Night of the Unicorn (The Federal Witch Book 5)

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Night of the Unicorn (The Federal Witch Book 5) Page 10

by T S Paul

  "We're investigating the deaths of some Unicorns over at Magnus Ranch. Since your place is on their left, we wondered if you knew anything about strangers or anything unusual going on of late?" Bill took the lead on this one.

  Benjamin stared at Bill for a moment. With my Mage Sight, I could see arcs of red circling his body. "Deaths? What deaths? We don't hear too much way out here."

  He sat down next to his wife and held her hand. The red arcs faded, but there was a sea of turmoil in his eyes.

  "Several Unicorns were found mutilated outside of the ranch. Also, quite a few have been found inside the pens themselves. Washington sent us to investigate the cause and stop it. Since Unicorns are considered being paranormal creatures, they sent us," Bill pointed out.

  "Doesn't affect us. I've caught the occasional 'corn out in the fields, but a quick call to Robert cleared it up. We haven't had one of those in at least a year I think. As for deaths? Haven't seen any out here." Benjamin was agitated. To my sight, he looked like a firework show. Somehow he was connected to this. People may lie, but not the Magick they contain. It seldom lies.

  I tried to smile at our hosts. "We are also looking into the land issues around here. The reason the Magnus property is green and the rest are not. The Warren family gave us some good information related to that. Do you know of anything that could help us along those lines?"

  Ellie leaned forward. "Everything started to die shortly after Eleanor and her son died." She turned toward her husband. "I know you said it was a coincidence, but look at the dates. My vegetable garden shriveled up and died about a month after the funeral."

  "Doesn't mean anything. Those Unicorns are the problem. I've been saying it for years. Too much Magick in them. It affects the land. I tried to tell Robert that a couple of times. He didn't listen. Now we have this. The cattle do ok, but not as well as when my dad had this place. But when you own something, you work harder to make a go of it. Everything will resolve itself soon." Benjamin smiled at us.

  "Why do you say it will resolve itself Mr. Running Eagle?" Cat looked at the man.

  "You just said the Unicorns were dying. If they leave, the land will return to normal." He smiled at all of us. "The Creator looks after all of his people."

  Glancing at Bill, I gave him a slight shake of my head. We aren't going to get much from this guy. "Anything else you think we should know about the area? Anyone acting suspiciously?"

  Benjamin rolled his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. "That Fred kid at Warren's place is a bit odd. He was dancing naked in one of their fields not too long ago. But other than him, it's pretty quiet around here."

  "Well, I guess that's it then. I'm going to leave one of our cards with you. If you remember anything else, let us know. Thank you for your time." I stood and laid a card on the coffee table.

  "Sorry, we couldn't be more helpful. The gate will open automatically for you when you approach it. Good luck with your investigation." Benjamin smiled at us.

  Ellie remained on the couch looking a bit strangely at her husband, but not getting up. We saw our own way out.

  "Agatha, what was that?" Cat tried to speak to me as we left.

  I held up my hand. "Not here Cat. Wait just a bit please."

  She cut me a sharp look but nodded in response. This was going to be a long conversation.


  "He's what? Why didn't we just arrest him right there?" Cat looked outraged at me.

  "Benjamin Running Eagle has a Magickal field surrounding him. When he gets angry or excited sparks of what I can only describe as red and black circle him. Watching him was like a Fourth of July back home. We can't arrest someone just because they have Magick, Cat. We can't. Especially if he's a member of the Blackfoot tribe or any of the others. We could start a war. At least that is what Washington is afraid of. We need to prove it's him." I let out the breath I was holding in.

  "She is right, Cat. We have been given considerable latitude when it comes to prosecution for this Division, but we aren't supermen. You and Chuck might be but not us. We have to follow the rule of law that is in place for us. We have to." Bill pointed out.

  "Sorry. I knew that. It's just so frustrating! We find the needle in the haystack, and we have to let him go!"

  Reaching out I patted Cat's shoulder. "If he's guilty, we will arrest him. It's our job to be sure. One of the questions I will ask the Blackfoot Nation is information about Running Eagle. Remember the guidelines we were given. Stay silent unless asked. Safer that way for all of us."

  We were on our way to the closest entrance to the Blackfeet Nation. There were only three legal entries to the Nation, two in the United States and the third in the Dominion of Canada. Relations being what they are, we were not allowed to leave the US and enter the Nation on the Canadian side. Personally, I didn't think getting in was going to be an issue. Getting out might be. Many Natives believed that all Witches were bad regardless of who they worked for.

  The drive would take some time, and it gave us an opportunity to hook up with Anastasia and Chuck by radio. "... Running Eagle. Yes, he's the primary subject."

  "We'll start digging into his past. How far back do you want us to go?" Ana sounded tired.

  I had to think a moment. "Ellie Running Eagle mentioned the Magnus family and when they first came to town. Go back five years from that event. She and Eleanor Magnus appeared to be friends in the beginning. According to her, there was some sort of accident that killed both Robert Magnus's wife and young son. Can you dig more into that as well? It wasn't in the file we received."

