Her Protective Mate (The Ward Wolf Pack Novella Series, Book 3)

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Her Protective Mate (The Ward Wolf Pack Novella Series, Book 3) Page 5

by Theresa Hissong

  “Meeting…leader’s summit…whatever,” Mason snarled. “Why? Didn’t they get their point across when they shot my mate with their arrows?”

  “They shot you, too,” Charlie reminded him. Mason started to argue, but he closed his mouth when Nash stood.

  “I talked to their leader, Isaac Duncan. It seems that they have been on the front lines of the war against the rogue wolves.” Nash reached for his mate and pulled her close. “Apparently, they had a small pack of them in Anchorage, and had to travel from Fairbanks to help the government round them up. They’ve eliminated the threat, and they want peace.”

  “The information online doesn’t help us much, but I did recently find something to back their claims,” Charlie announced as she pushed away from the wall. “I know a lot of the things posted on this website are made up bullshit, but there was something written by a resident of Anchorage.”

  “What is it?” Nash pressed.

  “Someone posted photos showing shifters using a plane out of Anchorage at the airport every other day about three months ago,” she began, reaching for her phone. “They are leading shifters onto this plane destined for Colorado and Montana, but the weird thing is that they are handcuffed. Here. Look at these leaked photos.”

  Charlie turned her phone around and slid it across the desk so Nash could see. Aspen watched as he scrolled through image after image of shifters being escorted onto a small plane. Whoever posted those photos had to work for the airport.

  “The guy in this photo,” Charlie pointed, “was one of the men who unloaded my plane at their new compound.”

  “So, it’s true? They were helping to round up the bad wolves?” Harper noted as she came to Nash’s side.

  “Did you tell him what we are?” Mason asked, folding his arms across his chest.

  “We had a lengthy conversation,” Nash announced, holding up his hand when everyone began to ask more questions. Aspen took the phone from her brother when he started to pace behind his desk.

  The images were good quality, and they even had a few that were close enough to tell the eye color of the men they were escorting to the plane. Their hazy yellow eyes were almost glowing, but what stunned her was the collar around one of their necks.

  “Oh, gods,” she breathed.

  “The leader of the black bear clan advised me that they were hired by the government to help apprehend some rogue shifters who’d started robbing businesses and dealing a new drug to the humans. They’d since captured their alpha, and the problem is gone. He wanted to know what our business was in Alaska, and I told him.”

  “You told him we were white wolves?” Aspen asked, standing quickly. She tossed the phone on the counter. “Did they even know we exist?”

  “Yes.” Nash paused to smile. “There is a lot I have sheltered us from, and some of it is good news.”

  “Good news, meaning what?” Mason pressed, pulling Charlie closer. In fact, all of the males were holding their mates close, and Aspen ached to have Booker there with her. She was already on edge knowing he was alone at his cabin.

  “In the last six years, a lot has happened in the south.” He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Other shifters have been outed to the humans, and because of that, the wolves have been coming for anyone who is known to the world. A male started causing havoc and built an empire of drug dealers and started a theft ring that came all the way up to Anchorage.”

  “Anchorage?” Isabell gasped, tightening her hold on Aspen’s brother.

  “Yeah,” he nodded. “You were lucky that you lived outside of the city.”

  “I had no idea the drug problem was that bad,” Charlie stated. When she’d come to the pack as a new employee, Mason’s mate had told them the things that had happened in the lower forty-eight. Rogue wolves were causing problems, but they didn’t know it had come that close to home. “I worked in trauma. So, I didn’t see anything but injuries. I have no experience with street drugs. Then, I quit to start flying again. I guess I missed all of that.”

  “So, they’re coming here for a meeting?” Aspen pressed.

  “They are,” Nash nodded. “I asked them to come this evening. They’ve already left their new land on the other side of our territory. They’re coming on foot.”

  “We should prepare for anything,” Mason advised.

