Convict's Captive Book 4: Welcome to Mexico

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Convict's Captive Book 4: Welcome to Mexico Page 15

by Paul Blades

  He told her to sit up.

  He looked at her sternly. “Did the doggie learn her lesson?” he asked.

  Her mouth was still immobilized by the needles but she knew she had to answer. She did her best to make a loud bark. A muffled sound emerged and the effort of making a sound caused her mouth to shift and the needles to dig in. She moaned with pain. She looked at the man hopefully. He had coolly ignored the other girl’s pleas, the girl on the rooftop. Would he ignore her plight? “Please don’t! Please don’t!” she thought madly.

  When he moved his hands to her head she felt a wave of release. He turned the dial on the outside of the gag and she could feel the needles retract. Then he undid the straps and removed the infernal device. Carly stifled the urge to cry with joy.

  He held out his hand to her. “How does a little doggie say ‘thank you’?” he asked.

  Carly looked up at him. What did he want? What was she supposed to do? What would a doggie do? If she got it wrong, she knew she would be beaten. Her lips curled down in a frown. She could see the impatience in his eyes. She looked at his hand, presented in front of her. And then it came to her. She knew what a doggie would do. She leaned over and started to lick his hand. She kissed it and licked it and made what she thought of as little doggie sounds of relief. “Nyuh, nyuh, nyuh, nyuh,” she whined. Her performance shamed her deeply.

  This was a brand new low for her. She knew that she would do anything these men demanded of her, even abasing herself to the lowest degree. Her eyes filled up with tears. And yet, what she was doing seemed somehow right. She knew that she shouldn’t be thankful, he was a cruel bastard just like Lorenzo, even worse, but, on the other hand, he could have kept her like that for hours and hours more. He could have extended her torture, done all kinds of things to her, but had not. That was truly something to be grateful for. And she had gone through so much already. In fact, her heart was overwhelmed with gratitude for having that device removed and she cried and cried while she kissed and licked his hand with devoted sincerity.

  He allowed her to go on for a while. Then he withdrew his hand from her and patted her on her smooth, bald head. “Eres una perrita pequeña buena,” he said almost tenderly. ‘You’re a good little doggie.’

  He stepped back from her and told her to sit on the edge of the mattress. He dug into his bag and he pulled out what at first seemed to Carly to be a little black plug. He then pulled out a small bottle with a brown liquid in it. He opened the bottle and the top had an applicator on it. “No te muevas,” he told her. She sat obediently stock still while he applied some of the liquid in a little triangle around her nose. He then applied some of the liquid to the underside of the plastic thing he was holding. He put it down to dry. It was then that Carly realized what it was. It was a doggy nose. They were going to put a doggy nose on her. Her lips started to tremble and her eyes welled up with tears again. “I don’t want to be a doggie,” she thought miserably. “Please don’t make me, please.”

  Vincenzo dipped his hand back into the bag and pulled out two glove like things, they were black and sort of rounded. He also had a roll of wide, black plastic tape.

  Carly held back further tears while her hands were taped closed, her fingers bent, one by one, and placed in the gloves. Each wrist, when he was done with it was locked back up to the belt.

  He turned to the nose and tested its tackiness. He tested the tackiness on her face. Satisfied, he placed the black prosthesis over her nose and pressed on it hard for well over a minute to make sure that it caught. Carly was so upset that she felt like screaming. She stayed quiet, though. Her mouth was still sore from the needles and she didn’t want that again, or worse. But the despair about her future course of life was so deep that her body ached. Would they do this every day? Would they tire of their game? Did they really mean to treat her like a dog forever and ever?

  Once satisfied that the nose was set, Vincenzo removed from the bag a makeup pencil. There was ample light in the room from an overhead bulb and Vincenzo carefully drew lines of shadow around her nose and across her upper cheeks. He then used the pencil to place random spots of varying sizes on her face. When he was done, he took her chin in his hand and turned her head back and forth. He smiled, satisfied with his handiwork. He put all the makeup tools away. But he had more in his bag for her. He took out two beige colored kneepads and slipped them up one of her calves and then the other. He had the doggy ears in there too and he brought them out and placed them on her head, making sure that her natural ears were well covered.

