Convict's Captive Book 4: Welcome to Mexico

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Convict's Captive Book 4: Welcome to Mexico Page 17

by Paul Blades

Maybe the woman was right, she thought unhappily. Maybe she was a slutty little doggie. Maybe she had been one all her life and not known it. Only now had the truth come out. Maybe she deserved everything that was happening to her. She had always believed in a fair and just god. If that was true, maybe there was something about her, some flaw in her soul, way deep down, that made her current predicament a just and deserved punishment.

  The woman took another sip of her wine. Her hand slipped down over Carly’s belly, making it flinch, and then descended to her loins. The woman’s icy fingers slid along her labia, caressing it with a fine, sensitive touch. A feeling that Carly didn’t like travelled from her sex out and down her thighs and up into her belly. When a finger started to slide between her hairless labia, she shivered and suppressed a whine.

  “What a fine little fuck doggie you’re going to make,” the woman said after a while, a sinister smile on her face. “You have fine breasts and a sweet pussy. And you moisten at the slightest touch. You should count yourself lucky since Señor Lorenzo doesn’t like to wait around when he wants to fuck. I’ll bet you I could get you to come in less than a minute just by rubbing my finger along your slit.”

  The finger kept sliding up and down. Carly could feel the warmth spreading from her loins. She knew that the woman was right. There was something about being in this woman’s power that set her lusts on edge. And this despite her revulsion at being subject to a woman’s touch. The finger rubbed over her now rigid love bud and a wave of need flashed through her. “Please stop, please,” she thought miserably. But she knew that she had not been brought here just so she could see the woman’s bedroom.

  The woman slipped her finger into her canal, making Carly jump. The woman released a little laugh and then replaced the finger with two. She slid them in and out while she took another sip of her golden wine. She sighed as she swallowed it.

  “Yes, you’re going to be a very good fuck doggie,” she said, “but there’s just something about your appearance that’s just not dog like. Even without the eyebrows you still look much too human. Let’s see what we can do about that,” she said. “¡No te muevas! Don’t move.”

  The woman stood up. She tilted back her glass of wine, draining it, giving her lips a little smack when she was done and then she put the empty glass down on a dresser. She walked over to her dressing table and opened a makeup case that was sitting on it. She rooted around in it for a few seconds. Carly watched as she picked out a tube of lipstick. She screwed it open and looked at the color. “No, not this one,” she said. “It’s a little too light. I know I have the right color. Now where is it?”

  She closed he makeup case and opened one of the drawers. She looked at a couple more lipstick tubes but was not satisfied with them either. She opened the drawer on the other side and pulled out another tube. She screwed it open. “Mmmmmmm,” she said. “This one might be the one.” She applied a dab on her arm. “Sí, ésta puede ser la perfecta,” she said. She dabbed a tissue in her mouth and rubbed the lipstick off of her arm.

  After gathering up a few more things, she turned and came back to Carly. Her thighs swished as she walked, her fine silk stocking rubbing together. She knelt down in front of her. She placed one hand on Carly’s chin and lifted it slightly. Then, with an intense look, she began to apply the lipstick under Carly’s right eye.

  Carly felt her rub the lipstick more than an inch under her eye. When she was satisfied, she turned Carly’s head and did the other one. She leaned her head back slightly, turning Carly’s head left and right to get a good look at it.

  “Mmmmmmmmmmmm,” she murmured. “That’s just the right color. But I think it needs a little on the top as well.”

  She took the lipstick and drew two solid semicircles over Carly’s eyes. When she was done, she put the tube down on the floor and picked another one. She told Carly to open her mouth and she carefully, she applied the lipstick to Carly’s upper and lower lips. Next, she told Carly to close her eyes. Using an applicator, she painted each of Carly’s eyelids. She took each of Carly’s breasts in turn and applied rouge to her nipples and areolas. Then, making her lie back and spread her legs, she lined her outer labia with the same lipstick she had used on her lips.

