by Curt Gentry
Kansas City massacre, 168-69
Karpis case, 188, 192-93, 194-95
Kelley’s directorship, 748-52
Kennedy, John, assassination, 496, 497
investigation of, 541-42
Warren Commission, 552-57, 584-85
Kennedy, John, surveillance of, 467-69, 470-72
King, investigation of, 501, 505-6, 527-29, 567-76, 578, 599
Laboratory, 132
language school, 279
Latin-American operations, 295-96, 326, 391-92
liaison offices, closing of, 645-46, 655
Library Awareness Program, 759-60
Lindbergh kidnapping, 149-51, 160-63
Liuzzo murder case, 585-86
loyalty investigations, 355-56
mailings, anonymous, 571-73, 575-76, 619, 622
mail-opening program, 282, 412, 594-95
mail routing system, 53
Mann Act enforcement, 114-15
Masonic lodge, 148-49
Media (Pa.) documents incident, 674-76, 713
microphone surveillance (bugging), 285-87, 393, 406-7, 456-60, 481-83, 532, 583, 584, 593, 594-95, 645, 714
minority agents, 39, 280, 670, 755, 757-58
name for, 180-81
National Academy, 414-15
national emergency list, 504
“near-fatal” attack on (1940), 213-14, 216, 222-23, 224
Nixon administration wiretaps, 632-40, 672-73, 689-90, 695-97
“not to be contacted” list, 223n
organized crime investigations, 328, 330-32, 455-60, 529-34
organized crime’s penetration of, 644-45
OSS, surveillance of, 267-68
OSS agents in, 295
Oswald case cover-up, 543-47
paternalism of, 26
pension program, 335
Pentagon Papers case, 684-86, 692-93, 748
plant protection system, 279
police departments and, 146, 413-17, 419
president, protection for, 181-82, 561
presidential appointees, background checks on, 616-17, 626-27
presidential elections:
1948, 356-59
1952, 402-3
1968, 608-9
press, surveillance of, 388
Prohibition bureau, proposed merger with, 156
promotion system, 129-30
public relations efforts, 178-79, 183-84
Rabble-Rouser Index, 602
rebuilding (1924), 129-33
Recreational Association, 448, 449, 743
retired agents, 698-99
Roosevelt administration officials, investigations of, 306-11
Roosevelt’s critics, background checks on, 225-29, 237-38
Rosenberg case, 419-28
Senate approval of director appointees, 601
Sessions’s directorship, 757-60
South, agents in, 499-500
Soviet penetration of, 643
“special” cases, 132n
Special Intelligence Service (SIS), 264n, 295-96
standardization of, 130-31, 281
State Department, penetration of, 408-10
Sullivan’s rebellion, 687-91, 693-98, 704, 713
Supreme Court, surveillance of, 630-32
surveillance authorization controversy (1966), 593-97
surveillance techniques, congressional hearings on, 586-88, 589-90
telegraph and cable traffic, access to, 281-82
Ten Most Wanted list, 172n
vehicle theft investigations, 116
vice raids in Miami, 216
Vietnam antiwar movement, investigation of, 602, 605, 644, 650
voluntary unpaid overtime (VOT), 116
warrantless arrests, power to make, 372-73
Webster’s directorship, 754-57, 758-59
wiretapping, 230-32, 244, 285, 286, 324, 375, 583, 593, 594-95, 598, 645
see also Nixon administration above
World War I programs, 70-72
World War II programs, 277-97
worldwide network, proposed, 264, 326-27
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (Lowenthal), 386-87
Federation of the Union of Russian Workers, 82, 83, 85
Feehan, Ramos, 364n
Felt, Mark, 23, 24, 25, 38, 43, 44, 48, 49, 50, 569n, 594n, 626, 651, 655, 672, 675, 689, 696, 704, 708, 715, 716, 718, 720, 728, 747, 748n
Fennell, Margaret, 64, 66, 117, 217
Fenner, Nanny Lee, 544, 546
Fensterwald, Bernard, 587
Ferguson, Homer, 357, 386
