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Claimed by the Bad Boy

Page 16

by London Saint James

  She nodded. “Of course.”

  Ryker leaned over and kissed her. He had to. He couldn’t help himself.


  Molly gasped, feeling her stomach hit her feet when she and Ryker pulled up behind her Jetta parked in her driveway. “My car.”

  “What the fuck,” Ryker spluttered.

  As soon as he parked, she was out of his vehicle in a snap, going over to hers, reading the word, “Slut,” spray painted in red, jagged letters across the white trunk.

  She walked around the car, taking in the four slashed tires. “Who in the heck would do this?”

  “It’s still light out. Someone had to have seen something,” said Ryker.

  “Maybe not. I’m parked pretty far up in my drive, with the house blocking one side, and then there’s the dividing fence. The neighbor who lives across the street works nights, so she sleeps during the day.”

  Ryker tugged his cell phone out of the pocket of his long cargo shorts, tapped the screen, and put the phone to his ear. “I need an officer dispatched….”

  Molly blinked, dumbfounded, and went back to staring at her car. She listened to Ryker talk to the police about sending an officer over to her place to take a vandalism report, trying to wrap her head around the fact someone jacked up her car. The why of it eluded her. She didn’t have any enemies. Or at least she didn’t think she did. Could this just be some random act?

  She read the word, “Slut” once more. This seemed too direct and angry to be a random act of vandalism, but who in the heck would hate her?

  “It’s Jack,” said Ryker, pulling her attention back to him.

  She glanced up. “What?”

  “That bastard did this to your car.”

  She shook her head. “No. He wouldn’t.”

  He arched a brow at her. “Why not? He’s pissed off about losing you.”

  “He’s not the vindictive type.” Molly was still shaking her head. Jack might be upset and she’d hurt him, but he wasn’t mean spirited. He’d stayed away from her all week, instead of coming into work. No. Whoever messed with her car, it wasn’t him. “He wouldn’t do something like this,” she said.

  “It’s him.” Ryker’s voice was hard and assured. “I know he did this.”


  Ryker had been insistent the police check into Jack Jamison, while Molly tried to settle him down, assuring him whoever it was that vandalized her car, it wasn’t Jack. Then, after the officer who took the report and pictures left, she and Ryker got into a heated debate. The debate turned into a hot bout of kissing, and other naughty things. She wasn’t sure why, but when the two of them argued, it turned her on.

  “Hey,” he said, walking toward the tub she was soaking in, butt-ass naked, and beautiful. “Got room for me in there?”

  “Sure.” She sat up and scooted forward. Ryker seated himself down behind her, creating swooshing waves.

  “Scoot on back, sweetheart.”

  Molly did, until she was back to chest with him, resting her head on his collarbone. “Am I hurting your chest?”

  “No, why?”

  “Your new tattoo.”

  “You’re fine.” He wrapped his legs over hers, and his arms over her chest, hugging her tight as if he were afraid to ever let her go. It was quiet for a moment as they soaked together beneath the hot water and fading bubbles. “I want you to think about something for me,” he said in his low voice.

  “Okay. What?”

  “Consider leaving Horizons.”



  “No. I can’t leave Horizons.”

  “You don’t have to work, Molls.”

  “I do have to, Ryker.”

  “No. You don’t. If you’re worried about money, you don’t need to be. I can more than take care of you.”

  “You don’t need to take care of me. I take care of myself.”

  “I want to. It’s my right to take care of you. Fulfill all your needs.”

  “Ryker, I love what I do at Horizons. And you do fulfill my needs.”

  “If you don’t want to stop working, then do what you do at Horizons, but do it somewhere else. Somewhere far away from Jack Jamison.”


  “Please.” Her eyes went wide. She’d never heard him use the word, please with her before. “I can’t stand the idea of you being around him. The thought drives me insane. And now, after today, I’m even more convinced you need to be far away from that walking douchebag.”

  “I know you think he trashed my car.”

