Night of the Unicorn (The Federal Witch Book 5)

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Night of the Unicorn (The Federal Witch Book 5) Page 18

by T S Paul

  "Chief, we have to process the scene before it burns up! Why can't you just spray the house down for us first? It's right there." Special Agent Cartero pointed toward the house.

  "In case you haven't noticed this entire part of the State has been having drought conditions for years. A fire like this could burn hundreds of acres before we stop it. That is much more important than a crime scene. Now tell your men to stand down and let my guys do their damn jobs!"

  "This is my scene Chief Samuels, not yours. My guys will do whatever the hell they want in it!"

  Neither man noticed the occupants of the car approach them.

  "Actually, it's my crime scene now." The former passenger of the car held up his badge and smiled.

  Cartero turned on him like a rabid dog. "And who the hell are you?"

  "Witches Council Enforcement. Smile for the camera." WCE Agent Smith smiled.

  "What camera..." Agent Cartero started to yell and froze.

  Smith looked to his partner. "Thank you, Agent Neo."

  "And you, Agent Smith." Both men started laughing.

  "What made you even pick those names this time?"

  "The look on their faces when they check out badges, of course. Mundies are so much fun sometimes." Neo looked around at the fires. "We really should let the firemen do their jobs."

  "In due time, Neo. Let's find the Magnus's and do something about the Unicorns first. Mundane concerns are not really our problem."

  Chapter 20

  "Unicorns! You brought us here for Unicorns? I have one of the beasts eating grass in the lower quarter of my estate. Why are we really here?" Clearchus, the Vampire Lord, stood at his assigned place.

  "My Lord please calm yourself. The information is in front of you in your briefing. What everything boils down to is this. Millenniums ago, the Dragons invaded the halls of discovery and traveled to the furthest reaches of time and space. Each of our races has encountered them throughout history. At one time, they even ruled here on Earth. Of this, we are completely sure. One such place was Tir na Nog. That universe held it's own for centuries by the strength and will of a partnership bound in blood. Unicorns and Fae joined together to defeat a common enemy." Marcella leaned on the podium staring down at her fellow representatives.

  Lord Fionnbarr sat at the opposite end of the table with his arms crossed over his chest. He didn't look amused. Secretly Marcella smiled. This should shake him up a bit.

  "The Fae called themselves the Fir Bolg or Firbolg. They ruled most of what became the British Isles until Lord Fionnbarrs people invaded them. The Tuatha Dé Danann defeat the Fir Bolg in a battle lasting four days wasn't it My Lord?" Marcella nodded to the Fae warrior.


  "The Fir Bolg then split their forces into two groups. One is allowed to stay in Ireland the other was banished into the mists. They called themselves the Laighin. They found a doorway into another world and escaped. But you already knew this Lord Fionnbarr. Correct?"

  "Aye. Yes. The Fir Bolg were our enemies, and we allowed them to depart. Nuada, our leader at the time insisted. What does this fable have to do with Unicorns?" Lord Fionnbarr didn't look happy.

  "They escaped to Tir na Nog which is where the Unicorns were fighting Dragons to the death. The Unicorns had a complete society with lore keepers, healers, warriors, and wizards. Seeing this, the Fir Bolg joined in their war and drove the Dragons from their lands. I have in my possession a scroll written by Tuired of the Fir Bolg describing the Unicorn race. They are as intelligent as humans. Maybe even more so. For over a thousand years, they have been hunted for their horns, but still, they survive. Even as captives of the Humans they have kept their culture alive. I move to add them to this council and to free them from slavery wherever possible."

  Lord Bowie cleared his throat and stood. "A single document whatever its providence isn't enough to add to this council, Milady Blackmore."

  There was a loud creak and Lord Roven the Gargoyle woke up. "I second that statement."

  "Fine. Robert, if you may?" Marcella motioned to Consul Robert Moore.

  The Consul stepped forward with a stack of binders balanced in one hand. He quickly placed one in front of each councilor.

  "This is the report written by the Magical Crimes Division of the FBI concerning Unicorns and what they recently learned about how they were treated, and the culture they still have. The notes are quite extensive." She watched as the various leaders flipped through the books.

  "I vote to accept them onto this Council." All eyes at the table turned to a gnarled-looking little man at the end of the table.

  Lord Vestri who sat opposite him, commented to the old Indian. "Really? Why do you vote now?"

  Peter Oldrock leaned back in his chair. "The tribal nations have met the woman who wrote this document. If she says this is so, we will abide by it. The horned beasts were thought to be a plague upon the land by my people. We refused the cries of our neighbors and spurned our own children because of it. Some of those committed horrible deeds in our name because of it. For that, we will atone. Giving new life to the horned ones is one such step."

  "I second the nomination." Marcella looked toward the voice in shock. Lady Derketo was the only other female on the Council, and she was new, at least in the eyes of the others. Mer people only gained a seat in the 1980's. Forty years is but a blink in the lifetimes of some like the Vampire Lord.

