Convincing Landon

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Convincing Landon Page 7

by Serena Yates

  “Why not?” He could always go for a run in the morning. Right now, nothing seemed more important than showing Landon he wasn’t a complete stick-in-the-mud.

  The nachos tasted better than he’d thought possible. He had a hard time suppressing his moan when the cheesy goodness flooded his taste buds before sliding down his throat and filling his stomach much more effectively than the salad had.

  Landon just grinned and kept pushing the plate back towards him every time he tried to return it. Their main courses soon followed and it was his turn to talk about what had happened in the last several years. He was embarrassed by how little there was to tell. Other than finishing his degree, getting a good job and his first major promotion, nothing had happened in his life. Though he didn’t tell Landon in so many words, the difference between Landon really helping people who needed the support and Kendall’s attempts to make money staggered him.

  Landon didn’t seem to mind and hung on his every word. The subject soon changed, and they were talking about current events, music and what they were reading. It was almost as if nothing had changed. When Landon’s knee bumped his leg and the other man didn’t move away, shivers of excitement travelled up Kendall’s spine. He’d known that he was still attracted to Landon, but was it possible it went both ways?

  It would be so easy to fall back into old patterns of behaviour, but Kendall was determined not to let that happen. He didn’t want to be hurt again, and there was no way this could end well. As tempting as it was to give in to Landon’s more than obvious attempts at flirting, he couldn’t give in. Not only were they on opposing sides of the table in their professional lives, Landon was planning to return to Houston once the project was over and Kendall would be left behind.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Landon’s gaze was intense.

  “Um, sorry, I guess I’m tired.” Kendall pushed his empty plate away and forced himself to stop his lustful thoughts.

  “I’m sorry to have kept you.” Landon’s shoulders slumped. “It was just so good talking to you again. Much better even than I had imagined. And I’ve spent a lot of time imagining this, and more, over the years.”

  “What?” Kendall’s heart started beating faster and his stupid cock perked up. Was it possible that his dream was about to come true? He could practically sense his brain switching off and his heart taking over.

  “Yeah, I’m interested in getting back together. I’ve missed you like crazy and wish I’d never let go of you. I made a big, stupid mistake and I’ve regretted it ever since. I’m more sorry than I can say and will do anything if you could just give me another chance. I want to pick up where we left off and see where we can go together, as a couple.” Landon held out his hand, palm up. “Please?”

  Kendall was shaken to his core. He’d dreamt of hearing these words, but now that Landon had spoken them, he didn’t know what to do. After a few moments, his hand seemed to move towards Landon’s almost of its own accord—as though he was on autopilot. The warm skin to skin contact made him sigh. Nothing had ever felt as good as Landon touching him. How could he possibly say no?

  Landon held his breath. He’d just laid it all on the line, despite the many obstacles he knew they’d face. Somehow, none of them were as important as feeling Kendall’s skin against his own, seeing the other man look at him with admiration again. Hell, at this stage, he’d take friendship rather than the professional detachment of the last few hours.

  “But…” Kendall‘s voice broke and his hand in Landon’s trembled. Kendall still hadn’t moved other than to speak that word.

  Not even the deer-in-the-headlights expression managed to make Kendall less attractive, though. He hadn’t grown much in height—was still just under six feet tall—but his shoulders were a little broader than they had been. His skin was as pale as ever and the freckles Landon had loved so much were still as prominent as he remembered. Added to the high forehead, it gave Kendall that look of ‘strong nerd’ that Landon found irresistible—the one he had looked for in all his meaningless encounters with anonymous men over the years, but never quite found.

  Kendall looked at him with his deep green eyes, and he was a goner. They were pools of emotion, the proverbial window to the other man’s soul, and Landon wanted to drown in them. If what he saw there was true, he might stand a chance.

  “I’ll beg, if that helps.” Landon would go down on his knees if he had to. He’d made few mistakes in his life, and none that he regretted as much as being an ass about his relationship with Kendall.

