Mastered by the Hired Man

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Mastered by the Hired Man Page 8

by Melissa Harlow

  In a single movement he pulled back and then pushed in again; then repeating it a third time, his chest heaving, his balls clenched up to his thick base, his sack waning, his cum pumping into her.

  Santiago's thrusts became irregular as the last aftershocks of his climax escaped from his body. Dot lifted her head and turned her neck, her lips meeting Santi's as he bent his head to her, passionately working her lips and tongue with Santiago's, with a needy opening and closing of her mouth.

  The way Santiago simply took from her exactly what he wanted was spellbinding. Santi seemed to completely master her, and yet she responded as if she loved everything about him.

  If only ... If only somehow Carlos could be with Ms. Lenore, just like that, exactly like that. Taking exactly what he wanted.

  Carlos still watched as Santi lifted himself off his Dot's back, catching a glimpse of the cum that was oozing from Dot. Her pussy's downy hair was matted and wet, her lips open, sodden with both her and Santi's juices.

  He gazed in the dark hall staring at Dot, finally seeing a full view of her bare naked breasts for the first time, without Santiago's head, mouth and hands in the way as she rolled over on to her stomach and reached out to touch Santiago's cheek. Santiago never turned in Carlos' direction, as if he had completely forgotten Carlos was, or had ever been there.

  His own cock was dripping. He was afraid to move, as if only the slightest friction from the thin fabric of his boxer shorts would make him explode in orgasm.

  He closed his eyes for a few moments and then took a step back. When he finally felt he could walk again he retreated quietly to his room and closed the door. He sat shakily on the edge of the bed trying to calm himself.

  "Carlos!" Santiago shouted.

  "Wh ... what?"

  "Come here."

  He went back to Santiago's doorway and peered in, expecting them to have gotten dressed. They were not. Santiago was sitting on the edge of the bed and Dot was sprawled out naked beside him. She smiled at Carlos and giggled drunkenly.

  "Hey Carlos," she smiled.

  "Hey." He looked to Santiago, uncertain what else to say.

  "Come on in. Join the party, bro," Santi reached to the table beside him, picked up a plastic cup and took a long drink.

  Carlos shook his head. "It's late, we have work in the morning. I should be getting to sleep."

  Santiago grinned. "You weren't thinking about sleep ten minutes ago."

  Carlos felt his face burning with embarrassment. He didn't want Dot to know that he'd watched, he wished that Santiago hadn't seen him; in fact, he wished he wouldn't have done it at all.

  "What were you doing, Carlos?" Dot teased. She eased her legs open wider, smiling at him. "Were you being a bad boy?"

  "I wasn't..."

  The front door of the trailer flew open, and Carlos spun around, finding himself face to face with James Acheson.

  "You boys sure keep some late hours," James remarked. He strolled up the hallway and stood next to Carlos.

  Dot gathered up the sheet and covered herself. Apparently she wasn't as eager to lay buck naked for Mr. James as she was for Carlos.

  "Who's this?" she asked warily.

  "Our boss..." Santiago began.

  "I'll make this brief," Mr. Acheson interrupted. "Tomorrow after the horses are taken care of, you both are to report to the house."

  Carlos' heart hammered. Both. What was Mr. James up to now? This had to have something to do with Lenore.

  "You came barging in here in the middle of the night to tell us that?" Santiago said.

  "First of all, I'm not barging in. I own this trailer, I own this farm, I own every fucking thing for as far as your eyes can see, and I will do whatever I want on my property. I don't recall giving you permission to bring guests here either," he snapped, glancing at Dot.

  "You begrudge a man having a little time with a lady?" Santiago said coolly.

  "Actually, that's what I'm here to speak to you about. Tomorrow, I would like you two to entertain my wife."

  Carlos' heart sank. He'd been stupid to think that Ms. Lenore cared for him. He could already imagine Santiago doing to her all of the things that he had just done with Dot. He looked over at Mr. James, trying to understand why a man who had a woman like Ms. Lenore would care so little for her.

  "Entertain?" Santiago repeated, raising an eyebrow.

