Saving Scotty

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Saving Scotty Page 5

by Jocoby, Annie

  After a little while, Mr. Lucas finally pulled out and sat down next to the bed. “Now, Scotty, I guess you are wondering how it is that I got all of this wealth.”

  I said nothing, but just nodded my head. I was curious about that, to tell the truth.

  “I became a hedge fund manager. I knew that as a trader, I would never obtain the wealth that I truly desire. And I did obtain this wealth, as you can see.”

  “What happened to Elle?” I was wondering this, as I saw no evidence of her around the home. There were no pictures of her or any of her belongings.

  His face darkened at the mention of Elle’s name. “She divorced me, the cunt. But she got nothing from me. I made sure of that.” And then he smiled. “I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that somehow Elle might be the key to you getting out of here. Well, don’t even think that, because that won’t happen. She’s afraid of me. She knows what I am capable of.”

  I didn’t even think about that angle, to be honest. That Elle might hold the key to my release from this prison. Of course, I had no idea how that would even happen. It wasn’t like I had anybody at home who even cared enough to contact her to find out information about Mr. Lucas. My mother couldn’t stay sober for long enough to try to figure something like that out. And Jack didn’t have the resources to try to find me.

  The only person who was smart enough and wealthy enough to try to find me would have been Nick. And I say “would have” because I knew that he didn’t care enough. I thought, at one time, that he did care about me. I thought that he even loved me. But he showed his true colors, and he showed them rather quickly. We weren’t even together for one month before he took up with the evil witch. That woman. She nauseated me as much as Mr. Lucas did at that point.

  I sighed. I felt so hopeless, so defeated. I was in love with a man who could care less about me. I let my guard down and let him in, and now, all I could think about was him. And he was probably with her. Her. That awful woman who went out of her way to make my life a living hell.

  I looked out the window again. I couldn’t stand to look at Mr. Lucas’ evil face for one second more. I also had to hide my tears from him.

  I couldn’t let him win.

  Chapter 10


  The plane landed at Dulles at 10 o’clock. It had been a long day, to say the least, but I was completely wired. I was looking forward to seeing Ryan, because he could help me try to figure out a plan to find out where Scotty was, and he could give me an objective eye on the situation. I was too emotionally involved. I knew that. Ryan was good because he would be able to keep his emotions out of it.

  I didn’t have any baggage, as I left for Dulles straight from Nate’s office, so I skipped the baggage claim and made a beeline to Moe’s Bar and Grill. Ryan was already there, waiting for me.

  I sat down.

  “Buddy,” he said. “No offense, but you don’t look so good.”

  “I feel like shit,” I said. “I had the worst headache of my life when I woke up this morning, and now I’m under extreme stress just thinking about what is happening to my Scotty.”

  “What caused your headache in the first place?”

  “Long story. But suffice to say, there is a Fatal Attraction who works in my office, and I’m 99% sure that she drugged me. Why she would drug me, I don’t know. I haven’t had the energy to think about that. I’ve just been focused on saving Scotty. Once I know she’s safe, I can concentrate on what happened to me in Portia’s office.”

  “Of course, that has to be your major concern here.”

  “So, I’ve been trying to think on the plane about how to approach Elle,” I said. “I mean, I can’t just go in there and demand to know info about her ex-husband. Can I?”

  “Well, you can, but the situation might call for something a bit more subtle. Which isn’t your strong suit.”

  “That’s an understatement. What are you thinking about?”

  “I can approach her with the ruse of wanting to work with her on Dalilah’s Friends. I was doing a bit of research on her firm, myself, and one of their major concerns is animal welfare. And, I even found an Elle who pilots a project that is involved with lobbying senators to enact legislation restricting puppy mills. So, that is perfect.”

  “What are the odds?” I asked, feeling relieved. I was doing research myself when I was on the plane, but I found myself distracted and unable to focus. I had to shake off the emotional veil that was clouding my thoughts and brain, but, if I couldn’t, it was great having Ryan here to help me out.

