The Complete Secrets Series

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The Complete Secrets Series Page 5

by LK Shaw

  Today was one of those busy days. Ten long hours later, I left work. On the drive home, I actually considered calling Bridget and canceling, except I knew she’d pout, and truth be told, I really did want to unburden myself. Secure in her role as a submissive, Bridget was the perfect sounding board. Plus, I knew she wouldn’t judge me and my insecurities, nor would she beat around the bush.

  I stopped for carry-out on my way home, because my stomach growled with hunger since I’d barely eaten lunch. Tonight had the feel of an ice cream kind of girl talk night so I made a second stop at the grocery for two pints of banana, walnut, chocolate chip ice cream. Once I arrived home, I jumped quickly into the shower to wash off the funk of the day and put on my soft, purple with yellow ducks fleece pajamas.

  I sat huddled on the couch eating my orange chicken and fried rice when the doorbell rang. I jumped up to answer the door. Bridget wore a hot pink off the shoulder crop top without a bra, skin tight skinny jeans that looked painted on, and black, four-inch, fuck-me pumps. Tall and leggy, Bridget possessed enough curves to give her the kind of figure most women would kill for. Her blunt bangs complemented the long, fiery red hair that she kept straightened. A dash of freckles were sprinkled across her pert nose, and her chocolate brown eyes were surrounded by the lushest eyelashes known to man. I could almost hate her. She held a paper grocery bag.

  “My God, woman, how much booze did you bring? Are you heading to the club after this or something?” I laughed as I took the bag from her and ushered her in the house as she shut the door behind her.

  “Enough that you’re going to spill your entire guts about this trip to Eden that I’m only now hearing about. Which, by the way, pisses me off that you didn’t tell me you were going. And no, I’m not going to the club. I actually have a date,” she huffed.

  “Bridge, I had no idea we were going. Marcus surprised me. Shit, I didn’t even know the club existed, and I’ve lived here for fifteen years.”

  She tossed a look over her shoulder while she rummaged through my kitchen. She helped herself to a couple of wine glasses from the cupboard. She opened the bottle of wine with the corkscrew and poured each of us a glass. I heard her sigh all the way across the room. “Fine, I guess I forgive you. Next time, bitch, you better call me if you’re going to Eden. We can be each other’s wingman, er, wingwoman. Whatever, you know what I mean.”

  I promised her that she would be the first person I called if, and when, I made it back to Eden. After handing me my glass of wine, she pulled a pint of ice cream that I’d purchased earlier that night out of the freezer and grabbed a couple of spoons. She slipped off her shoes, plopped down onto my plush leather couch, and made herself at home.

  “So, spill it,” she ordered, licking ice cream off her own spoon as she handed me the pint and the other spoon when I sat down on the couch next to her. Knowing she would hound me to death if I didn’t tell her everything, I recounted my night with Marcus at Eden as we passed the ice cream back and forth. I told her about him fingering me during the flogging scene, meeting Donovan and his hint of interest in joining us for a threesome, and I told her about Marcus withholding my orgasm, pausing between bites.

  “After he up and left me, I went to my room, masturbated, orgasmed, and went to bed. I mean, who the fuck does he think he is?” I started getting pissed again thinking about it.

  Brown eyes stared at me in horror, and Bridget started choking on her ice cream. After her coughing fit subsided, she continued to stare unnervingly at me.

  “What, for God’s sake? You’re freaking me out.” I slapped at her arm to make her stop.

  “You were specifically told that you weren’t allowed to make yourself orgasm, yet did it anyway?” she sounded completely aghast. “Holy shit, girl, you have the biggest pair of balls of anyone I know. Well, besides me anyway. Do you realize how much trouble you’re going to be in the next time you see Master Marcus. You’re not going to be able to sit for a week. You’re totally fucked. Not in a good way that leads to an orgasm either. But fucked. F. U. C. – ”

  “I know how it’s spelled, Bridget,” I interrupted her. “Besides, you’re wrong. There’s no way he would even know.” Even in my head it sounded like a question. “I mean, how could he if I don’t tell him, right?”

