Rule of Three (Carnal Coeds #3)

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Rule of Three (Carnal Coeds #3) Page 7

by Suzanne Rock

  Shana nodded as she took Jag into her mouth. She’d do anything for these men, let them do anything to her. For one glorious night, she wanted to lose herself in Jag and Nolan.

  She wasn’t a fool. She knew in the morning they’d be distant again, but for tonight, ah tonight she’d take everything they had to give and more.

  Tonight, she’d pretend that she belonged to them.

  Jag groaned as she moved her lips up and down his length. “God, that feels good. You’re a natural, babe.”

  Nolan chuckled as he placed a warm, slick finger in between her ass cheeks. “It isn’t often that Jag gets sucked off. To him, it’s a treat.”

  “You said it.” Jag removed his hands and placed them on the sides of her head. “But slow down, baby. If you keep stroking like that, I’m going to come before it’s time, and we can’t have that.”

  Shana slowed her movements, loving how the men had no fears of telling her exactly what they wanted. She and Odin had never communicated in the bedroom, and she found that a few simple words made her feel closer to the men than ever before.

  “This is just a little oil, to help prepare you.” Nolan pressed his finger inside her ass, sending her desire spiraling out of control.

  “Fuck, Nolan. Do that again.”

  “Do what?”

  “Whatever you did. It makes her suck harder.” He tightened his grip in her hair. “That’s it, nice and easy.”

  Shana loved how she could please Jag with her ministrations. She had never given oral before, thinking the act too intimate, but giving it to Jag felt right. It warmed her to know that she pleased him.

  Nolan worked first one finger into her backside, then two. With each thrust, her desire soared. With each retreat, she whimpered. When he drove deep and spread his fingers apart, she groaned and arched her back, pressing her ass into his palm.

  “I think you’re ready.” Nolan’s voice sounded low and husky. He removed his fingers from her backside. “Jag.”

  “Just a few more minutes.”

  “Jag,” Nolan’s voice was filled with warning.

  Jag chuckled. “You’re a greedy one, aren’t you?” He gentle pressed Shana away from his cock. “Come here baby.” He dragged her up the length of his body and gave her a long, sensual kiss. Their tongues dueled, and by the time they separated, Shana had all she could do to catch her breath.

  “Thank you, honey.” He slid his fingers down and ran them over her tight nipple. “Now climb on top of me and let me watch you come.”

  She smiled as she shifted her position, slipped on the condom and positioned him at her opening. With one swift thrust, she sank her hips and impaled herself on his length, groaning as he slid himself home.

  “Fuck,” Jag whispered. “You’re so wet.”

  “I think she likes your cock,” Nolan said.

  “Nah, it was your fingers.”

  “It was both.” Odin’s words floated through her mind. You never let go in the bedroom. There was always this wall. She wanted to show the men that her ex’s words weren’t true. She could be wild in the bedroom, she could tear down the walls and let herself go.

  Throwing caution into the wind, she stroked her nipples as she slid up and down Jag’s length.

  “Holy mother of—” Jag’s words were cut off as he groaned and grabbed her hips. “Oh Shana, you’re going to kill me.”

  She smiled as she pinched her nipples, sending a spark of pain to boost her pleasure.

  “She’s going to kill both of us.” Nolan placed his hand on her back, slowing her movements. “Don’t get going without me.” Before she could say anything, he kissed her and positioned himself at her back. Jag reached up and wrapped his fingers around her neck. With a swift jerk, he pulled her down on top of him and gave her a long, erotic kiss.

  “That was hot,” he whispered as he placed his forehead against hers. “Really hot.”

  Nolan positioned himself at her opening. “Tell me about it. I think we have a little vixen on our hands.”

  Shana groaned as he pressed the tip of his cock inside her ass.

  “Hold still,” he commanded.

  Shana did as she was told. With agonizing slowness, Nolan grabbed her hips and made shallow back and forth movements until he was settled balls-deep inside her.

  “God, you’re amazing.”

