The Complete Secrets Series

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The Complete Secrets Series Page 82

by LK Shaw

  I’d just hung up the phone after my talk with Gina when I heard the key hit the lock. When the door opened and Donovan stepped through, my heart skipped a beat. He smiled brightly when he saw me standing in the living room. His blond hair was slightly snow covered, but was quickly darkening from wetness as the snow melted. He unwrapped the scarf from around his neck and hung both it and his coat up on the coat rack next to the door. He toed off his shoes next.

  “Hey, love, how was your day?” he asked even before he walked over to me. He pulled me into his arms and gave me a hello kiss that made my toes curl. It took me a minute to catch my breath after the kiss, but finally I was able to answer.

  “It was wonderful. I met Miles for coffee, and we chatted for a while. It’s kind of a secret, so don’t say anything, but he bought a ring.” I didn’t actually know that it was a secret, but based on his nervousness about proposing, I assumed he hadn’t shared the details with anyone. But, I knew Donovan wouldn’t repeat anything I said, so I felt safe telling him.

  “A ring?” he asked. “Like an engagement ring?”

  I smacked him lightly on the arm. “Duh, of course, an engagement ring. What other kind of ring would I be talking about?”

  He shrugged lightly before nuzzling my neck. “I have no idea.”

  “Donovan, are you even paying attention to what I just said?” I said breathlessly as he nibbled my favorite spot.

  “Of course I am. Miles, engagement ring. That’s great. I’m happy for them. I’m just happier to see you.”

  I melted at his words. What woman wouldn’t? I couldn’t wait for tomorrow night. My knees grew weak from Donovan’s kisses, and all thoughts of Miles and Josie flew out of my head as my fiancé loved on me. A beeping sound finally penetrated my fuzzy brain.

  “Crap, my cookies are burning.” I nudged Donovan, who released his hold on me, as I raced to the kitchen to get my Christmas cookies out of the oven before they burned. I planned on taking them over to Connor and Bridget’s house for Christmas. This was going to be my first Christmas as part of Donovan’s extended family, and even though I knew everyone, I was nervous.

  I’d been told each couple needed to bring two small gifts — one for a man and one for a woman. The gifts were labeled “W” for woman and “M” for man and placed under the tree. Then, there was a gift exchange. Each person got to pick a single gift labeled for the opposite sex. The women would give their husband or significant other the man’s gift and vice versa. Then we each opened our present. Since this was the first year everyone had a significant other, no one was sure how the exchange would work, but we were all willing to give it a try.

  Personally, I thought it sounded fun. We weren’t told if the present should be a gag gift or something actually useful. I wanted to be silly and buy something funny, but being my first year celebrating with every one, I was a little scared I’d be the only one who bought something entirely useless, albeit possibly entertaining, so I went with functional. I’d wait and see what everyone else brought and then decide for next year.

  I’d just finished pulling the cookies out of the oven when Donovan walked into the kitchen. He’d gone into the bedroom and changed from his work clothes to casual attire.

  “How was work?” I knew he couldn’t talk specifics about his cases, but he sometimes shared generically how things were going.

  Donovan settled in one of the dining room chairs and watched me putter around. He said it was one of his favorite activities. “I’m nervous about this case. We have some compelling evidence, but it’s one of the witnesses that has me nervous. Something is “off” about his testimony, but I can’t put my finger on it. I just have a feeling we’re gonna get burned on this one, and a criminal is going to walk.”

  I turned slightly to look at him. “I’m sorry, babe. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that’s not what happens and that you win this one. I know how hard you work.”

  Donovan shrugged. “We’ll see what happens when we reconvene after New Year’s. Have you talked to Muriel? Is she still wanting us to come over on Christmas Eve?”

  I smiled happily as I slid the cookies on the cooling rack. “Oh yes, she can’t wait for us to come over. She has an entire meal planned. And, she’s chomping at the bit to introduce us to her new gentleman friend, whom she also invited. She’s as giddy as a school girl with her first boy crush. It’s adorable really.”

