Night of the Unicorn (The Federal Witch Book 5)

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Night of the Unicorn (The Federal Witch Book 5) Page 15

by T S Paul

  "Was she really?" The Special Agent looked at me with stars in his eyes.

  "She was. You can talk to her if you like when this is all over of course. Now let's get moving, please. We have bad guys to take down." The locals got into their cars as we did the same.

  "Did you just subject me to hours of boring questions and stories?" Anastasia didn't sound very happy in my ear.

  "Sorry about that. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I'm sure they can't think of that many questions."

  "Sure. Like you and Cat over there the first time we met? I seem to remember you asking me what blood tasted like. Do you remember what I said?" Ana's voice had a touch of laughter in it.

  "Yes. I do. You said I could try yours, but you didn't want to create a Vamp-Witch by accident. Is there even such a thing?"

  "See, you're doing it yet again. It's fine. I'll figure it out. OK. Time to go. The local team will set up half on the freight access road and half on the fire trail on the back side of the ranch. I'll watch them, don't worry."

  "Anastasia, you are a strong, powerful woman who is a huge asset to this team. I know you can handle them. Wish us luck." I tapped Chuck on the shoulder, and he stepped on the gas. In ten minutes we would begin.

  Ana stared at the digital images being streamed downward from space with a worried look on her face. "Good luck my friends. You will need it."

  Chapter 17

  What's that line that military tacticians use all the time? 'The best-laid plans of mice and men,' or is it 'no plan survives contact with the enemy?' Whichever it is, it is very true. Someone tipped the Magnus family off. I'm guessing it was that Frederick guy that Grandmother mentioned because as soon as we pulled up to the gates, we saw a very large tractor trailer truck backed up to the Magnus home.

  "Anastasia speak to me. What am I seeing?"

  "Trouble. That truck is registered to a Dominion of Canada company. It looks like they're running." I could hear her typing on the computer.

  "It makes this easier, actually. They aren't expecting us, just the Witches Council in less than three days. With that truck blocking everything they can't run away easily." Bill remarked next to me.

  "If you say so. Just be careful, we don't know what sort of Magick they have. So change of plan. Bill, why don't you and Chuck round up the ones outside. Lock them in the truck if you have to. Cat will still enter from the rear in her warrior form if necessary. I've got the front. The doors should be open if they're loading up. Don't give them a chance to get organized." I looked at each member of the team.

  "Ana, do you have anything to add to this?"

  "No. The local groups are in position. Whenever you're ready Agatha." We could all hear her.

  "Chuck, hit the gates please!"

  Revving the engine, Chuck stomped on the gas, and the SUV surged forward. Just as we were about to hit the gates, I threw a force shield at them snapping the lock and forcing them open.


  The sides of the gate flew open, slamming into the post holding them up. I'm sure the clang of metal was heard for miles.

  Chuck is a master of defensive driving. The SUV bounced over the curb as he swerved to miss the front end of the semi-truck. I barely noticed the man in coveralls diving out of the way cursing the entire time. Chuck grunted as he turned into the slide the SUV made as he struggled to control it. I almost triggered my control spell, but I trusted Chuck to get us there.

  With a squeal of brakes and smoking tires, the SUV lurched to a halt directly in front of the main house. All four of our doors popped open as if by Magick. Totally ignoring the now screaming truck driver and loaders we ran to out positions.

  "Who in the hell do you think you are? You could have killed us you crazy ..." The irate red-faced man didn't get to finish his tirade. Mumbling a spell under my breath, I froze him and his two loaders. Less collateral damage that way.

  The main house sat upon a small hill. Three sections of stairs led to the front door. I had taken the first couple of stairs before anyone noticed.

  "Hey, what are you doing here?" Walter Magnus stood at the top of the third section of stairs. He was pointing in my direction.

  "Freeze, Federal Agents! Stop right there Walter!" I shouted at him as I started up the second section of stairs.

  Walter's face was one of shock as he spun around and started to run. "Stop now before I shoot!"

  That was barely out of my mouth when the youngish man stopped, waving his hands at me. My shields instantly popped on. Tiny, flaming droplets, began to pepper my shield as I ran. If I'd been human, they might have killed me. "Attention. Walter Magnus is at least a Class Three Magick user, use caution."

  Magick users are classified into five groups. Class One is the wannabes. They have small amounts of Mind Magick including Telepathy and Telekinesis. Class Twos are stronger. They can do everything Class Ones can, along with some really basic cantrips and household spells. Class Threes like Walter could do real Magick. Those with a Class Three classification or above were considered armed and dangerous, no matter the circumstance. I'm considered a Class Four by the FBI. To the higher-ups in Washington, that means I have advanced training as well as power limits. Most Class Fours are restricted to a single natural element. Like fire.

  Anything above a Class Four is considered extremely dangerous by all US government agencies. My bosses don't know it, but after my recent summer vacation, I'm well past a Class Five. Grandmother thinks I'm more like a nine or ten.