  Shana arched her back, wanting him deeper. “You’re pretty amazing too.”

  “You’re both fantastic.” Jag reached up and cupped her cheek. “I can feel him inside of you.” There was a touch of amazement in his voice.

  “You’ve never done this before?” she asked.

  Jag shook his head. “Normally we take turns, or one of us gets sucked off while the other takes the woman from behind. We’ve never been this intimate before.” Something passed through his gaze she couldn’t define.

  “Why now?” She turned to Nolan. “Why me?”

  “Because you’re different,” Nolan said. “You’re special.” He reached around and palmed her breasts, rubbing the sensitive nipples in his large hands.

  Shana gasped as Nolan rolled them all on their sides. They fell together in a tangle of limbs. She didn’t know where one of them started and the other ended. She didn’t care. All that mattered was how close she felt to the men, and how wonderful she felt in their arms.

  “You’re special to us,” Jag said. “Don’t ever forget that.”

  Shana opened her mouth to respond, but then the men started to move. They both retreated, sliding along her inner walls and fueling her desire. Then they filled her, stretching her muscles and slapping against her body as one.

  It didn’t take long for them to find a rhythm. The men moved back and forth, in and out, each thrust pushing her closer and closer to the edge. Nolan toyed with her nipples, sending sparks of pain shooting through her body and amplifying her need. Jag grabbed her hip, holding her steady as his thrusts became more forceful. Again and again they pushed, pushing their bodies together until they became one.

  Shana closed her eyes and focused on the wonder of it all. She heard the primal slap, felt the hard muscle push against her softness. It was unbelievable. Jag whispered her name over and over as he rained kisses along her jaw and neck. Nolan nipped her shoulder as he moved, causing her mind to blank and live in the moment.

  They felt good, so good. Shana moved with them as her body raced closer and closer to the edge. Within moments she hung there, suspended, as the pressure inside her body grew.

  “Come for us, sweetheart.” Nolan whispered in her ear. “Let us hear you scream.”

  Once again, Nolan’s words were her command. Shana came hard, calling out their names as pleasure washed over her body. The men continued to thrust as ribbons of joy spiraled around her and made her boneless. Their thrusts became harder, faster. With each push their primal grunts filled her ears. Then they cried out in unison as they filled her, each man losing himself in ecstasy.

  Shana had never felt anything so incredible in her life. She grabbed onto both men and held on as her heart became full to the point of overflowing. She never wanted the moment to end.

  When reality finally settled around them, Nolan and Jag removed themselves and disposed of the condoms. Sadness filled her heart as they retreated.

  “I suppose you’ll be going back to your tent now.” She tried hard to sound cheerful, but her voice sounded flat.

  “No,” Nolan said.


  “You heard me.” Nolan stretched out on the sleeping bag and gathered her into his arms.

  Jag lay down next to her. “We’d like to spend the night—if you’d let us.”

  “I-okay.” Shana let herself be cocooned between the two men, her shock rendering her immobile. She couldn’t quite believe what she heard.

  “Why?” she asked after a long moment.

  Jag opened one eye. “Why-what?”

  “Why me?”

  Jag smiled and closed his eyes. “Like we said earlier—
you’re special.”

  Chapter Eight

  When morning came, Nolan wished that he could have lingered in the tent with Jag and Shana, but there were things to do. Once the sun peeked over the horizon, he was up and picking up camp. Within hours they had made breakfast, eaten, cleaned up and loaded up the kayaks with their supplies. Bree, Mateo and Odin seemed to have cooled off from yesterday, the mood turning more serious. Nolan briefly wondered what was going on with them but then dismissed it. It was none of his business. Besides, he had other more important things to worry about.

  He and Jag hadn’t asked Shana for a permanent threesome like they had planned. He had followed Jag’s nonverbal cues to just take their time. He could see that her heart needed mending, and she wasn’t quite ready to jump into another relationship. They were running out of time, however. At the end of the day, they’d part ways. Nolan and Jag would never see Shana again.

