The Blythe College Complete Series Box Set

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The Blythe College Complete Series Box Set Page 7

by Rochelle Paige

  The hostess who greeted us wasn’t one I recognized from my previous visits. She was young, probably still in high school, and she stared at Drake as he asked for a table for two with some privacy. He smiled at her while making his request, and she giggled in response without looking my way even once.

  “Right this way,” she sighed as she sashayed her way to our table, swaying her hips while she walked in front of us. I glanced over at Drake, expecting his eyes to be glued to her ass. I was surprised to find him staring at me instead, a twinkle in his eye. He rolled his eyes at me and shook his head as he glanced at the hostess. I felt so much better knowing that he found her actions amusing instead of attractive.

  She gave Drake exactly what he’d asked for—a booth in the corner, away from the other diners. As she placed the menus on the table, Drake ushered me into the booth and squeezed in next to me. The hostess huffed a little as she finally noticed me. She gave Drake a secret little smile before walking away.

  “That happen often?” I asked.

  “What?” Drake acted like he had no idea what I was talking about as he glanced at the menu. “Any recommendations for what’s good here?”

  I shook my head and let him change the subject. It wasn’t like he had control over how other people acted around him, and he hadn’t done anything to make the girl think he was interested the way other guys might have done. “Yes, anything with pasta.”

  Drake glanced down at the menu and scanned the contents. “Babe, everything has pasta.”

  “Exactly. I’ve never eaten here and not liked the food. You can order whatever you like. Trust me. It will be delicious,” I quipped back as the waiter approached our table.

  “Alexa, welcome back!” Tony greeted me. “I didn’t know you were coming in for dinner tonight. Is your dad joining you?” Tony started working at Ciao Bella about a year ago. It seemed like he was always assigned to my section whenever I came in.

  “Hi, Tony. No, Dad isn’t having dinner with us tonight,” I replied.

  Drake draped his arm around my shoulders as we spoke. Tony glanced his way and his expression seemed to fall as he realized that I was on a date. “Ahhh, date night, huh?” he asked.

  “Yeah, man,” Drake practically growled in response. “Could you bring us a bottle of Chianti to start?”

  “I’m sorry, sir. I can’t serve Alexa alcohol since she isn’t twenty-one. May I see your ID? I can bring you some wine if you’d like. Alexa, how about an iced tea?” Tony offered.

  Drake turned to me. “You’re not twenty-one yet?”

  “Nope. I’m only twenty. I have several months to go ‘til my birthday. Sorry,” I apologized.

  “No apology needed. Guess I figured you for older with the whole pilot thing,” Drake said. He glanced up at Tony. “How about two iced teas then?”

  Tony nodded and left to get our drinks.

  “How do you know the waiter?” Drake asked.

  “Just from the restaurant. My dad and I come here a couple times a month,” I answered. “I know a lot of people around here. The benefits of being a townie.”

  Drake tightened his hold on me. “He better keep his eyes off you before I feel the need to do something about it.”

  “Seriously? He didn’t even do anything. At least he spoke to you, unlike the hostess, who acted like I didn’t exist,” I scoffed.

  “I finally have you to myself. Not real excited that our waiter has a crush on you, but I’ll handle it,” Drake whispered into my ear. Shivers raced up my spine as he nuzzled my neck.

  “Your drinks,” Tony said as he placed our iced teas in front of us. “The usual tonight, Alexa?”

  “Yes, please. Drake? Have you decided what you’d like to try?” I turned my head to look at Drake as I asked him what he wanted. He was glaring at the waiter with icy eyes. I nudged him in the side to draw his attention, and his face softened as he looked at me.

  “The manicotti for me,” he ordered and I giggled. “Why is that funny? I thought you said anything with pasta is good here. Should I order something else?”

  I giggled harder as Tony explained. “That’s Alexa’s favorite dish here. She orders it every time she comes in.”

  “Great minds think alike. If you love it that much, then I’m looking forward to trying it tonight.” Drake smirked at me.

  Drake and I talked about school until the food came. We were juniors this year but didn’t have any classes together. It was odd since we were both Business majors and we went to a small school. Turned out that Drake was further along in his studies than I was, even after the transfer over to Blythe. I hadn’t declared my major until this year, so I was a little behind on my required classes for graduation.