  "I think he wants you to fuck her," Dot said, lighting a cigarette. She didn't seem flustered; Carlos thought that she almost appeared to think that this was funny.

  Mr. James tossed two hundred dollar bills on the nightstand by Santiago's bed. "Smart girl you have there," he said. "One's for you, one is for Carlos," he gestured towards the crisp bills.

  "You're offering to pay them to screw your wife?" Dot said incredulously. She giggled. "I don't know why you're always complaining about work, Santi!" Her face sobered and she looked at Mr. James. "Santiago isn't interested."

  "This is a joke, right?" Santiago demanded.

  "No, it's not a joke. Ask Carlos ... except that Carlos decided that he didn't need to be paid any extra today."

  "Shit bro, you turned down a shot at Mr. Acheson's wife?" Santiago asked.

  "No," James answered for him. "He turned down the money. He did, however, graciously accept my wife's blowjob."

  Santiago burst out laughing and looked over at Carlos. "Shit! This is crazy. Okay, so I'm going to ask the obvious question. Which one of us gets her first?"

  "There is no first." Mr. James said. "It's both of you ... at the same time."

  Carlos couldn't speak. His stomach felt sick. He would not do this, not ever.

  "I don't know..." Santi said, glancing over at Dot. "I guess we could..."

  Dot frowned and hit Santiago in the arm. "You don't get enough from the ones you cheat on me with? You have to screw your boss' wife too?" She looked over at Mr. James. "And you? What kind of woman are you married to?"

  "One who knows her place," Mr. James said coolly.

  Santiago seemed to bristle at that remark. He jerked the sheet from Dot, leaving her naked. Dot crossed her arms over her bare breasts glaring at Santiago.

  "Mine knows her place," Santiago announced. "Look at her. She's every bit as pretty as that snobby wife of yours and she does whatever I tell her."

  "Really?" Mr. James laughed, seeming more interested in Dot. "Have you ever been with a woman?" he asked her.

  "Why would I want to be? I like men."

  "As does my wife, but if it is required she will do whatever she is asked. That was always one of my favorite things to watch. " He smiled at Santiago. "Maybe you feel the same, Santiago? Which, I must admit, would make for a very interesting situation – if you had a more willing young lady. Perhaps one day you will be able to take charge of your woman and master her properly."

  "Master?" Dot laughed. That would be the day. I'm not a fucking doormat, I know how to say no."

  "No?" Mr. James chuckled. "My wife is not permitted to say no. My wife does not say no, not to me, and she is far from being a doormat. She is a submissive, something I don't know that you would understand. It takes strength to submit, not weakness. There is nothing weak about my wife."

  He turned back to Santiago, smiling smugly. "Well now, Santiago, do you think that you would be available to entertain my wife, or do you need some more time to talk it over with your boss?"

  Santi's eyes burned black. "I'll be glad to fuck your wife," he said. His eyes narrowed, and he glanced over at Dot. "Did you hear that? I'm going to fuck Mrs. Acheson."

  Dot glared back at him. "Fuck her then. I don't care what you do!"

  Mr. James laughed. "You could come along too, my dear, if you'd like."

  Carlos' hand trembled with the urge to hit James Acheson as hard as he could. They were all disgusting, talking about Ms. Lenore like she was nothing, like she had no feelings. What kind of man treated his wife like that? He turned away from them in revulsion, and started up the hall to his room.

  "Carlos?" Mr. James called after him. "You are planning on being there tomorrow?"

  "No, I don't want any more to do with this. I'm sure you can embarrass and humiliate your wife without my help."

  "Whatever I decide that Lenore is going to do, she is going to do, whether you are there or not. And you would disappoint her? Even knowing that she cares for you? Even knowing that it is you that she really wants?"

  "I don't want to see it," Carlos admitted without turning back to face him.

  "See what? Her with Santiago?" Mr. James laughed. "Do you think I wanted to see her with you? To know that she's in love with you? To know that she'd rather be with you than she would me?"

  "So now you are going to punish her?"

  "Be there tomorrow, Carlos, or you can go and find another job."

  Carlos slammed his bedroom door closed behind him.

  Sitting on the edge of his bed, he put his head in his hands wishing he had somewhere else to go, wishing he could leave this place right now and take Ms. Lenore with him.

