Uncle John's the Haunted Outhouse Bathroom Reader for Kids Only!

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Uncle John's the Haunted Outhouse Bathroom Reader for Kids Only! Page 1

by Bathroom Readers' Institute


  Copyright © 2013 by the Bathroom Readers’ Press (a division of Portable Press). All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  “Bathroom Reader” and “Bathroom Readers’ Institute,” and “Portable Press” are registered trademarks of Baker & Taylor. All rights reserved.

  For information, write: The Bathroom Readers’ Institute

  P.O. Box 1117 Ashland, OR 97520


  Cover design by Jane Sheppard

  Cover illustration by Scot Ritchie

  Folio illustration by Patrick Merrell

  “How to Talk to a Ghost” illustration

  by Nicholas R. Halliday

  eISBN: 978-1-60710-922-8

  eBook edition: September 2013


  Some books print fancy reviews written by fancy book critics. Borrring! At the BRI, we care more about what our faithful readers have to say.

  “This book is the best book in the world I’ve ever read, since now I’ve read it!”

  —Trevor G.

  “I inadvertently stole one from my teacher. (Sorry Mr. Mont!) I got hooked, my family got hooked, and now I have my nieces and nephews hooked!”

  —Michael C.

  “I remember reading the first Bathroom Reader as a kid, and learning that Barbie had a last name. (Roberts!)”

  —Katie F.

  “I love your books! I have eleven books. I take them to school and everyone loves to read them. ”

  —Andrew S.

  “Waassssuuuupppp! I just wanted to shout out to all the cool dudes and chicas working on the Bathroom Reader staff! I became totally addicted to the BRs last year! My life hasn’t been the same since!”

  —Kim B.


  The Bathroom Readers’ Institute sincerely thanks the people whose advice and assistance made this book possible.

  Gordon Javna

  Kim T. Griswell

  Trina Janssen

  Jay Newman

  Brian Boone

  Jane Sheppard

  Scot Ritchie

  Rich Wallace

  Carly Schuna

  Jahnna Beecham

  Kelly Milner Halls

  Mark Haverstock

  Elizabeth Armstrong Hall

  Molly Marcot

  Megan Todd

  Sandra Neil Wallace

  Nancy Coffelt

  Valeri Gorbachev

  John O’Brien

  Will Strong

  Michelle R. Weaver

  Patrick Merrell

  Nick Halliday

  Joan M. Kyzer

  Jill Belrose

  Carly Stephenson

  Melinda Allman

  Blake Mitchum

  Brandon Walker

  JoAnn Padgett

  Aaron Guzman

  Ginger Winters

  Jennifer Frederick

  RR Donnelley

  Publishers Group West

  Thomas Crapper



  Harry Potty & the Chamberpot of Secrets

  Bathroom Shrieks

  Going, Going…Still Going

  Hanako the Toilet Ghost

  A Haunted Outhouse


  Terrible Tyrants

  Curse of the…

  Medieval Football

  More Terrible Tyrants

  A Fate Worse than Death

  We All Fall Down

  Tick-Tock, Mummy’s in the Clock


  What’s that in Your Hair?

  The Evil Eye

  Spookified Pins

  Turn a Hat into a Horror

  Fashion Fails


  In the News

  Fear Factoids

  What’s in Your Suitcase?

  In the News: Dead Thirsty

  Costumed Kooks

  Urban Legends

  Scary-Stupid Criminals

  In the News: Dead Weird

  Locked In

  Top 10 Phobias

  Redneck Rodent Roast



  Reel Screamers

  Creepy Comic Heroes


  Who’s Haunting Who?

  Run, Mummy, Run!

  Banish Trouble

  10 Scary Things to Do After Dark

  Pumpkin Games

  How to Make a Shrunken Head


  How to Talk to a Ghost

  Trouble Doll

  Kick the Severed Hand


  That’s Zomedy!

  Ghastly Headlines

  Monster Mania

  Wretched Riddles

  Ghoul School

  Deadly Words


  I’ll Never Throw Up!

  A Chillin’ Tale

  The Vulture

  The Legend of Pee-Pee Hollow

  The Blob

  Attack of the Killer Peanut

  Knock Three Times

  Chicken Wings

  Something Wicked

  Watch Out for Barry!


  The Black Dog


  Snake & Shake

  Monkey Butt



  Step By Step

  Through the Forest in the Night

  The Creature from the Black Lagoon Has a No Good, Very Bad Day

  The Haunted Outhouse

  Day Creature

  The Howler

  Black and White Party

  The Haunted Shopping Cart

  The Forgotten Guest

  Nice or Naughty?

  One Windy Autumn Day

  Bony Legs

  The Tell-Tale Fart


  Natures Beasts

  The Hairy Truth

  Beastly Big

  Canine Corpse Patrol

  Howl at the Moon

  Purple Pee-ple

  Terror in the Water


  Finger Foods

  Too Icky to Eat

  The Gross Gourmet

  Chocolate Chip Cookie D’oh

  Bloody Band-Aids


  Snakes in the Toilet

  Don’t Bug Me!