  “I agree,” Nash replied. “As much as I want to trust them, and Isaac has given me his word, I still want us prepared. Get our weapons secured, and we will meet them in the terminal. Fury and Mason, set up a few tables. They can enter the main building and we can be secure by the back door. Everyone will have a form of protection.”

  Aspen stood when Nash dismissed them. Mason pulled her to his side, “Get the ammo cans, and be ready for anything. Call your mate and let him know what is going on, too.”

  “He’ll want to come here,” she said, shaking her head to deny his suggestion. “I can’t bring him into a shifter meeting like that, Mason. He’s human.”

  “He doesn’t have to stay human, Aspen,” Mason reminded her.

  “We haven’t discussed that,” she blushed.

  “You will,” he winked. “Don’t rush things unless they need to be rushed. You know what to do should that time come.”

  “Thanks,” she said with a smile, bumping his side. “I love you, brother.”

  “And I love you,” he grinned.

  Booker paced as he listened to Aspen explain what was going to happen at the terminal in just a few short hours.

  “They shot your brother and Charlie,” he reminded her. “And you’re letting them walk right into the terminal like they’re your friends? What the fuck, Aspen? I can’t be there to protect you.”

  “You don’t have to protect me, Booker,” she sighed. “I’m a lot stronger than I look.”

  “That’s not the point,” he stated, calming himself. “You’re mine, and it’s my job to protect you.”

  “That’s very sweet of you, but…please…let us handle this,” she begged. He didn’t like it one bit.

  “The moment Charlie can get in the air to come get me, I want to be notified,” he ordered, letting the sound of his voice send the message that he was as serious as he could be. She was his, and Booker was going to stay with her until he felt comfortable with those bear shifters around his woman. “If she isn’t on her way in the next few hours, I will strike out on my ATV. I can be there in six hours.”

  “Don’t come alone,” she pleaded. “I’ll have Charlie come get you as soon as she can get in the air, Booker. I promise you.”

  “Be safe, my love.” He calmed. “I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’m going to pack a bag.”

  “I’ll see you soon,” she promised right before they disconnected.

  It took three hours before Charlie returned to pick him up. He was already waiting with his bag in hand, and when the plane was coming to a stop, he opened the door and climbed in. Charlie gave him a knowing look and headed toward the terminal.

  “How did the meeting go?” he asked, noticing how she leaned away from him in the small confines of the plane. She wore long sleeved shirts no matter the season, and now he knew. Aspen had mentioned the no touching policy they had with the women in the pack.

  “Rather well,” she replied as the headphones crackled. “I’ll let Aspen explain, but I should warn you. The bears are still at the terminal, and I think they are staying until after dinner.”

  “They’re staying?” he balked. “Why?”

  “Look, I’m new to this, and I’m human like you,” she cursed. “They have some strange ways of doing things, and Mason assured me this is all normal. It’s customary to welcome a friendly clan, pack, pride, or whatever else is out there to your home when a truce is made. It’s weird, Booker. I’m not going to lie to you.”

  “I just want Aspen safe, and knowing the ones who shot you and Mason are there with her is not sitting well with me.”

  “Trust me,” Charlie said, glancing at him before
rolling her eyes. “Mason voiced his opinion on that immediately.”

  “How did that go over?”

  “We are human, and they are ancient, old predators,” she began, rubbing her temple with a free hand while she steered the plane with the other. “They’ve explained it to me, and while I don’t like it, I understand it. The shifters have always kept to themselves, and when they do meet each other, on occasion, they have to assert dominance. The arrows, that was a message. It wasn’t meant to harm. I know it sounds weird, but that’s how they do things.”

  “I still don’t like it,” he replied. It didn’t matter to Booker. What they did was dangerous. Charlie was human, and they could’ve hurt her a lot more. “Do they know I’m coming?”

  “Yes,” she nodded. “Nash has been very open and up front about the pack, and the bears are rather accepting. It seems that the world outside of Alaska has changed since the shifters stayed hidden.”