  “I do.”

  “Babe,” she said, pleading. “I know you are possessive and protective, and I love that about you, but what you are asking me to do is to change my whole life and walk away from a job I earned after years of hard work.”

  “I am,” he agreed.

  “But, it’s more than a job to me. I love doing what I do, and not to brag, but I’m good at it.”

  “I’m asking you to at least consider leaving Horizons.” He placed his mouth to her ear. “Please. For me.”

  Molly took a deep breath, feeling his big body encasing her, and rubbed her wet hand over the muscled forearm he’d banded around her chest. “Is it that important to you?”


  “Okay. I’ll think about leaving.”

  “Think hard, Molls.”

  She nodded. “I will.”

  “Thank you.” Ryker flicked her earlobe with his nose. “And, for the record, I like being called babe.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  The new work week had been rather uneventful, with the exception of Jack showing up at Horizons on Wednesday, although he kept his distance, being quiet, and pretty much looked through Molly when they were in their Friday afternoon all-staff meeting.

  “Do you have anything to add about the change in our weekend group home shifts before we convene, Ms. Monroe?” he asked, voice cool.

  “No, Mr. Jamison. I don’t.”

  “Well, then,” he said. “Since that seems to wrap up business, you all have a good weekend.” The staff wasted no time leaving, and Molly was getting up from her seat when he glanced at her, umber eyes hard and unyielding. “I do need to speak with you.”

  She retook her seat. “All right.”

  “Jayelle,” he called. His assistant and note taker for staff meetings turned on her heel, dark hair whipping across her slender shoulders.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Will you make sure and shut the conference room door on your way out? Ms. Monroe and I will be meeting now, so please hold my calls, and pass that information on to Ms. Monroe’s assistant as well.”

  “Sure will, Mr. Jamison,” Jayelle replied.

  As soon as they were alone, Jack returned his attention to her. She crossed her hands on top of the oak conference room table and met his gaze.

  “I’m going to get straight to the point,” he said.

  She nodded.

  “I will be turning in my resignation to the board of directors next week.”

  Molly gaped, then gained her composure. “Why?”


  “Of course.”

  “I need to be away from you.”

  “Jack. I’m—”

  He held up a hand. “It’s too hard seeing you, being near you, and knowing I can’t….” He glanced down and frowned, scrubbing his fingers through his hair. He seemed distraught. For a moment, her heart twisted. She’d hurt him, but she hadn’t realized how much until then. “I know I agreed we’d keep things between us casual. No strings or commitments.” Jack met her gaze once more. Pain evident on his face. “But, the thing is, Molly. I’m in love with you.”

  “Oh, God, Jack.”

  “You stole my heart, Ms. Monroe, and then you broke it. So, for my own sanity, I’m leaving Horizons. My last official day will be August thirty-first.”

  “Jack, I never wanted to hurt you. I never wanted things to be this way bet
ween us.”

  His eyes flickered to the day collar she wore, and narrowed, before lifting back up to her face. Her eyes.

  “Yes, well. I never wanted things to turn out this way either. But then, we don’t always get what we want. Now, do we, Molly?”

  With that, he stood, made his way to the door, and left her sitting there. Speechless.


  Molly was glad Ryker wanted to go out tonight. She needed the distraction in order to keep her mind away from the thoughts of how she’d devastated Jack Jamison. She wasn’t sure she could ever forget the look on the man’s face. Guilt racked her, yet she considered herself horrible, because even with the guilt of hurting him, part of her was happy to have Jack be the one to leave Horizons.

  Feeling her too-warm body sway to the deep beat of the music, everything was being plucked from her thoughts as Ryker danced dirty with her in the middle of the dance floor at The Razor Club.

  With is large hand splayed across her ass, he lifted her chin with his other, then hooked his finger into the O-ring of her collar and lifted, bringing her up off her spiked heels, and taking her mouth with his mastery—his tongue delving past her teeth, penetrating her with spearing thrusts, which made her weak in the knees. She’d swear someone was whacking her in the back of them, intent on taking her down.

