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by Pelaam





  Copyright © 2014

  Published by Dark Hollows Press

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  Copyright © 2014 Pelaam

  ISBN 10: 1942176341

  ISBN 13: 978-1-942176-34-3

  Author: Pelaam

  Editor: Ashley Kain

  Publication Date: November 2014

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2014 by Dark Hollows Press

  Cover design by 3 Rusted Spoons

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Witness Recovery and Inter-dimensional Tactical Hunters

  There is a world just beyond our own. A world where Fairies and Demons rule, where Fae and Paranormal creatures exist in a dimension parallel to our world.

  It is the Vargr Realm.

  The Vargr have known about our world for thousands of years and have, in the past, crossed dimensions to prey on it. In recent centuries, however, the Vargr Ruling Council has tried to put a stop to it. Humans have become more technologically savvy and some human scientists have even come close to cracking the barriers that exist between the realms. But there are those who disobey the law…

  The Vargr are attracted to humans. Some like to eat humans. Some come to have sex with us. Some travel to our world to obtain items that are common on Earth, but priceless on Vargr. A special Vargr task force has been established to retrieve those of the Vargr Realm who travel between the dimensions unlawfully and to neutralize any human witnesses who come in contact with these travelers.

  The Vargr Ruling Council has contacted the governments of our world and they have agreed to cooperate in order to protect human citizens. But there is a war brewing in the Vargr Realm…

  As a civil war begins to brew in the Vargr Realm, the agents of WRAITH find themselves caught in the crossfire. Can the agents - human and Vargr - find the common ground needed to see that the order between the world is preserved?

  Chapter One

  Morn on the Summer Sea—the breaking light

  Is trembling on the mountain’s misty height,

  And upland lea—and on the distant glen—

  And o’er the waters—far from haunts of men.

  Isaac McLellan (1806-1899)

  Walking slowly along the beach, watching the sunrise and the play of colours on the ocean, made Emer smile. He loved this small piece of paradise. He kicked off his sandals, letting the surf wash over his feet, and shivered delightedly. He loved the feel of the water on his skin, too. He looked down and wriggled his toes. Born and bred in the small coastal town, Emer had no desire to live anywhere else.

  Looking up, Emer sighed as he saw the mountains in the distance behind him, and stared out to sea again. Then he smiled. A small boat was just coming into view around the breakwater. Lachlan would have the freshest fish and shellfish, and Emer would get his choice of the catch. No payment exchanged hands for the fish or shellfish. If Lachlan was successful with his catch, Emer cooked it, and they shared a meal together in the evening.

  All the other seafood Emer had on the menu at his restaurant came from a trusted supplier. But Lachlan’s catches were special. Especially to Emer. He had no idea how long he’d loved the quietly-spoken redhead. Sometimes it felt like forever, but he had no intentions of ruining the friendship they shared.

  A small rowboat headed to the beach, and Emer helped pull it up onto the sand with Lachlan. Emer forced his mind onto the fish, which wasn’t easy. Lachlan’s tanned legs were bare up to the skimpy swimming Speedos he’d chosen to wear, and only his life jacket covered his chest, with its dusting of beautiful reddish brown fur.

  “Have I got a treat for you!” Lachlan held up his bucket.

  “Sounds good.” Emer felt he’d already had the biggest treat seeing his friend so scantily clad.

  “I got a good-sized snapper. There are some nice paua, too. I can’t come around tonight. But how about tomorrow?”

  The initial disappointment that swept over Emer was quickly replaced by anticipation. “Yes. Tomorrow’s fine. These look magnificent.” He picked up one of the shells and turned it over in his hand. Paua shells were beautiful, and he and Lachlan both enjoyed the meat inside the shell, so nothing went to waste.

  “Umm, Emer, I was thinking…”

  Something about Lachlan’s tone caught Emer’s attention. “Yes?”

  “We’ve been friends a good while now, haven’t we?”

  “We have.” Emer felt a cold knot form in his stomach. Did I give myself away? Has someone said something about our evenings? He’s going to stop seeing me. Then I’ll really be alone.

  “So, I was thinking. Would you like to come out in the boat with me? You close the restaurant after lunch on Sunday and don’t open on Monday. I thought we could, you know, go down the coast a little. Stay overnight on the boat. You could cook. I have a galley. What do you think?”

  For a moment Emer didn’t know what to say. His fears hadn’t come to fruition. Could he trust himself in such close proximity? But if he said ‘no’, he’d clearly hurt a man who was precious to him even if Lachlan never knew it.


  The worried sound from Lachlan jolted Emer from his thoughts. There was really only one reply, and Emer would have to keep the tightest rein ever on his feelings to do it.

  “I’d love to. I’ll even cook. Sorry, I was thinking about what you’d have in a galley. It’s probably never been used. Mr. Freezer-to-microwave.”