  The waitress came around and delivered us two beers, and I asked Ryan “So, you go in there as a cold contact with the ruse that you want to work with her on the puppy mill issue. And where do you go from there?”

  “Well, here is the sticky part. But, I cleared it all with Iris, so it’s good to go. I’m probably going to have to take her to dinner or something, so that we can ‘discuss business,’” he said. “And then somehow steer the conversation to Paul. Not sure if that will work, but it’s worth a shot.”

  “At this point, anything is worth a shot. But how are you going to steer the conversation to that?”

  “Play it by ear, I guess. Paul is probably a sore subject with her, to say the least, so it’s going to be delicate.”

  I took a deep breath. I really wanted to be in on this entire scenario. But I wasn’t at all sure how that would be managed. “Okay,” I said, “that sounds like a decent preliminary plan. But I really want to be in on it. Do you think that things might go south if I’m there posing as somebody from Dalilah’s Friends as well?”

  Ryan looked thoughtful for a second. “That might be risky, but I understand your wanting to be involved.” He shrugged. “Why not? The only thing is that she might recognize you. You have been featured in a number of different publications, some of which are those that somebody like her might read. Like the Wall Street Journal and Forbes.”

  “Yeah, I thought about that, too,” I said. “I suppose it would be silly if I donned a disguise?”

  “Sure, that might work. Dye your hair black and get some thick glasses.”


  After I went to a hotel room, and donned a pair of glasses and dyed my hair jet black with a temporary coloring gel, Ryan and I made our way to Hollister and Kennedy. The worst that could happen at that point would be that Elle wouldn’t be able to see us. After all, we were cold calling. But Ryan had an ace up his sleeve – he would offer to donate $10 million to the politicians that Elle was working with, with the understanding that these donations were coming from her, in hopes of securing favorable legislation. The beauty of this plan was that Ryan probably would have donated this money, anyhow, as this was one of the functions of his foundation.

  That this money would really be used to secure Elle’s attention was an excellent side-benefit. And, with this plan underway, there was a much better than even chance that Elle would magically be able to make time for us.

  Money talks. Always.

  We got to the building that housed the Hollister and Kennedy lobbyists, and went to the 22nd Floor of the gleaming new building on I Street that housed this firm and several other ones. It was more of a boutique concern than a large one, so there was a good chance that we might be able to secure her attention.

  The receptionist took one look at Ryan and her entire face lit up. He always got that reaction, and I did too, usually. But I was well aware that I looked like a total geek at that point in time.

  “May I help you?” she asked, leaning over her station a little so that Ryan could look down her shirt, if he wanted to.

  Ryan being Ryan, he had no desire to look down her shirt.

  “Yes, my name is Ryan Gallagher,” he said, handing her his card. “I’m the CEO of an animal rights foundation that is just getting started. I understand you have an individual on your staff, Elle Parsons, who is involved in some activity concerning puppy mills?”

  The receptionist nodded her h
ead. “Yes, Elle Parsons. What is your visit concerning?”

  “My foundation is set up to work with lobbyists on animal rights causes. We’d be very interested in setting up some kind of partnership with her, and we would be willing to make donations of $10 million to the politicians that she is working with.”

  At that, the receptionist’s eyes lit up even more. “Just a second, I’ll get her on the line,” she said. She buzzed Elle’s line, and said “A Ryan Gallagher is here to see you.” She nodded her head and looked at us, and then said into the phone “I think you want to take this appointment.”

  She hung up the phone. “Elle will be right out. May I interest you gentleman in a soda or some water?”

  “Sure, a bottled water would be great, if you have it,” Ryan said. “And one for my assistant.”

  We got our bottled waters, and waited. I felt anxiety just sitting there. I wanted to get some action going, and soon. Of course, I was well aware that this rigmarole was entirely necessary, but that didn’t make things any easier. Scotty was suffering, even as we stood there. I tried not to think about it, but it was always on my mind.

