Californian, 25
“Californian Abroad, A,” 74
Campbell, Alexander, 284
“Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven,” 325
Carleton, George, 26-27
Carlyle, Thomas, 76, 86, 298-299
Carnegie, Andrew, 159, 318, 322, 363, 374, 384
Clemens on, 323
and Clemens’ typesetter, 287, 317
and Mark Twain fund, 349
on Rogers, 385
Carroll, Lewis, 171
Cather, Willa, 375
Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County and Other Sketches, The
publication in Saturday Press, 20
rejection by Carleton, 26
publication by Webb, 32-33, 36
reception of, 61
suit for royalties, 122
destruction of plates of, 124
republication of, 175
Clemens on, 112
Century: Clemens in, 209, 255, 263, 274, 320, 326, 344
reviews of Clemens in, 240, 248, 268
and Grant, 261, 273
Century Association, The, 22
Chamberlain, Joseph, 363
Chatto, Andrew, 240, 298, 353
Chicago Herald, 328, 331
Choice Humorous Works of Mark Twain, 152
Christian Science, 326, 353, 366, 383
Christian Union, 157
Church, Col. William C., 120
Church, Frederick, 47
Churchill, Winston, 362
Cincinnati Enquirer, 131
City Club, The, 359
Claflin, Tennessee, 157
Clapp, Henry, 20, 25
Clemens, Clara, 78, 232, 320, 369, 386
birth of, 178
relations with father, 307-308, 316
on father, 359
illness, 372
marriage, 387
Clemens, Gregory, 356
Clemens, Henry, 91, 194, 196, 203, 243, 332, 337
Clemens, Jane, 18, 29, 59, 158, 213, 220, 288, 376
Clemens’ support of, 15, 36, 99-100
and Clemens’ wedding, 113
and Orion’s inventions, 176
Clemens on, 265, 294
death of, 338
Clemens, Jean, 247, 292, 308, 369, 386
epilepsy, 316, 352-353, 359, 372
death of, 387
Clemens, John Marshall, 18, 77, 79, 170, 302, 386
Clemens, Langdon, 122, 128, 141, 149-150, 277
Clemens, Mollie Stotts, 158, 176, 288, 297, 302, 374
Clemens, Olivia Langdon, 45, 158, 229, 245
background, 76-78, 263, 278-279, 305
paralysis, 77-78
Clemens’ first sight of, 52
first meeting with Clemens, 65-66
courtship, 15, 46, 74, 79-83, 89-91, 93
engagement, 83, 92
wedding, 24, 112-114
birth of Langdon, 122 illness, 122, 133, 135-136
at Hooker house, 141
on separations from Clemens, 143, 151
birth of Susy, 149
death of Langdon, 149-150
and The Gilded Age, 161
income loss, 168-206
in England, 171-172
at Nook Farm, 173-174
birth of Clara, 178
on Tom Sawyer, 180
and Farmington Avenue house, 183-184, 206
thirtieth birthday, 191
trip to Europe (1878), 212
and The Prince and The Pauper, 239
on Tribune insults, 242
and Cable performance, 260
on Estes and Lauriat affair, 264
and Huckleberry Finn preface, 269-270
and typesetting machine, 288, 318, 319
and Connecticut Yankee, 301
illness, 315-316, 340
in Florence, 316-317, 318
and money problems, 322, 330, 335
death of Susy, 335, 336, 338
in Chelsea, 337
return to America, 358
and Tennessee claim, 360-361
terminal illness, 368-371
Clemens, Olivia Susan, see Clemens, Susy
Clemens, Orion, 14, 23, 100, 120, 122, 132, 227, 272, 291, 293, 305f., 315, 328
character, 37-38
and brother, 15, 50, 59-60, 121, 134, 232-235, 237, 284, 319, 344
and Tennessee land, 18, 97, 102, 159,
law practice, 37, 235
inventions, 117, 150-151, 176, 233-234, 252
and Bliss, 134, 175-176
literary efforts, 134, 234, 235
on Standard Oil, 324
death, 350
Clemens, Pamela, see Moffett, Pamela Clemens
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne: career: beginning of, 13-14
San Francisco-New York voyage, 13, 16-17, 19