  Exploding Urine

  Skeleton Keys

  The Body Farm

  Scary Smart

  That’s Crazy!

  Dr. Puke

  Body Breakdown


  Dead Zones

  Holey Florida

  The Grimy Truth


  No-Noggin Goblins

  Ghosts and Roses

  Team Spirits

  America’s Most Haunted Schools


  Unlucky 13

  Feed the Animals

  Día de los Muertos

  Happy Howl-O-Ween

  Dark Destinations


  Take a Bite Out of Transylvania


  Gruesome Greece

  Night of the Living Dead

  Out for Blood

  The Talking Dead

sp; Zombie Apocalypse


  Who’s Afraid?

  Brave Hearts

  Death-Defying Daredevil


  Same Mold, Same Mold

  Bloody Miracle

  The Bouncing Eyeball


  Tri-State Twister

  Deadly Weather

  Answer Pages

  Find out what happens on page 53.


  NOT LONG AGO, in a little red house with creaking doors and strange smells coming from the bathroom, we created an enchanting book of magic, mystery, science, history, and totally twisted tales. It’s called The Enchanted Toilet. It’s packed with amazing stories about castles and kingdoms and fairies and knights…but, I digress. The book you have in your hands is NOT filled with glitter glue and magic and Elvis impersonators (sorry, no time to fill you in...). Oh, no, my reading friends. This book began with a lightning bolt, a crash of thunder, and—bwa ha ha!—a rubber duckie.

  One dark and stormy night, while I was writing the flesh off my fingers, a strange noise came from the front porch of the Bathroom Readers’ Institute. I opened the door and saw… nothing really. But as I started to close the door, something so weird, so horrifying, so completely unbelievable waddled out of the shadows and said…


  Who was I to refuse? I invited the creature in, said “Stop looking at my neck like that!” and took down its ghastly tale (see page 99). And that’s when I realized: My pointy-toothed visitor couldn’t be the only monster with an eerily twisted history. I would find more stories about gruesome creatures and creepy ghosts and sewer pipes that go bump in the night! Then I’d stitch them all together to create a terror-filled book called…The Haunted Outhouse.


  Flip through the pages of this Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader for Kids Only and you’ll find headless ghosts, haunted schools, bouncing eyeballs, severed hands, foods too icky to eat, history’s most terrifying tyrants, and the U.S. government’s advice for surviving a zombie apocalypse. You’ll also find more than a dozen eerily twisted tales of horror, plus fourteen illustrated graphic horror tales. Every page is guaranteed to make your knees knock together no matter where you sit down to read.

  By the way, that annoying little monster smelling up the pages? That’s Count Fartula. If anything in this book really stinks—the jokes, for example—it’s his fault. We think he’s the fart fairy’s second cousin twice-removed (see The Enchanted Toilet). I asked the fart fairy to magic him out of the book, but she refused, so I turned him into a game: “Find Count Fartula.” To play, simply count how many times he appears in the book. Then turn to page 285 and discover your reward. (No peeking, or I’ll send Count Fartula to stink up your house. Pee-uw!)

  May all your outhouses be haunted…

  Go with the flow!



  A few laughs from the undying art of zombie comedy.

  Q: What do you get when you cross a zombie with a snowman?

  A: Frostbite.

  Q: Do zombies eat candy with their fingers?

  A: No, they eat the fingers separately.

  Q: Where’s the safest room in your house to hide from zombies?

  A: The living room.

  Q: What did the zombie eat after his teeth were cleaned?

  A: The dentist.

  Q: Why did the zombie take a nap?

  A: He was dead tired.

  Q: What did the zombie say when he saw his favorite movie star?

  A: “I’ve been dying to eat you!”

  ZOMBIE KID: “Mommy, do I have Daddy’s eyes?”

  MOMBIE: “Yes, dear. Now eat them before they get too cold.”

  Q: What’s dead, flies around, and likes to sting your brain?

  A: A zom-bee.

  “Knock knock.”

  “Who’s there?”

  “Interrupting Zombie.”

  “Interrupting Zom-”



  Truth really is stranger than fiction.


  Put this one at the top of your nightmare list: A Chinese woman, only known as “Ms. Lee,” went to China’s Changsha Central Hospital, complaining of an itchy ear. When Dr. Liu Sheng took a look inside, he found…a spider living in the woman’s ear canal. Apparently it had crawled in while Lee was asleep. The doctor feared that extracting the spider with surgical equipment might cause it to drill its barbs deeper. So she washed the spider out with a saline solution.