Ferman, Irving, 439-40
Field, Frederick Vanderbilt, 310, 493
Field, Noel, 365
Fields, Annie, 20, 21, 32, 49, 703, 720, 725, 730, 736, 737, 738, 740
Fields, W. C., 385
files of J. Edgar Hoover, 35, 41, 37, 142-43
contents of, 45-46, 50-51
disposition following Hoover’s death, 31-32, 44, 51-56, 728-30, 731-35
“do not file” memorandums, 230
Donovan file, 734-35
Eisenhower file, 440-41
Hoover’s attitude toward, 57
Hoover’s plan to destroy, 701, 703, 707-9
Kennedy, John, file, 352, 463, 470
Nixon file, 46, 463
technical surveillance data (JUNE MAIL), 373-75
film industry, HUAC investigation of, 353-54, 383
Finch, Rayme, 138
Finch, Stanley W., 113, 115, 131
Fischer, Dean, 663-64, 681
Fleming, Ian, 269
Fletcher, Howard, 368, 370, 372
Floyd, “Pretty Boy,” 168n, 175
Fly, James Lawrence, 234, 293, 438, 446
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley, 234, 235
Flynn, James P., 532n
Flynn, John T., 224
Flynn, William J., 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 86, 90, 94, 104, 105, 110, 111
Foley, John P., 530
Fonda, Jane, 36
Ford, Charles, 260
Ford, Corey, 460
Ford, Gerald R., 384, 549n, 556, 557, 628, 629-30, 677
Ford, Peyton, 368, 393, 424, 426
Formosa, Johnny, 490-91
Forrestal, James, 469
Fortas, Abe, 579, 627, 628-29, 631n
Foxworth, Percy, 270, 296n
Frank, Jerome M., 425
Frankfurter, Felix, 98, 101, 124, 141, 157, 181, 323, 349, 403, 517
diaries, 390
Frankil, Victor J., 678n
French, Paul Comly, 203, 204
Freund, Ernst, 99n
Frohike, Robert F., 707
Frye, David, 703n
Fuchs, Klaus, 341n, 375, 419, 420
Fulbright, J. William, 435, 605n
Gaffney, James, 634
Galante, Carmine, 453
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 345n
Gale, James, 549, 671
Gallagher, Cornelius “Neil,” 458, 588-91, 680
Gambino, Carlo, 330n, 530
Gandy, Helen, 23, 24, 31, 42, 43, 44, 46, 49, 50, 51, 52-53, 56, 73-74, 128, 142, 617, 707, 718, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732-33, 737
gangsters, public’s attitude toward, 167-68
Gardner, Meredith, 366-67, 375
Garfield, John, 370
Garrow, David J., 502n
Garson, Greer, 384
Garvan, Francis P., 76, 77, 78, 94, 110
Gary, Romain, 647, 648
Gayler, Adm. Noel, 652, 655, 656-57
Gayn, Mark, 339
Gearhart, Bertrand, 296
Gemmill, Henry, 681
Genovese, Vito, 453
George Washington University, 67
German-American Bund, 205
ghetto riots of 1967, 601, 602, 603
Giancana, Sam “Mo Mo,” 456, 457, 458, 472, 486, 487-88, 490-91, 492, 495n, 535
Gibbons, Nelson, 461
Ginn, Opal, 29
Glavin, W. R., 250
Glover, John D., 758
G-Man (film), 178-79
“G-men” (radio program), 184
“G-men,” origin of the term, 178
Godwin, Earl, 222
Gold, Harry, 341n, 419, 420, 423, 426n
Goldman, Emma, 69, 74, 85-88, 186, 187-88, 237, 248
Goldstein, Grace, 188n
Goldwater, Barry, 27, 432n, 579
Golos, Jacob, 342, 343
Gompers, Samuel, 104
Goodman, Walter, 302n, 354
Gordon, Irving “Waxey,” 172n
Göring, Hermann, 226, 467
Gosden, Freeman, 259
Gouzenko, Igor, 341, 346
Graham, Billy, 384
Granville, Robert R., 371
Grapp, Wesley, 747
Gray, L. Patrick, III, 30-31, 37, 41, 51, 53-56, 691n, 714n, 716, 726, 733, 740
FBI directorship, 38, 41-44, 747-48
Gray, Patrick, 43
Greenbaum, Gus, 333n
Greenglass, David, 341n, 419-20, 421, 423, 424, 426
Greenglass, Ruth, 423
Greenspun, Hank, 433
Gregory, Darwin M., 738
Gregory, Thomas W., 69, 72, 74
Gromov, Anatoli, 342, 347
Gross, H. R., 407, 595
Gubitchev, Valentin, 368-69, 371, 372
Gunn, William George “Bill,” 750
Gunsser, Albert Paul, 737, 738, 740
Gurewitsch, David, 302