  He smiled again and patted her head. “Pequeña perrita buena,” he said. Then, “Levantate.” He made a motion with his hand that Carly understood and she rose to her feet. He took her to the mirror on the wall and presented her before it. “Now isn’t that a pretty little doggie?” he asked her. “Una pequeña perrita buena?”

  Carly almost missed that he was asking her a question, she was so overwhelmed. The sight she saw made her dizzy. She did look like a little doggie, or, at least, more like a doggie than a human. The lack of hair made her seem like some forlorn creature. She hadn’t thought of what she might look like without eyebrows, but it left her face barren of a human trait. And the markings on her face greatly accentuated the prominent, black nose. It looked so real, not glossy, like something for a costume, but kind of rough with tiny little cracks and two little holes she could breathe through. When she realized that she had forgotten to answer the man’s question, she immediately released a loud, “Yarp!” hoping that it wasn’t too late. Watching herself bark in the mirror made her despair even deeper. Her mouth was downturned and her brow was wrinkled. A very sad doggie indeed.

  Vincenzo had had his fun. He released her wrists from the belt and removed the belt from around her waist. “¡Manos y rodillas!” he ordered sharply. Carly, saying a sad goodbye to her image, sank to the floor. She thought that they were about to leave, but Vincenzo rummaged around in his bag again and dug out some beige colored Velcro straps. He got behind her, circled her right ankle with one and then raised it and pressed it up against her thigh. Then he wrapped the rest of the strap around her thigh and ankle and pressed the Velcro side down. Her ankle was locked in place. Then he did the other. He gave her ass a sharp slap and snapped, “¡Afuera!”

  Carly wobbled her way out of the room. She stopped just outside the door, not willing to venture any further without permission. Vincenzo came out and placed his bag down. He had his switch in his hand. He nodded toward the end of the hall where the bathrooms were. “Walk up and down,” he told her with a nod of his head. “Let’s see how you do.”

  Carly walked unsteadily to the end of the hall. It was difficult to coordinate her knees with her hands. Her upraised lower legs distorted her center of gravity. Her breasts swung back and forth wildly. She went all the way down to where the punishment area was and then, trying to avoid looking into it, but very conscious of its availability and immediacy, she turned and walked back.

  “No esta mal,” he said. Not bad. “Just keep walking back and forth until I tell you to stop.”

  Carly went all the way to the green door and then returned. As she passed Vincenzo she became conscious of the switch in his hand which he was tapping into his other palm like he was just waiting for an excuse to use it. The pads on her hands felt strange and she was a little tentative about putting her full weight on them. By the fifth trip up and down, she started getting a little better at it.

  “Okay, ahora rapido, faster,” he said.

  Carly picked up the pace. It was hard because she kept on getting confused in her rhythms. On the second pass she still hadn’t gotten it. Vincenzo brought the switch down on her rear with a vicious stroke. “Awwwwwwhhhhhhh!” she wailed. She looked at him.

  “¡Rapido!” he shouted. “¡Mas rapido!”

  She whined and cried, but she did her best to do it faster. She fell once and Vincenzo was upon her in a flash, slicing her rear and flanks with his switch, making her scream. Finally, w
hen she had gone back and forth about 5 more times, as fast as she could, he relented.

  She was sweaty and breathless and unhappy. All this training was not a good sign. Would she have to go like this all the time? Wouldn’t she ever be able to walk like a normal person?

  Vincenzo took a long leash from the bag, snapping it to her collar and then, picking up the bag told her to follow him. When they got to the door, he pressed a button there. Carly looked up and saw a video camera. Vincenzo was looking up at it too. A second later the buzzer sounded and Vincenzo pulled the door open. He let her through and then followed.

  Getting down the stairs was quite a trick. She kept feeling like she was going to fall down them headfirst. But by going slow and being really careful she made it down without incident.