  A roadkill-raccoon got an extra stripe when a Pennsylvania road crew painted a yellow traffic line over its corpse. A biker who came across the roadkill thought the foul-up was some kind of joke. “When I saw it, I almost wrecked my motorcycle I was laughing so hard,” he said. It was no joke: The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation usually has a clean-up vehicle ahead of a paint truck to clear debris—and dead raccoons. But on that day, no truck was available. The striped racoon has since been cleaned up, but a foot-long gap remains where “Old Yeller” used to be.


  Proof that there’s nothing to fear but stupidity itself.

  •In 1990, members of a Congressional subcommittee wanted to know more about computer terrorism so they could come up with ways to fight it. The committee’s research included watching Die Hard 2.

  •In 2002, the New York Times reported a rumor about Bakili Muluzi, the president of the African country of Malawi. Muluzi had been accused of colluding with vampires to collect human blood for international aid agencies. Villagers believed the rumor. They stoned one man to death for “helping vampires” and attacked three Catholic priests they suspected of vampirism.

  •A black leopard caused mass panic in Xiamen City, China in 2007. The beast was spotted on a busy downtown sidewalk. “Dogs were scared and passersby were running for their lives,” said one observer. “Some of them ran into traffic, causing a backup.” Police brought in a specialist from the local zoo to put the animal to sleep so it could be captured. But after watching for awhile, officers noticed something odd: the leopard never moved. One daring officer went up and touched it. That’s when he realized it wasn’t a real leopard. It was a stuffed toy leopard.


  An Uncle John’s Eerily Twisted Tale!

  PETER PAN WAS THE ODDEST EATER at Lost Bay Elementary in Lost Bay, Connecticut. He could eat anything. When he ate an entire pumpkin, all the boys chanted, “Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater.” But teasing only encouraged Peter. Pretty soon, he was shoving anything into his mouth on a dare. The Lost boys brought Peter silverware, plates, and small appliances. Peter gobbled them up. They brought lawn furniture, discarded treadmills, and their little sisters’ Big Wheels. Peter gulped them down. And, unbelievably, it all stayed down.

  “You keep eating all that junk and you’re going to throw up,” warned Peter’s big sister, Wendy.

  Peter put his hands on his hips and declared, “I won’t throw up. I won’t throw up.”

  But, one day, Peter went too far. He ate his entire neighborhood—houses, sidewalks, street lamps, and streets. He spared the people, mostly because they got in their cars and screeched away (leaving no forwarding addresses). And that’s how Peter and the Lost boys ended up with no moms or dads or sisters and no place to live.

  Peter invited the Lost Boys to a tire roast beside Lost Bay. No one sat too close to the campfire. Partly because the smell of roasting tires made them gag, and partly because of the rumor that Peter had eaten the hand off a pirate who now had to wear a hook.

  “I know I said I’d never, never throw up,” Peter told the boys. “But I created our problem, and throwing up may be the only way to fix it. Do you believe I can do it?”

  “Yes!” the boys cried. “We believe!”

  “If you believe,” Peter said. “Then clap your hands.”

  The Lost boys clapped and clapped. And soon they heard a rumbling that sounded as if it came from a distant star. (The second star to the right, actually.) The rumbling grew louder and louder until—at long last—Peter threw up. Bricks and gates and small appliances and weather vanes and finger bones and street lamps gushed out of his mouth and poured into Lost Bay. When the whole mess settled, it had become an island filled with odd-shaped trees and unusual little houses and wondrous play structures.

  “Our own island!” the boys cried. “What should we call it?”

  Peter shrugged. “How about Never Never Land?”

  “That sounds like an amusement park,” said Stinky Bell, the smallest and smelliest of the boys.

  “It can be whatever we want it to be,” said Peter. “And we can do whatever we want.”

  And that’s how Peter Pan and the Lost boys came to live at Never Never Land, the happiest place on Earth, next to Disneyland, of course, but that’s another story.



  Get caught with any of these at airport security, and it could be an open-and-shut case.

  A TIGER CUB. During a bag scan, staff at a Bangkok airport saw an object that looked a lot like a real animal on their x-ray images. Officers from livestock and wildlife departments were called in to open and inspect the bag. What they found inside? Stuffed tiger toys and a live—though sedated—two-month-old tiger cub.

  BARBIE. When airlines can’t find the owners of unclaimed luggage, they send the luggage to the Unclaimed Baggage Center in Scottsboro, Alabama. People can visit the Center and buy the items that were found. A woman bought a Barbie doll for her daughter at the Center. The daughter pulled the head off the Barbie doll, and $500 in rolled bills fell out of the doll’s body–plenty of cash for a night on the town with Ken.

  A SEAL’S HEAD. A biology professor flying from Boston’s Logan International Airport to Denver had the severed head of a harbor seal in his luggage. He told airport security officers that he’d found a dead seal on a beach and cut off its head to use for “educational purposes.” Not good. And not legal. Federal laws make it illegal to remove body parts from a dead mammal. And transporting wildlife body parts? Don’t even think about it unless you have a permit. The professor didn’t. If charged, he could be fined up to $20,000 and spend a year in prison.


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