  “Another reason to date me. I can tutor you whenever you need it,” Drake offered before finishing his last bite. “Not like you should need more reasons anyway.”

  I pushed my plate away. Even though I was hungry, I couldn’t finish it with all the butterflies flitting around inside my stomach. “I don’t need tutoring. Just more time in the day. But thanks for the offer.”

  Tony appeared at the table, hovering over us attentively. I could tell he was still getting on Drake’s nerves.

  “Can you box this up for me to go?” I asked Tony. “We need to head out.”

  “Sure. I’ll be right back with your doggy bag and the check,” Tony replied.

  “We have plans I don’t know about?” Drake teased.

  “No, I just figured we could use a change of scenery,” I answered. “Wanna grab some gelato next door?”

  Drake pulled his wallet from his back pocket. “I could eat gelato. You want some, then let’s do that.”

  He paid the bill and left Tony a nice tip, surprising me since there was tension between the two all night.

  He noticed me looking at the credit card slip as he signed it. “I can afford to be generous. I get to leave with you, and he gets to go home with his tip money. No contest, babe.”

  I scooted out of the booth and stepped to the side so Drake could get out also. He grabbed my hand as we walked out, flashing a grin at Tony on the way. Wanting to make him realize how ridiculous he was being, I smirked at the hostess as she ogled Drake when we went past her.

  “Not very good with sharing. Get used to it,” Drake responded to my action as he snuggled me into his side. It was a little cool outside, and the heat from his body warmed me. “You cold?”

  “I’m surprised it cooled down this much tonight. Wasn’t expecting the change in weather yet,” I answered. Here I was, on a date with a hot guy, and I was talking about the weather. I really had been out of the dating scene too long.

  “Too cold for gelato?” he asked.

  “No way! It’s never too cold for ice cream of any kind. It’s kind of an addiction of mine.” I smiled shyly up at him.

  Drake opened the door of the gelato shop and ushered me through. “An addiction, huh? I’ll have to keep that in mind in case I ever need to bribe you in the future. I’m sure that information will be put to good use when I do something stupid.”

  “I’ll have to be careful about sharing all my secrets if you’re keeping track of them.” I punched him in the shoulder.

  “Be careful all you want, Alexa. I’m going to learn your secrets one way or another. Now give me another one. What’s your favorite flavor?”

  I ordered a rich vanilla swirled with caramel. Drake got the chocolate. We sat at a table near the window and watched people walk by as we ate our gelato. My eyes closed as I savored the last bite of mine, a small moan escaping. I heard Drake’s spoon clatter on the table and opened my eyes to find him staring at me with a hungry expression on his face. He’d barely touched his double scoop.

  “Is it too chocolaty for your tastes?” I asked.

  “No. The gelato is fine. It’s just not what I’m hungry for right now.” Drake licked his lips and flashed a sexy grin my way.

  “I’m not touching that comment with a ten-foot pole!” I joked.
  “How about a ten-inch pole?” Drake glanced down at his lap and wagged his eyebrows.

  I laughed so hard in response that I snorted. I hadn’t laughed like this with a guy ever. Sure, I joked around with Jackson, but he didn’t really count since he was like a brother to me. “Yeah, yeah. I walked right into that one, didn’t I?”

  Drake just smiled and nodded. He spooned up a scoop of his gelato and held it to my lips. “Here, why don’t you have a taste of mine?”

  I opened my mouth, and Drake slid the spoon inside. I’d had the chocolate here before, but I’d swear that it didn’t taste as good then as it did now as I licked it from Drake’s spoon. He gently pulled the spoon past my lips and glanced down at it. “Damn. I’m jealous of a frickin’ utensil. You’re killing me here.”

  He popped the spoon into his mouth and sucked the remaining gelato from it. His eyes were glued to my mouth, and I gasped as I watched him. “Drake,” I sighed out his name.