  A look of relief flashed over Lachlan’s handsome face. Emer smiled. Ruggedly handsome. Reddish stubble decorated Lachlan’s slightly square chin. His eyes were a beautiful hazel colour, and Emer loved the way they crinkled at the sides when Lachlan laughed or smiled.

  “Awesome. Look, I’d better make a move. But I’ll be here tomorrow morning, and we’ll have dinner tomorrow night. See ya.”

  Lachlan drew Emer into a quick hug, and Emer shamelessly took advantage of every precious second to indulge in touch and scent.

  “Sure thing, bro. Same time, same place. And tomorrow night we dine like kings.” Emer waved casually and forced himself to turn and head back along the beach toward his home.

  Chapter Two

  Who hath one friend, of straight and loyal mind,

  But one, of all the million swarms of men,

  Is strong, beyond the energy of ten,

  Is rich, beyond the level of mankind.

  William Wilsey Martin

  A low rumbling growl of annoyance came from deep in Aydin’s chest as he read the summons to Quillon’s office. He’d hoped for some time off. He liked working for WRAITH, and he even liked his human partner, not that he’d a
dmit it in so many words. He did have a reputation to maintain, after all.

  His cell phone beeped and he glanced at the text. Speak of the devil. A soft hiss of laughter escaped him at his own joke as he reached to caress one of his horns, letting his nail scratch along the spiral pattern.

  He rose to his feet. He wasn’t in the mood to glamour for human eyes. But Sean would come in through the underground car park, and Aydin would know if there were any other humans around.

  Still grumbling, he went through to his personal elevator, which ran from the garage to his penthouse apartment. No stops and no access to anyone else without his personal talisman. He murmured the incantation, which he regularly changed, and stepped through the doors as they opened, ducking a little so his horns didn’t scratch the metal.

  The sensation of freefall as the elevator dropped was enjoyable enough. When it stopped, Aydin touched the doors, feeling beyond for any human other than his partner. He smiled. No one else, and the security cameras wouldn’t pick up anything except a shadowy blur. Good.

  Ambling out into the garage, Aydin headed in the direction of his partner. Sean was in one of their big four-wheel-drive vehicles. One where the glass was specially smoked to let the occupants look out with perfect clarity, but prevented even some preternaturals from being able to see in.

  Sean greeted him with a wry smile. “Not the break you hoped for.”

  With a snort that sent smoke billowing from his nostrils, Aydin fixed his human with a ferocious glare. The look only made Sean laugh out loud.

  “Hey, I fainted the first time, man. Now I know you’re just a big ole pussy cat.”

  The drive proceeded without incident and Sean drove into the underground car park. Once the car was parked, Aydin eased his frame from the vehicle and stretched theatrically, flapping his small wings.

  “Hey, less of that. You’re making a dust storm.”

  “Funny man, har har.” Aydin snorted smoke at his partner, but the man ignored it. Aydin was quite pleased with Sean’s attitude. Not every human would accept being paired with a creature part demon, part gargoyle. He ambled over to Sean and grinned down at him, displaying two rows of sharp teeth.

  His partner was tall for a human, a couple of inches over six feet, and broadly built, but in his preternatural form, Aydin towered over him.

  “Feeling a bit antsy today? Your skin colour’s fluctuating.”

  With a grunt, Aydin looked at his arms. His normal skin colour was silver-grey. But it could become more silvery or closer to a dull slate-grey depending on his mood. However, for his skin to be neither one thing nor the other was unusual. He didn’t think he was that unsettled. He shrugged, his wings opening slightly with the movement.

  “Who wouldn’t be antsy? I was looking forward to going home for a while. Instead I get to stay in your world.”

  With a nod, Sean hit the button on the elevator door. “Poor you.”

  They shared a laugh as the door closed. Although the car park looked completely innocuous, the security that monitored their every move was more sophisticated than anywhere on earth. Except another WRAITH headquarters.

  As he got ready to exit the elevator, Aydin turned to where he knew there would be a hidden camera, and snorted a cloud of smoke just as the door opened and they got out.

  An alarm sounded as the elevator’s door closed and Aydin hissed another laugh.

  “You’ll get into trouble,” Sean said, wagging his finger at Aydin.

  “Does this look worried?” Aydin waved a hand laconically in front of his face.

  “Man, you sure sound like one of us mere mortals. You positive you don’t have some human in there somewhere?” Sean patted Aydin’s bare chest.

  As a concession to some WRAITH operatives’ requests, Aydin wore black leather pants, but nothing else. He slapped at Sean’s hand, and they both laughed again.

  “None I know of. Thankfully.”

  “Yeah. Right. Just jealous.” Sean ran his hand through his thick red-blond hair. As usual the human was immaculate. Today he’d dressed in dark blue trousers and a cream open-necked shirt. He was handsome enough for a human, but not to Aydin’s tastes.

  Entering Quillon’s room, they found the WRAITH commander seated at his desk. His glamour ensured he appeared human. Quillon’s lips curled into a smile at the sight of Aydin. He rose and came around his desk, loosely embracing Aydin.