  “I just…” Kendall took a deep breath and stilled his shaking hand, but didn’t pull back. “Okay, I admit I don’t get it. Aside from the professional obstacles, which we could probably work around, and the fact that we haven’t even spoken to each other in almost eight years, what about the reason why we couldn’t be together? Has that suddenly gone away?”

  Landon flinched. He’d been such a monumental idiot.

  “Yes, the bit about not being able to be openly gay because you’re a social worker.” Kendall’s lips twitched and his eyes were suspiciously bright.

  Landon stopped breathing for a moment. Regret for what he’d done to this wonderful man overwhelmed him. If Kendall still looked so hurt after all these years, Landon couldn’t even imagine what it must have been like in the beginning.

  “I was stupid.” Landon swallowed.

  “You mean you were wrong?” Kendall’s eyes widened.

  “No, that isn’t what I mean.” How was he going to explain this? How did anyone ever explain utter stupidity and short-sightedness? “Well, not totally. I was right about saying that it was a big risk, definitely more so back then than it is now. Coming out is still likely to cause problems, but two things have changed since then. One is that I have a good job with a decent employer who has an openly inclusive employment policy. The second difference is that, even if that weren’t the case, I wouldn’t care. I had convinced myself that I had no choice, but it was really more about my fear than reality.”

  “Wow.” Kendall blinked.

  “Is that a good wow or a bad wow?” Landon held his breath.

  “This is really important to you, isn’t it?” Kendall shook his head a little, as if to clear it. “I’m sorry, but I’m having a little trouble adjusting to this new situation.”

  “I understand.” If Kendall needed time to think about it, Landon would give it to him. Anything to avoid a ‘no’ from the man he was beginning to realise could very well be the one he loved. Scratch that…he knew he loved Kendall. He’d tried to ignore it for so long, it was hard to change tracks all of a sudden. But seeing him again had broken through the walls he’d put up to protect his heart.

  “Do you?” Kendall tilted his head.

  “I’m not saying I understand how you feel, I couldn’t possibly know that. But I do understand that this is all very sudden and that you may need some time to adjust. Hell, it’ll take me a while to let it all sink in…you know, that it’s real now and not a dream.” Landon squeezed Kendall’s hand. “As long as you don’t turn me down, I’ll be patient.”

  “I don’t think I could turn you down, even if I wanted to try.” Kendall ducked his head. “I probably shouldn’t have told you this, but I’m a little overwhelmed.”

  “I’m glad you told me. My heart has just started beating again.” Landon sent a quick prayer of thanks to whoever was listening. It looked as though he’d get his second chance.

  “Oh, good.” Kendall looked up, the cutest little grin on his face. “Wouldn’t want you to expire now that we’re finally back together again.”

  “We are?” It was his turn to do the ‘deer-in–headlights’ impersonation.

  “I’ve been dreaming about this moment for too long not to give us a chance.” Kendall smiled. “Nobody knows I’m gay yet, but I have no problem with coming out…now that I have a reason.”

  “You don’t have to, not on my account.” Landon was more than willing to give Kendall time to see what ha
ppened and think this through. He may have been sure about his feelings, but that didn’t mean Kendall was.

  “Yes, I do!” Kendall’s eyes widened and his nostrils flared. “Unless you want to keep us a secret?”

  “No way. I’m ready to tell the world. But I’ll do whatever you think is right. I’ve made one monumental mistake regarding our relationship already. I figure it’s time to let you take the lead. And even if that means being quiet about our relationship for a while, until you’re sure, that would be fine, too.” Landon was about to let go of Kendall’s hand as the waiter approached to clear the table, when he realised what he was doing and forced himself not to move. The ball was in Kendall’s court now.

  Kendall grinned and entwined their fingers. The waiter raised his eyebrows but didn’t say anything. Moments later, the used dishes and silverware were stacked and the waiter was ready to leave.

  “Would you like coffee or a dessert?” The waiter’s tone was polite, if a little less friendly than before.

  “No, I’m fine, thanks.” Landon turned to a beaming Kendall. Seeing that look on his hopefully soon-to-be lover’s face was worth any effort. “What about you?”

