Hurricane (Street Rats of Aramoor: Book 2)

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Hurricane (Street Rats of Aramoor: Book 2) Page 23

by Michael Wisehart

  Reevie took a step back and leaned in to be heard over the shouting. “Well, you wanted a tribe.” He stared in wide-eyed wonder at the rally of kids that had gathered, all searching for a place to belong. “Looks like you just got one.”

  I gawked at the throng of new faces staring back at me, and wondered how we were ever going to manage. In that moment, I came to one simple conclusion. We’d manage the same way we always had. One day at a time.

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  THIS IS A PREQUEL story to the Aldoran Chronicles series. The Aldoran Chronicles picks up twenty years after the Street Rats of Aramoor saga.

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  I THANK GOD for the doors and windows He’s allowed to open in order for me to reach this point.

  I want to thank my Author Team, whose endless talent, time, and dedication has made this project possible:


  To my illustrator and sister, whose creativity and talent continues to impress—Janelle Wisehart

  To my content editor, who managed to take a floundering script and turn it into something readable—Danae Smith

  To my line editor whose patience has managed to surpass my continual lack of commas—Mia Darien

  To my cover artist who has taken a concept in the back of my mind and turned it into a breath-taking reality—Whendell Souza

  To my numerous Beta Readers whose faithfulness to the story has helped me keep the pages flowing.

  About The Author

  MICHAEL WISEHART graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business before going back to school for film and starting his own production company. As much as he enjoyed film-work, the call of writing a novel got the better of him, and on April 14, 2014 he started typing the first words of what would be two new epic fantasy series: The Aldoran Chronicles and Street Rats of Aramoor.


  Ayrion [air-ee-un] 13-year-old Upakan street rat. Born with two magical gifts. Banished from his home for accidentally killing another Upakan.

  Enon [eh-non] Farmer’s son who rode with Ayrion in the back of a wagon.

  Neelan [nee-lun] Farmer who offered Ayrion a ride into Aramoor.

  Toothless [tooth-less] Head guard of Wildfire.

  Kira / Red [kee-ruh / red] Chief of Wildfire. Took Ayrion’s father’s ring.

  Reevie [ree-vee] Street Kid who saved Ayrion and took him in. Healer in training.

  Dorin [dor-in] One of Ayrion’s instructors who favored his whip as a method of teaching.

  Lord Ackelman [ackle-men] Aramoor Lord who had Reevie’s dad turned over to the White Tower because his daughter died.

  Master Fentin [fen-tin] Old book store owner who keeps a place for Reevie to hide when needed.

  Mistress Orilla [or-ill-uh] Master Fentin’s wife. Makes a fantastic mystery-meat sandwich.

  Lord Gerrick [gare-ick] Overweight lord whose carriage almost ran Ayrion over.

  Po [poe] One of Kira’s head bodyguards. Short and pudgy.

  Master Finley [fin-lee] Cheese Merchant on Borell Street.

  Mistress Rossen [rose-en] Owner of quilt stand on South Avis.

  Flon [flon] Upaka boy Ayrion killed that got him banished.

  Sapphire [Saf-fire] One of Spats bodyguards who befriends Ayrion. Good with the sword.

  Spats [spats] Chief of the Hurricane Tribe.

  Cutter [cut-er] Chief of the Avalanche Tribe. Vindictive and cruel.

  Kore [kor] Chief of the Rockslide Tribe. Physically imposing.

  Noph [noff] Chief of the Sandstorm Tribe. Great tactician.

  Egla [eg-la] Faerie goddess of the Temple. Her worshippers turned on her. Her creatures ate her.

  Flesh Eater / Tubby [tub-ee] The Pit champion. Enormous kid known for biting. Fights Ayrion in The Pit

  Toots [toots] Head watcher at the the Temple.

  Forehead [for-head] One of the Hurricane Guards. Best known for his ferocious head-butting technique. Stands outside Spats’ door. Large growth on front of head because of head-butting

  Bull [bull] Former Avalanche beater who fought Ayrion during battle. Becomes one of Ayrion’s bodyguards.

  Rat [rat] Small reject boy from Rockslide. Small enough to squeeze in and out of tiny places for burgling. Friends with Squeaks and Petal.

  Petal [peddle] Small reject girl from Avalanche. Her hair is as golden as a flower petal. Friends with Rat and Squeaks.

  Squeaks [squeeks] Small reject from Avalanche. Friends with Rat and Petal.

  Skull Crusher [skull-crush-er] The Pit champion before they banned fights to the death.




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