  Donovan looked a little grumpy at the mention of Muriel’s “friend”. She had become like a grandmother to Donovan as well, and he’d become fiercely protective of her. He adored the ground she walked on, and god help the man who broke her heart. I hadn’t mentioned anything to Donovan, but I was curious to see his expression when he discovered Muriel’s gentleman was twenty years younger than she was. She and I had discussed it because I think she wanted my approval. I told her that as long as he treated her well and she was happy, I couldn’t care less how old he was. Donovan, on the other hand, would mostly likely not be thrilled with the fact.

  I’d finally finished removing the cookies and washing up the dishes. I set the dish towel on the counter and went to sit at the table with Donovan. I reached out to clasp his hand in mine.

  “I love you. You know that, right?” I squeezed his hand as my eyes bore into his.

  He narrowed his eyes and looked at me suspiciously. “Should I be scared that you led with that?”

  I snorted. “No, I just wanted to make sure you know I love you.”

  “Phebe, sweetheart, there isn’t a single doubt in my mind that you love me as much as I love you. I’m so excited to be able to spend the rest of my life with you. This is just the beginning for us.”

  Donovan tugged on my hand, and I stood from my seat as he pulled me over to him and onto his lap. My arms automatically went around his shoulders, and his hand settled on my hip.

  “You make me the happiest woman on earth. I’m so glad to be called yours.” I rested my head on his shoulder, enjoying the warmth of his body.

  We remained like that until my stomach rumbled signaling my hunger, causing us both to laugh. I jumped off Donovan’s lap and went in search of food. We worked in tandem, getting dinner ready, and after a delicious dinner, parked ourselves on the couch and spent the rest of the night doing our thing, which was watching romantic holiday movies together. I went to bed that night even more excited for what the next day would hold. Donovan wasn’t going to know what hit him when he showed up at Eden tomorrow night.

  Phebe and Donovan

  “What’s so urgent that you need me to stop by tonight?” I asked in irritation. I was ready to head home to my fiancée, not go into Eden for whatever they thought was so important. “Can’t Marcus or Connor handle it?”

  I cursed when Gina told me neither were answering their phones. Of course, they weren’t. They were both probably spending time with their wives and ignoring every call that came in. I didn’t have that luxury. Damn it. I told Gina I’d be there within the half-hour. I’d just finished up some more paperwork at the office and had been in the process of walking out the door when my phone rang. Mother fucker.

  I shut all the lights off and locked up before getting in my car and heading to Eden. Twenty minutes later, I parked in the lot across from the red brick warehouse that housed the club. I jogged across the street to hurry out of the cold. In his usual position, Philip stood inside. It struck me suddenly that he was always here.

  “Don’t you ever have a day off, Philip?” I asked as I hung up my jacket in the coat closet.

  “I’m off every day, sir,” he dead-panned.

  “Smart ass. Night, Philip. Don’t you ever have a night off? I’ve been coming to this club for fifteen years, and I’ve never not seen you here.” I couldn’t believe I’d never thought about it before now.

  “What can I say? I love my job.” He just gave me a smile, but didn’t expound. I waited for him to say more, but it became clear he’d said all he was going to on the subject. But now, it was going to bug me
. It was a puzzle that needed solving. At least in my mind.

  “You’d probably better head inside, sir. You’re needed in there,” Philip said dismissively.

  I narrowed my eyes, but he stood there nonplussed at my expression of irritation. Nothing seemed to faze him. Knowing it was pointless for me to continue standing here badgering him, I went inside, shooting him a look over my shoulder before I disappeared down the hallway. He wasn’t even paying me any attention.

  It wasn’t often I came in this early, before the club really got crowded. The music hadn’t been turned up yet and there were only a handful of people in here. Even the lights hadn’t been completely dimmed. The bartender, Joe, was still unpacking beer bottles and stocking the fridge. I looked around for Gina and finally spotted her at the entrance to the hallway that branched off the main floor talking with Jon, one of the dungeon monitors, or DM.

  She smiled like the cat ate the canary when she saw me approach.

  “Thanks for coming, Sir. I know you weren’t happy about it.”