  Drake grabbed the containers off the table and pulled me to my feet. He practically dragged me from the shop, tossing everything in the trash on our way out the door. He didn’t say a word or look my way as we waited while the valet brought the car around. He just kept my hand gripped tightly in his as he breathed deeply next to me. When the valet pulled up, Drake yanked the passenger car door open and helped me into the car. After he had climbed in, he clenched the steering wheel before starting the car.

  The tension in the car was overwhelming. “Drake,” I said softly, looking for reassurance that I hadn’t done anything wrong.

  “Shhh, Alexa. Just needed to get out of there before I did something we both regretted. The sight of your lips wrapped around that spoon. Your eyes on me as I savored the taste of you mixed with chocolate. Then that damn sigh. I swear to you that you will make that same fucking sound again, but next time it’ll be in my ear with my cock deep inside your pussy,” Drake rasped.

  His words stunned me. My heart sped up as he spoke, and I broke out in a sweat. My pussy clenched and dripped in reaction. I could practically see sexual sparks flying between us as I turned to look at him.

  “Drake,” I repeated.

  “No, Alexa. You say one more word and I won’t be liable for what I do next. I’m hanging by a thread here, babe. Unless you want me to find the nearest hotel with an empty bed in it, stop saying my name like that.”

  I stared at him as he drove back to campus. His chiseled jaw was clenched. There was no sign of the dimple that usually flashed when he laughed. No smiling twinkle in his eye. No softness in his gaze as he sent a heated look my way. It felt like time had become suspended, but before I knew it we were parked in front of my dorm again.

  Drake cut off the engine and turned his body towards me. He unclipped his seatbelt and pocketed his keys, but he didn’t move to exit the car. His eyes had darkened to the color of melted chocolate, and a flush spread across his cheekbones. I stayed silent, trying not to push him over the edge.

  “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone before, but I know you aren’t ready to hop in between the sheets with me yet. You’re different, special. Gotta make sure I treat you right.” Drake reached across and stroked his thumb over my cheek as he held my chin in his hand. “Now isn’t the time for this. I know that in my head, but fuck if my body will listen to reason.”

  A giggle bubbled up in my throat. I had a horrible tendency to laugh at the most inopportune times, usually out of nervousness. Drake’s lips tilted into a sexy grin in response.

  “Something funny about that to you? ‘Cause my dick sure isn’t laughing right now.”

  My giggles turned into full-out laughter, so hard that tears rolled down my cheeks. The tension broke as Drake joined in, chuckling in response to my hilarity. As we settled down, I figured it was safe for me to talk again.

  “Really? Does your dick laugh often, Drake?” I asked.

  He just shook his head in response. “No, babe. It doesn’t. What time’s your first class tomorrow?”

  “Pretty early. I have Macroeconomics at eight a.m.” I answered.

  “You gonna walk to class?” Drake asked.

  I nodded my head. “Yeah, I always walk to my classes.”

  Drake leaned closer to me. “I’ll meet you here before and walk you over then.”

  “You gonna carry my books, too?” I quipped back.

  He tilted his head down until his lips rested directly in front of mine, a whisper of space between us. “Sure, why the hell not. Never carried a girl’s books before. It’ll be a first for me.”

  I licked my lips, and Drake’s tongue darted out and flicked against mine. As my lips closed, Drake’s mouth gently caressed mine. His breath was warm against my skin as he kept the kiss light. He pulled away, and I licked my lips again, tasting the chocolate flavor from his gelato.

  Drake groaned and turned away from me. He climbed out of the car and opened my door. I stepped out and right into his space. Drake kept me trapped by the car for a moment as he looked down at me. I was convinced he was going to kiss me again, but he took a step backwards to let me pass by. “Go on up, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “’Kay,” I answered as I walked past. I felt a light slap on my ass and swiveled my head to look at Drake. “Hey!” I yelped.

  Drake smirked in response and nodded his head towards the dorm. I could feel his eyes on me as I walked into the dorm. As the door closed behind me, I looked back and saw Drake watching me from the car, making sure I made it inside okay. His concern for my safety warmed me inside. I felt like he wanted more from me than just sex, even though we hadn’t known each other long. If he was playing with me, he was doing a good job of sucking me into his trap. I wasn’t sure how long I’d be able to keep myself out of his bed when I melted any time he was near.