  Lord Clearchus suddenly stood up from the table. He waved the Unicorn report at Marcella. "I demand an investigation of this report!"

  "My Lord, you cannot investigate the FBI again. They have done nothing wrong." Lord Bowie looked over at him.

  "Not the FBI. This! Right here!" Everyone watched as the ancient Vampire ripped a page out of the book. "Who is this person?"

  Consul Robert Moore bent over the table and looked at the page number of the chunk in the vampire's hand. "Page three-hundred and twelve, Milady."

  The rest of the Council quickly turned the pages to the end and began to read. "Who or what is a supervisory committee?"

  "That is our doing, Lord Vestri. When we allowed the Magical Crimes Division to be created, we placed several of our Senators over it. Better to be sure politically." Marcella reread the section of the report. "Lord Clearchus, I fail to see the issue. Yes, there was a Vampire involved, but we have discussed this woman before. She is the crime scene specialist that has worked amongst the humans since the Demon War. Her name is Anastasia."

  "Silly woman. You don't see it, do you?" The Vampire cursed in some ancient tongue not spoken by the others. "There is no Magick on this Earth or the others that can block the rays of the Sun. Our entire lives are ruled by it. Only those that have achieved near immortality can resist the call. How is this woman awake and aware enough to conduct this raid? She is listed as the tactical coordinator. This raid was conducted in the middle of the day. Only five, including me, survived the Purge. Who is this woman really?"

  Marcella reread the passage yet again. "We have discussed her. Your own investigative service cleared her as did ours. Why is this information not listed here?"

  Consul Rune stepped forward. "My Lord. I wrote the previous report on the Vampire called Anastasia. None of this was revealed to me. How did I not notice this?" The younger Vampire cocked her head to one side.

  The older Vampire grasped the Consul's arm and stared into her eyes. "Bah! You've been tampered with. Bring this woman to me, and I will vote these beasts in. Bring her to me, and you may have any vote cleared by me. How dare an Elder hide from us when they are needed so desperately!"

  Marcella looked down at the report trying to see what the ancient Vampire was seeing. She herself had done research into ways for Vampires to walk in daylight and failed. How had this fact been ignored for so long? Anastasia was hired by J Edgar Hoover himself. According to records, she had worked for the FBI for more than seventy years! In all that time, no one noticed she could stay awake in sunlight. Did Agatha know? The only way to resolve this was t
o bring her in.

  "Consuls? Please activate your networks and locate the Vampire know as Anastasia, and bring her to us for questioning. Inform your people that this is a request and she is not to be harmed."

  "Will that satisfy you my Lord Clearchus?" Marcella asked.


  " other news, rogue forest fires in Montana's Northern regions are being blamed on an FBI bust gone wrong. Local fire departments are accusing the Fort Benton FBI office of preventing them from gaining the upper hand over the fires while they were small. The FBI is citing security issues for not commenting on the blaze." Ana switched off the television and sat down.

  According to Cat, she and Agatha got out of there just before the Witches Council rolled in and zapped everyone. Even the local boys don't know why they were there in the first place. All of the evidence from the ranch had completely disappeared.

  Feeling a vibration on the desk, Ana picked up her phone. The number wasn't one she knew, so she looked at it with suspicion. Only a very select number of people knew her number. "Hello."

  She listened to the voice on the other end of the line for a moment. "Yes. I understand. Thank you, my dear. Do not contact me again. Remember to wash your trolley today."

  Consul Rune stared at the phone in her hand. Why was it even out of her purse? She replaced it and continued to dig into the council records.

  The Vampire known as Anastasia sighed and looked out the window of her bus. The World Council was demanding her attendance. Carefully, she weighed her options. Of all her plans, this one was the hardest for which to prepare. The Council had a very long reach. If she intended to stay on the side of the angels, running was going to be hard. Fighting was worse. Turning herself in? Not an option.

  "Ivan? Time for plan Zeta. Yes, I'm completely serious. Set the thermite charges and run. Meet me at the first location. Assume that the Witches Council and all members of Law Enforcement will be looking. I'll meet you there."

  She looked around the bus shaking her head. "I never got to even take it on vacation."

  Carrying just a small overnight bag, Anastasia stepped out of the bus she had called home and got into a local taxicab three blocks away. In the middle of the day, out in the sun.

  When Agatha came calling several hours later, she found the doors wide open and Ana missing. A note was pinned to the bathroom mirror. "Seventy years of my life is gone like a soap bubble. Don't search for me. Some secrets shouldn't see the light of day. It's been fun."

  It was only after she had called her grandmother that she truly understand what was to come.


  Welcome to the Federal Witch Universe. This series and its spin offs keep making it bigger and bigger. First we had just Agatha and Fergus. Now there's Cat, Chuck, Mongo, Bill, and Anastasia. Zhanna has come onto the stage as well. There will be very little interaction between Zhanna and Agatha due to real world rules. An FBI Agent with a personal relationship with a foreign national is a no go in todays world. Why should it be any different in the Alternate-world they inhabit? There will be moments though. Taki and I will make sure they are all on the same page together.