  “Damned right I wasn’t. Now, what’s so important?”

  Neither she nor Jon blinked at my rude tone, even though I wasn’t usually such an asshole.

  “There’s a problem in Room 5 that needs your attention, Sir.” With that proclamation, she and Jon turned away and walked to the bar together.

  I could only stare at their retreating forms. That was it? Wanting to hurry up and get this problem solved so I could go home, I stomped down the hall to the third door on the left. Not knowing the exact nature of the issue inside, I knocked.

  “It’s Master Donovan. May I come in?” I spoke through the wood.

  A muffled “come in” came from behind the closed door. It sounded female. Hesitantly, I opened the door, completely unprepared for what awaited me on the other side.

  Fuck me. That was my only thought when I saw who was in front of me. I snapped out of my stupor and stumbled inside the room, slamming the door behind me for fear of anyone seeing the beautiful sight.

  “Phe—Phebe?” I stuttered after having to clear my throat a couple times. “Holy fuck.”

  Arms stretched far above her head and attached to a pair of cuffs hanging from the ceiling, stood my fiancée. Naked except for a blindfold. One of her hard limits. She always told me she needed to be able to open her eyes and see it was me with her.

  “Welcome, Sir,” she greeted me boldly, confidently, her tits pushed out.

  I swallowed hard. “What’s going on, Phebe?”

  She laughed softly. “If I have to tell you, Sir, I must be doing it wrong.”

  “Fuck no, you’re not doing a single thing wrong. I’m just stunned right now. And turned completely the fuck on. But, baby, what is this all about for real?” I shifted, my hardened cock pushing painfully against my pants.

  “This is about us, Sir. About pushing our boundaries. It’s about my utter submission to you, my Dom. I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. I need this, Sir. WE need this.” Phebe’s voice had grown in strength with each word.

  “Baby, you knocked every fucking boundary down with this right here.” I couldn’t keep the pride out of my voice. I should be upset that she was trying to Top from the bottom with this stunt, but I couldn’t bring myself to care at the moment. Should she have gone about this another way? Absolutely. And we’d have a discussion about it when the night was over. Until then, I was going to give my sub what she was asking for.

  “Good, then my evil planned worked.” Phebe smiled in satisfaction.

  For a moment I thought I’d spoken the words out loud, but I realized she was referring to my earlier comment about knocking down our boundaries.

  “Oh, love, you have no idea how well it worked. Although, I do have one question,” I asked in puzzlement.

  “What’s that, Sir?”

  “Who the hell got you in those wrist cuffs?”

  She giggled at the question. “Gina was extremely helpful, Sir.”

  I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. “I’ll be sure to thank her the next time I see her. Now, are you ready? You remember your safe word?” I asked as I moved forward, stalking my prey even if she couldn’t see me.

  Phebe stood a little taller as my voice grew louder now that I was pretty much standing right next to her. “Yes, Sir, it’s red.”

  “Any other limits you’ve changed your mind about that I need to know?” I didn’t expect so, but I wanted there to be communication between us.

  She bit her lip as though contemplating her answer. “Actually, Sir…”

  I’d begun undressing during my question, but I froze when Phebe hesitated. Her chest rose as she inhaled deeply, unconsciously drawing my stare to her gorgeous breasts. My mouth watered with the need to taste them.

  “We haven’t really talked about this, but,” she paused, “I want you to come inside me. I want to feel you skin to skin. If it pleases you, Sir.”

  Condoms had been another hard limit from the beginning. The final time Phebe’s captor had taken her, he hadn’t used one, and it had broken something inside her. Even six months since we’d made love that first night, I always wore one. For her to change her mind about using a condom showed a huge step in her recovery. I was humbled with the trust she was giving me.

  I reached out and palmed her cheek. “Love, it pleases me more than you know. Now, if there is nothing else, no more talking unless I instruct you otherwise or you say your safe word. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered softly, and then she was silent.