  “Want something to drink?” Ryker asked, his mouth scant inches away from hers.

  She nodded and he took her hand, weaving them through the crowds and over to one of the bars.

  “I’ll take a shot of bourbon,” he said to the tender, “and my woman will have a Coke.”

  The bartender gave Ryker one head bob, then Molly’s head was being wrenched back. Someone was pulling her hair from behind, screeching, “You fucking bitch!” The unexpected scene played out with Molly reaching for her hair, trying to get those fingers latched on to her free. Ryker turned, face livid, and got the situation under control, freeing her from whomever the woman was who was screaming, “You slut!”

  “What are you fucking doing, Danny?”

  Molly had tears in her eyes from the sting in her scalp, yet she straightened her spine and turned around to see Ryker in the face of a tall, young woman who was wearing a tiny bandana-looking shirt, and skimpy leather skirt, with her blonde hair up in a ponytail, and a thick leather collar around her neck.

  “I wanted to be your sub. I begged you, and you told me you would never have a sub,” said Danny, glowering up at Ryker with blue eyes flashing fire. “You brought her here a couple of weeks ago, and I’ve seen you at her house. And now, again tonight, and you’ve collared her. You clearly have a sub.”

  “Ryker?” Molly asked. He tucked her behind him.

  “You’ve been to my woman’s house?”

  “Yes,” the girl hissed. “I followed you from here last time.”

  “Hey,” said some burly guy with a shaved head, making his way to them.

  Ryker snapped out, “Axel. You better get your bratty sub under control.”

  “Danny!” Axel said in a commanding voice.

  The girl went stiff. “Sir?”

  “What the fuck is going on?” Axel asked of her.

  “Nothing, sir.”

  Axel tugged her by the collar. She whimpered. “Don’t lie to me.”

  “I-I.” The girl licked her lips. “I pulled Ryker’s sub’s hair.”

  The man’s brown eyes narrowed and his brow furrowed into deep lines. “Apologize.”

  Danny turned toward Molly. “I’m sorry.”

  Axel looked at Ryker, face dead serious. “She will be punished. You have my word.” He returned his attention to the girl. “Let’s go.”

  Molly blinked, peeking out from around Ryker’s side, as the two of them left. Then he spun around, expression soft. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  He combed his fingers through her mussed hair, and massaged her scalp.

  “Yes, but who was that woman?”

  “I never touched her,” he said in his own brand of stern mastery. “So stop thinking what you’re thinking.”


  “Her name is Danny. She’s a regular at this club, and she’s someone who has always wanted me to take her as my sub. I refused. I haven’t seen her since coming back to Denver, and I sure didn’t notice her the last time we were here.” He palmed her cheek. “I’m so sorry, Molls.”

  “Have you had a sub?”


  “She said I’m your sub. Is that what I am?”

  “You’re my lover,” he said. She smiled. “My best friend. And my woman.”

  “Well,” she said, placing her palm over his and nuzzling her cheek into the warmth of him. “We might now know who jacked with my car.”

  Ryker hung his head and muttered, “Fuck.”

  Chapter Thirty


  Glancing down at the calendar on his desktop, Ryker X’d out the date—August twenty-eight. He couldn’t wait until Jack Jamison’s time working with Molly at Horizons was history. As far as he was concerned, August thirty-first couldn’t come soon enough.

  With a deep breath, he scrubbed his fingers through his hair and squeezed the back of his tense neck. He’d been on edge, and he hated feeling this way.

  Only a few more days, he told himself. Then the corn nut will be gone.

  “Hi, babe.”

  His head shot up to see Molly standing in the doorway of his office—takeout bags from Star of India in her hand. “Hi, sweetheart.”

  She held up one bag. “I thought we could do lunch.”

  He grinned. His tension-filled, crap day fell away just by seeing her.

  “Lunch, huh?”