  I found Drake waiting for me outside the dorm the next morning when I left for class. He was leaning against the wall next to the doorway, legs crossed at the ankle while he played with his phone. I paused a moment so I could drink him in before he noticed me. His hair was darker than usual, still a little damp from the shower. His athletic body was totally relaxed, a stark contrast to the tension that seemed to permeate the air whenever we were together.

  As my gaze drifted across his chest and trailed back up to his face, I realized he had caught me staring. “See something you like?” he teased.

  “Not much I see that I don’t like,” I retorted. “Arrogant boy.”

  “How am I arrogant if it’s true?” He picked his backpack up from the ground next to him and straightened. As he walked towards me, I felt trapped in his dark gaze. “You haven’t got much room to talk, Alexa. You’ve gotta know that guys like what they see when they look at you. You might not play it up all the time, but you’re fucking hot.”

  “If that’s true, then you better carry my stuff so everyone knows we’re together, huh?” I held out my bag, not expecting him to take it from me.

  Drake snatched the bag from my fingertips and hefted it onto his shoulder. “I’ll make it damn clear you’re with me, babe. Don’t doubt it for a second. Now gimme a kiss to make looking pussy-whipped worth it.”

  I snorted at his grumbling tone and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “There. That’s all you’ve earned today, errand boy.”

  Drake’s free hand snaked out and wrapped around the back of my head, holding me in place. “Errand boy? I’m going for love slave here! I know you can do better than that. Guess I’ll just have to steal my own damn kiss.”

  He pressed his lips against mine. I could feel their warmth all the way down to my toes as they curled in response. I parted my lips, and Drake’s tongue swept into my mouth and rubbed against mine. My fingers trailed over his back as he deepened the kiss. I felt a sharp tug on my hair as he groaned and pulled away from me.

  “Much better. That might last me until later today.”

  In a daze, I walked hand in hand with Drake across campus toward the academic build
ings. People threw greetings our way, and we got a lot of surprised glances aimed at us. For someone new to campus, he sure seemed to know a lot of people already. And many of them were women who glared at me when they saw his hold on my hand and my bag on his shoulder. He just nodded in response to the guys and basically ignored the girls who tried to get his attention.

  I gestured at the building we were walking toward. “How did you know where my class was?”

  “I guessed it would be here and asked one of the guys at the house last night just to be sure. He’s an Econ major, so I figured he’d know.”

  “Really? Didn’t he find it weird that you needed to know?”

  Drake chuckled deep in his throat. “Nah. He assumed it was about a girl. Why else would I give a fuck where I was going this early in the morning since my first class isn’t ‘til ten?”

  “You woke up early just to walk me to class?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Wanted to see you today and wasn’t sure how our schedules would mesh. This way, I’ll get some time with you and a workout in before class.”

  “Thank you, Drake. I’m surprised that you were willing to wake up so early for me, but it means a lot that you’re making an effort to spend some time with me.”

  “Got a feeling you’re going to be worth any effort I make.”

  I smiled and felt my walls coming down a little bit further. “Want to meet me for lunch today? I usually eat at the café on this side of campus instead of heading back to the cafeteria.”

  “I know, babe. I’ve seen you heading in as I’ve been on my way out. Already decided to crash your lunch. Now I don’t have to since you invited me.”

  I just shook my head as he opened the door for me and ushered me inside. “Meet me there at noon?”

  “Yeah, that works for me.” He handed my bag to me and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. “I have a feeling my day is going to creep by today, waiting for noon.”

  I watched him walk away, my enjoyment of the view interrupted by whispers and giggles behind me. I turned to find several girls staring at me. One of them looked familiar, and I realized she was the one who had been arguing with Drake when I saw him at the frat party. If looks could kill, I would definitely be six feet under. I walked past them as they stopped talking. It was pretty clear that Drake and I were the topic of conversation. I needed to remember to ask him what the hell was up with this girl. If she was an ex, then he needed to deal with it fast before I had to do something. If Aubrey caught wind of a bunch of sorority chicks giving me a hard time, all hell was going to break loose. My bestie always had my back, but her temper could get us into trouble.


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