  I quickly finished undressing and then moved in a circle around Phebe, inspecting my prize. She was utterly beautiful. Her back was arched just slightly with her arms suspended above her the way they were. I stepped up to her and pulled her flush against me, her back to my front, my large hands cupping her breasts.

  My cock ached with the need to thrust inside her, and my hips jerked as I pushed against her ass. I buried my nose in Phebe’s short, white blonde hair and smelled the coconut shampoo she used that I loved. She’d cut off her dreadlocks five months ago and had been growing her hair out since. I never thought I’d like a woman with short hair, but it suited her, and I almost hoped she wouldn’t let it get much longer.

  Pushing thoughts of her hair out of my head, I returned my attention to the task at hand. Her nipples hardened beneath my touch, and I pulled and plucked at them, causing Phebe to moan with need. Her breasts were ultra-sensitive and were directly connected to her pussy. I loved making her come by just sucking on her tits. It was one of my favorite things. I continued playing with them as her breaths came quicker, and she squirmed against my erection behind her, seeking satisfaction. When her body tensed, I quickly removed my hands from her and took a small step back so she could still feel my body heat, but we were no longer touching.

  Phebe groaned, but didn’t utter a single word. I moved to stand in front of her, and my eyes scanned her from head to toe. Her entire body was flushed, and her thighs glistened with wetness. Her nipples were red from the attention. Knowing her orgasm had retreated, I tortured her some more. I bent and took one breast in my mouth, while my thumb and forefinger worried the nipple of the second, rubbing the hardened tip as my tongue flicked back and forth over the other. Teeth replaced tongue, and I bit lightly, then harder as Phebe panted with her arousal.

  I nudged her feet apart and shoved my thigh between hers. Immediately, she began rocking against it, trying to gain some friction to help her release along. Wetness coated my leg as she rubbed harder, all while I continued playing with her breasts. Her thighs clutched down on mine, and her whole body shuddered as she hit her peak.

  “Color?” I asked, as I moved my leg out from between hers and dropped a kiss on her ruby red lips.

  Phebe smiled lazily at me as her trembling legs struggled to keep her upright. “Very much green, Sir.”

  I chuckled at her response. “Good.”

  Making sure she wasn’t going to collapse a
nd hurt her arms, I kept a light hold on her before releasing her and taking a small step back. When I saw she’d gained her footing, I moved to the armoire that housed various toys. Phebe and I had experimented with a few implements lately, including the Wartenberg wheel and some light bondage, but nothing too intense. Our D/s dynamic came from more of a power exchange element. I knew that the flogger was an implement Phebe was curious about.

  Reaching into the cabinet, I pulled out the black leather implement, threading the falls through my fingers, caressing the soft leather like an old friend. I hit my open hand with it, drawing the falls across my palm, reacquainting myself with the weight of it in my grasp, the thwapping sound reverberating throughout the room.

  “Do you recognize that sound, love?” My voice dropped with the question.

  Phebe shifted, whether with arousal or nerves, I couldn’t decipher. My guess was a combination of both. “Yes, Sir. It’s a flogger.”

  “I want you to spread your legs and stand still. Can you do that for me?” I asked.

  Phebe’s response was immediate as she complied with my instructions. I moved behind her again and gently stroked her back with the leather. Up and down her back, getting her used to the feel and smell of the implement. Then I moved farther away and began a figure-eight pattern with my wrist, but taking care not to strike Phebe.

  “Still green, love?”

  She nodded almost eagerly. “Yes, Sir.”

  No sooner had Phebe finished answering than I dusted the flogger across her back. Lightly, at first, almost like a caress. Back and forth, continuing in a figure-eight pattern, the falls slid across her back, causing the skin to pinken. With each strike, I put more force, the thwapping sound growing louder with each pass, and the pink growing darker and turning to red. Phebe cried out in ecstasy. With the sound of her pleasure ringing in my ears, it was as though that was the cue I’d been waiting for. I dropped the flogger to the floor, kicked Phebe’s feet apart, grabbed her hips and lined my cock up with her pussy before thrusting in as deep as I could go. She screamed my name when I entered her and tried desperately to push back against me.


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