  Finally, Elle appeared. She was a petite blonde woman, and very attractive in a Gwen Stefani type of way. Red lipstick, platinum hair, and was wearing a vintage Chanel suit in pink. She had the same reaction to seeing Ryan as did the receptionist, although she tried to hide it just a little bit.

  She extended her hand. “Hello,” she said, “I’m Elle Parsons. I understand that you have a business proposition for me?”

  “Yes,” Ryan said. “My name is Ryan Gallagher, and this is my assistant, Nico Pirelli. May we meet with you in your office?”

  She nodded her head, and led the way.

  We headed back to her enormous office, and sat down to talk to her.

  She looked at Ryan. “So,” she said, “I confess that I was trying to place your face and name. Then I realized that I read about your foundation in the PAWS Chicago magazine. I remember seeing a profile of your new foundation. Very interesting. I’m glad that you got in contact with me.”

  I took a breath. This might be easier than I thought.

  Ryan looked at me and then looked back at Elle. “Okay,” he said. “I know that this is a sudden, cold call, but I was hoping that maybe we could have dinner and discuss a possible partnership between my foundation and your lobbying concerns.”

  Elle fluttered her eyelashes a little and smiled. I looked at Ryan, and he looked vaguely uncomfortable, but, to the untrained eye, he looked unruffled. I knew him so well, though, that I could always see the subtle cues on his face. I knew that he was most likely uncomfortable with this woman, who was so openly flirting with him.

  “Certainly. When would you be interested in meeting?”

  “Tonight, if possible.”

  She nodded her head. “That could certainly be arranged. How about meeting me at Nora’s at 7 tonight?”

  “That would be great. Do you mind if Nico comes along?”

  “No, of course not,” she said, looking at me. Thus far, I hadn’t said a word. This was Ryan’s area, so it was safest if he did all the talking.

  We left her office and immediately did a little bit of research on Nora’s. It turned out that this was an organic restaurant that had a variety of dishes that were vegan, which was important, as Ryan became a vegan after he got his foundation and sanctuary up and running. And, since I, too, was posing as an animal rights guy, I had to walk the walk as well. So, there were many dishes that we could choose from at this place.

  We headed back to the hotel and went to the bar and had a scotch. I had to try to decompress, but it was so difficult. I hated that this was taking so long. Scotty needed me, dammit. Yet, here I was, having drinks with Ryan, as casual as you please. Later on that night, I would be having a delicious dinner. It didn’t seem right that I would be wining and dining while Scotty was god-knows-where with that evil, evil man.

  Ryan seemed to understand. “Don’t worry, Nick. I know that this is frustrating. But it seems that Elle might be our best bet in helping you find her.”

  “I know that. I know. But I can’t stand the thought that she’s somewhere, frightened, alone and hopeless. She probably thinks that nobody will be coming for her. And I can’t stand thinking what that sub-human is doing to her.”

  Ryan shuddered a little. “I know how she feels. All too well. I know that it’s hard, but try not to think about it. Just think about getting the information we need from Elle, so that we can find Scotty. And we’ll find her. I promise you this.”

  I took a deep breath.

  7 PM couldn’t come soon enough.

  Chapter 11


  It seemed that I had been in this place forever, but, in reality, I think that it was only a few days. I was still hazy from the painkillers, so this dulled the horror a little bit. That and the fact that I retreated within myself was the only ways that I could have survived what was happening to me.

  However, one day, Mr. Lucas actually decided to have a bit of a heart. “You need some fresh air, my little love bird,” he said. “So, I’m going to take you outside.”

  I looked at him quizzically. I couldn’t believe that he actually was taking a little bit of sympathy on me. But I said nothing to him. I never said much, if anything, to him. Sometimes this annoyed him, such as the day that he hit me and slapped me. Sometimes he was unfazed by my non-communication.