  “Nothing, I’m fine as well, thank you.” Kendall grinned.

  Landon asked for the check and the waiter promised to be right back. They sat in silence as they waited. It was a good silence, full of promise. After Landon paid, they got up and he regretfully let go of Kendall’s hand. Even as happy as he was with Kendall’s reaction, there was no need to provoke anyone by holding hands or other gestures that were too obvious. He was ready to come out, but he wasn’t ready to behave stupidly and risk everything.

  Once they arrived at the parking lot, he hesitated. He didn’t want the evening to end, but he had no idea what he should do next. He’d never dated, so he wasn’t quite sure what the rules were, but in the end, this was Kendall and he wanted to do what was right for him.

  “So…your place or mine?” Kendall grinned from ear to ear.

  “That easy?” Landon’s cock had gone half-hard just hearing those words.

  “Why complicate things?” Kendall shrugged. “Haven’t we had enough confusion in our lives? I think it is time we cut to the chase.”

  “I’m all for simplifying things.” Landon wished breaking out into a victory dance, including loud whooping, wasn’t so undignified. “Since I’m staying with my brother, it might be a good idea to use your place? Just, you know, for privacy’s sake?”

  “I hear you.” Kendall laughed. “I wouldn’t want my old high school coach to listen in on our activities.”

  “Activities, huh?” Landon grinned.

  “Yeah, I’m having a hard time not shouting for joy as it is.” Kendall pointed at a mid-sized sedan parked in the corner. “That’s my car. Do you want to follow me?”

  “Sure, no problem.” Landon retrieved his keys from his pocket. “Just make sure you don’t lose me.”

  “I live in the north. Here—let me give you my address, just in case.” Kendall wrote on a small piece of paper he’d pulled from his coat pocket and handed it to Landon. “See you there.”

  The drive wasn’t very long, and yet it seemed like the longest Landon had ever undertaken. Joy was warring with apprehension, and the closer they got to Kendall’s home, the more nervous Landon became. They’d had great sexual chemistry before and still seemed to get along very well, once they’d agreed to ignore the professional side of their lives. But what if it all fell apart as soon as they were alone?

  There was only one way to find out, and he wasn’t backing away.

  The stop Kendall made at a little strip mall on the off-ramp of their exit was a surprise, but when Kendall waved at Landon to stay in the car, he did. Minutes later Kendall emerged from the pharmacy, clutching a small brown bag and looking everywhere except at Landon, his face beet red. It took a few seconds for Landon to catch on, but when he did, he laughed out loud. That was just adorable, and it was great to know that Kendall had thought to get supplies. One—because it meant he wasn’t involved with anyone. Landon almost slapped his forehead. Neither of them had even thought to ask. But more importantly, because it showed that he was as serious about the physical side of their relationship as he was about the rest. They’d never gone the whole way before, but apparently that was on the menu now.

  Landon couldn’t wait.

  He pulled into the parking lot of a well-maintained condo complex. Kendall got out of his car, locked it and led the way inside. Landon was in a total daze, following Kendall blindly. He vaguely noticed a large entrance hall featuring a lot of glass and shiny chrome, a flight of stairs that seemed endless but was quickly crossed, and a secure apartment door on the second floor, which opened only after Kendall had fumbled with the key for much too long.

  By the time they made it inside the apartment, he was so aroused he was ready to hump Kendall’s leg to get off. Shit, but that was an undignified thought. Kendall seemed to be in no better shape, though. Without a word, Kendall grabbed his hand and pulled him down a hallway, into what he presumed was the bedroom. Landon only had seconds to look before Kendall grabbed his coat lapels, turned him with his back to the wall and pushed against him, bringing their groins into contact and almost making him squeal. Kendall rose to his toes and Landon bent down so they could kiss.

  The meeting of lips set off little explosions of arousal and need all over Landon’s body. As if he wasn’t hard enough, the jolts travelled straight to his cock, inflaming his desire further. Kendall’s tongue entered his mouth and he forgot to breathe. His lover’s taste was intoxicating, as were the strokes of his agile tongue. Landon opened willingly, letting Kendall take what he needed.

