Crazy About Curves: 10 Luscious Reads

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Crazy About Curves: 10 Luscious Reads Page 19

by Adriana Hunter

  And their Marked, with her round hips and lush breasts, was perfect.

  Her long brown hair had seemed to gleam and glow in the ballroom, catching the light with her every shift. Her eyes... Her eyes were dark chocolate, the deep hue tempting him and luring him closer.

  And, wolf or no, he was a chocolate lover at heart.

  Keller’s elbow collided with his stomach, and Madden grunted. “What?”

  “What do you think?”

  He had only one thought, and he and his wolf were in complete agreement. “Mine.”


  The wolf growled but quickly recognized their partner’s claim. The beast knew they couldn’t rule, couldn’t claim Scarlet, alone. They needed Keller. Keller was as bloodthirsty as he was, but the other wolf managed to keep him out of trouble. His presence prevented Madden from spiriting Scarlet away and locking her up somewhere safe. He could protect her if she stayed inside. In his room. He suddenly realized why princesses were locked in towers.

  Madden nodded. “Ours.”

  The low clearing of a throat forced him to turn his attention from the point where Scarlet disappeared, to the man beside them. “Alphas.”

  The Captain of the Guard. That’s right, they’d booted the asshole duo of Quentin and Garron. He hated both men. Their dominance tended to lean a little closer to mean than he liked, but each Alpha pair was entitled to join the Gathering and to search for their mate among the attending Marked.

  Marked. He’d found his, theirs.

  “Captain.” Madden’s attention remained riveted on the guard.

  “The Colson Alphas were secured transportation to their home and given an escort to the airport.” The guard glanced at his watch. “Their flight leaves in one hour, twenty-seven minutes.”

  “Excellent.” Keller joined their conversation, turning away from a pair of Alphas who’d approached them.

  Keller’s gaze fell to him, eyes dark, brows furrowed and lips pinched in a solid white line. Already his partner had to be feeling the effects of their mate’s absence.

  Scarlet? Keller spoke with his partner Alpha telepathically, a benefit of being part of an Alpha pair.

  Madden rolled his eyes. Like I’d ever forget about ensuring her safety. “Captain, please locate the sisters Wickham. I want them to have round the clock protection. Pull in whomever you need, but I want a guard on their asses at all times. Like fucking glue.” The Captain raised a single brow but remained silent. Madden refused to sate the guard’s curiosity. The packs would learn about Scarlet soon enough. “That’s all I need.”

  The wolf bowed and retreated, disappearing into the sea of men and women.

  His inner-beast clawed at him, furious he’d let Scarlet’s protection fall to another.

  A rough nudge had him turning his attention to Keller. “Chill. We’re having dinner with her tonight. Probably more. Then we can both watch over her.”

  Madden knew he’d been at Keller’s side since they were young, but it still creeped him out when the man read his mind.

  “I know.” Knowing didn’t keep the wolf calm. He practically vibrated with the need to hunt and protect her. She was so small and sweet and—

  Keller snorted. “Small, maybe. I don’t think our mate exudes sweetness.”

  Fucker had weaseled into his head again. Madden growled at the other wolf. The beast wouldn’t tolerate anyone, not even Keller, speaking badly about Scarlet. “She was protecting hers. She—”


  He turned and snarled at the wolf who’d interrupted them, then drew the sound back. He was on edge, would be until Scarlet carried their bite and they both came deep within her body, one in her ass, the other in her pussy.

  There was no reason to snap off Albert’s head. “Sorry.”

  Keller strode past him, hand patting Madden’s chest. There wasn’t a sexual relationship between them, but time brought easy familiarity and comfort most human men shunned. “Don’t mind grumpy here. What do you need?”

  Madden needed Scarlet, but it didn’t look like he’d get his way any time soon.

  “The Marked have all checked in, though we still have a few Alpha pairs yet to arrive. I have confirmed they’ll be here by morning.”

  “Thank you, Albert.” Keller gave the man a small nod and the wolf scampered away.