  Anastasia did the job I assigned her and notified everyone what we might be dealing with. The local Fort Benton officers stopped their little games and now clutched at sidearms and shotguns. If declared a threat, rogue Magick users are to be shot on sight. Too many agents and other law enforcement have died to ignore that one.

  My shields protected me from the fire and brimstone of Walter's spell, but the lawn wasn't so lucky. Small fires sprang up all over the place. I counted on Ana to see them and take measures. If Walter was a Class Three, what was Robert going to be? Especially with the power boost of the house backing him up.

  Reaching the last flight of low steps, I looked around. It would have been faster to avoid the steps and go up the hill, but the top was very steep. The front door to the house was open. Several of the Unicorn displays sat scattered about the yard. The movers had been busy. No sign of the younger Magnus.

  "Entering the house. Watch for leakers. Both subjects may be inside." I drew my sidearm. That was something else I was better with. Magickal ammunition aside, relearning to shoot with black powder weaponry will improve your aim every time. Too bad they didn't teach that class at Quantico.

  Cautiously I entered the house. "Federal Agents! You need to lay down any weapons and come out peacefully!"

  I ducked in and took cover behind one of the large padded chairs in the sitting room. Listening, the house was quiet. Way too quiet. I could still feel the Magickal weight of all the pain and agony the Unicorns that died let loose. It was a weight upon my very soul. A creak to my right focused my concentration. I peeked around the side of the chair rather than over the top. Walter was peeking into the room from the hallway.

  "Walter, you're under arrest! Show me your hands and face the wall." The man froze and suddenly looked back and forth.

  "I didn't do anything! It was Robert. He's the one, James shouldn't be down there."

  "Where is James, Walter? Is he a part of this?" I had confirmation that James was here somewhere.

  "Agatha, be advised Catherine is entering the house from the rear now." Anastasia's voice whispered in my ear.

  "This is your only chance to tell your story like it should be told. Come out NOW, Walter!" My left hand warmed up as a fireball slowly formed in it. Gripping my pistol even tighter, I started to peek around the chair again when he started to move. There were a coffee table and couch to my right blocking the path. Rolling to my left, I came up with my gun pointed at the man standing in the doorway. My fingers closed over the fire
ball in my hand as I prepared to throw it.

  "I'm... I'm sorry." Walter started shaking as he formed a fireball of his own and pulled his arm back to throw it. He never got the chance. My own fireball hit him chest high knocking him backward. People might say it's throwing like a girl, but my underhand toss would do Grandmother's softball team proud.

  Standing, I walked slowly towards the man's body. I still held my sidearm even though I threw the fireball instead. Good training. Walter lay on his back, eyes staring up at the ceiling.

  Speaking to no one, I remarked to him. "What a waste."

  Carefully I searched the body. He had his wallet and keys. Nothing else. "Ana, one subject down. Walter Magnus confirmed dead."

  "Understood. Be careful."

  My end of the hallway was clear. Several of the large cases that once stood here were missing. I assumed they had been moved to the truck. Little balls of dust and ancient trash littered the areas where they once stood. Men definitely lived here. A woman would have cleaned under those every time.

  "Cat, where are you?" She was in the house. I could faintly hear the floors creaking in the direction of what I assumed was the kitchen.

  "Kitchen." Her voice had a rough growl factor to it.

  "Headed your way." I stepped carefully over Walter's body and made my way down the hall. Robert Magnus's office door was open as I approached it.

  Using my gun I nudged it open, pointing the gun high while I looked low. "The office is clear."

  "Copy that." Both Ana and Cat spoke as one.

  Back in the hallway, I noticed more and more furniture was missing. We hadn't seen this part of the house before, but large vacant spaces shown on the wall were they had been painted around. Hearing another creak of the floor, I shrank to one knee gun at the ready. "Is that you Cat?"

  "Yes. Sorry."

  "Thanks." I resumed my trek down the hall and entered the kitchen. Cat stood there pawing over a pile of documents on the table. She was in her warrior form. If you've ever seen the third form of a werewolf, you might have been impressed. Cat's Saber-Toothed Tiger warrior form was even cooler. She stood at least nine feet tall with a massive head. Her cat's normal yellow eyes were large and piercing as they gazed at me. The claws on her hands stuck out at least two inches. She had their use down to a science, touching with only the very tips.

  "Finding anything?" I looked down at the table. It was covered in paperwork.

  "No. These are all shipping documents from here to Ultra, Magnus's brother's company. There are more over there." Cat motioned behind her. I could see the file boxes haphazardly strew around the kitchen. I doubt anyone had eaten in here in years.

  I looked up at the second level. "Ana, can you scan the upper level for people? Do we have access to that technology today?"

  "One moment. Starting scans." I glanced at Cat and smiled. It was nice to have the best tech in the world on our side.

  "No heat sources found on the upper level. Only two on the main. Scans show a sub-level we cannot penetrate. It's not on the existing floor plan, they may have added it later. Look for a way down."