  Night of the Unicorn has been about Fergus and his Herd. I do extensive research for all my books. Tons of it. Unicorns are very interesting in that there is very little history to go with them. So I made some up. There is a method to my madness and plans within plans. Almost every place I mention may be revisited in some fashion or another. It's the same with the Unicorns. Fergus is eternal when it comes to Agatha and her stories. The other Unicorns will have their history expanded before too long. That brings us to Fergus. His origin Story appeared in an Anthology called Cupid's Bow. I was asked to write a romantic story by some friends for a little book they were putting together. I don't really do romance so I did Unicorns in love. Fergus got a girlfriend and met Agatha for the first time. You can find that book on Amazon Here.

  That brings us to the future of the series. I have a plan for twelve books and titles with plots for nine so far. I'm not totally sure what is coming but it's going to be big. Fergus has grown in his time with Agatha and will get some adventures of his own. There won't be a Marcella book but she will get an entire series of Cookbooks in her name. Two are completed and two more are on the way very soon. Zhanna has been fun to write with my Co author Taki Drake. She has a great deal more to tell us so expect more from her and from something called the Badger Hole Bar Universe.

  What is the Badger Hole Bar? That is a question for the ages. It was an idea that came about when you stick about thirty writers on a conference call and allow them to brainstorm. The group was Phoenix Prime and I'm one of the Mentors for that group. They recently were in a multi-University competition that pitted Indie writers against Masters Students learning to be writers. The competition was a double blind so no one knew anyone. Including the Judges. The indie team smoked them in all categories. Eventually there will be a University Press paper detailing it which I will share when and if I can get my hands on it. But for now watch out for those writers because they will do great things. Back to the Badger Hole. It's a pocket universe connected to a series of portals called the hall of doors that transcend time and space. Think Multi-Universes spread out through time. If you are Dr Who fans you will understand. The bartender is an Alien. The librarian is a talking Owl assisted by a man born thousands of years ago. It is not unusual for a man to fight with a sword and still shoot his laser pistol. It's a bucket full of fun that I have already written about it you have been paying attention.

  Beyond that there is so much to do. Alpha Class Three is on my agenda next as well as a New Athena Lee book. And then there is Mongo. You might remember him from the Federal Witch series. He's out of the FBI now and working as a Private Eye. Check out his new short story in a mystery anthology. I've included it along with a snippet at the back of this book. That is just the tip of the iceberg for me. So much to do so little time.

  Check out what's Next

  Anastasia has worked for the FBI since J Edgar Hoover recruited her himself. But who is she really? The World Species Council has called for her to present herself. But she can't do that and expect to survive. Her secret is about to be revealed and even her friends don't know the whole story. Get ready for all the Vampire's secret to be revealed in Invisible Elder!

  Coming Soon in 2017!

  We first met Mongo in Conjuring Quantico. Since then he had to leave the FBI. Now he's a Private investigator in Huntsville, Alabama. He's just taken his first big case but he only has eyes for the client! What he doesn't know is she is using him to get what she wants. Here's a small taste of the story....

  My stomach growled a little as she placed the big bowl of pasta on the table as well as a cold drink for me. She placed a large steaming cup in front of dad.

  "How can you drink that?"

  He looked over the steaming cup and frowned at me. "Tradition, son. We have discussed this before. If you look at our history, older polar bears subsist on the rich fat of seals and other sea creatures. It's the young such as you that require all the food. Besides I eat barbecue all day. This is just my treat."

  I turned my head so as not see my father drink the steaming cup of Jackalope fat and grease. Dad was a traditionalist.

  Still shuddering I turned to mom. "I got a case today."

  "Did you really? That's nice Mongo."

  "Ask him about the sow that kissed him today. You listen to your old man, Mongo. That sow smells like trouble to me." Beorn took another deep drink of his fat.

  "Mom, tell him to stop calling her a sow! She's my first client."

  "Mongo. I..." My mother practically stuttered to a stop.

  "You need to get your nose checked boy. Those drugs have addled you brain as well as your sniffer. Just trust your old dad here. She's nothing but trouble." He drank the last of the fat and dug into the bowl of noodles mom fixed for him.

  Ignoring my stomach I pushed my bowl away. "I'm not hungry.
Don't wait up, I have a case to pursue."

  There are many things in my life I regret and my reasons for leaving the FBI is one of them. I have only my self to blame for it, regardless of what my friends at the time told. I had a California attitude in Squaresville is what the boys from the commune would have said. We only lived there for a short while when I was young but bears are impressionable and free love mixed with drugs is never a good combination.

  Fifty dollars would go a long way to getting my immediate finances under control. This Blaise guy lived about thirty minutes from my parents house. With luck his unit was on the outside and observable from the road. If not I would have to get creative to get inside. Seven foot guys with white hair and Hawaiian shirts sort of stuck out in this part of town.


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