in New York, 20-28, 32-38
bohemian links, 25-26
in St. Louis, 28-30
lecture tour, 30-32
New York lecture, 33-34
publication of “Jumping Frog,” 32-33
letters to California on New York, 35-36
Quaker City voyage, 24-25, 27-28: crossing, 39-46; in Europe, 46-52; in Holy Land, 53-54; return voyage, 55; reaction to, 55-56
success of letters, 57
arrival as national figure, 57
in Washington, 57-60, 66
and American Publishing Co., 60-64
writing Innocents Abroad, 67-68, 69-74
in California, 69-75
client of Redpath, 84-86
lecture tour, 86-88
money problems, 98-100, 105
newspaper negotiations, 99
postponement of Innocents Abroad, 103-104
success of Innocents Abroad, 105-108
on Express, 97, 109-110, 135
lecture tour, 111-112
suit against Webb, 112, 122
Internal Revenue and, 115-116
and Galaxy, 120, 133
income, 120, 121, 122, 134, 142, 143, 147, 148
meeting with Grant, 121
map of Paris, 123-124
mining scheme, 124-129
accused of plagiarism, 132
literary hoax, 131, 133
writing Roughing It, 135-138
at Nook Farm, 140-149
inventions, 150-151, 251-253
in England, 151-155
collaboration with Warner on The Gilded Age, 159-167
reaction to Gilded Age, 167-169
expatriation, 170
return to England, 171-172
at Nook Farm, 173-175
litigation, 175
at Quarry Farm, 178-181
Farmington Avenue house, 181-185, 228
received by literary Boston, 185-187
centennial celebration, 189
writing Huckleberry Finn, 197-198
postponement of Tom Sawyer, 198-199
collaboration with Harte, 202
financial difficulties, 206, 235-237, 258
speech at “Ancients,” 207-208
Whittier speech, 209-211
1878 trip to Europe, 212-223
in Germany, 214-220
celebrity, 229-231
Kaolotype process, 233-234
own publishing company, 237-238, 289-290, 298, 320, 328-329
writing Prince and the Pauper, 238-239
Southern trip, 242-246
reading tour, 259-261, 262, 265-267, 271
publication of Huckleberry Finn, 263-265
Estes and Lauriat suit, 264-265
Grant memoirs, 261-262, 271-278
and Paige typesetter, 257, 281-288, 290-291, 292-293, 298, 301-306, 317-320, 327-328, 331-332
1891 trip to Europe, 310-317
multiple Atlantic crossings, 317-318
bankruptcy, 329-332, 348-349
lecture tour, 333-335
the barren years, 339-342
dream stories, 343-348
Herald fund and suit, 349
return of prosperity, 350-351
Szczepanik inventions, 351
Plasmon, 352, 360
autobiographical sketch, 355-357
return to America, 358
return to Hannibal, 365
seventieth birthday banquet, 373-375
Paine biography, 375-377
autobiography, 377-379
death, 387-388
friends and enemies, relations with: Aldrich, Lilian, 145
“Angel Fish,” 381-382, 385, 387
Beecher, H. W., 24-25, 188
Bliss, 200
Duncan, 28
Fairbanks, 44-45
family, 15-16, 29, 38, 99-100, 105
Fuller, 22-23
Grant, see Grant, Ulysses S., and Clemens
Harte, 26, 73-74, 144, 201, 204-205
House, 25
Howells, see Howells, William Dean, and Clemens
Stewart, 58
Ward, 15
Webb, 26-27, 55, 112, 122
marriage: first sight of Olivia Langdon, 52
meeting with Olivia Langdon, 65-66
courtship, 79-83, 89-91, 93
engagement, 83, 92
temperance, 80, 81, 89
character investigation, 89-92
attitude toward fiancee, 92-93
Langdon business, 94, 97
wedding, 112-115
Buffalo home, 113-116
early married life, 117-119
nursing Jervis Langdon, 120-121
nursing Olivia, 121-122
depression, 122-124, 133-138
at Quarry Farm, 135
birth of Susy, 149
death of Langdon Clemens, 149-150
birth of Clara, 178