  No sooner had I finished speaking then Bridget burst out laughing. “You’re kidding, right? I don’t think you understand how the whole Dom/sub thing works. The minute you talk to him, he’s going to know. I swear it’s like they have a sixth sense about this shit. He knows you’re going to test your limits, and by him ordering you not to come, it’s like an unwritten sub rule somewhere that you’re going to do the exact opposite. It’s like reverse psychology or some shit. I said it before, and I’ll say it again. You’re so fucked.”

  Bridget stayed for another two hours while we talked a little bit about everything. We talked about her experiences as a sub, our hard and soft limits, as well as things outside of the BDSM community, all while I stewed with worry about what she’d said about Marcus knowing I’d disobeyed him. We discovered we went to the same coffee shop on State Street, the same grocery over on Magnolia, and weirdly, we even had the same beautician. The smallness of our world continued to amaze me.

  We also had more things in common, like the fact that each of us had a parent who had died when we were young, her mom and my dad. We both loved some of the same authors, and we both hated onions. Totally mundane stuff, sure, except it gave us something more in common to talk about than only Dom/sub topics. I pictured us being friends forever. Her bold and outgoing personality overshadowed my more reserved one, but not so much that I’d get lost in the background around her. Our personalities complemented one another, and excitement filled me at the prospect of learning from her.

  After she left to go out on her date, I cleaned up the kitchen and readied myself for bed. I still hadn’t heard from Marcus, and my worry increased tenfold. Did I turn him off the night before? No sooner did I crawl under the covers than my phone rang. I checked the caller ID, which caused my heart to start racing with excitement when I saw Marcus’ name across the screen. I swiped right to answer the call.

  “Hello,” I answered, almost shocked at how calm I sounded.

  “Good evening, Sweetness. How was your day?” The baritone voice on the other end sent shivers down my spine, and my pussy started pulsating. It amazed me how just the sound of Marcus’ voice made me wet. Even though we’d only known each other a few short days, my body reacted to his voice and his scent. It only took a few words to have my lady parts quivering in anticipation.

  Trying to make myself relax, I replied. “It was a long, busy day. Bridget just left so I’m especially exhausted.”

  “I’m glad you’re making friends with Bridget. She will also be an excellent mentor. I hope you plan on getting enough sleep tonight. I don’t want you exhausting yourself.” After a short pause, he continued, “So, did you follow my instructions after I left the other night?”

  He asked the question I should have been expecting, especially after my talk with Bridget. “Of-of course,” I almost stuttered. Shit. There’s no way he didn’t hear the lie behind my answer. Damn you, Bridget. I was fucked.

  Tense silence reigned for several heartbeats, then a heavy sigh. “You disappoint me, Penny. You disobeyed me. Then you have the audacity to lie about it. I gave you explicit, yet simple instructions. You were allowed to play, not come, and you were unable to follow them. I thought I made myself perfectly clear as to my expectations. Yet the first time I instruct you on something, you blatantly disobeyed. If you’re not going to follow my rules then we’re through before we even get started. I told you there would be consequences to your actions.”

  A lead weight settled in my gut at his words. “Marcus, Sir, I know and I’m sorry. You left me aching. I had to do something about it; it drove me mad. It was only that one time, I swear. Please, Sir, I promise to do better next time. I’m still learning. I didn’t mean to disapp
oint you, and I promise it won’t happen again. I’ll accept whatever consequences I earned.”

  I heard another sigh on the other end of the line. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Penny. Like you said, you’re still learning, and you’re going to make mistakes. It’s my job to correct those mistakes and punish you when you disobey, especially blatant disobedience.”

  “I understand, Sir.”

  “Tomorrow night you will be ready for me when I arrive. I want you naked and in an appropriately penitent position. I will leave that up to you to decide how to present yourself to me. You will then decide your punishment. Keep in mind, if it’s too light or not an appropriate punishment for your actions, whatever you choose, I will double it. Do you understand?”