  She stood up and ordered Carly to present. Carly unhappily rose back to her knees, sitting back on her thighs. Angelika stepped back and took a good look at her. She laughed. “Perfecto,” she said. She came back to Carly and rubbed her hand over her head. “But we’ve got to do something with your ears. This wire thing over your head has got to go. Give me a few days and I’m sure I’ll think of something.”

  Carly cringed at the thought of what the woman would do to her ears. She cringed at the thought of what she had done to her face. She hadn’t seen the colors that the woman had applied to her. She knew for sure though that whatever she had done, it was certainly designed to make her look more foolish and obscene. She was just glad that she didn’t have to look at it. But that consolation was only short lived.

  “Oh, it’s so perfect,” Angelika exclaimed. “You’ve got to get a look at it.”

  She gathered up all the makeup and returned it to the dressing table. She walked over to her closet and opened one of the doors. On its back was a full length mirror.

  “¡Venga acá!” she snapped, pointing to a spot in front of the mirror.

  With deep foreboding, Carly walked over on her knees over to where the woman was pointing. It was tough going. Her bound hands behind her pulled on her collar hard. She tried her best to keep her eyes off of the mirror. When she got there, the woman commanded her, “¡Presentate!”

  Carly sat back and stared straight ahead. And there she was. It took her a second to recognize herself. The woman had painted a deep purple circle around her eyes. It took away all their human aspect. She couldn’t say that it made her look more like a dog, maybe it did in a certain way, but, in combination with the dog like nose and ears, it certainly took away any impression that the face staring back at her was that of a woman. Her lips were painted a bright scarlet. Her nipples were colored to match as was the crevice between her thighs. The colors invited ravishment, promised great delights. If she was a dog, she was a sluttish, whorish one. Her eyes grew misty and she had to fight off the urge to break out into tears.

  “Don’t start crying or I’ll beat you,” the woman said to her sternly. “Since you’re now a dog, you have to look like a dog. It’s as simple as that. And since your sole purpose now is to suck and fuck, your body parts need to appear more inviting. This way your maestro will want to use you more often and he will take greater pleasure in offering you to his guests. I think that you have the makings of a fine doggy and so perhaps Señor Lorenzo will want to keep you around longer than the others. If I were you I would do my best to please him and everyone who uses you. For when Señor Lorenzo tires of one of his fuck doggies, the outcome is never very happy for her. I won’t say what your fate will be. Just believe me when I tell you that it won’t be very pleasant at all.”

  Carly trembled at the news she was being given. What would he do with her? How could her life be worse than this? And then she remembered what Lorenzo had said about a Monterrey barbeque. He wouldn’t do that, would he? Could he? “Oh my god!” Carly exclaimed inside. “Don’t let it be true! It can’t be true!”

  She peered more intently at her animal like visage. Her stomach was churning and a chill went through her body. It hit her like a load of bricks had fallen on her. She would have to play her new role to the upmost. If she faltered in any way, a lazy blow job, being less than wildly passionate, revealing any human quality at all, the consequences would be so dire that the woman was barely able to speak of it.

  She held in her sobs of despair. She felt a little teardrop escape from her right eye and roll down her cheek. She prayed that the evil woman didn’t take note of it. Her eyes flitted up at her face for a split second. She was gazing at her admiringly, no doubt proud of what she had accomplished. At that instant, Car
ly realized that the woman had actually done her a service. Instead of being sad and dismayed at how the woman had made her look, she realized, she should be grateful. She should be grateful at anything that was designed to please her maestro, the man who held the power of life and a very painful and horrifying death over her.

  “Enough of that,” Angelika said after a few moments. “Come over here to the chair and we’ll see how good you are at sucking pussy.”

  Carly’s heart started beating wildly as she followed Angelika to one of the fancy padded chairs in the room. When she reached it, the woman told her to present and then said, “Espera aquí.” Wait here.