  "I can do that. Anything else?"

  "Sure. Let me tell you a story about Unicorns and Magick. Straight from the source. I don't think he was making things up."

  Just re-telling that story took an hour. Fergus left out a lot of information that only Grandmother and I knew. Things like how the herd is structured and who from his time there might still be around. It was a surprise to me that the Unicorn elders knew about the killings and did nothing to stop it. They kept the status quo and played it safe.

  Unicorns were people, not animals. Sentience is defined as the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience things subjectively. The Unicorns as a people did all of that and so very much more. Communication is the only barrier as far as I was concerned. This was the modern age. Surely some techie somewhere could come up with a translation device. After this case is over, I would take a long, hard look at any new animal I met.

  "Agatha, Chuck still thinks Fergus is an alien. That jumping thing he does is out of this world according to him." Anastasia was astounded by the news that Fergus was a Wizard.

  Chuck is the only living person who has ever seen Fergus jump. He was sort of passed out at the time but swears he saw him, regardless. Of course, Chuck has claimed he can walk and chew gum at the same time too.

  "Sometimes I think he might be. Who ever heard of a Unicorn that likes pepperoni?"

  Ana started laughing. "Only you would have an insane Unicorn as a familiar. Chuck processed the barn and areas where the dead Unicorns were found."


  "Nothing. Like we expected. He's killing them elsewhere and only dumping the bodies on the Ranch."

  This was really frustrating. "We need to figure out exactly how he's doing it to catch him in the act. That would be the proof we need. Tell Chuck to start trying to figure out how a man with a medium build could kill a Unicorn, then carry it without anyone seeing him do it. He might be using Magick to disguise himself, but even Witches leave physical traces."

  "Could this suspect by the one performing the blood Magick rituals too?"

  "I didn't sense anything on Running Eagle's ranch until he came around. Something like that leaves a trace. I have no idea, Ana. I'm hoping we didn't bite off more that we can handle by linking the two incidences. Start digging. We have Native officials to speak to. I'll call you later."


  "This is highly unusual Agent Blackmore. The
United States Ambassador is the one who is supposed to do this. Your Bureau has no jurisdiction here." The Blackfeet representative handed me back my credentials. He was summoned by gate security as we entered the former reservation. Even though we called ahead, they were very suspicious of us.

  "I understand that Mr...?"

  "Councilman Thomas Killsdown." Killsdown was a large man with a hooked nose wearing an elegant three-piece silk suit. He could've stepped out of any fine dining place or hotel in the world, and no one would have blinked.

  "I understand that Councilman Killsdown. We aren't here for anyone inside your nation. I only wish to speak about a man who lives outside the Blackfeet Nation and anything you might know about Magnus Ranch. Our investigation has led us to you." As soon as I said Magnus, the councilman backed up a step. There were two armed guards at the gate, and they too had a visible reaction.

  The Councilman stared at me for a moment. I could feel his eyes burning into me. "Who is it you are inquiring about?"

  "Benjamin Running Eagle." Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the guards grip their weapons tighter, and each took another step back from us.

  The councilman slightly shook his head and let out a deep breath. "This will only bring trouble upon us all. You should abandon this investigation young lady and return to where you came from."

  "You know I can't do that. It isn't just Running Eagle. The land itself is dying. My division is what can fight this and fight it we will. Can someone here talk to me?"

  Councilman Killsdown looked at the guards. "Send someone after Peter Oldrock. Have him come to the Inspection Station meeting room. Tell him I said to bring the Running Eagle file."

  One of the guards ran from the gate into the guardhouse. I looked back at the councilman. "I'm not allowing you into the Nation at this time. But we will bring the information to you." He motioned toward a door to the left of the guardroom.

  The door opened up to a large area filled with tables and chairs. "We use this area for trade shows and inspections. Peter Oldrock is the Medicine liaison, he holds the answers you seek." The councilman leaned up against one of the walls and watched us.

  We selected a table dead center in the room and sat down. Cat and Bill were ever watchful. Their eyes darting this way and that looking for threats and things out of place. I laid my hands upon their arms. "Calm down. We're completely safe here."

  I pulled out my tablet and reviewed the information we already had. Anastasia was able to update some of the information about Running Eagle. He spent a considerable amount of time in Arizona and Nevada living with his father. It was only the death of his grandfather that brought them home. The Magnus information was more intriguing. A section Ana had tagged made my eyes widen. I was about to bring Cat over to look when the sound of a door opening made me look up. The guard had returned along with a harried looking man carrying a large file box.

  Killsdown intercepted him and muttered in his ear a moment. Cat touched my arm and smiled at me. I assumed she would tell me later what was said.

  "Agent Blackmore? This is Councilman Peter Oldrock. He can fill you in on what you need to know." Killsdown sat down at one of the tables to watch.