  He knew that tomorrow he would do what James Acheson told him to do and he went back to staring at that nail, thinking what a fucking coward he was.


  Surprises, it turned out, are not always nice. At least not this one; it was terrifying, and Lenore Acheson was not a woman who was easily terrified.

  She was straddled on Carlos' lap, belly to belly, her knees hugging Carlos' hips, on the edge of the massive wingback chair. She lowered herself on him slowly, and she touched him, her hands grasping his broad shoulders. He felt solid and hot, and his skin was smooth and faintly damp.

  His hands braced her hips. "Go slow," he said softly, "I don't want to hurt you."

  Lenore almost laughed at the irony of that. Didn't he know why Santiago was here too? James wanted to make damn sure one of them hurt her.

  His hands cupped her bare ass and pulled her tighter against his hard body and aroused cock and he gave a low groan.

  The engorged head slid in the opening of her pussy, pressing up, and she felt her inner muscles resist the unnatural widening but she let her legs relax until he was fully inside of her.

  Inside of her. If it weren't for the knowledge of what was going to happen next she could have come from only this.

  "Don't move, Carlos," James instructed.

  Even the pleasure of Carlos inside of her did not seem worth the price that James had placed on this act. Carlos' rough hands teased her breasts, gently pinching and squeezing her nipples while she drank in the pleasure of the fullness inside of her. Did he know? Had James told him what was going to happen next? Lenore suspected that he did, because there was worry in his eyes.

  She wanted to come, and she tried not to think of anything beyond that. If she had to pay she was going to come. She wriggled and squirmed, seeking relief by working herself further onto Carlos' cock, rewarded when he arched his hips giving her more.

  From somewhere in the room she heard James laugh. "Look at you, Lenore! Humping him like a dog. Be still slut, you haven't paid for that privilege yet."

  She heard a noise behind her, the jingle of a belt buckle and the hiss of a zipper, and her heart raced.

  Carlos regarded her with a serious expression. "Why are you doing this?"

  She leaned towards him until her lips touched his ear. She whispered – not wanting anyone else, especially James, to hear her words. "Because, this is what James required of me if I want to have you, and I obey him." Her voice dropped, until it was nearly inaudible. "And I would do anything for you, Carlos."

  Lenore felt the tremor that went through his body, intense enough that his cock vibrated inside of her.

  Cruel fingers parted her ass cheeks, seeking the tight rim of her anus. Humiliation grew as a finger slipped inside, oiled and slippery, relentless and probing, causing her to press tighter to Carlos as she tried to avoid it.

  A cry of pain and indignity escaped her as one finger became two, buried to the second knuckle, working with a steady pressure past her ring of muscle, stretching, pulling.

  "Just so there's no question," James said, "You do know what the cost is Lenore?"

  Panic rose, choked her, and silenced her. She looked at Carlos, trying to detach herself from everything else that was going on. Sunlight streamed in through the office window, accentuating how black and shiny his long hair was. She stared at him for several moments, admiring. Worshiping. Long ago she had lost herself in James' world, James' desires, and she'd forgotten any of her own. Until Carlos.

  "Yes, I know."

  Santiago grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head back.

  "Do you like that?" Santiago said, his finger bending painfully inside of her. She gasped and clenched her muscles tight at the unpleasant sensation, and Carlos groaned.

  "Makes her pussy tighter, don't it Carlos?" Santiago laughed. "Just think how tight she'll clamp down on your cock when mine's up her ass."

  Santiago's breath was hot on the back of her neck. "I'm going to fuck your ass hard, baby," he growled against her skin, working in yet another finger. Or was it two more? It hurt, and it seemed like his fingers were huge. "I'm your master right now, aren't I, Lenore?"

  Lenore could feel her body shaking, and she waited for James to intervene. Hadn't he let this go far enough? She'd proved that she would do this, was he really going to actually allow it to happen?

  The offending fingers were gone, replaced by the pressure of the smooth head of Santiago's cock. His movements were slow, but she assumed that this was not for her comfort, only to prolong the act. Slow thrusts buried Santiago deeper in her ass, filling her, pushing the walls wider, beyond anything it was meant to endure, or so it would seem, based on the pain that shot through her.