successive illnesses, 247-248
rheumatism, 307
relations with children, 307-310
death of Susy, 335
reaction to Susy’s death, 336-338
sale of Farmington Avenue house, 359
wife’s terminal illness, 368-371
style: craftsmanship, 179-180
lecture, 14
maturity of, 232
public personality, 67
satiric sense, 169
sense of dual personality, 101-102, 145-146
sensitivity, 18
writing, 67, 71
views: on boyhood, 231
on civilization, 362-363
on clergy, 70
on drinking, 1.72
on England, 153, 154
on Frenchmen, 222
on Germany, 214
on his past, 170
on journalism, 120
on jury system, 146
on lecturing, 71, 98
on materialism, 165
on morality, 96, 221
on politicians, 68-69
on satire, 169
on self as humorist, 89-90
on smoking, 118-119
on the South, 243
on women, 66-67
on wealth, 95-97, 116, 322-323
religious beliefs, 80-81, 82-83, 89, 92, 118-119
Clemens, Susy:
birth of, 149
third birthday, 183
on Huckleberry Finn, 270
relations with father, 280, 308-310, 316
at Bryn Mawr, 306, 309-310
on Joan of Arc, 315
death of, 150, 335
Cleveland, Grover, 169, 265
Cleveland Herald, 43, 68, 84, 89-99, 104, 106, 113
“Close of a Great Career,” 339
Colfax, Schuyler, 33, 67, 90
Collins, Wilkie, 171
Colonel Sellers, 236
Colonel Sellers As a Scientist, 165, 257
Comedy of Those Extraordinary Twins, The, 101, 314
Confessions of a Life That Was a Failure, 234
Connecticut Yankee, A, 154, 169, 265, 270, 286, 386
and Paige machine, 280-281, 284, 292
completion of, 292-301
Conway, Moncure D., 220
Cook, Thomas, 42
Cooke, Jay, 157, 168
Cooper, Peter, 33
Cooper Union, 322, 348
“Corn Pone Opinions,” 362, 366
Cosmopolitan, 320
Crane, Stephen, 152
Crane, Susan, 178, 335
Crane, Theodore, 292
Cranford, 318
Credit Mobilier, 13, 33, 162, 163
Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard, The, 305
Critic, The, 354
“Curious Republic of Gondour, The,” 168
Curzon, Lord, 381
Cutter, Bloodgood H., 40-41
Cymbeline, 305
“Czar’s Soliloquy, The,” 367
Daily Graphic, 170-171
“Daily Warwhoop, The,” 116
Daly, Augustin, 205, 256
Dana, Charles, 201, 325
David Copperfield, 65
Davis, Jefferson, 34, 36
Day, Alice Hooker, 65-66, 332
Day, John Calvin, 100
Democracy, 166
Democratic Vistas, 158
Densmore, Gilbert B., 175, 180
De Quille, Dan, 96, 191-192, 199
DeVoto, Bernard, 340, 345, 346, 348
Dickens, Charles, 55, 56, 65, 153
Dictionary of American Biography, A, 123
“Dilworthy, Senator Abner,” 162, 166
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 341
Dodge, Mary Mapes, 314, 318, 325
Doesticks, Philander Q., see Thomson, Mortimer Neal
Dolby, George, 153
Don Quixote, 92-93
“Double-Barrelled Detective Story, A,” 365
Doubleday, Frank N., 359, 384
Douglass, Frederick, 77, 86
“’Down the Rhone,” 313
Drake, Francis S., 123
Dreyfus, Capt. Alfred, 347, 353
Duncan, Capt. Charles C., 27-28, 41, 55f., 204, 251
Duneka, Frederick, 370
Dunne, Finley Peter, 375
Eakins, Thomas, 157
Eddy, Mary Baker, 326, 348, 366, 383
Edison, Thomas, 287, 331, 381
Edward VII, 382
Elliott, R. E., 244
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 61, 84f., 144, 189, 209, 348
Estes and Lauriat affair, 264
Europe and Elsewhere, 366
Every Saturday, 132
“Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut, The,” 196, 341
Fair, Laura D., 163
Fairbanks, Abel, 98-99, 104, 119
Fairbanks, Mary Mason, 80, 99, 113, 149, 151