  Hips grinding into each other, they kissed as if the world was about to end. Landon grabbed Kendall’s ass cheeks, pulling him even closer. Landon whimpered as his approaching orgasm made his balls contract. He tried to pull back, to yell a warning…something…to no avail. Kendall wouldn’t let him move. With a sigh he gave himself over to the sensations and let go. Within seconds he bucked his hips wildly and he came, jerking as he made a mess in his pants. He couldn’t have cared less. Pleasure travelled from the tip of his cock up his spine and made his entire body shudder.

  Kendall followed, his scream muffled as he buried his face between Landon’s coat and sweater. Landon held on to him for all he was worth.

  When they were done, he was still a little shaky and—much to his surprise—still hard. Kendall hadn’t stopped rubbing against him and his cock had apparently decided it hadn’t had enough yet.

  “Naked. Bed. Now.” Kendall was still gasping for breath as he stepped back.

  Landon nodded. He couldn’t have agreed more but lacked the ability to speak. Luckily, his body knew what to do and he was naked in record time. When he looked up, Kendall stood next to the bed, facing him, gloriously naked. Landon took in the slim body, well-toned muscles and light dusting of chest hair. But the focus of his attention was on the very erect cock Kendall was stroking. It had a flared head and a thick, veined staff that looked to be at least seven inches. Kendall’s pubic hair was trimmed, and his heavy balls hung low, completing the picture.

  God, but he wanted Kendall inside him. He could practically feel the stretch as he watched Kendall stay ready by pleasuring himself. The man was too sexy for words.

  Landon reached out to him and Kendall smiled.

  “Come here, sexy.” Kendall opened his arms.

  Landon walked straight into them, and the skin to skin contact along his entire body made him sigh with pleasure. He wanted more, so he gave Kendall a slight push until he fell back onto the bed. He followed him down, making sure their bodies touched in all the right places. Kendall spread his legs to accommodate their erections to best effect.

  Damn it, but getting off like this was tempting.

  “God, this feels too good to be true.” Landon supported his weight on his elbows so he could look into his lover’s face.

hope not.” Kendall smiled and reached up to cup Landon’s cheek in a slightly trembling hand. “I’ve waited so long for this.”

  “So have I.” Landon bent down and kissed Kendall.

  The flavour of his lover was intoxicating, his scent made Landon dizzy and the feeling of his amazing body against his own was enough to bring him close to the edge. As if he hadn’t just come with the force of a geyser.

  Pulling back was an effort, but if he didn’t say what he wanted now, he was going to come before they could give it a try.

  “I want you to fuck me, Kendall.” Landon blushed at his own words.

  But it was nothing compared to the bright colour that suffused Kendall’s cheeks. His hips bucked, making Landon moan. Kendall gripped the back of Landon’s head and pulled him down for another scorching kiss.

  When they came up for air, Landon grinned.

  “I assume that was a yes?” Landon shifted a little, making sure he kept the pressure up.

  “Fuck, yes, that was a yes.” Kendall nodded.

  “I’ve never done this with anyone before.” Landon closed his eyes for a moment. “I just wanted you to know that.

  “I’ll be careful.” Kendall smiled up at him. “And we don’t have to do it if you’re not ready. I just bought the stuff, you know…in case.”

  “But I want to.” Landon rolled them over so that he was on the bottom. Even that felt right with Kendall. “I want it a lot.”

  Chapter Five

  Kendall took a deep breath to try to calm down. His heart was racing and his need for oxygen seemed to be greater than his ability to breathe. The sight of Landon, his eyes glazed with lust, was enough to ramp up his desire another few notches, impossible though that might have seemed after what they’d already done. Fucking Landon? Just the idea had almost made him come on the spot. While he’d always dreamt about Landon fucking him, the idea of turning the tables made him harder than he’d ever been before.

  “If you want it…” Kendall grinned and reached for the little brown bag he’d managed to deposit on the nightstand. “Who am I to deny you?”


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