  I nodded my head quickly even though he couldn’t see me and acknowledged my understanding. “Yes, Sir, I understand. What time will you arrive so I can make sure I’m ready?”

  “I’ll arrive when it’s convenient for me, sub. Whatever time it is, though, I suggest you be ready.” And with those words, the line went dead. I sighed deeply, knowing sleep would elude me tonight.


  I knew she’d stew all night which was exactly what she needed to do. There were consequences for her actions, and the only way for her to learn was to endure those consequences. With punishment being new to her, I was curious to see what she would come up with for an appropriate one. I almost hoped she was too lenient. Not that I possessed sadistic tendencies, but I loved warming up a soft ass and watching the redness brighten after a good spanking. I enjoyed the thwap sound of a good flogging and the reverberations from the solid thud of a paddle. However, a certain intimacy existed with a bare handed, bare assed spanking. The sensation of heat building and seeing the pale pink turn to a deep red had me at full attention and ready for a hard fucking.

  Knowing she’d been waiting long enough, I pulled into the driveway around 8:00 p.m. Curiosity ran rampant through me to see if she’d look like she’d been running around preparing herself or if she would be in position, composed and calm. Well, as calm as she could be not knowing what was in store for her. Without wasting any more time, I walked up the sidewalk to the door and let myself in without ringing the bell. I stepped into the living room and beheld a beautiful tableau that had my cock rising.

  Penny had positioned herself on her knees in the middle of the floor, naked, in proper pose with butt to heels. Her legs were parted slightly with a freshly shaved mound in full view. Her hands were loosely clasped behind her with a slight arch to her back to push her breasts forward, and her head slightly bowed, while maintaining eye contact with the floor. She performed the perfect submissive pose.

  “Very good, sub. I’m proud of you for following my instructions.”

  Softly, she spoke, although I noticed she perked up and almost preened at the compliment. “Thank you, Sir. Again, I apologize for being a disobedient sub. I willingly take whatever punishment you provide.”

  I made my way over to her and circled her as though she were prey, taking in every inch she displayed. “Have you decided on an appropriate punishment for your infraction? And I want you to tell me exactly why you’re being punished. I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings.”

  She nodded in response. “I disobeyed your instructions to not make myself orgasm and then I lied to you, Sir.”

  I reached out to stroke her hair as she leaned into my touch. “Excellent, sub. Now, tell me what your punishment should be.” Her chest rose as she inhaled deeply and then fell as she released a nervous sigh. “A spanking, Sir.”

  Excitement made the blood course quickly through my veins, and my cock hardened even more at her words. I was more than ready to redden that luscious ass of hers. “How many strikes are you requesting? And are you choosing an implement with which these will be delivered?”

  Silence reigned while she weighed a suitable answer. “Fifteen, with your hand, Sir?”

  We both heard the question in her answer.

  I made a small noise of approval. “You obviously gave it a lot of consideration. Since you’re still new to this, and this is your first punishment, I think that is a suitable number.” I saw her visibly relax at my words. I reached out my hand to her. “Come.”

  I helped her off the floor and led her to the couch. I sat down and pulled her over my lap with her upper and lower body draped across the couch and her ass right in front of me where I wanted it to be. I placed one hand barely above the small of her back and the other I lightly ran over her ass. She flinched in response, garnering a chuckle from me. “Easy, Sweetness. We haven’t even started yet.”

  “I know, Sir, I’m just really nervous. And scared.”

  I made a tsking sound and tried to soothe her. “I understand how you feel, and I’ll make this as easy on you as I’m able. You need to learn an important lesson though. I told you before, I control your orgasms. Now, are you ready to receive your punishment?”

  With a small sob disguised as a laugh, she answered, “Yes, Sir.”

  Before she tensed in preparation, I landed the first blow to her right ass cheek, keeping it light enough to warm up her skin slightly. “Good, now count.”

  She flinched in surprise more than pain with the first strike.


