they only want to help." He stood up and walked with North to the back room.

  Reed wanted to get up and join them, to scream and curse God, or at least ask how this could have happened. But he didn't. Josh needed to feel normal, and that couldn’t happen with Reed hovering over him.

  "We’ll find out what happened. It’ll be fine." His mother's voice was cool.

  His mom might love to knit and cook, and she cried at the drop of a hat, but if someone endangered her pups, she'd kill them without breaking a nail or a smile. Bloodthirsty, thy name is Momma Wolf.

  "Reed," Jasper cut in, "you said the fire disappeared. Are there any remnants?"

  He shook his head. "No, just the smell. That acrid, smoky flavor that settles on your tongue. No damage."

  "Yes," Hannah added, "but it felt like fire, and it damaged anything it touched at the time. The earth screamed in pain. I felt it."

  She shuddered, and Reed wrapped an arm around her shoulders. The smell of fear and pain wafted off her skin. He couldn’t imagine what it felt like to have his soul so irrevocably entwined with nature to feel it breathe and gasp. His Hannah was such a caring person to begin with, but add in the fact that she needed to Heal in order to feel calm, and it was all too much. Reed shook his head.

  “We can’t get into the Centrals’ den,” Kade said. “It’s cloaked with some kind of magic. The stuff they’re using to do it isn’t anything we’ve seen before. They’re touching dark magic. We don’t have anything to fight against that—yet.”

  Reed nodded. They’d already discussed the magic the Centrals possessed. That didn’t make it any fucking less futile.

  “We’ll have to go on lock-down,” Jasper added. “No outside visitors, and people can only leave if they’re in p
airs, and even then, only if they truly need it.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I know it sucks and sounds like we’re a cult or something, but I can’t think of another way of keeping our people safe.”

  Reed nodded. “Okay, we’ll go on the defense. Like we have been, but more alert. And we’ll look for the magic that can be our offense.”

  “There has to be a balance,” Hannah added. “That type of dark can’t exist without some type of light to balance it. That’s the way of magic. We just need to find it.”


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