  “Good to see you, cousin.”

  “You, too.” Aydin patted his cousin’s back. “I was looking forward to a break.”

  “Sorry, my friend, but we got a different kind of break here. One of the minor goblin lords has been doing a hot trade in drugs. We’re looking to shut him down.”

  “Drugs?” Sean asked. “What kind?”

  Reaching back to his desk, Quillon picked up a small ornate box. He opened it and both Sean and Aydin peered inside.

  “Looks a bit grey to be speed or cocaine.” Sean looked up at Quillon.

  “They’re human drugs,” Aydin said. “This won’t be. What is it?”

  “Try it. Just a tiny amount.”

  With a snort that sent a puff of blue smoke into the air, Aydin licked the tip of his smallest finger and got just a few grains on it. Looking at Quillon, he licked them off. Heat radiated in his groin within seconds, and his cock pressed against his pants. His eyes widened.

  “That’s one powerful aphrodisiac.”

  “You try it.” Quillon offered it to Sean, who cautiously licked a tiny amount from the tip of his finger..

  Looking between Aydin and Quillon, Sean shook his head. “Nothing.”

  “Exactly. A powerful and addictive drug in the Vargr realm that has no effect on humans. Thankfully the word hasn’t spread in our realm. The last thing we want is for those bigger and more powerful than a goblin trying to get here to get access to the source. Gethin is keeping this close to his chest for now.”

  “What is the source?” Sean asked.

  “Ground paua shell. Gentlemen, prepare yourselves for a trip to New Zealand.”

  “Where’s that?” Aydin asked.

  “It’s a nice little island down in the Southern hemisphere,” Sean said with a smirk.

  “Two islands, Sean,” Quillon said. “Gethin isn’t just using one supplier. We have reason to think he has a couple. We know of one. I’m hoping that after a visit from you two we’ll know both. Then the next thing to do is neutralize Gethin. He’s not stupid enough to have told anyone else what the powder is or where he gets it. But given we know about it, knowledge it exists will spread.”

  “Firefighting.” Aydin snorted, watching a plume of blue smoke rise into the air.

  “You know it, cousin. But what else can we do? From what I can gather, the ability to make the powder isn’t in our world. So it can’t be made in Vargr. That at least means that once we shut this operation down, anyone wanting to set up another needs to open a Blood Gate and find a human manufacturer. Not easy if we neutralise the only two that have the skill.”

  “Once we locate them both. New Zealand.” Aydin rubbed his chin. “I can hardly wait.”

  “We’ll send you through our gate here. So if there’s anything you want to sort before you leave, get it done and meet me back here in a couple of hours.”

  “I need to tie up a few ends at home,” Sean said. He turned pleading eyes on Quillon. “I can’t take a nice airplane ride? Business Class?”

  “Now who’s the pussy cat?” Soft hisses of laughter escaped Aydin as Sean flipped him a finger before leaving the office.

  “You like him.” Quillon spoke matter-of-factly.

  “He’s not bad. For a human. Good partner.”

  “Nothing more?”

  Aydin’s lips slowly curled into a smile. “Your father or mine?”

  “Both. My father likes humans, so he’s interested to see if you share the attraction. Your father just wants to know if anyone’s on the horizon.”

p; Aydin shook his head. “Not Sean, that’s for certain.” He rubbed his arms, as if chilled, but that wasn’t the reason for the prickling of his skin.

  “Something wrong?” Quillon asked.

  Shaking his head, Aydin stopped the rubbing. “Don’t know what it is. Nothing serious. I’m glad our fathers have proven to be such good friends.”

  “For a demon and a gargoyle? Yes. Me too. Although your mother being his cousin helps. Come on, cousin. Let’s spend some time catching up until you have to leave.”

  Chapter Three

  How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

  I love thee to the depth and breadth and height

  My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight

  Elizabeth Barrett Browning

  “That was a beautiful meal.” Lachlan patted his belly. “Fresh fish. You can’t beat it.”

  “Couldn’t have done it without you,” Emer called out from his kitchen. “You always seem to catch the best fish and shellfish.”

  “I’m going to get some oysters if I can, and I’ll get you more paua, too. The supply is good, and I’m careful to keep to the quota. How’s Midnight? Has he had a good ride recently?”

  Setting down a cup of coffee and some handmade petit fours, Emer grinned at Lachlan. “You want an after dinner ride along the beach?”

  “Do I have to use a saddle?”

  “Not at all. He likes you riding him bareback. Look, you drink your coffee. I’ll get Midnight and his bridle and bring them to the back of the house. There’s some prepping for me to finish at the restaurant. I’ll do that while you ride for an hour, and then meet you back here. Scrabble tonight?”

  Finishing their evening together with a board game was a tradition, and Lachlan nodded enthusiastically. “Sounds perfect. It’s a shame you can’t ride with me.”


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