Winter Black Box Set 2

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Winter Black Box Set 2 Page 1

by Mary Stone

  Winter Black Series

  Books 4-6

  Mary Stone

  Copyright © 2019 by Mary Stone

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

  To my husband.

  Thank you for taking care of our home and its many inhabitants while I follow this silly dream of mine.


  Winter’s Rise


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Winter’s Ghost


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Winter’s Secret


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Winter Black Series by Mary Stone


  About the Author


  One dead. One risen. One caught in between.

  For more than thirteen years, Winter Black has believed her little brother is dead—kidnapped and murdered by the same lunatic who killed her parents. The news of a lead into Justin’s whereabouts brings her out of her hiatus and back to work at the Richmond FBI office. And face to face with the co-workers she’s been avoiding.

  Winter can’t avoid them for long because a body is discovered in a fifty-five-gallon drum, and the team soon realizes that they aren’t hunting your typical serial killer. Whoever killed this man isn’t just a murderer—they are a skilled surgeon, and John Doe is just one of many. And now, the killer is after her friend, Autumn.

  Welcome to book four of Mary Stone’s debut crime fiction series. If you love a throat-clutching thriller with unexpected villains and riveting mystery, Winter’s Rise will keep you turning pages until the end.

  Grab your copy of Winter’s Rise and discover that evil doesn’t just hide in the dark.


  As the haze thinned from Jensen’s thoughts, he opened his eyes a slit. Though he could see a tinge of white light at the edge of his vision, the remainder of the room was cloaked in shadow. At the other end of the space was a door, and from the light of the narrow window, he could see a dim hallway. None of it was familiar.

  Where was he?

  How had he gotten here?

  The recollection trickled back to him as his eyelids drooped closed. He could picture the parking lot of the bar, neon lights from the signs in the windows glinting off the damp asphalt.

  Though he might have had a touch too much to drink last night—was it last night?—he had pushed aside the concern and reminded himself of his plan. A couple blocks away was a restaurant that served breakfast twenty-four hours a day, and that had been where he was headed. After a meal and a couple cups of coffee, he’d planned to return to his car to drive home.

  Was he home?

  No. This sterile room wasn’t part of the house he and his wife had owned for the past ten years.

  Grating his teeth, he forced himself to focus on the fuzzy memory of his trip to the diner. He vaguely remembered walking down the sidewalk, his attention focused on the screen of his smartphone instead of his surroundings.

  In the midst of typing an “I love you” text message to his wife, Faith Leary, the world had gone black.

  That wasn’t where the memory ended, though. At least he didn’t think so. He was sure he had stepped into the restaurant, could swear he had taken a moment to bask in the aroma of roasting coffee and frying bacon as he walked through the familiar double doors.

  He had walked through those doors, hadn’t he?

  No, he hadn’t. As soon as the realization crossed his mind, his eyes snapped open. The world had gone black before he hit the sidewalk, but he knew he hadn’t been drunk enough to blackout.

  He had been drugged. Not in the bar, but right there at the edge of the damn parking lot. A light sting in the back of his neck had given way to utter nothingness.

  When he awoke the first time, his aching head had rested on a pillow, and he almost tricked himself into believing he had made it home. As he’d shifted on the hard surface beneath the light blanket, however, he wondered if he had fallen asleep on the floor beside the bed he shared with his wife.

  Then, he’d opened his eyes.

  He remembered how golden sunlight highlighted a square hatch in the ceiling at the other end of the narrow room. Room? He’d known right away that he’d been in an unfamiliar room.

  Flinging off the sheets, a surge of adrenaline had pushed away the ache in his head as he’d leapt to his feet. In the meager illumination, he’d felt along the w
alls and hoped, even prayed, that he would find a door handle. Instead, he’d been greeted with nothing more than cool, smooth metal.

  His movements had been fervent and soon bordered on panicked. One question had screamed over and over in his mind—where the hell was he? Even now, as he thought back, he wasn’t sure.

  Once his sight had adjusted to the low light, he saw it, snapping his mind back to another memory. The dark shape of a bubble in the far corner of the ceiling. A camera. Wherever in the hell he was, someone knew he was there. Someone was watching him.

  When the hatch opened, the daylight that spilled through had seemed as bright as a supernova, and he’d been forced to raise a hand to block out the hellish illumination.

  “Who are you?” His voice had been hoarse as he addressed the figure descending into the space. As best as he could, he squared his shoulders.

  Jensen had intended to fight.

  He had grown up in a working-class neighborhood in Philadelphia. He knew how to defend himself, and this wasn’t the first time he had been in peril during his thirty-one years of life. But as the figure had approached him, the two tours in Afghanistan felt like they might as well have occurred in an alternate dimension.

  The resurgence of the headache and weariness had closed in on him at the same pace as the dark figure, and the determination had drained from his disciplined fighting stance. Whatever he had been dosed with the night before had only been temporarily defeated by the flood of adrenaline, and he could have sworn the other man knew how rapidly the energy would melt from Jensen’s tired muscles.

  After another sting, the world had gone black again.

  And now, he was here, in a room that felt like a forgotten throwback to a 1960s asylum.

  “You’re awake,” a voice called out from behind him.

  He tried to turn to face the source, but his head was fixed in place by a contraption he couldn’t see.

  “Who…” It was the only word he could manage. His throat felt raw, and his mouth was as dry as the distant Afghani desert. “Who are you?” The short question felt like a monumental task.

  “Oh, you know me,” the woman chuckled. Even her mirth felt like ice.

  He blinked, tried to focus. Tried to remember. “N-no, I d-don’t.” He hated how nervous he sounded.