  Peter Oldrock was old. He looked a bit like that old mundane TV show 'The Crypt Keeper.' He was balding with wisps of hair flying everywhere. He eyes were deeply set, and his skin had the appearance of old, dry beef jerky. I would almost swear he was a stereotypical zombie if not for his voice and normal gait.

  "This is what we have on Benjamin Running Eagle." Oldrock wheezed as he spoke.

  "He isn't a current member of the tribe, but we do watch his movements." The Councilman held up his hands to forestall my questions. "Almost a century ago his Grandfather Jacob Running Eagle was exiled for crimes against the people. The ban was only for him, not his issue. Harrison, his son, was allowed full membership in the Nation but wished nothing to do with us. The son left the area to abide in the Southwest near some of our associate Nations. It was there he raised a family and had a son of his own. The old man stayed in the area building a ranch and raising cattle. His crimes prevented us from rendering any assistance until his funeral. Harrison returned, but Benjamin stayed in the South."

  Most of what he said jived with what Anastasia was able to dig up. "Was the family Magickally inclined? Do you know if they came from Magickal stock?"

  Councilman Killsdown spoke a word to Oldrock and shook his head, no. Peter sighed. "The name Running Eagle is a derogatory name. It means too stupid to fly. Jacob was what you might call a bad seed. A century previous and they would have just killed him instead of exiling him. His lineage did save his life. We had hoped that the son and grandson would return to the fold and help to enrich the tribe."

  Killsdown barked a couple of words at the old man. Oldrock shouted back and shook his fist. Not wanting to be surprised I triggered my Mage Sight for just a moment. Killsdown was human, but Oldrock glowed like a city on fire. I had to blink a couple of times to even see him, and he noticed.

  "My companion over there failed to inform me that you weren't regular law enforcement. What Division are you?" Oldrock held out his hand.

  "Magical Crimes Division, Special Agent in Charge Agatha Blackmore." I handed over my badge.

  "Interesting. Did Jack retire?" Oldrock held out my badge to me.

  I took it and slid it into my pocket. "You know Jack?"

  The old man nodded. "I also know your Grandmother. What is it you are investigating Benjamin for?"

  "We suspect he's a Skinwalker."

  Mr. Oldrock bowed his head and muttered a few unintelligible words. The other councilman stood suddenly and left the room. "We should have intervened. I warned them this might happen."

  "Who did you warn?" I peered at the old man.

  "Our council. There was too much hate in that family. Hate for us and hate for the world at large. What is your evidence? Can you tell me?"

  I looked back at Bill and Cat. We aren't supposed to discuss open cases. "It's an open case. I really can't discuss it."

  "Young lady. Think of me as fellow law enforcement. The Magickal kind. Do you have definitive evidence?"

  I sighed. Sometimes you have to trust people. "Not definitive. He glows to my Sight and has a large amount of rage all bottled up. I could see flashes of it as we interviewed him."

  Oldrock nodded his head. "You have your work cut out for you then. If he truly is Yee Naaldlooshii you need to be very careful. He is most dangerous in his other forms. They give him strength and longevity that a regular human doesn't possess. He is canny and will fight without honor. Trust him not. Whatever he says will be a lie."

  The name he called Benjamin was what the Navajo called all Skinwalkers. "Could he also be responsible for the death of the land? Someone is using Blood Magick and a lot of it. It is starting to look like a desert out there." I waved toward the East.

  "Magnus Ranch is the source of that blight. Running Eagle is just a distraction if that is your true goal."

  "Magnus? I spoke to the man inside his house. Something is at work there, but it isn't Robert Magnus. He barely has a trace of Magick in him. He is not a nice person, and he is killing the Unicorns for profit, but I can't arrest him for that. At least not yet."

  Peter leaned forward in his chair and stared at me. "You went inside?"

  "Yes. He and his nephew have some sort of telepathy or mind magick, but they don't have anything like Benjamin Running Eagle does. Why?"

  "You child are braver than I. None in my circle would enter that den of evil. The power that radiates is like nothing I have ever seen, and it only grows stronger. To actually step inside..." Peter shook his head.

  "The Magick you are sensing comes from the Unicorn parts he has in there. Hundreds of horns and other things from the Unicorns he has killed. He's selective. Only the blue-maned Unicorns have Magick, and he somehow knows that. We just can't figure out why he's killing them in the first place. That man didn't reek of black Magick like R
unning Eagle did."

  "Unicorns have Magick? Since when? Those white beasts are a blight upon our land as much as the Magnus family is." Peter motioned toward the ground.

  From my pocket, I heard a voice. "Who are your calling a blight?"

  Peter's eyes widened. "What is speaking?"

  I reached into my pocket and removed Fergus. The miniature Unicorn trotted across the table. "I am not a blight!" Fergus waved his head and his horn at the old man.

  "It speaks!"

  Chapter 12

  "Of course I can talk. Are you stupid or something?" Fergus trotted right up to the Blackfeet Councilman.


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