Gurnea, Myron, 339
Gutekunst, George, 444n
Guthman, Ed, 532-33, 536
Guzik, Jake “Greasy Thumb,” 330
Haber, Joyce, 648
Hagen, Barry, 39n, 731-32
Hagerty, Jim, 580
Haig, Alexander M., Jr., 635-36, 637, 672, 690
Haldeman, H. R., 27n, 28, 613, 614, 617, 624, 630, 637, 638, 641, 657, 661, 690, 748
Hale, David Olin, 607-8
Hale, Swinburne, 99n
Halifax, Lord Edward, 229, 344
Hall, Gus, 34, 443
Halloran, Richard, 110n, 707
Halperin, Israel, 341n
Halperin, Morton, 632, 633, 635, 636, 637, 672, 753
Hamilton, Polly, 173
Hamm, William, Jr., 195n
Hammett, Dashiell, 180n
Hampton, Fred, 620-21, 650
Hampton, Horace R., 285n, 634, 672, 696
Hand, Learned, 372, 395
Harding, Warren G., 103, 121-22
Harlan, John M., 411
Harney, Malachi, 163
Harvey, William King, 392, 418
Harwood, Richard, 593n, 604
Hatch, Edward, 42
Hauptmann, Bruno Richard, 46, 161-63, 256
Hayakawa, S. I., 663
Hayden, Sterling, 383
Hayes, Helen, 370
Haynsworth, Clement F., Jr., 626
Haywood, William “Big Bill,” 71
Hearst, William Randolph, 115, 121
Heinck, Heinrich, 291
Held, Richard Wallace, 647
Helm, Edith B., 298-99
Helms, Richard, 614, 645, 646, 652, 653, 655, 656, 714
Hemingway, Ernest, 410
Hendon, Robert, 191, 277
Henry Holt and Company, 447-48
Hershey, Lewis B., 623
Heston, Charlton, 527
Hewitt, Raymond “Masai,” 647, 648
Heymann, C. David, 692n
Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 386, 407
Hickok, Lorena, 302
Hill, Fred, 455-56
Hill, Ralph, 459, 594-95
Hill, Virginia, 333, 397
Hillard, David, 620
Hillenkoetter, Adm. Roscoe H., 392
Hillings, Patrick J., 396
Hillman, Sidney, 221
Hiss, Alger, 257, 344-45, 346, 350n, 357, 358, 402
espionage charge against, 360-64, 365-66, 438-39
Hoover’s campaign against (1946), 347-49
Hiss, Donald, 344-45, 346
Hiss, Priscilla, 361, 363, 366n
Hitler, Adolf, 468
Hitz, John, 63
Hoffa, Jimmy, 493, 495-96, 586, 587, 597, 600
Hogan, Frank, 221
Holley, Lillian, 252
Hollis, Herman, 174, 175
Hollywood Reporter, 648
Holmes, Edna, 691
Holmes, Julius, 316
Holt, Henry, 387
Holzoff, Alexander, 364
FBI agents, 755
Hoover’s blackmail of, 412-13
Welles case, 307-10
Hood, Richard, 353
Hoover, Annie Marie Scheitlin (mother), 63-64, 67, 117, 216-17, 247, 248
Hoover, Dickerson N. (father), 63, 68, 117, 247
Hoover, Dickerson N., Jr. (brother), 63-64, 68
Hoover, Herbert C., 125, 146, 147-48, 151, 152-53, 155, 228-29
Hoover, J. Edgar, 247, 248, 249, 250, 253, 254, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 512, 513, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524
amphetamine use, 692n
antiradical activities (1917), 73
appearance, 65, 159
arrests, failure to make, 186-87
attorneys general, relations with, 155-56, 583n, 712-13
bachelorhood, 66
Baldwin and, 138-40, 141-42
Baughman’s funeral, 698-99
Biddle and, 242-44
birth, 62
Burns and, 115-16
Castro assassination plot, 489n
celebrities and, 384-85
charitable activities, 332, 448
childhood, 63-64
civil rights law of 1956 and, 441-42
Clark, Ramsey, and, 598-601
Clark, Tom, and, 323-24
college career, 67-68
communism, view of, 81
congressional criticism of, 665-66, 677-79
death, 19-21, 35-36
cover-up regarding, 32, 53, 725-26
reactions to, 21-35, 39-40
death, fear of, 462, 705-6
debating skills, 64-65
Dewey campaign of 1948, assistance for, 356-59
Dodd and, 591-92
dogs owned by, 117n, 730n
Donovan and, 135-36
Dulles, Allen, and, 417-19
Eisenhower and, 403-5
rapprochement with, 711-12
treatment of, 386-88, 390-91
epitaph, 58
estate of, 730-31