  “Yep.” She shut and locked his office door before he honed in on the sway of those hips as she sauntered his way.

  Ryker rolled his chair back from his desk, keeping his gaze locked on his woman, with her hair pulled up in a meticulous twist. He didn’t think he’d ever get over the pride at seeing the day collar he’d had made for her around her delicate neck.

  Smiling at him, she placed the bags on his desk, the diamonds of her collar sparkling in the light.

  “Come here,” he said. She walked over, stopping in front of him. “Take your hair down.” Her beautiful gray-green eyes flashed. She reached up, pulled the clip out of her hair, and placed it on his desk. When those strawberry strands tumbled down past her shoulders, and swished around her angel face, he went spike hard. “Hike that skirt, take my cock out, and straddle me.” The skirt came up, showing off her pale thighs and a peek of her lacy peach-colored panties. He wanted to beat his chest King Kong style and grunt.

  Molly reached, unzipped his pants, and freed him—fingers curling around his girth, stroking him. “Aw, shit. That’s good.” He hooked his finger into the lace of her panties, then ripped them open at the crotch, listening to her intake of breath. “Are you already wet for me?”

  “Mm hm.”

  Ryker helped her do what he demanded, feeling her ass and hip as she placed one leg through the opening on the chair arm, and then the next.

  She grinned.

  Ryker rubbed between those plump, pretty, lower lips, basking in the spill of her cream. He glanced up, seeing Molly’s eyelids close. “Do you want me, Molls?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Lower this sweet pussy down on my cock then.”

  “You’re going to have to help me. This chair,” she said lifting as best she could, “it restricts my movements.”

  He lifted her and groaned when she started her descent, taking the head of his dick in a tight kiss. She was always so snug and warm.

  “Oh,” she uttered, working more of him into the depths of her. “I love how you feel inside of me.”

  Hell, he loved it, too.

  When she had all of him, he tugged her head toward his mouth—his fingers curled around the base of her skull—and kissed her.

  “Ryker,” she said, against his lips, “Fuck me.”

p; Her words broke his constraint. He planted his feet, latched on to her hips, picked her up, and rammed her down as he thrust his hips upward, taking her hard.

  “Aah….” She cried out, then lifted her hand and bit into the crook of her thumb to muffle the sound.

  It was fast, animalistic, and fucking fantastic, but he had her coming all around him when he gave up to the pleasure and emptied himself into her warm, wet sweetness.

  Molly melted into him, chest to chest, placing her forehead into the crook of his neck. “I’m so glad I had time to do lunch today.”

  Breathing hard he chuckled. “Me, too, Molls.”

  “We better clean up and eat, because I do have a meeting this afternoon with one of my case managers.”

  “All right,” he said.

  “I may be a little late getting home tonight.”

  Ryker raked his fingers through the silk of her hair. “Why?”

  “I promised one of the group home managers I’d stop by after work to discuss a concern she has.”

  “Okay, sweetheart. Just let me know if you’re going to be real late, so I don’t worry.”

  “I will,” she said, kissing him in that gentle way of hers, once again, taking his breath away.


  Molly realized she had let time get away from her when the office became too quiet. She glanced at the clock on her computer, and muttered, “Dang it.” She should have been over to the south group home twenty minutes ago.

  Saving her work, then shutting down her computer, she rolled her chair away from the desk, and stood.

  Jack came strolling in, a plate in his hand. “Have a minute?”

  “Uh, well. I told Sarah I’d stop by to talk with her, and I’m already late.”

  “Sarah can wait,” he said. “Monday will be my last day, and I just wanted to talk a little bit. No one’s here but us, so indulge me? I even brought that chocolate cheesecake you like, complete with two forks.”

  She smiled when he placed the plate on the desk and removed the cover. Sure enough he’d brought one of her favorite desserts.

  “Just a taste,” she said, caving, before sitting back down and taking the fork he handed her. Jack took a seat on the corner of her desk, one knee bent, the picture of casual masculinity.


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