  Today, thank god, was one of the days that he didn’t seem to mind my lack of communication with him.

  He picked me up and put me into my wheelchair. “Scotty, we’re going to go to the beach. Imagine that? It’s January, and we’re going to the beach. See, I’m sure that you don’t miss New York anymore, do you?”

  I didn’t say anything, nor did I move my head. I didn’t want him to be able to guess at my thoughts, because I was afraid that, if he did, he would torture me even more than he already was.

  He put a blanket over my legs, and pushed me out the door.

  As we walked along, he was talking. “You know, I’m so happy you’re here. I was devastated when you left our house. Just devastated. I couldn’t understand why you would leave. I thought that we were having fun.”

  I felt chilled just hearing him characterize my stay with him as “fun,” so I took the blanket that was on me and pulled it tighter around my shoulders. Was he really that delusional? Did he really believe that I was enjoying what was happening to me all those nights?

  He ignored my silence and continued on. “It really was fate that brought you back. Right when Elle left me, too. But you know what they say – God closes a door but opens a window.”

  I looked at him with contempt. He was the last person who should be saying anything about “God.” As if he would know anything about God or God’s will or anything like that.

  “And now you’re all grown up, Scotty,” he said. “And we can get married.”

  I felt my heart racing when he said that. I looked at his face, and he didn’t have the usual cruel expression that he had when he addressed me. Rather, he looked calm and cool.

  Finally, I spoke. “You’re serious. You think that I want to marry you?”

  “Yes, I do, Princess. I can give you everything that your heart desires.”

  I just turned back around in my chair, feeling not only mortified but completely violated. I could never believe that anybody could be that delusional to think that there would be a marriage between us, at any point in time.

  “What are you going to do?” he said. “After all, you’re mine from now on. You might as well resign yourself to being with me. I won’t let anything come between us, ever again.”

  I took a deep breath. What I wanted to do was turn around and punch him, but, unfortunately, it was impossible to do. After all, I was still in my chair and he was still pushing me along.

  He pushed me in silence. I had to admit that this place, wherever it was, was beautiful. He pushed me onto the beach,
and I looked at the deep blue water. Parts of the water were actually deep green, instead of blue. It seemed to be, however, one of those touristy places. Meaning, there were many extremely dark-skinned Africans who worked in the shops that lined the streets that were just beyond the white sandy beach. But the visitors were very well-heeled. I saw many luxury cars, such as Bentleys and Lamborghinis, driving the streets, and the men and women were well-groomed and mainly white. I surmised that I was somewhere in the Caribbean, on one of the Afro-Caribbean islands, from the looks of it.

  I felt a little bit better. A bit more oriented to space, if not to time.

  These touristy Third-World countries always astounded me. The extreme poverty of the locals, contrasted with the glittering wealth of the visitors, was something that never seemed right to me, in any way, shape or form. It was the extreme version of wealth inequality. It always seemed to me that everybody should share in the good fortune of the top hotels and resorts, not just the wealthy people who built them.

  Mr. Lucas was still talking to me. “Now, Scotty, I know that you’re worried about your mother and your brother. I could help out with that, if we were married.”

  I turned around and looked at him, wondering what he was talking about.

  “Your mother needs intensive treatment. In-patient treatment. That’s her only hope. I know that she doesn’t have the money for that, but I do. And, just think, if she got better, then she can take proper care of your brother, and you won’t have to worry about that, either.”

  I just stared at him. “Well, that’s true, but I don’t trust you. I don’t think that you would be as good as your word, even if I married you.” I couldn’t believe that I was actually thinking about doing that, but, at the same time, if Mr. Lucas would actually take care of my mother, it would be worth it. Deep down, that was what I always wanted – my mother to be well. I wanted to stop worrying about her all the time. I wanted her to be a mother to Aaron, and, of course, a mother to me. Mr. Lucas appeared to be offering this to me.


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