  Try as he might, he couldn’t place her voice. In the ensuing silence, he raked through memories of any woman with whom he had crossed paths in recent memory. None of them sounded like her. He didn’t know why she thought she knew him.

  “You’ve got the wrong person,” he managed. The words were small and weak, but even the minimal effort to speak was exhausting.

  “No, Jensen. I’ve got exactly who I want.” There was no doubt in her tone, no room for debate.

  A metallic whir followed her statement. What the hell was that? Was that a drill? A saw?

  The marked increase in his pulse made the pounding in his head more pronounced. Eyes squeezed shut like he was a grade school kid trying to hide from imaginary monsters in the dark corners of his bedroom, Jensen swallowed against the rise of bile in the back of his throat.

  “I’m not going to kill you, Jensen.”

  Her calm words cut through his haphazard thoughts, but he wished they hadn’t.

  “In fact, you might be the lucky one. When we’re done here, you might come out of this even better than you were before. Just relax. I’ve done this plenty of times, and I know what I’m doing. You’re in good hands.”

  He didn’t believe her attempt to placate his mounting anxiety.

  As the metallic sound grew louder, he pictured his wife. For thirteen years, Faith had been at his side. For every celebration, every bump in the road, every new journey, he had always been able to count on her bright smile and that sparkle in her gold-flecked eyes.

  This was it.

  For some reason he couldn’t fathom, he was about to die, and he hadn’t even been able to send the text message to tell his beautiful wife how much he loved her.


  With a smile and a five-dollar bill, Bree Stafford bade farewell to the driver of the sleek, black sedan. As she stepped onto the sidewalk, she couldn’t help the reflexive glance to the edge of the building.

  Three months earlier, around that same corner, Douglas Kilroy—The Preacher, as the press loved to call him—had knocked her unconscious with a fast-acting sedative. The bastard had then loaded her into the back of a white panel van to drive to the outskirts of a little Virginia town called McCook.

  Maybe the brush with such a notorious killer should have left a definitive mark on her psyche, but when she looked to the dim corner, she could find no semblance of trepidation. After all, Douglas Kilroy was dead, and the man joining her at the bar tonight was responsible for the fatal shot.

  As grateful as she was to have been saved so quickly, Bree knew with a certainty she didn’t fully understand that she would have made it out of Kilroy’s grasp unscathed, one way or another. That night at the dilapidated church wasn’t the first time she had been taken captive, but she hoped it would be the last.

  She turned her attention to a flicker of movement amidst a series of benches and tables to the side of the entryway. The glow of Noah Dalton’s smartphone glinted off the whites of his eyes as he locked the screen to pocket the device.

  When he was outside the office, Bree thought there were few who would have guessed he was an FBI agent. Between the plaid flannel over his gray t-shirt, his worn jeans and dusty work boots, he looked more like he’d just finished up his workday as a contractor.

  As she glanced down to her white button-down shirt and slim-fitting black pants, Bree felt overdressed. “What are you doing in the smoking section?” Raising her brows to offer him a questioning glance, she pulled open one of the double doors and waved him forward.

  “You’re such a gentleman, Bree.” Noah Dalton flashed her one of his patented, disarming grins as he made his way into the bar. “I was playing Mahjong, not smoking, by the way. My sister always told me that the coolest people at the bar were in the smokers’ section. So far, I think I agree. It might smell worse than shit, but I’ve met some pretty cool cats in smoking sections.”

  Bree couldn’t hide her surprise. “Your sister?”

  The black-clad bouncer beside the doorway didn’t rise from his stool to ask for their IDs. Glancing up from his smartphone, he smiled and nodded. He knew them well.

  “Yeah, my sister,” Noah replied.

  “Are you guys not close? I don’t think I’ve ever even heard you say that you had a sister.”

  He lifted one of his broad shoulders. “No, we are. We’re both just busy, I guess. Plus, she’s all the way out in Austin. She owns a tattoo shop out there, and word’s been getting out about how talented she is, so she’s been pretty swamped for the last year or two.” He lifted the shoulder again.

  “So, she’s there and you’re here,” Bree prodded, hoping for more information on this interesting man. If she’d been straight, she thought he might be her type. If nothing else, she knew he was the type to be in her corner.

  He winked. “Nice detective work, Bree. Yep. I’m here, and we’ve been, well…maybe not swamped, but you know what I mean.” As his smile faded, a flicker of despondency passed behind his green eyes.

  That sadness was no small part of the reason for Bree’s proposed outing on a Thursday night. Aside from a call a few days earlier to tell Winter about the lead they’d found into her brother’s disappearance, no one in their office had heard a single word from the woman.

  Though Noah made a valiant effort to conceal the dark cloud in his demeanor, Bree had worked alongside the tall man for long enough to know that Winter’s absence weighed on him, and she had seen enough of his and Winter’s interactions to know he blamed himself for their inability to locate Justin Black.

  Bree’s reminders that he’d made the right decision to shoot Douglas Kilroy had been gentle at first, but in recent weeks, they had become more pointe

  If he hadn’t fired that shot at that precise moment, Winter would be dead. That was it. That was the end of the story.

  Bree had been front and center for the entire series of events, and the only reason she hadn’t fired the killing shot was because she was worried the larger caliber round would have pierced through Kilroy and hit Winter.

  Winter was smart, and Bree had assured Noah that even if she had harbored a sense of ill will for Kilroy’s untimely death, she would have let the misgivings go by now. Whether he didn’t believe her or he’d decided to shoulder the guilt for an unrelated reason, Bree wasn’t sure.


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