  Keller, eyes dancing with mirth, turned to Madden. “That wasn’t very nice.”

  “Shut it. You know you feel the same way; you’re simply nicer about it. You want to hunt her, too.” He narrowed his eyes. “Maybe we should have picked her guards ourselves. I’ll go find the Captain—”

  His partner chuckled. “Come on, we still have a few duties to complete before we can meet our mate, and I’m sure the Captain has selected the very best to watch over the sisters Wickham.”

  The wolf growled but felt the truth in Keller’s words.

  He just didn’t like it.

  Chapter Three

  The closer she drew to the restaurant, the hotter her Mark became. It sent pulses of arousal thrumming through her veins. With every step her pleasure grew, body heating, and her doubts about Keller and Madden melted away. The first response was the gentle tingles, the hum to signify her mates’ closeness. Then she’d become aroused, burning with need until they completed their bond. It increased until she was desperate for their bodies.

  The only good thing about the process was that the wolves would feel the same. Their need would mirror hers, and a burning sensation would pierce them in the identical place as where she carried her Mark.

  They’d all be a bubble of arousal until they finally broke.


  The only thing marring her impending mating was the fact that she still hadn’t hunted up the Ruling Alphas to sort out Whitney’s situation. Plus, there was some guy with a gun on his hip following her.

  She seriously hoped she wasn’t about to be involved in another incident like the one in the ballroom. One confrontation a day was enough for her. Really.

  Scarlet tugged on the hem of her skirt, nudging down the edge. She never should have listened to Gabby. The darned thing rose with every step. She wobbled a little on her high heels, the four-inch, strappy stilettos making it difficult to walk. Ugh.

  Plus, what had been up with her sister? Gabriella had been giving her extra-wide smiles and battering her with taunting questions.

  “Isn’t it great that your mates are so strong?”

  “I bet they’re as strong as the Ruling Alphas.”

  “I wonder if...”

  And blah, blah, blah. The woman knew something Scarlet didn’t, and as soon as she was done with the whole mating thing, she’d beat it out of her sister.

  Scarlet continued clicking down the wide, marble-tiled hallway, passing boutique after boutique of overpriced souvenirs and gifts. Nearing a store boasting high-end purses and accessories, she paused, pretending to look over the offerings. In reality, she took a peek at Mr. Gun Guy in the glass’ reflection.

  He didn’t even pretend he wasn’t watching her. No, he stood eight feet back, hands behind him, and flat-out stared at her.

  Well, she wasn’t about to have him follow her to dinner. She turned and faced him head on. “Is there a reason you’re following me?”

  “Yes.” His voice was a low baritone, but it did nothing for her.

  She waited for further explanation but didn’t get anything. “Okay, why?”

  The man’s look remained bland. “Because the Ruling Alphas ordered your protection.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Well, we’re back to why.”

  “It was ordered.”

  Scarlet huffed. “Do you know why and you’re not telling me, or are you simply a drone doing as he’s told?”

  That earned her a quick twitch of his lips, and she knew he was trying to suppress a smile. “A little in between.”

  “Fine. God forbid we complain about the Ruling Alphas and their high handedness. This is because my sisters and
I got into it in the ballroom with Garron and Quentin, isn’t it? Keller and Madden tattled to them. It wasn’t our fault, you know.” Then again, the assholes had been tossed from the Gathering, so it made sense that the head honchos needed to be informed. “Well, if you’re gonna follow me around like a puppy,” she winked to take some of the sting out of her insult, “you might as well walk next to me.”

  Scarlet gestured for the guard to approach, but the man stood still, his body frozen in indecision.

  “Come on, I promise not to tell the big bad Ruling Alphas you actually talked to me while you acted as my guard. Hell, who knows when I’ll actually get to meet them. I’ll probably forget you by then.” She winced. “Not that you’re forgettable, I—” She huffed. “Just talk to me.”

  “I don’t think—”

  “Well, I do.”