  It was hard to believe they had met only yesterday. It was far too early to determine if anything would stick, but the seeds were definitely there. Nolan didn’t want to miss the opportunity to nurture the fragile bond the three of them shared and see where it led. There was no doubt about it, he and Jag would have to confront Shana at the end of the rapids and tell her their proposal. Hopefully, she’d be willing to give them a chance.

  “Okay, be careful now,” Jag said from his kayak next to Nolan. “We’re coming up to the rapids.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Nolan will go down first, then you each travel the Class II stretch on your own. I’ll be following from behind in case any of you get in trouble.”

  Nolan forced his thoughts back to the moment at hand. This was the most dangerous part of the trip. Even though they had spent a few hours this morning reviewing safety procedures and going over recovery methods, it was still a little nerve-wracking watching all of the beginners transverse the rapids. While not difficult, the choppy water could be overwhelming for someone not used to it.

  Nolan glanced over his shoulder and took one last look at Shana. Her jaw was set, her face determined. She had said little all day, and he wondered if her thoughts had drifted to the end of the trip as well.

  “You’re up, big guy,” Jag said.

  Nolan faced forward as Jag back-paddled to stay away from the rapids. Adrenaline surged as Nolan hit the first dip, scooping water up and over the top of the boat. He let out a whoop as his thoughts focused on staying upright. It was exhilarating. This was what he lived for, what he craved. It was as if he was one with nature. There was nothing like it in the world.

  Well, maybe one thing, he thought as he ended his run. With the immediate danger past, Nolan’s thoughts turned once more toward Shana as he maneuvered the kayak to a calm part of the river. Part of him hoped that she loved the run as much as he did. Another part was scared to death that she might tumble over the kayak and hit her head on a rock.

  He focused on the run and gave the signal to Jag. He sent the first student down. Nolan held his breath as the young man shakily navigated the rapids and breathed a sigh of relief when he finally reached the bottom. Nolan smiled when the student whooped and gave the signal to Jag.

  One down, four more to go.

  The next three students went through the rapids without issue, and Nolan’s heartbeat began to calm. It was obvious that they had good teachers. Even when things started to go wrong, the students were able to recover and make it to the bottom of the rapids safely.

  He gave the signal for the last student to start. Shana. He gripped his paddle tighter as he fixed his gaze on the rapids. Within moments, her familiar pink helmet peeked over the horizon. Long dark hair swept out from under her helmet and fanned out behind her body. The woman was beautiful, a real vision, and as she navigated the rapids, Nolan felt a sense of pride.

  She was on her last dip, and Nolan could already feel the smile form on his lips as he paddled toward her. She went down, then up, then slid sideways. Within seconds, Shana was under water.

  “Fuck.” Nolan paddled hard, racing toward her kayak. Come on girl, right yourself. He and Jag had shown the roll over many times before. They even had each student practice the technique because it was so valuable. The fact that she wasn’t using it meant that something was very wrong.

  Nolan glanced up the rapids to see Jag racing down toward him. He must have seen Shana go under too. Nolan’s heartbeat quickened as panic seized his chest. Even though it was August, an unusual amount of rain and fog had left the water colder than normal. No doubt it was a shock to her system. Perhaps that was why she didn’t turn the boat over.

  Regardless, it was floating downstream, away from the rapids.

  By the time Jag reached the boat, Nolan was already there and starting to turn it over. It was empty.

  Jag let out a long string of curses.

  “Where is she?” Nolan asked.

  They both scanned the rapids as panic made Nolan’s muscles hurt.

  “There.” Jag pointed to a little pink helmet, bobbing up and down in the rapids. “There she is.” He started paddling toward the bright splash of color. Nolan started paddling too.

  “Stay with the others,” Jag said. “Make sure none of them get near the rapids.”

  “Are you fucking nuts?”

  “If something happens to me, I need you to be available for backup.”