correspondence with Clemens, 63f., 67, 69f., 73, 81ff., 102, 108, 110, 122, 131, 142-143, 161, 175, 195, 197, 201, 211
on Quaker City, 43, 44-46, 48, 55
letters to Cleveland Herald, 68
and Clemens’ courtship, 78, 82f., 90, 92
and Mrs. Langdon, 88-89
on Prince and the Pauper, 239, 295-296
Fairbanks, Mollie, 169, 183
Fields, Annie Adams, 91, 149, 168-169, 195-196, 325
Fields, James T., 20, 91, 112, 144, 237
Fisk, Jim, 163
Following the Equator, 129, 338, 344, 349-350, 384
Ford, Prof. Darius R., 76, 110, 136-137
“Forty-Three Days in an Open Boat,” 20
France, Anatole, 305
“Freedman’s Case in Equity, The,” 155
French, Daniel Chester, 189
Frenzied Finance, 384
Freud, Dr. Sigmund, 93n., 327, 343
“From My Autobiography,” 383
“Frozen Truth, The,” 66-67
Fuller, Frank, 22-23, 36, 50, 59, 61, 205, 320, 348-349
and Clemens’ New York lecture, 32-34
and Clemens’ investments, 176-177, 302
Gabriel Conroy, 192, 199-200, 204-205, 217
Gabrilowitsch, Ossip, 387
Galaxy, 59, 105, 120, 123f., 131, 133
Garfield, Pres. James A., 169
Garland, Hamlin, 260, 354
; Garth, Helen, 365
Genial Thief, The, 214
Gerhardt, Karl, 263, 272
Gibson, Dr. William, 40, 67-68
Giddings, Franklin, 368
Gide, André, 221
Gilded Age, The, 96, 121, 140, 154, 171, 179, 202, 240
writing of, 148, 159-166, 169-170
sales of, 167-168, 200
dramatization of, 168, 175, 180, 192
Gillis, Jim, 112
Godkin, E. L., 20, 24, 106, 162
“Golden Arm, The,” 245, 309-310
Golden Era, 25
Goodman, Joseph T., 46, 90, 136, 169, 239, 251, 303, 306, 344
Gorky, Maxim, 367-368
Gough, John B., 85
Gould, Jay, 95, 157, 286
Grant, Jesse, 224
Grant, Julia, 262
Grant, Ulysses S., 49, 223-224, 344, 348
as president, 156, 162, 180, 189
and Clemens, 121, 159, 225-227, 232, 256, 271
memoirs of, 105, 258, 261-262, 271-278, 285, 290, 328-329, 354-355, 357
death of, 279
“Great Dark, The,” 346
“Great Loneliness, The,” 259
Greeley, Horace, 33, 36, 59, 63, 76, 348
Green, Norvin, 286
Griswold, Stephen, 41
Gulliver’s Travels, 92
Hale, Edward Everett, 84
Hall, Fred, 291, 313, 315, 317, 318-319
Hall, Oakley, 214
Hamersley, William, 283, 286, 305, 310-311, 328
Hamlet, 236
Hardy, Thomas, 248
Harper, Henry, 334, 360
Harper’s Bazaar, 385
Harper’s (New Monthly) Magazine, 20, 229, 344, 371
Harper’s Weekly, 373, 382
Harris, Frank, 216-217
Harris, George Washington, 23
Harris, Joel Chandler, 244-245, 256, 268, 310
Harte, Bret, 25ff., 56, 73, 90, 132, 139, 149, 215, 248, 256, 330
and Clemens, 33, 72-75, 106-107, 150, 192, 199-200, 201
“Luck of Roaring Camp,” 107
rise of, 123, 127, 129-131
“Heathen Chinee,” 129-130
in Boston, 143-144
abroad, 204-205, 216-217, 223, 241, 254, 334, 354, 355
Harte, Frank B., see Harte, Bret
Hartford, 63, 140
Hartford Courant, 99, 109, 140, 240, 252
Hartford Daily Times, 181
Hartford Post, 99
Hartwig, Madame, 369
Harvey, Col. George, 373, 377, 385
Hawley, General Joseph, 99, 203
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 61, 343-344
Hay, John, 131-132, 166, 167, 184-185, 240-241
Hayes, Pres. Rutherford B., 205-206
“Heathen Chinee, The,” 74, 129-130, 131, 202, 246
Helmer, Dr. George, 359, 369
Hendershot, Robert Henry, 28
“Hero as Man of Letters, The,” 358
Higginson, Col. Thomas Wentworth, 85, 146
Hill, Harry, 35
Hoffman, Dr. Heinrich, 315
Holland, Dr. Josiah Gilbert, 146-147, 153, 359
Holmes, Dr. Oliver Wendell, 20, 26, 61, 76, 144, 152, 186
Autocrat, 80, 93, 325
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