  “The internet is going crazy with theories,” he admitted.

  “And those theories are a lot of bullshit, too,” she chuckled. “I knew about shifters before I started working for them. I didn’t believe the rumors I’d read then, and now, I know only about ten percent of what they know is actually true.”

  “There are some wild assumptions out there,” Booker added.

  “Want some advice?” Charlie asked as they started making their decent.


  “Just love her and accept all of the weird rules they have,” she advised. “They may be part animal, but they are still human. Aspen is a special woman, and I love her like a sister. She needs a male like you, and I think you two will be just fine.”

  “Have you thought about becoming one of them?” he asked.

  “I have,” she said. “But, right now, I’m fine being a human. My status doesn’t matter to Mason. The only reason why I would become a wolf would be to have a child with him. I’m not ready for that just yet.”

  “That’s good to know,” he mumbled.

  He’d never thought of himself as a father, but with the mention of having a baby, his thoughts immediately went to Aspen.

  “They’re waiting for us,” she announced as they lined up with the runway. Charlie pointed out his side of the plane. Aspen was talking to someone he didn’t recognize, and he felt his protection of her flare. It had to be one of the bears, and if that motherfucker touched her, Booker was going to kick his hairy ass.

  Thankfully, Aspen broke away from the group as soon as Charlie’s plane came to a stop. She waited until it was safe to get to the door, and when he dropped down out of his seat, she jumped into his arms.

  “I missed you,” he whispered in her ear, inhaling the mating scent she put off. It may have only been a few hours since he’d last seen her, but it felt like days.

  “I want you to meet everyone,” she offered, giving him a stern look. “The bears are our allies now. I’ll explain everything once we head to my cabin.”

  “Explain?” he asked, but was interrupted when her two brothers approached.

  “Booker,” Nash said, holding out his hand. “Welcome to the family.”

  “Thank you,” he replied, giving the leader’s hand a firm shake. Aspen’s other brother didn’t look as happy to see him, but he knew it was the normal big brother posturing. He’d dated a girl back in high school who was the baby sister to five brothers. He guessed it didn’t matter what species you were…a baby sister was always cared for, and the shifters were no different.

  “Mason,” Booker said, holding out his hand. “You can save the big brother speech. I already love your sister, and I would kill myself before ever bringing harm to her.”

  “I’ll hold you to it,” Mason replied, a smirk pulling at the corner of his lip. “Come inside and meet everyone. Since you are now a part of this pack, you need to meet the bears.”

  “Things are a little exciting around here,” Aspen whispered as they headed back toward the terminal where several men were waiting. “We’ve never been around others like us, and knowing we aren’t the only white wolves in existence is giving us hope.”

  “Okay,” he said. “Lead the way. I’d like to meet them.” He was gladly going to support her and her pack, but Booker was still pissed about the attack and message they’d left in Charlie’s leg. They could’ve done it another way.

  Yeah, he understood their ways a little more after Charlie’s explanation, but it still bothered the fuck out of him that they could so easy harm a female. And if any of them hurt Aspen, he’d fight to the death to avenge her.

  “Booker, I’d like you to meet the Duncan clan,” Aspen began, pointing to a tall, dark-haired male. “This is Isaac Duncan. He is their leader.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Isaac announced, making pleasantries. There were three other males behind him, and Aspen went through their names. They were all related, and they looked nothing like the Ward pack. Instead of naturally yellow eyes, the bears had dark brown eyes, and every so often, a flash of gold would sparkle in one of their eyes before disappearing.

  “Liam,” the last one said, reaching out to shake Booker’s hand. The youngest one of the bunch was still in his mid-twenties, but there was something about the male that Booker immediately didn’t like. The next time he spoke, it was obvious why. “Sorry about the arrow, but I’m sure the pack has told you how we do things.”