  Nolan blinked at Jag’s words. He was right of course. Someone had to stay with the class. Every muscle in his body screamed out to go to Shana. He had to help her. Nolan gripped his paddle. Fuck.

  It took every ounce of his willpower to paddle back to the group and wait. He just hoped that Jag could reach her in time.

  * * * * *

  Jag paddled hard, ignoring his tired muscles. He ached from head to toe, but the fear kept him moving. Don’t die on me, Shana.

  He positioned his kayak at the end of the rapids and watched her helmet make its way toward him. When it drifted by, he caught it and hauled it into the kayak.

  Shana was not attached to it.

  “Fuck.” He held up the helmet so Nolan could see and scanned the rapids again. Come on, Shana. Where are you?

  * * * * *

  Air. She needed air.

  Shana struggled to get her head above water. It was difficult. The water was moving too quickly and there were so many rocks. She began to panic as she flailed her limbs, searching for something to hold on to. She was never going to make it.

  Relax. Jag’s words filled her mind. “Trust us.” The boys were looking for her, she knew. If she could just get above water, then she knew that they’d find her. Don’t panic.

  She forced her heartbeat to calm and pushed up once more. The water dipped, taking her with it over some rocks. She planted her foot on the smooth surface and pushed up with all of her strength. Shana gasped for breath as her head broke above the surface. Thank God.

  Her relief was short-lived, however. While she was above water, she couldn’t stand. She tried to turn and catch the attention of the group, but it was no use. She was at the mercy of the water. Trust us.

  She could hear Jag and Nolan shouting at each other in the background. They were close. All she had to do was to grab onto something and wait for them to catch up to her.

  The river dipped down once more, taking her with it. Cold water crashed over her head as she planted her feet on the rocks. With another hard push, she shot back up to the surface and took in large gulps of air. Something flashed by her field of vision. She grabbed it and held tight. The rushing water continued to pull her body down the river, but somehow she miraculously held on.

  A tree. She was holding onto a tree branch. Her teeth chattered as she used the last of her strength to pull herself up out of the water. Shana clung to the thick limb, grateful that it was large enough to support her weight. Now all she needed to do was to hold on and wait.


  Shana wiped the water out of her eyes and tried to focus. She had to get to shore. Slowly, she inched her way along the
branch, heading for the rocks.

  “Hang on, Shana. I’m coming!” Jag’s rich voice filled her ears. Shana looked over her shoulder. He was still too far away. She would never be able to hold on for that long. She continued her trek across the branch. Each muscle screaming in pain. She steeled her jaw and kept moving, unwilling to give up. When she finally reached the shore, she collapsed on the grass.

  “Dear God,” Jag said as he collapsed beside her a few minutes later. “You scared us half to death.” He turned his body and covered her with his long, lean frame. “Are you okay?”

  “I-I think so.”

  Jag started feeling around her head. “Are you sure? Your helmet was pretty beat up.”

  “I think most of that came after it fell off.”

  “You didn’t hit the rocks?”

  “Well, I did, but not with my head.” She knocked her fist lightly on her temple. “It’s pretty hard, anyway.”

  Jag let out a long breath. “Fuck, woman.” He gave her a long, possessive kiss. “Let’s not do that again, okay?”

  She grinned. “Okay.”

  Nolan raced up the bank and crouched next to them. “Is she okay?”

  She focused on his concerned features. “I’m fine. Thanks to your training.” She brushed her fingers on the side of his cheek and leaned to kiss him lightly on the lips. By the time she was done, the rest of the group had caught up, and she was fielding all sorts of questions and comments. One of the other students was a practicing nurse and offered her services. As the men stepped aside to let the professional check her over, Shana’s embarrassment grew. She should have known better than to try to paddle through the rapid. She should have just ridden it out and readjusted her position after. It was a stupid move. Thankfully nothing was broken or damaged.

  As Shana glanced over the nurse’s shoulder and saw Nolan and Jag heading off into the woods alone, she reconsidered her initial assessment. Perhaps something had been damaged after all.

  Chapter Nine


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