  She stomped toward him and tugged on his arm, ignoring the sting that accompanied touching a male not meant for her. Stupid Mark. Now that she’d met her mates, pain would accompany any contact she had with other men, human or wolf. At least until she completed her mating with Keller and Madden. Thankfully she wasn’t alone in the ouchy department. It was the same way for the guys.

  “Yes, Alpha Mate.” The man grumbled but relented. Aw, her males had already spread the word about their connection. That had to be the reason she’d been upgraded from simply “Marked” to “Alpha Mate” by the guard. How sweet. Sweet-ish. She sorta wished they hadn’t jumped the gun, but Alphas were Alphas.

  As uncomfortable as the wolf appeared, she didn’t bother trying to talk to him further. She simply felt better that he wasn’t following her and making her feel like a stalked chubby gazelle.

  In less than a minute, they strode into the restaurant side by side, the maître d’ quickly leading them toward the back. Together, they wove their way through the room, sliding around various tables, and she noticed most were occupied by two men and a single woman.

  Well, it looked like quite a few were already performing the Test of Proximity. Although she had a feeling the test was all for show. Much like the dinner she was about to enjoy.

  Before long, she stood before her two wolves in the very back of the restaurant, and both men rose upon her approach. It was Madden’s growl that broke the sweet moment.

  She needed to remember he was the more aggressive of the two, and apparently he didn’t like other men close to her.

  Hoping her mother’s teachings had been correct, she stepped in front of the guard, redirecting the wolf’s attention. “Madden?”

  The rolling sound cut off the moment his eyes met hers, the last of his air hissing from his lungs in a sigh. “Scarlet.”

  She waved behind her. “The Ruling Alphas said I needed a guard. No need to get testy.”

  Madden furrowed his brow. “Wha—”

  Keller cut him off. “I’m sure they want to keep you safe.” He smiled and stepped around the table, drawing her forward with a hand on her lower back. The seductive scents of heated wood, raw power and man surrounded her, and she melted into his side. “You already know how to handle our Madden.”

  She chanced a look at the wolf in question and noted his smile. “Perhaps.” She turned her attention back to Keller. “I’m not sure how to handle you, though.”

  “I doubt that’ll be a problem, sweet. I’m like any other wolf. Give me something to snack on and you’ll have my attention.” She didn’t miss Keller’s not-so-subtle innuendo.

  “Right,” she drawled.

  Keller pulled out the chair and she sat between the two men. His heat warred with the inferno that flowed from Madden. Two sides of the same coin, so alike, yet so different.

  The guard that had accompanied her took up a post in front of the table. He and four others essentially made a wall-o-wolves, cutting them off from the rest of the diners. Talk about overkill.


  Keller forced himself not to reveal all. She didn’t know. Didn’t realize she was to be mated to the Ruling Alphas. And that made him want her all the more.

  Truly? Madden’s voice floated to him, and he sensed his partner’s vulnerability mixed with surprise. They’d had their share of women come after them because of their position, but this human Marked had no idea as to their identities.


  His shoulder throbbed, the heat slithering through him and wrapping around his cock. He couldn’t deny the scents of arousal surrounding them: her sweet musk combining with his need and Madden’s desire. He’d long ago brushed aside any embarrassment over his partner’s reactions when it came to women. From the moment they’d paired, they’d shared women, preparing themselves for their mate someday. Bodies touched, cocks got hard. It was all part of sex. As long as lips didn’t wander and swords didn’t cross, they were all good.

  He fought to stifle his moan when Scarlet’s tongue darted out to lick her lips.

  It didn’t work. A pale blush stole up her cheeks, and she glanced at him. “What? What are you looking at?”

  He smiled. He couldn’t suppress the sappy grin that covered his features. “You.”

  Madden eased toward her, closing in on her from the other side, and Keller mirrored him. The flavors of need grew, encompassing their small group. He knew she didn’t recognize mates by scent, couldn’t smell their desire. Part of him wished his sweet Marked was another wolf and could sense their flavors in the air. But when she turned those brown eyes on him, so needy, he didn’t care that she would always wear human skin and never fur.