  Carly knelt there staring at the chair, her breasts just touching the edge of the seat, where, very shortly, she knew the woman’s sex would be. Her body felt chilled and her stomach soured. Her bound hands behind her, up at the level of her shoulder blades, clenched and unclenched in a worrisome way. The woman came back in a few moments and laid a small towel over the edge of the seat. Then she stepped back. Out of the corner of her eye, Carly saw her lift up the hem of her skirt, sneak her hands under it and pull down a pair of black, lacy silk panties. She dropped them on the floor and then stepped between Carly and the chair and sat down, lifting her skirt to her waist so that she wouldn’t be sitting on it. Instead, her bum rested on the fluffy little towel she had laid there. She spread her legs and gestured to Carly with finger to come closer.

  The woman had exquisitely tapered thighs. Her dark stockings were sheer enough so that a hint of her flesh could be discerned behind them. The tops, which circled her thighs closely, were etched in fine, black lace. Just above, her skin was pale all the way to her crux. Carly stared at her sex. In a second she would have her mouth upon it. Her body was shaking and all her saliva had dried up. The vagina stared back at her expectantly. The shroud of dark black pubic hair had been trimmed around the lips and around the edges, but had otherwise been left intact. presenting a mossy, black jungle. Its outer labia were well pronounced and thick and its inner flesh peaked out between them intimating a fleshy and voluptuous interior. Carly could smell the perfume with which it had been adorned, a sensuous, musky scent with just a hint of jasmine.

  The woman’s legs were splayed to the sides of the chair and Carly was planted directly in between them. She had no hands to balance herself and if she leaned too far forward, because of her ankles being bound to her thighs, she would totter right over. But being so close, the expectant vagina mere inches from her face, all she had to do was tilt her torso just a little bit forward and her mouth would be right upon it.

  Carly felt mesmerized by the sight. She had never looked so closely at a vagina before. She had seen her own in a mirror, but viewing it had not been like this. For a moment she imagined the organ drawing open, ready to snap closed on her tongue and lips. It seemed to have its own life, separate and apart from its owner. It was like an evil sorceress lying in wait for her, ready to cast upon her a devilish spell. The whole world had gone away and left this organ in its place.

  Angelika’s voice broke the spell momentarily.

  “Have you ever licked a chocha before, perrita?” she asked.

  It took a moment for the question to register. Then she looked up at the woman. Her lips were parted slightly, a mirror of her vagina below, and a foreshadowing of her lust was written on her face. Combined with her cold cruelty, it gave her a fierce demeanor that made Carly shudder.

  For a split second, Carly was about to answer her question no when she remembered that she mustn’t talk. She had a momentary vision of herself bound up in the whipping stand in the corner of the room suffering untold abuse. She thanked the fates for reminding her. “Yarp! Yarp!” she barked.

  Angelika smiled, amused by her faithful adherence to her instructions. “Well, you better do a good job,” she said. “Take your time and think of what you like having done to you. Now get started.”

  Carly leaned forward. Angelika leaned back and raised her feet, placing her heels on Carly’s back, spreading her thighs widely. Her pussy parted slightly. She placed her hands on Carly’s head and pushed her towards it. Carly took a deep swallow and extended her tongue.

  She found the bottom of the woman’s divide and nervously drew her tongue northwards, just barely touching it. When she got to the top, she circled it around the little bump there and then brought it back down. When she brought it up the next time, gaining courage, she delved her tongue into the gap a little deeper. There was a salty taste, tinged by something familiar and strange at the same time. The organ was giving off heat and Carly could feel it on her face. The third time as her tongue climbed the woman’s puss, it had begun to spread and lubricate. That strange, yet familiar taste was there again, even stronger.

  Carly had tasted her boyfriend’s cock more than once after they had fucked. She had done it on kind of an urge to get out every drop of his cum. The taste had been mostly cock and cum, but there was just a hint of the same taste she was experiencing now. And she had dipped her finger inside herself more than once to sample the flavor of her fluids when alone and she had just got herself off. The experience had not been distasteful. And it was, to her surprise, not distasteful now. It was kind of arousing, in fact. It tasted of sex and all its mysteries and pleasures.

  The fourth time up, Carly ran her tongue even deeper into the divide. Her tongue drifted across the pronounced, loose folds of her inner labia. It slipped over her entrance and then upwards. The bump at the top had gotten harder now and the woman issued a slight moan. The fifth time up, her pussy had dilated and Carly was met with a blast of that undeniable flavor. Its smell was exhilarating.