  The hallway was deserted. Next to the stairs to the attic was another set of service stairs going down. She followed Vincenzo obediently as he turned and went down them. They were narrow, long and steep. There was a small landing halfway down. One of the maids, fresh, clean towels draped over her arm stopped there, shrunk into the corner, her eyes downcast, to let them go by. Carly hung her head in shame as she passed. She heard the girl run up the stairs as if she were fleeing a fire.

  The bottom of the stairs emptied out into a vast kitchen. Three rotund, older women were involved in various tasks. A long black stove had several pots brewing. There was a long, aluminum steam table in front of it. Off in the corner was a large mixing machine and racks of dishes and cooking implements. The floor was made up of dark copper colored tiles.

  Vincenzo led her into the middle of it. Something was cooking that smelled good. Carly realized that she hadn’t eaten in a long time. Her fear and dismay had staved off her hunger pangs, but they came at her in a rush now.

  Their entry into the kitchen did not go unnoticed. One of the women, dressed in a dark red and black skirt that descended to her ankles and was covered with a smeared white apron, and topping off low heeled, black shoes, was the first to see them. Like the other women, she had dark black, grey streaked hair tied into a ponytail behind her head, and swarthy skin. Her face lit up and broke out into a broad smile. She said something to the other women who turned from their tasks and looked. They were dressed similarly and their faces alighted as well. The first one was carrying a large bowl with a wooden spoon stuck in it and she put it down on the counter. She raised her apron and wiped her hands clean as she approached. The other women came around the steam table and they all made a little semi-circle around Carly, laughing and smiling.

  Vincenzo pulled her leash taut. “En tus ancas,” he ordered her. “On your haunches.”

  Carly knelt back, spreading her legs even though he had not told her to. She didn’t know what to do with her hands.

  “¡Arriba las manos así!” he spat out at her, lifting his hands in front of him, bending his wrists.

  Carly looked at him forlornly. “Like a dog,” she thought miserably. She obeyed and posed her paw like hands as Vincenzo has shown her.

  The women were amused and excited by her appearance. Carly heard the word ‘perrita’ spoken several times. One of the women, tall and heavier than the others, the one who had been working at the stove, placed her hand on her head and rubbed it softly. “Que bonita perrita,” she said soothingly.

  The other women cooed their agreement. One of them leant down and grabbed a breast, squeezing it hard like testing a melon. Carly released an unhappy whine. Vincenzo responded with a quick flash of his switch across her back making her squeal, “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

  The women all expressed their disapproval. One of them placed her hand on the leash in Vincenzo’s hand and gave him a little push. He responded sharply and gave the women an angry order. They all expressed their compliance and the short, fat one, the one who had seen Carly first, continued to push him away. He relented and walked out of the kitchen through a pair of swinging doors.

  Carly was not displeased to see the back of Vincenzo, but she was mortified and shamed to be seen this way by the three women. Her head was stroked again and another hand seized a breast. One of the women went behind her and rubbed her hand all down her back saying something that sounded approving to the other women. She was the one holding the leash and she gave it a little tug and said sharply, “¡Manos y rodillas!”

  Carly obediently fell to her hands and knees. The woman then ran her hand over her rear cheeks and down her thighs, murmuring approvingly. Then she ordered, “¡Abre tus muslos!”

  She complied, spreading her knees apart. A rough hand slipped over her pudenda and began to rub it gently. Within a few seconds she was wet and a thick, bony finger slipped between her outer labia. The woman squealed something in delight and the other women laughed. One of the women crouched down in front of her and took hold of her breasts, squeezing and caressing them. She began to whisper sweet sounding words to her and making little kissy sounds. She took hold of her nipples and pinched them hard until Carly moaned with unhappiness. The woman said something that the other women found funny and then relented and began to knead her breasts, caressing and stroking them.

  The hand behind her continued to slide its fingers up and down her slit. A thick finger found her pleasure bud and began to stroke it. Carly felt a wave of shame flow through her as her lusts began to rise. The woman in front of her lifted her chin with her hand and pursed her lips. “Dame un beso, pequeña perrita,” she said invitingly. The third woman crouched down and seized the breast the other had abandoned.