  Keller’s shoulder seemed to be on fire, scorching him and stroking his cock with an imaginary hand. He moaned and leaned even closer, catching more of her scent, hissing when the heat grew and his balls drew up tight.

  “I don’t understand...” Scarlet shook her head as if clearing her mind.

  Madden nuzzled her from behind, rubbing his scruff along the pale skin of her neck. Keller watched dark fur slide from his pores, evidence of the man’s wolf rising and pushing at his control.

  Keller felt the same, beast pouncing and shoving at the wall that held it at bay. But he needed to go slow, needed to keep from stripping his mate and taking her in front of one and all. He was normally the more level-headed of the two. Normally.

  “Shh...” He eased back, forcing his muscles to relax, and he shoved at his wolf. “Madden, give her some space.” His partner’s eyes glowed bright. “Man, you’re scaring her. Knowing and feeling are two different things.” The other wolf whimpered, and it was the first time he’d ever seen his partner truly vulnerable.

  Keller reached out and ran a finger down her cheek, traced her jaw. The heat rose around them. “A kiss for Madden, Scarlet? You can see he lives close to the edge.”

  Her arousal beat at his control. She was a Marked, knew of Gathering laws, and he assumed she was familiar with what happened when meeting her mates. But like he said, knowing and feeling were two different things.

  Scarlet nodded and turned her head, a small movement that put her lips within Madden’s reach. His partner struck, mouth moving over hers, and tongue delving into her. Keller’s cock throbbed in his pants, silently demanding release, but he held it back. Watching them, their mouths dancing, tongues twining... Envy and jealousy had no place in their mating. All he felt was pure bliss.

  Madden’s feelings flowed over their connection, the peacefulness that came from experiencing Scarlet’s touch. He sensed his partner’s desperate need, a feeling greater than his own, and he accepted that encouraging Scarlet to turn to Madden first was the right decision.

  They had a lifetime together.

  The seconds ticked by, the entwined couple’s breathing growing heavier with every heartbeat.



  Keller sighed. They’d go through this until they’d claimed her. They were both dominant, but Madden’s wolf had always been a little more so. Ours, Madden.

  A snarl tore through his mind.

  Madden, we need to take care of our mate. I’m
sure she’s hungry.

  This time it was a growl, but their kiss eased, lessening until his partner released their woman.

  Scarlet sat back with a sigh, fingers trembling when she reached for her water glass.

  “Scarlet?” The last thing he wanted to do was overwhelm her.

  Scarlet licked her lips, and a light blush tinged her cheeks. “Sorry. It was so...”

  “Big.” He tempted himself with the feel of her skin beneath his hand. He stroked her arm, letting his fingers slide over her softness. He wanted her no less than Madden, but he didn’t want to scare his poor Marked.

  “Yeah,” her whisper reached his sensitive ears and then she turned toward him, glowing smile in place. “Big.”

  He echoed her expression, let her feelings clasp him. “But big is good.”

  Scarlet nodded, closed the distance between them. “Big can be very, very good.”

  She brushed her mouth across his, her delicate tongue darting out to lap at his lips, and he resisted the urge to surge into her. He couldn’t, wouldn’t, overpower her with the depth of his need. Madden lacked control, but Keller’s passion had always outpaced his partner’s.

  The arousal that had been simmering nearly bubbled over, the feelings so much stronger than what he’d caught from Madden. Reluctantly, he ended their near-chaste kiss, eased from her mouth and put distance between them. They were both panting, fighting to catch their breath.

  “Dinner. We invited you out for dinner.” He swallowed, mouth dry.

  “I vote for dessert.” Madden’s voice was deep and hoarse. A glance revealed the wolf was almost in control.

  Scarlet turned back to Madden. While he couldn’t see her expression, he could see his partner’s. She reached out and cupped the other wolf’s cheek. He saw the sappy smile that graced his features. Keller was awed when the smattering of fur receded to reveal skin. He didn’t listen to her low words; he merely enjoyed seeing the tension recede from Madden.


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