  “So, you’re the one who harmed the human female,” Booker said, pulling Aspen to his side and back a little so she was protected. He didn’t miss Nash’s eyebrow raise at his words, either.

  “No harm done,” Liam promised.

  “I’d advise you not come close to my mate with that weapon in the future,” Booker said, forgetting any reasoning when it came to Aspen.

  “You sure about that, human?” Liam growled, flashing his canines. The male was trying to assert his dominance, but Booker had faced off with natural grizzlies before. That bear didn’t scare him.

  “Well, you’re a black bear, and last I checked, black bears were the pussies of the bear breeds.” Booker was livid. This son of a bitch had come on the Wards’ land and shot at two of them…one of them being human. “Stay away from my mate, and we won’t have a problem.”

  And it could’ve been Aspen.

  There was a beat of silence before the entire pack and clan burst out laughing. Isaac slapped Nash on the back and shook his head. “I like this human. Your sister has great taste.”

  Chapter 9

  Aspen moaned as her mate rocked inside her, coming down from their lovemaking. She wanted to feel his bite more than ever, and every single time they’d come together since he’d arrived earlier in the evening, she yearned for him to sink his teeth into her skin.

  But that wouldn’t happen until he became a wolf.

  “What’s bothering you?” he mumbled in her ear.

  “I want you to bite me,” she begged.

  “Like this?” he teased, nipping at the spot where a male would mark his mate.

  “And more,” she whispered.

  “Do you want me to become like you?” he finally asked as his cock slid free of her body. “Is that what’s bothering you?”

  She’d been trying to keep her mind on the sex, but she probably gave it away every time she pulled his face toward her neck while he fucked her. “You can’t blame me for wanting you to be like me.”

  “I want to be like you in all ways, Aspen,” he admitted, nipping at her skin again. “If it means we are connected completely, then that’s what I want. I’ve never felt as whole as I am with you. I love you. More than I think you know.”

  “I love you, Booker,” she breathed.

  It was true. She really did love him, and she’d known it probably since the first time he had stepped foot in the terminal at Ward Air & Transportation. Her wolf knew, and she shouldn’t have hidden that realization from herself.

  “I know you do, honey,” he said sweetly. “Charlie told me that we wouldn’t be able to make babies unl
ess I was a wolf.”

  “That’s true,” she blushed. “Wait? Do you want children?”

  “With you, I do,” he admitted. “I want to raise children in the wild. Now that we know the world had changed, I want them to know it’s okay to be a shifter. It’s finally safe to bring young into this world.

  “I’ll give you as many babies as you want,” he promised, pulling her back over his lap.

  “I must warn you,” she began, but paused when he urged her to take his cock back inside her body. He was already hard again, and even though sex was still new to her, she could get use to his attentions. “Becoming what I am is not easy.”

  “How so?” he asked.

  “It’s painful…very painful,” she sniffled, remembering how Isabell cried in pain for three days. If it wasn’t for the pain medicines Fury had on hand, it would’ve been worse.

  “It would be worth every ounce of pain to be with you completely, Aspen,” he told her, causing her heart to swell even more. She never thought she’d love anyone stronger than she did her family, but with Booker…it was easy.

  She told him everything, and he nodded when necessary, but Aspen saw the hesitation in his eyes. “You don’t have to decide tonight.”

  “I have to go back home tomorrow, anyway,” he admitted after a long pause. “I can’t leave my land for long. I have to prepare for the winter. The nights are getting colder, and my crops have to be harvested.”

  The thought of spending the winter at his cabin appealed to her more than it should. If they were going to be mates, she wanted to be with him permanently, and that posed another question. Where did she want to live? With him? Or with her family?

  Aspen was born with alpha blood, and she didn’t have to stay under Nash’s rule, but the thought of leaving her brothers and cousins broke her heart. How would she choose?

  “I’ll come out to your place late tomorrow night and stay with you through the weekend, but I have to be home by Tuesday,” she explained. “Wednesday is the full moon, and we have to run together.”


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