  She completely lost her nerve and her composure as he pushed forward harder, and she began to struggle, only to feel his hands gripping her hips.

  "That's not all of it," Santiago spat. "You're going to take it all." He thrust his hips forward, his fingers digging unmercifully into her skin, pulling her back, driving his cock deeper into her ass.

  She fought harder to wriggle away, for a moment forgetting that she had given up the right to chose what she wanted a long time ago.

  "Hold her still, Carlos," James barked.

  "No," Carlos said, his voice shaking. "If she doesn't want to do this, don't make her."

  She heard James' unsteady footfalls on the hardwood floor. Something splashed on her face and she realized that James had spit on Carlos.

  "You worthless, spineless, piece of shit!" James shouted. "You will do what I fucking tell you to do or you pack your things and get the fuck off of my property! I said hold her fucking still you fucking coward!"

  Carlos' tortured eyes met hers and she forced herself to smile reassuringly at him.

  "I'm sorry," he whispered.

  Lenore pressed her lips to his ear pretending James and Santiago weren't there.

  "It's okay, I told you, I'll do anything for you, Carlos," she whispered. If she could have been bolder she would have told him the truth, that she loved him. Love, what did she know about that anyway? In her world, love was a twisted, bizarre thing. Maybe she had no idea what love was, but when she looked at Carlos she knew she felt something.

  Carlos' hands wrapped around her sides, he held her, but there was no force in his grip. Compared to Santiago's fingers that were crushing and bruising her hips, Carlos' grasp was like a whisper against her skin.

  She couldn't struggle now. Couldn't show James that Carlos hadn't heeded him. She held her body stiff, accepting what was happening as if she was unable to move, pretending that Carlos' grasp was impossible to escape...

  "Nowhere to go now, is there?" Santiago said. "Get ready, here it comes." He rammed his hips brutally forward.

  She felt Santiago's coarse pubic hair brushing against her crack and allowed herself to relax a little, knowing he was all the way inside. He was bigger than James, but thankfully nowhere near a
s large as Carlos.

  Her body jerked in pain as he pulled back and thrust into her harshly. Santiago laughed at her whimper and did it again, harder. She understood, he was trying to hurt her. She drew strength from that understanding, and she resolved to not give him the satisfaction.

  "You going to cry?" Santiago asked mockingly.

  Lenore focused on Carlos' face, on the sadness in his eyes, and the way the corners of his mouth turned down. She ached to kiss him, but that was forbidden.

  "Fuck you, Santiago," she said, turning her head to the side just far enough to glimpse his face, to meet his eyes – that, as always, seemed to burn with hatred. "Why would I cry? Do it however you want. Whatever gets you off, just fucking do it and get it over with" She leaned back towards Carlos and laid her head against his shoulder, burying her face in his hair and breathing in his scent.

  Santiago thrust back in so hard that he shoved all the air from her lungs. She could feel her body react to the painful intrusion by tensing and tightening. He pussy squeezed Carlos' cock each time Santiago thrust forward, and Carlos made small sounds in his throat.

  She concentrated on those sounds, the twitching of his cock, and the fact that she was pleasing Carlos. She thought only of Carlos' hard warmth filling her, and the brush of his pubic hair against her clit.

  It worked for a while, but the longer Santiago continued, the more the pain intensified. Somehow her body began to welcome the abuse. Pleasure, pain – sometimes in her fucked-up mind she couldn't determine the difference. Perhaps this was what she deserved anyway, to pay for her actions in the stable, for allowing herself to take any pleasure from the man who now ravaged her ass.

  Experimentally she pushed back against Santiago, and found that if she did so, she could move on Carlos. What was a punishment was also a reward. She rocked back against Santiago harder, working her ravenous pussy against Carlos.

  "That's it Lenore," James wheezed. "Fuck them, fuck them both, you little whore."

  And she did. Depravity, darkness, what did it matter? James had made her this way, turned her into this sexual beast. Lenore bit hard into her bottom lip, fighting to keep silent, to quell the sounds she wanted to make.


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