  Carly recoiled at the thought of kissing the old, fat woman. Their faces were only inches apart. Her nose was wide and bulbous, her cheeks fat, almost slovenly, her lips thick. Carly pressed her lips together tightly and tried to pull back her head. The woman held on tightly to her chin and brought it back. Then she gave Carly’s face a sharp slap, spitting out some word of warning. Carly released a sob. The hand went back on her chin and the women resumed her sweet sounding enticements, pursing her lips.

  Knowing that she had no choice, Vincenzo had apparently placed her in the power of these strange women, Carly inched her face forward and placed her lips on those proffered by the fat, old cook in front of her. The woman’s hand went immediately around her neck and pulled her face forward. At the same time, her thick, hot tongue forced its way into her mouth and began to swirl and dance inside.

  Carly released a whine, but was powerless to offer any resistance. The woman’s breath was hot and reeked of garlic or onions or something. Her stomach turned at the revolting experience, but, despite herself and her revulsion at having the fat, pig like woman’s tongue scouring her mouth, its heat and its furious, aggressive, dominant movements sent a wave of passion through her. The very thought of how the act degraded her seemed to cause her lusts to rise. She had a vision of herself, as if she were out of her body looking down. The three women were surrounding her like hyenas engorging on their prey and they were kissing and massaging and stroking her most luxuriant parts with callous alacrity. And all she could do, so immensely fearful was she of further retribution, was to kneel there and let them ravish her.

  The hand at her quim had increased its tempo, jiggling at her burning clit, thrusting thick fingers deep inside her. Carly felt her arms weaken and her mind swim as her lust began to grow faster and faster. Soon she was uttering little moans of passion while at the same time her fevered mind did everything it could to deny the fire that was growing in her loins.

  The woman kissing her moved and gave way to the other women and she too thrust her tongue in her mouth. The hands on her breasts, the fingers teasing and tormenting her sex, the hot, thick tongue in her mouth all combined to drive her need higher and higher.

  “Please don’t! Please don’t! Please don’t!” he mind begged as her ability to retard the women’s efforts slipped from her grasp.“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” she moaned as her passion grew. “Don’t do this! Don’t do this! Don’t do this!” she begged inwards uselessly.

  And t
hen her passion erupted. Her exclamations of pleasure were muffled by the tongue in her mouth, but were unmistakable. “Urrrrrgh! Urrrrrrgh! Urrrrrrrrgh!” she grunted. Her body shook. She squeezed her thighs tightly against the hand worrying her puss. The hands on her breasts pinched and twisted her nipples, the pain accentuating and complementing her pleasure.

  The women made sounds of glee and encouragement to her. The tongue left her mouth. The woman’s hand circled her throat and raised her head high. “¡Ladra, perrita!” the woman shouted. “¡Ladra como un perra, perrita!

  Carly knew what the woman wanted. Her orgasm had faded, but the hand behind her continued to torment her pussy, pushing her closer and closer to another. “Please don’t make me! Please don’t make me!” she thought madly. The hand gripped her throat tighter. “¡Ladra, perrita, o te voy a dar con el látigo!” she shouted. “I’ll geeve you de wheep!” she followed up in English.

  Her pussy was about to re-explode. The woman behind her had her finger on her clit and was flicking back and forth over it at a hundred miles per hour. She knew she had no choice. “Yarp!” she yelled. “Yarp! Yarp!” And then her orgasm tore through her. “Yarp!” she exclaimed. “Yarp! Yarp! Yarp! Yarp!”

  The women laughed. As her orgasm wound down, the hand behind her gave her mound a little pat and then abandoned it. The hands left her breasts. The woman in front of her gave her another deep kiss, swirling her tongue around inside her mouth, making her pussy give two final little jumps. Then she released her and, saying something sweet and cloying, patted her on the head softly.

  The women went back to their work. The woman who held her leash, the tall, heavy one, led Carly over to the corner of the kitchen furthest from the swinging doors. There was a soft, round rug there next to a large cage. The woman unclipped the leash from her collar and attached a chain that led to a ring inside, on the back of the cage. She tossed the leash down on the floor, gave Carly a pat on the head while she gave out a little laugh, and returned to her work.


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