  I eased the slight sting as I gently brushed my hand over her ass. The second I felt her relax, I landed the second blow, this one slightly harder than the first.


  The next two were in rapid succession, and I alternated where they landed. She squirmed in discomfort on my lap with them.

  “Damn, those hurt.”

  I gave a sharp pinch to her ass in the same spot I’d struck. “I said to count. Do I need to add more to your punishment?”

  She rapidly shook her head. “No sir, I’m sorry. The pain distracted me. I won’t forget again. Three and four.”

  I lovingly caressed her ass, enjoying the darkening shades of pink. Testing a theory, I dropped my hand from her ass and circled her opening, finding it slightly wet. “I think you might be enjoying your punishment more than you’re admitting, little sub.” I brought my hand up for another swat, this one leaving a bright red handprint.

  “Five,” she gasped out.

  I paused briefly, letting her feel the burn and sting, and to give her a moment’s ease in preparation for what was about to come. “I’ve been extremely easy on you until now. I want you to associate pleasure with some pain. This is punishment, and you can’t enjoy it too much. You have to understand the consequences of your actions. Get ready, because for these last ten, I’m not going to be easy on you. You won’t enjoy this.” With that pronouncement, I struck.

  My hand landed hard in rapid succession on alternating cheeks, some in the same spot as the last. Each blow landed harder than the one before it causing the dark pink that had begun to dissipate during my speech to turn flaming red as she struggled and fought against each one, narrowly remembering to count each strike. By the tenth one, she was sobbing openly. I stopped, prolonging her agony a little longer. Perhaps I did have a touch of sadist in me.

  “I know this has been difficult for you. I’m so proud of you for taking these so beautifully. I know you’ll take these last five the same.” Putting her out of her misery, I administered the last five in swift succession.

  “Fifteen,” she screamed as the last blow struck.

  I softly caressed her gorgeously bright red ass, earning a flinch. I gently helped her to her feet before I then pulled her back down so she sat on my lap. She gasped and tried to buck herself off from the pain of her blazing red ass now resting against my lap. I wrapped my arms around her in comfort as she bawled. We sat together in silence for five minutes as her sobs quieted until only a soft hiccup sounded. I stroked her hair from her face and wiped away a lone tear that remained. “I’m sorry that I had to punish you, Sweetness. It’s never easy the first time, or any other time in fact. It’s part of the learning process.
You accepted your punishment beautifully.”

  With one last sniff, she wiped her cheeks against my shirt, and peered up at me. “I hated that. Well, the first couple were okay. The rest were agony I never want to experience again.”

  I laughed softly at her expression. “Sweetness, I hate to break it to you, but there is no doubt that, at some point in time, you’re going to be punished again for some infraction or another.”

  “God, I hope not. That sucked,” she whined.

  I tried not to chuckle at her pout. “Time will tell. Now, I’m going to let you go to sleep, and I’ll let myself out. Remember what I said. Play all week, but no orgasms. Understand?”

  She nodded emphatically, “Absolutely, Sir. I’ve learned my lesson.”

  I leaned in for a brief kiss, before leading her to her room, “This lesson at least. I’m sure there will be more lessons you’ll be learning in the future. Now, sleep and I’ll see you soon. Good night, Sweetness.” I let myself out, locking the door behind me, thinking of all the lessons I had yet to teach her.


  I woke the morning after my first punishment having slept more soundly than I had in weeks. I don’t know if it was the utter exhaustion I felt from worrying and anticipating my punishment, or if it was because I’d cried so hard I wore myself out. Either way, I was up bright and early and ready to head to my weekly Wednesday morning yoga class. I’d been taking yoga for years, and it was the one thing I anticipated every week. Even though I was a big girl, yoga made me feel powerful and healthy. I maintained advanced level poses longer and with better technique than women ten years younger and fifty pounds lighter than me. I knew I shouldn’t compare myself to others, but it still made me feel better about myself knowing the things my body did. Things younger, skinnier bodies had difficulty with.


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