  Cat growled at the mention of another floor. I nodded. It only made sense. We knew James Magnus was here somewhere. Why not a secret level?

  "How's your sniffer today?" I pointed at her nose.

  Cat nodded and took a good whiff of the paperwork. Looking one way then the other Cat began to track Robert Magnus's scent.

  While Cat sniffed at the walls and other fixtures, I contacted our friends outside. "Bill, how's it going out there?"

  "The moving van is secured. We've accounted for all the slickers and all but two of the hands. All the fires are out. Have you located Robert yet?"

  "Not yet, Bill. Still looking." Cat started growling, so I broke it off. Ana answered the question of the two foremen. The Fort Benton team captured them trying to sneak off the property with a trunk full of Unicorn horns.

  "Did you find something?" I watched carefully as Cat pulled an antique kitchen hutch unit away from the wall. There were a rough-cut hole and stairs leading down from the hole.

  Both of us peered down into the dark shaft. Small LED lights twinkled along the edge of the steps. In complete darkness, they would light the way. A faint fetid odor wafted up from below. Cat turned toward me with her face all scrunched up.

  "Smells nasty?" She nodded at me.

  "They might have hit a sewer line when digging this. Do you want me to go first?"

  Cat nodded. She might be Magick resistant, but she wasn't immortal. My shields could protect the both of us if it were an ambush. Cautiously I took a step down toward the hidden basement. Cat followed a couple of paces behind me. Just enough to not get caught in anything Magickal I might throw.

  The scent of raw sewage and fresh earth permeated the air. We could smell the ozone associated with electronics and video screens too. A faint red flashing light shone at what appeared to be the bottom of the stairs. Muttering, I prepared a light spell. Each step we took, we looked around searching for danger. Magick hung in the very air we were breathing now. It was similar to the Unicorn Magick above but with a more malicious intent. I started to take the final step when Cat grabbed me. She tapped her ear. Listen.

  Peering into the faint darkness, I listened. There was utter silence and then a faint voice.

  "Almost got it Jimmy-boy. You were a lot smaller when we put this in. Didn't notice those pipes then. Do you remember the sky? The ranch was a beautiful place then. Filled with love and shiny beasts. We had such plans then. Gonna be rich we said. Do you remember your Uncle Frank? He was the one that came up with the way for you to survive. His idea it was. Not those fancy doctors or that physical therapist lady. Heh. Medical professionals! They didn't know squat about what your needs were. We took care of it, didn't we? Stupid Unicorns and their legends. I never really believed that old family story that they could talk. The blue ones were the key, weren't they my boy?" There was the sound of metal creaking and something pulling free.

  "I think it's clear," I whispered to Cat. She nodded at me. Taking the last step, I stood looking at a bank of computer modules. To me, it looked like a server farm. Small red and green lights blinked on and off giving the room an eerie feeling. A hallway was off to one side. That was where the voice was coming from.

  Hearing the voice again I froze. Cat walked right into me and did the same. We stood in the center of the room like statues until she grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the bank of computer systems. Looking down I gazed at her hand with almost a bemused smile. How did she do that? "Was that your two? Because friend or no friend she shouldn't be able to penetrate my shield."

  "Yes. Friend. Needed in the fight. Watch yourself." My eyes widened as Defender spoke in more than one-word sentences. I really need to dig into Verity's diaries again. Could it be that naming them was the key?

  "James, you shouldn't act like that. I'm your father after all. I know it will be painful to do it, but it must happen. The Witches Council is coming, and we cannot be here. According to Frederick, they will take you away from me and wipe the workers. How someone found out about those red-eyed white monsters, I will never know. Even Charlie and Pete didn't know about them, and they were with me in the beginning.

  "Stupid Blackmore family. I should have told that woman 'no' and kept the damn Unicorn. Another couple of blues and you might have walked out under your own power. Now I have to carry you." Robert Magnus was talking to James, but why wasn't he talking?

  I gave Cat the eye. She nodded, and we hit the door at the same time. "Federal Agents! Hands in the air."

  Robert Magnus stood off to one side of a large room. A broken pipe was spraying raw sewage at one end. In front of him was a man on a bier connected to numerous tubes and wires. "Go away. Leave us in peace!"

  "Raise your hands and face the wall. You are under arrest. Is this your son James?" Robert stood staring at us.

  "Leave James alone! I'm trying to keep him alive. Nobody listens. Nobo
dy believes. But I believed. It was me. Me! Out of all the cousins, I chose to read the family histories and understood them. Silly animals. Unicorns with Magick that fought Dragons? Those are the real fairy tales. But I believed, and the blues were real. Who believes in Dragons anymore?" Robert Magnus was off his gourd. As Minerva would say.

  "How did you keep James alive? You said something about doctors." Maybe I could get the whole story from him.

  The man spat off to one side. "Doctors. Money grubbing weasels is what they were. No sense of how the world really works. Easily erased. Tout-suite!" He tapped his temple. "I have the power, and it's right up here."


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