  She took a moment to absorb the sight of the fecund smelling organ. The pinkish flesh had reddened and the outer labia had swollen. Between the lips it glistened. The beast had been aroused. For a second, she had a vision of it sucking her in, face first, and then all of her body, until she popped out in some demonish dimension on the other side. The thought made her loins twinge. As soon as she felt it, a wave of dismay and shame filled her. What was wrong with her? She didn’t want to get excited this way. But the demon inside her had awakened. Her shame was fuel for the demon’s passion. “Go away!” she told the feeling. “Go away, I don’t want you.”

  She felt the pressure, the insistence of the woman’s hands on her head and she went back to work. This time, the sixth time she had slowly dragged her pointed tongue between the woman’s outer lips, her tongue dipped into the canal at their center. Something came over her, she didn’t know what, but she couldn’t resist the temptation to explore it. She pressed her tongue in amongst the heat, slid it all around the little circle, once, twice, three times and then plunged inside. She broadened her tongue and lapped at the upper wall of the chasm. That was the spot that she liked. It seemed that Angelika liked it too because she released a deep sigh and her hands became tighter on her head.

  The taste, the smell, the heat, the sensation of being used, of being degraded, of being a forlorn, powerless prisoner upon whom all things were imposed and of whom no permission was asked, all came together in Carly’s brain. Suddenly, there was a feeling of rightness about what was happening, about what she was doing. Her body shuddered and the heat in her loins grew very large.

  There was no pattern or rhyme or reason in her ministrations after that. It was as if it were her own cunt that she was licking. “Here, I like it here,” she would say to herself, and she would dip her tongue deeply into the woman’s shaft. “And like this, I like it like this,” she thought as she began to suckle on the bump at the apex of the woman’s crevasse. “And I like this too,” she thought as she broadened her longue and took long, leisurely laps at the organ, washing her tongue over the woman’s clit. Each time she dragged her tongue up the woman’s slit, her protuberant doggie nose preceded it.

  Angelika was moaning pretty steadily now. Her heels were digging into Carly’s back and her hands’ gripped her head tightly, pressing her doggy ears into the
sides of her head.

  “Yessssssssss,” she sighed when Carly took her beauty bud in her mouth and suckled it while, at the same time, running her tongue rapidly over its tip. Carly took this as a signal to accelerate her efforts. She began lapping and suckling and tickling the divine being between the woman’s thighs with passion. She could feel her own pussy burning. She pressed her thighs together and squeezed them. Her breasts were aching and the tips of her nipples hard.

  Angelika’s expressions of delight grew louder and more insistent as she went on. She tightened her thighs against the sides of Carly’s face, exclaiming, “¡Oh, ¡Si! ¡ Si! ¡Es bueno, mas bueno! ¡Más rápido! ¡Chupa fuerte! ¡Más duro! ¡Dame tu lengua puta cachonda! Suck me harder you slutty bitch!”

  Her hands pressed down hard on Carly’s head, making it difficult for her to use her tongue to advantage. She fastened her lips upon the woman’s clit and sucked and sucked. She ran over it with her tongue again and again. The woman’s fluids were drenching her chin and face. The aroma and taste was overwhelming. Her own pussy was screaming for contact, yearning for a hand or a tongue or any other object or appendage to scratch its terrible itch.

  And then the woman exploded. She let out a screech and groaned and groaned. Her thighs twitched and spasmed against Carly’s head. Her hands pressed down on it as hard as she could. “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ¡Si! ¡Si! ¡Si!” she called out. “Ohhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhhhh!”

  Her orgasm was long and pronounced. Her fingernails dug into Carly’s skull. She had crossed her ankles and the backs of her heels were pressing Carly’s face deeper and deeper into her cunt. She was unbridled in her passion and she groaned and called out without reservation as only a woman certain of her right to receive this oral blessing can. Receiving the beneficence of Carly’s efforts, kneeling between her thighs like some perverse acolyte, was her right and her due. And she could enjoy the extorted efforts of the new house fuckdog shamelessly.


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